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David Ehrgott Jul 2015

  Most Americans by now realize that all sales of gasoline go directly to terrorist.  To quote Obama "Isis is 10 times as powerful as any previous terrorist group."  Yet he had the gall to "loan" GM Corp. millions of dollars for the sole purpose of building more gas guzzlers.  Didn't you know what you were doing Bam?  Betcha got Hal stock from ****, didn'tcha.

  Here in Hackensack, most of the members of the Hackensack Police Department own SUV's so that they can look cool in their support of ISIS.  It is not my desire to make anyone look bad.  I just want to bring awareness to what is happening here.  Most politicians received stock in Haliburton (the largest manufacturer of war equipment in the world)
which **** Cheney worked for, for thirty-five years before he was chosen, er, stole the vice-presidency.  And most Americans agree that he should do time.  Yet, Here in Hackensack, the local police department continue to drive gas guzzlers, fully supporting Isis.   Hey!, they stated.  It's our American right to support whatever cause we want.  It's a free country isn't it?

  Eerily still, at the Johnson Public Library (in Hackensack), there is a security guard who wears a full beard resembling a terrorist (talk about putting fear into your readers. This guy makes Stephen King novels look like fancy boys.)   but, I guess it's too late to take action.

  The only thing left to do is save yourselves.  I heard that Canada is a free country.  Maybe I'll move there and not worry about some Mexican who will (crawl through a tunnel that goes underneath a fence that the Donald's mob buddies built to) take my place.
Salt Peanuts Mar 2010
You Hackensack Station
You tiny ****** quiet *****
How dare you keep such a weak atmosphere on my youth
You don't deserve me
You need some blood of life, ****
**** of my dirtiest saddest static lucidities
You do indeed though, my Hackensack Station,
Have these clenchers
Clenching for every little bad moment of life
And inhabiting your innards
Sadly the other "respectable" ****
Just lock their tongues, eat their vision
Static and cold and minute ****
Hackensack station dares to breathe
The breath exits it's miserable doors
Oozing with everything but character
However only to sigh, and sigh on the inside
About a woman's wrinkly *** bills
We the breath, have migrated from the quiet hell
To the eerily similar bus life
Only there... we move, we motion, finish a journey previously doubted
With white noise, and white noise that at first was not white
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
On 3/2/2016 at approximately 10:15 a.m. I was threatened by Bryan Pearsall as I was exiting the building where I reside. He made threats to me which contained language that no one should have to hear. I ignored his threats and continued on my daily routine. I proceeded to the 7-11 to purchase a cup of coffee. As I was walking out of the 7-11 into the parking lot Mr. Pearsall again approached me, making threatening remarks. I then noticed a police officer on State Street. I asked the police officer for assistance in this matter and he (the officer that was not wearing a name tag) refused to offer any help. I continued on to Main St. Walking down Camden Street I noticed another police officer on the other side of Main Street. His car was parked on Camden St blocking off traffic to Camden St. as there was construction going on that day. When I shouted out the Suspects name to confront him. The Suspect Bryan Pearsall then entered the Gateway School to hide an opened container of alcohol. The police officer who also was unidentifiable due to not displaying his name tag exclaimed "I'm not getting involved" and went in to his patrol car slamming the driver's side door. I then proceeded to enter the Johnson Public Library. I then used the computer's word processor to type up an affidavit. About twenty minutes later. The police officer that was blocking off Camden Street entered the library. He said that "that guy you tried to turn in is a cop. Watch what you say to cops"! I replied with "If he's a cop then I'm Corporal Christ! I'm pretty sure the police department wouldn't hire a drunken ******. "Oh" the unidentified officer continued "how do know THAT?" "Because he's lived across the hall from me for the past five years and I know from the drinking and puking and stupor that he is in fact a drunk ******." I retorted "Well, he's a cop" the officer replied, and then left the building. About a minute later, the suspect Bryan Pearsall entered the JPL. He stood about eight feet from me and stated that he was a cop. The woman that runs the circulation dept. overheard him and stated "Bryan Pearsall you get over here you ain't no cop and that officer is in trouble." (I thank the stars for honest people like Ellen.) After   I typed up my report, I headed towards the Hackensack Police Department. At that time I felt a little hungry and stopped for a late breakfast at the lucheonette. As soon as I finished eating I went to the front desk of the HPD to turn in my report. Not only did the Desk Seargent spat on me, he stated that he was not interested in helping scuzbags and continued spatting on me. I think now that I have no other choice but to take the law into my own hands. If the law won't help me, there is always the old fashion way to receive JUSTICE.
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
My train of thought must have jumped
the tracks in Hackensack
Now it's a terrible town in which to live
Another chemical company just paid five thousand
dollars [american] to contribute to the further
polluting of this fair city/DEATH TRAP

Five months ago the EPA already declared
the entire New York City area and radius of
fifty miles from Columbus Circle deadly
They basically said that breathing the air
will **** you!  So I went out and bought
a mask and argued for two hours with
the police department on why I should
be allowed to wear an air filter but
No they said the merchants would think
I was robbing them and it would
scare shoppers and I said sh*t
People should have a right to
breathe clean air

But they don't


in Hackensack

wrote a song about it

Living here in Hackensack
the Air is killing me
Jesus won't you help me breathe

I had no more of hope left
till [I read] Serenity [prayer]
Jesus won't you help me breathe

It said I shouldn't fret
about the things I cannot change
and to ask for your help-guidance
if there's things that I can change

Don't have the money to move as
far away as I need to be
Jesus won't you help me breathe

If I could move as far as good ol' Why Oh Me
I wouldn't have to pray on broken knees

I'm choking on the air I breathe
Lord Jesus can you please help me
Jesus won't you help me breathe

Socrates took his own life at the age of se'enty  
Drinking Hemlock not green tea
Jesus look at me
and I'm not even Fifty-three
Jesus won't you help me breathe
David Ehrgott Jul 2016
" The only thing that pleasures us
is killing babies with our guns"

These were the words
By members
of the ROTC
while jogging down union street in hackensack

Seventeen year old children
Being programmed
By our government
to pleasure themselves
by killing babies

Half a million innocent lives
by baby killers

War is Hell


in hackensack
where the army rotc trains children to pleasure themselves
Sally A Bayan Jan 2014
There is something about this
House in Hackensack...
It attracts a magnet.
They often gather here, and
They are welcomed any time.
Eyes and souls surround,
Even strangers are drawn to it,
Like bees attracted to the flowers.
Reunions are looked forward to...
Even short chats and visits
For some coffee or wine
Are always welcome.
This house....
It makes people want to come back...

It's not just the food,
Or the help it offers...
The comeliness of the place,
The people that live within...
The noise... ever-present,
The shaking of the stairs, when the boys
Chase, tease each other...
The squabbles, replete with tears...
Cabinets are real heavy,
With weight-y stories to tell...
The bedrooms, so inviting, where jokes
And giggles underneath the covers
Could be heard till late hours of the night...

All gather in the kitchen,
The hub in this house...
Family, friends...even new guests
Do not go to the living room...
They walk straight to the kitchen.
There, where the home scents
Exude warmth,
Fragrant with home-cooking.
The long dining table says it all...
A different kind of music
Plays every time
And invites everyone
To stay for a while and relax...
It beckons each time...
It whispers...
"Go, find your your thing,
You'll be okay..."
And so, the cozy sun room became
A favorite spot in that house,
Where beautiful poetry bloomed
At any hour during that whole month.

From out front, along the street,
Circling around to the backyard,
Then back inside...
It has now finally dawned on this clouded mind,
What that "something" is...
This house, metamorphosed
From an old, kind of cold Victorian, to a homier,
More comfortable modernized domicile...
Now radiates with love, warmth and kindness,
The energy emitted by the family living within...
The people are the crown and the charm...
They are the smoke coming out of the chimney...
The  A U R A  of this house, standing proud
Along Catalpa Avenue.........



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
On 11/16/15 at 4:45 p.m. near 338a Main St., a Hackensack Police Dept. patrolman in car #107 slowed his vehicle down to text on his computer
which he had positioned on the passenger side of the vehicle.  While
using his right hand to use the computer his left hand was on the window slot of the driver's side door.  Keep in mind now that no hands were on the steering wheel and the patrol car was still in motion.  When I mentioned to the driver "no texting while driving officer."  He then turned to face me and stated "*******."  Then he drove away.  This was the most unprofessional act of an uniformed officer that I have ever witnessed Here

in hackensack.
This Really Happened.  Not a made up story.
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
A Cop Murdered an innocent man yesterday on Summit Ave.
no charges were filed

Hey fella did you hear?

what's that

Construction companies are creating housing
for 15,000 new residents in Hackensack, NJ

for who?

Chris Christie's mob buddies.

Chris Christie doesn't have any mob buddies. He doesn't
have any buddies at all. He just sits there on his fat ***
eating every ding **** in site.

Hey, the press said he lowered unemployment by seven per cent.

Don't believe the press.  The reason unemployment is so low is that the
seven per cent who Were on unemployment are now considered no
longer employable. And were moved off the list to social security.
Resulting in the change.

Hey, aren't the cops there crim.

Shhh, they're trying to get people to move here.

Have they tested the water yet.

They don't have to. Water is something you purchase off the shelf.



in hackensack

Not in Newark Bay where they haven't even looked yet.
In 1970 deadly levels of thorium were found in and around Hackensack, NJ
And you thought Flint, MI was bad. After a 40 year cleanup effort, they are still finding it in a town where the police rob the dying and disabled for kicks.
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
A warm beautiful sound
Howling at the moon
Into the cold dark night
I have seen the greed
And what it does see
A lot of my friends died rich
I stabbed Bukowski
In the back again that
bstrd smoked way too much
Would live here amongst the wells
save the tornadoes
Poe died old
A cold place in hell
And a bolder stone
American Reminder
7.  HIGH SCHOOL ******?
I needed a date so
I traveled outer space
Searching comet's end
I owe poetry so
Much.  so pay up.
Donations are accepted.
Mike Dembo American
Pizzaman.  Married man
Walking ocean floor
10.  SLIP
What was' I thinking?
That I could be saved'?
drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip...
I strong armed the mother
That was in my way
To get my fix today
Anytime I want to
**** somebody famous
Yes, I think I will
The *****'s gather on
Street corners they promote
Themselves believing their lies
14.  50% OFF?
American people give
Me your retailed money
It's President's Day
Forty-one more nations
Annotations have been
Made I have found you
A ******* Playmate
Enters my room hip hop
Hippity hoppity
I murdered you haiku
In cold blood
Now I'm going to ****** you
An oreo and fig
Newton meet for lunch
One for me, one for you
An oreo runs into
fig newton.  Fancy
meeting you here, crumb
20.  31 JAN 09
A man died today
on State Street in Hackensack,
New Jersey.  So cold.
monk jumps
trinkle ****** trane
criss crossin time
aboard idiocentric planes

whacky Hackensack moods
near my mysterioso home
round bout midnight gleaning
brilliant corner poems

hummin blue monk blues
i surrender dear
Bemsha swing cast away
Friday the 13th fears

melancholy ruby swigs
straight no chaser shots
just let's cool one
at the red hot 5 Spot

rollins and griffin jammin
hudson riverside house
Weehawken royalty bows
to a spiffy charlie rouse

we remember mintons
a vast creative flood
monk be boppin on stage
when in walked bud

red rooster clucksters
raising town hall roofs
consecrating spaces playing
Monk's hallowed tunes

"pianos don't play no wrong notes"
we heard Thelonious once say
his utterances on the upright keys
ingenious music maestro on display

Music Selection:
Thelonious Monk:
In Walked Bud

Marking Thelonious Sphere Monks Centennial
10/10/17 - 10/10/17
The centennial of the birth of  Thelonious Sphere Monk, master musician and composer, creative giant in the creation of modern music is 10/10/17
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
As the sun sets over the Hackensack
Bums drink their old English behind Costco
Where the river flows
It snakes upwards towards the USS Ling
A World War Two submarine museum
Where a *** is nesting there
Along the river in a cardboard box
David Ehrgott Nov 2015
We fire up our internet
with a fortune we've already spent
I tell ya' fella, I've got to yella
I'm head up to here in my debt

We fire up our own internet
with what already should be for free
Bee's make a honey.  Hey, hey that's funny
But not funny, not once, not one time to me

If there was a way I could make some more pay
I would never think to try and sell you
I would think twice before tossing the dice
Never would touch a warm body untrue

Hear it?  Here it is, hear it?
Hear it?  Because here it is!
Here it is:
I don't know why
Seems you could catch an infectious disease
or just die off from all the vee dee

I don't know why
I thought you wanted the internet
to get it, to get it for free

OOPS!  can't say it right
OOPS!  there I've done it again

Don't tease the wife
And please remember, be courteous please
Don't try to upset my wife

I don't know why
This is a song about internet
There's something that I can't say right

I don't know why
It's really not part of religious belief
I tell ya' I don't want no part

OOPS!  Here it's coming
OOPS!  Yes, it's coming
Hear it is

I don't know why
Sorry I got lost, ran off the track
And got trapped in ol' Hackensack

I don't know why
This isn't the song that I started to write
Don't want those ideas for my wife

Don't know, but I'll try
And if she pays it, that'll be great
I'll get all my free internet

I don't know why
That's right I remember, free internet
That is why I've got to try

Never say wee fee and never say die
So say only why, say why-fie

Why fight the wife
I think I can say it
Say it when high
I've got it, I said it
One last more why-fie

I'll ask my wife
No, don't you ever, ever ask wife
Just only ask for WI-FI

I hope you enjoyed it
Because you're my enjoyment
My funny, bunny valentine
There now.  I think that I have said it right
Yes, now I think that I have said it right
Yes, now we think that he did say it right
David Ehrgott Oct 2014
A bird whistles at my window
pretty song
A train whistles after midnight
rude awakening
A dog whistles to attract birds
then eats them
A man whistles alongside the tracks
a railroad tune
Sung years ago
Perhaps in Hackensack
David Ehrgott Sep 2015
Here's that song I wrote about you
Instead of lying around, whimpering
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Yes, here's that song I wrote about you
I hope you like how it ends
Because every time I think of you
I write a song again

Like a manic Myspace ******
Reading everything I write
Deleting words you thought were yours
And changing some to fight
It's not your mother dear nic-o-lee
So stop choosing her to blame
You will be cornered by the feds
Someday when they put you both away

I never knew love in this kind of way
Fly to get there.  Then, have to explain
What possessed me to see you in person
can never be explained
I'd like to talk about two girls
And they're both from Michigan
You Georgia peaches got nothing on them
And the way they love to sin
And many come to see me in person
At the typewriter where I sit
And sometimes they can make me feel easy
And at times they make me sh*t [panic]
When they say
"Why'd you write that song about me"
And I say
"Listen, it was only words"
Do you want to fight with me?
And then they lay on their back again
I told you every word is about you
But the names, look, they changed again
All that hurt, and you still sleep around
Can't you trust?  Then please tell me why you can't
I'd like to write a song about FEB
And how beautiful a ten
or how those ****** in Hollywood
Stole my song last year, again
But, thanks to my friend Walleye I knew they
wouldn't get away with it
Now there I go again
Got off the track in Hackensack
Oh well, here we go again

So, here's that song I wrote about you
To my wife/*****/lost girlfriend
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Somebody write this date down
Sunday, One Ten Twenty-Ten
What once was so very far away
Has already been spent

Hear a song I wrote for you
If the big men go and steal it
I'll have to write another one
I just hope that you can feel it
Here's that song I wrote about you
Can you have that on your conscience?
Here's a song I wrote about you
Life is short!  There!
This song has balance

So, here's that song I wrote about you
Instead of lying around, whimpering
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Yes, here's that song I wrote about you
And I hope you like its ending
Because, every time I think of you
I write a song again
Can one wish
to become a Hindu deity?
Well, one can wish
that wish, and perhaps
in self-delusion,
come to feel
it has happened.
Or perhaps instead
of becoming a social worker
to help the poor and hopeless,
one chooses instead
to attend Columbia Law School
and then pick up a MBA
and go to work on Wall Street
where one can make billions,
no longer millions,
and live in Greenwich
in a grand home big enough
to house the homeless of Hackensack.
A private jet would be nice
to have to jet about the world,
eating at only 5-star restaurants,
sleeping only in beds
of luxurious hotels real estate agents
in Fargo can only dream about.
How about yearly attending
the meeting of the financially mighty
of the world in Davos?
Wouldn't that be swell?
Well, it depends on who you are
and where your heart lies
and if lies don't bother you.
An avatar you do not make.
Either you are one, or you're not.
Be your real self as soon as
you can to find out.

David Ehrgott Aug 2016
Here's that song I wrote about you
Instead of lying around, whimpering
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Yes, here's that song I wrote about you
I hope you like how it ends
Because every-time I think of you
I write a song again

Like a manic my-space ******
Reading everything I write
Deleting words you thought were yours
And changing some to fight
It's not your mother dear nic-o-lee
So stop choosing her to blame
You will be cornered by the feds
Someday when they put you both away

I never knew love in this kind of way
Fly to get there.  Then, have to explain
What possessed me to see you in person
can never be explained
I'd like to talk about two girls
And they're both from Michigan
You Georgia peaches got nothing on them
And the way they love to sin
And many come to see me in person
At the typewriter where I sit
And sometimes they can make me feel easy
And at times they make me **** [panic]
When they say
"Why'd you write that song about me"
And I say
"Listen, it was only words"
Do you want to fight with me?
And then they lay on their back again
I told you every-word is about you
But the names, look, they changed again
All that hurt, and you still sleep around
Can't you trust?  Then please tell me why you can't
I'd like to write a song about FEB
And how beautiful a ten
or how those ****** in Hollywood
Stole my song last year, again
But, thanks to my friend Walleye I knew they
wouldn't get away with it
Now there I go again
Got off the track in Hackensack
Oh well, here we go again

So, here's that song I wrote about you
To my wife/*****/lost girlfriend
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Somebody write this date down
Sunday, One Ten Twenty-Ten
What once was so very far away
Has already been spent

Hear a song I wrote for you
If the big men go and steal it
I'll have to write another one
I just hope that you can feel it
Here's that song I wrote about you
Can you have that on your conscience?
Here's a song I wrote about you
Life is short!  There!
This song has balance

So, here's that song I wrote about you
Instead of lying around, whimpering
I put my pen to the paper again
And I don't even have to pretend
Yes, here's that song I wrote about you
And I hope you like it's ending
Because, every-time I think of you
I write a song again
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
Rain that melts the snow away in early May will never go away.

Seems like that for several days here in March we've lost our ozone layer.

"Big Deal" says the taxi-man in the big city with the fat wallet.

Fat oil says, fat oil says, fat oil says, fat oil says goodnight.

Eat green, eat fresh, eat lithium, just don't try to drink the tritium.

High tide in the hackensack as the moon smiles down on the mosquitoes.

Big daddy stepping on the little man again d.t.v. no good.

Big daddy stepping on the little man there's no healthcare.  Just say die.

This year we can make believe there is health care.  Temperature, pulse, blood pressure.

That is all they do for you for those on medicare and medicaid I swear.

Come back in ninety days we'll do it all over again.  Foot bleeding

It's probably fine, soak it in hot water or you could see a doctor.

But you have to go to the e.r., then you wait for a specialist.

This way they can charge for the higher rate the insurance can't cover.

And that is what caused all those states to be bankrupt.  American Ulcers.

But the people who give half their pay to get insurance get to live.
David Ehrgott Dec 2014
I'm still a teen
I cry and scream
I'm seventeen
at fifty-three

The anger pains
they still remain
rain fills my brain
hurts like a train

I jump the tracks
It breaks my back
to still be here
in hackensack

Can someone say
it goes away
or that it stays
forever, eh?

My mind it seems
has cheated me
makes me believe
I'm seventeen

So where is she
the one I knew
the one I thought
would be so true

I'm seveteen
I cry and scream
I'm still a teen
at fifty-three
David Ehrgott Nov 2014
Way Way back in the day
With a top-hat in the shade
tents were pitched - seasons past
Way Way back when it was all a gas
I swear that at one time that it was
a crime, just to laugh

Well then you get a gun then
But it gets tougher than that
Down on Banta near Central
Here in Hackensack
and there's a choo-choo on every track
Hey don't waste your time spent talkin' to Jack
and there's a weasel in the henhouse
but we don't worry about that

Back when love was a crime
Way back when love was a crime
Robert Ronnow Apr 2020
One will not live to see the end
of the geopolitical drama,
the existential dilemma—

the small choices people make that change their lives.
They ought to be terrified but they’re blithe
because you can’t know what you’re doing until it’s done.

Acting silly, solving problems.
Scientific method, situation comedy.
Dinosaurs. Sore losers.

Kayak on the Hackensack.
Malebolge. Hoboken.
It was dark in there! It was dark!

You can’t say to people I think I’m dying
because we all have that feeling,
it’s so ubiquitous it’s not worth mentioning.

For your given name
take Destiny.
But survive.

Saturday’s the sweetest
day. You’re off the clock.
Participation’s optional

weedsmoking, videogameplaying,
tvwatching, anonymouslawnmowing,
whatif whatnot oldtimer.

Pass the ******* ball!
I say to Ray who never passes.
The past isn’t dead, it never even passes.

Short sleeves today?
Prepare for a powerful anesthesia.
The afterlife is now.
David Ehrgott Jun 2016
The gays in Hackensack
Have their own club
It's called the gay pill traders club
off main
on mercer
just south of the tracks

above the check cashing place on main
Where the drunks go
to cash their welfare checks

People there trade and sell
all kinds of drugs
and on the tracks

There's a fat cop
who pops in from time to time
looking for drugs

Always with a *** of cash
Been coming there for years
Never can find any drugs

It's dangerous
Being on your own
the dirty poet Sep 2018
i bought a chevy impala station wagon
off the fire chief of hackensack
it was safety yellow and glowed in the dark
had a ball on top but the chief took it with him
still a switch for it on the dashboard
way cool
until the master cylinder snapped
on my way down a steep viaduct
with my two kids in back
no brakes all the way down
splashing into a busy intersection
at the bottom of the hill
sure wish i’d had that siren

cooler still was the car before
bought for one dollar from my uncle
who’d inherited it from his oddball best bud
a scientist/author of a popular cosmology of the universe
it was a 1973 gold dodge coronet
the name conjures ancient cop shows
a huge sporty firebreathing beast
eight mighty pistons and an oil leak
i drove it for two years
until the vital fluids gushing out like the mississippi
forced me to abandon ship

the greasy kid across the street found a buyer
we waited for him one saturday morning
around the corner sailed the identical car
same color gold, same year 1973
couldn’t have shocked me more if two statues of liberty
came crashing into each other in hudson bay
the four cuban dudes driving up were thrilled
cannibalism in their eyes
my car was stripped for parts as they disappeared

now i have a new minivan and ball-busting car payments
nobody gets cooler as they get older
David Ehrgott Aug 2015
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
In a little time, In a little time

In a little time
  gonna spend some time with you
In a little time
  we'll make all our dreams come true
In a little time
  no more turning back
In a little time
  no more time for hackensack
In a little time
  that's real soon
In a little time
  Me and you

In a little time
  not real fast
In a little time
  Forget all the past
In a little time
  Made for you
In a little time
  Dreams come true
In a little time
  No more livin' the blues
In a little time
  Me & You

In a little time
  In a little time, In a little time
In a little time
  In a little time, In a little time
David Ehrgott Apr 2016
An eagle flies over the Hackensack
It's ebb tide and the flood is gone
Heather came back from the doctor today
Three more weeks for the baby
They play ball games in Foschini Park
Where eagles lie in their nest

— The End —