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Fenix Flight Jun 2014
Drug market, sub-market,
Sometimes I wonder why I ever got in.
Blood market, love market,
Sometimes I wonder why they need me at all.
Zydrate comes in a little glass vial.

A little glass vial?

[Support group:]
A little glass vial.

And the little glass vial goes into the gun like a battery.

[Support group:]

And the zydrate gun goes somewhere against your anatomy.

[Support group:]

And when the gun goes off, it sparks
And you're ready for surgery!

[Support group:]

Graverobber, graverobber,
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
Graverobber, graverobber,
Sometimes I wonder why I need you at all!

And amber sweet is addicted to the knife.

Addicted to the knife?

[Support group:]
Addicted to the knife.

And addicted to the knife,
She needs a little help with the agony.
And a little help comes in a little glass vial
In a gun pressed against her anatomy.
And when the gun goes off,
Ms. sweet is ready for surgery.

[Graverobber and support group:]
This song is from the movie
( I have no rights to this song.)
(there is much more to the song but this is the jist)
N23 Mar 2014
You are young
and still don't understand why you should be afraid of the dark
so you venture into it.
Leave behind the crying people,
and your parents blank faces
surrounding the urn that cradles your sister's ashes.
No one has told you why she wanted to be burned so you do not ask.
You don't know this yet, but you never will.

Imagine you are chasing fairies,
it helps you to ignore the cold,
the pinch of your Sunday shoes,
the voice of your older sister whispering that you will be caught.
But you are determined to have an adventure
and so you run.

Years from now you will remember this moment,
you will swear you could feel the brush of fairy wings
against your face as you rushed away from the marble mausoleum;
but there are no trees
only dirt, only gravestones,
only bushes too high and wide
for your arms to reach around.

Run until the ground rises up,
and greets your body with a bone crushing hug.
It will not let you go, no matter how hard you struggle
or how loudly you scream.
Dirt covers your head and you fear you are being buried alive.
You are not.
This will not stop the nightmares that come later.

(You are twenty and you are speaking to your therapist
she tells you to breathe, she tells you again.)

Time passes, as time has a habit of doing,
and you are standing above ground.
You cannot feel your fingers
only the curious stares of your cousins
and the long suffering sigh from your mother
who wipes the dirt from your face, absentmindedly.

“Did you go off to play and get lost?” she asks.
“You promised you'd stay put.”
You say nothing.

“You are so beautiful. Such pretty eyes.” she says, struggling to smile,
to say words that she thinks will calm the heart clawing at your chest
the way you clawed at the walls of your grave.
You are covered in dirt. There are rocks in your shoes.
You have lost your favorite bow.
You say nothing.
Timothy Trantham Jun 2010
The evening star soon falters,
Night flowers lay in wait,
Trust not the depth of dark waters,
Invaders nature will eradicate,

The living end still comes,
Echos heard within the pristine wall,
A grave pact was made within the slums,
In one night all shall fall,
Not a few,
Not some,
Or many,
But a few,
Many and all,

The plague rats gather,
At night nothing is safe to say,
The marrow gnawers may rather,
But the swarmyard is the only way,

The coffers are full,
Death's storehouse is now empty,
But don't be a fool,

The assassin lay ready,
The crypts are no longer Hallowed,
Keep yourself steady,
You do not want to get swallowed,

If you make it out alive,
The debtors' knell you will pay,
Without them you would not survive,
Don't forget thank the spirit for another day
bucky Nov 2014
this isnt a ******* pride parade **** me with your eyes open
**** me and say "god,the smell of you"
the stench
******* spiders crawling out of my mouth i smell like a gutter turned into a bomb shelter
im an epidemic
let go of me. let go of me--slime central
home of the world famous gutter babe
******* ******* shut up ******* **** me
bury your pride and the ******* ****** weapon in one line its not that complicated
but i want to be messed up, or i used to want it
or i will want it
i can feel everyone vibrating with the force of it all and somewhere you're laughing at me
chains around your ankles
this is what it takes to **** a martyr
this is what it takes to swallow him whole
go out guns blazing
**** the switch, or turn the lights off, or whatever
put a blindfold on when you stab yourself
put a blindfold on me when you pull my intestines out with your bare hands
desecrate me
im not a tomb but im a funeral pyre
bodies are my specialty
sorry, i misspoke
what i meant to say was, "i want to **** myself"
but i won't, not when the meats so fresh, lick blood off of my kneecap
sentiment is for liars and thieves
(im both but you dont know that yet, it hasn't happened yet--shut up, I'm telling the story.this is my fall from grace,not yours)
bite your tongue bite your teeth too in fact
just bite yourself ******
its better this way, or whatever you want to hear
what am i supposed to say to a graverobber? do you want me to thank you,is that what this is about?
*******, *******, what the **** are you still doing here, anyway?
i hope you rot
i hope we both rot
Axel Apr 2015
Beneath blackened earth, where majestic death gave birth..

Lies Sir Roderick so very still.

Claire wanders and wonders if there is something more,

beyond life she can explore...

In a tome of darkened lore

answers were cast at the question.

If only a mild suggestion

of necromantic, a spell.

To take back a soul from hell....

Claire descends in Roderick's tomb.
They will be united soon..

Indeed it is a graverobber's plight, to take care of such a wondrous sight.

Little Claire did not care, as she played with raven hair.

Words dripped from her lips, as she read from the bloodied tome..

The atmosphere drenched in a shivering tone..

going through marrow and cutting through bone.

Lay still your beating heart, let flow your sea of life..

Come back from Death and love thine wife..
A sacrifice with children's blood she gave

Roderick now ascends from his mouldy grave.

His flesh looks putrid and vile..

Dilly, dally the maggots wriggle

Claire comforts with a single giggle.

Now they dance, hand in hand.

They kiss in brittle moonlight

his tongue like broken glass, such delight.

So full of joy was Claire, as Roderick was festering in his chair.

Claire did not care, playing with raven hair.

Roderick still festering, festering in his chair.

Then she nodded, nearly napping, one last spell inside her head.

Command Sir Roderick to share her bed.

Little Claire was nowhere to be found...

Chewing, drooling, smacking....

Followed by a clamour and loud cracking.

Lay upon the bed, Sir Roderick and Claire.

Sir Roderick did not care, playing with her raven hair.

Loathsome Claire was united no more..

Her cannibalized remains

decorated the floor.
Oh follow me now
where the barrels were hid
for these are mistakes,
and the peasants are dead

Listen to gunshots
echo so slow
these are the dead children
of the Future of Old

And if, you lay, me down
stand up beside the lonesome playground.
Speak to the street vendor,
        ask for your change.
Pray for the autumn wind to
                         wash for the rain

Shall I make do
while they're laughing at you?
Throw it away and go
kiss the Sun for blinding fame.

Will you feel the eyeballs
that make you so high?
Throw it back at them,
and you can kiss it goodbye.

Will you forbid
what the graverobber digs
                 or will you awaken
                     the farmhand's pigs?

Neptune's white mistress
holds out shattered stone.
She speaks so softly.
This is her new home.

And for forever more
shut your wives out, avoid petty ******.
Wash down your happiness
with a cognac of love.
Feel sin around you,
                it fits like a glove
Jack P Apr 2018
\put your feet on the land/

His name, according to the scrawl on the cover of his journal, was Viele. His build, according to everyone he'd ever met, was a lazy mosaic of withered limbs; veins snaking like cracks in pavement.

His intentions, according to hindsight, were regrettable.

\and see/

It is the gospel truth that man is the expert of denial.
As sure as the dead stay dead,
The Graverobber will prefer the term 'opportunist'.
Viele was a "professional",
took pride in his "art".
He dug, dug, dug,
'til the wood did part.

Stripped the cemetery to its bones (or, if you please, of its bones).

\ain't no grave/

Then Viele snags his shovel, about three feet deep.
Somehow the handle asphyxiated by the stalk
Of a Morning Glory, which flowers a defiant blue -
swallowing whole, the rusting *****, as its spiral buds take
their first breaths - against, of course, the tarred lung
of their rawboned abuser.

And lo!
(the image befits the phrase, as does the Earth "empty of form")*
the deadyard stood guard,
like it was suddenly attacked
by an impressionist's paintbrush.

The deadyard, and Viele
Van Goghing, Goghing, Gone.

\gonna hold my body down/

In Lieu, In Bloom:
Baby's Breath and Bells of Ireland and Daisies and Hydrangeas and Lace of Queen Anne and Sunflowers and
God, ad nauseum they arose,
arching upwards from graves.
Leaving no gravestone unturned,
in the pursuit of the place
where footnotes become headlines
and headlines turn to deadlines
and deadlines turn to soil.

For in the morning,
when Viele returns
and Glory, ironically, stands down
we will know to wait.
Tucked away behind our rejected Heaven's gate,
for the show to return.

Where there's Life in the urn.
leave the poetry to the prose (of which i am neither)
Julian Jan 2018
Dark grounds. Sharp moon.
He slips between the gates.
Welcome to St-Columba Cemetery:
Home of William Butler Yeats.

A graverobber,
scanning for the famous,
straying through the stones.
After all, shame has never homegrown.

He lumbers, he hungers
hoping to scavenge Death’s dinner.
Any sense of light getting
thinner and thinner.

At last,
our famous poet is found.
Whose steps may stomp on holy ground.
Dear Morrissey surely would be proud.

With dusk still looming,
he stands over casket defiant.
Crassly exhuming
the body of a giant.

Now, years begone.
His sun having set on many lawn.
His songs now carried to the grave
Another poet yet to be made.

— The End —