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Bill murray Dec 2015
The year
Manson was on his spree
Hippies chilled the breeze.
Chicks dancing with rubies on hips.
Then came 1967
Hendrix wowed the crowd
Janis Joplins soul came out
Music splashed
Hallucinogenic heaven.
1968, patterns of clothing
Seemed to be from faraway.
It wasn't American to the main stream
Still wouldn't be today.
1969, Woodstock, the time
Of all togetherness, and weightless
Rockers heads filled with dust and buds.
Cities broke to riots
Gangbanging quiets over colors lust!
1970, met grandmammy
Touched the farmers scene.
Found the happy
In the sixties baby in me.
Today, now a mountain boy
On a machine that cuts down anything
In its way.
The farming hand
Making a living off of dirt and hay.
Spit and clay.
Ryan Bowdish Jan 2013
Melting madness and shimmering isles
The bubble-gum boils in drug pedophiles
Let's teach the East to love Western style
We come in with strap-on's and pillage with smiles
The rest of the world watches their watches
People keep saying we're at hour eleven
We're changing the design on our gold lockets
From a heart to a blackjack, Seven Seven Seven!

The college boys assure you that they know the lyrics
And the meanings behind them for they've been enlightened
They swarm out like locusts and pretentiously parrot
Verbatim the textbooks they read when they're frightened
That they'll die with nothing to show for their efforts
They want everyone else in the world to remember
That they did exist on some scale of importance
Even though we're just spun yarn of grass, dirt and oceans

Intelligence streams the consciousness seeds and conscientious objectors it seems
So pardon me for the fallacy of pardoning tyrannical dictator queens
It seems these days to be discovered you need to cheat on your spouse or your lover
You'd think that with all the war crimes we've seen we would have hung at least one or the other
We've got two parties, so pick one or scram! (Look at them squirm as fast as they can!)
They're starting to think for themselves again! Quick, strangle the market and feed this man
Acid and bath salts and give him some tear gas and send him on in to disarm the smear traps
And **** everyone so we'll jump to conclusion with no where to turn, the final solution!

I'm drunk again and we're falling in, the shoreline is riddled with explosions
We don't speak of the war, we have no comment, we're almost out of original content
We're frantically searching for a brand new contest to prove that our nation is still the best
Whether you're China, Russia, Israel, Pakistan, the U.K., or India, the U.S. or Japan
Let's take all the gangbanging **** out of Oakland and drop them in to the Atlantic Ocean
Or better yet, set them loose in Uganda, let's see how long they last in Rwanda.
I'm done with religion and socialized medicine, this aristocracy of pull and deception
So for once in our lifetimes, let's seek a vision, because God knows people can't make ******* decisions.
the first half:

When I put these together they should hit about a 5 min 30 second full hip hop song.
Gods1son Apr 2019
Criminally minded politicians
acting saints
Evil doers getting praised
Innocent ones stuck in chains
The rich and ***** go scot-free
While the poor is severely punished

On the streets, cops ****
Skin color is still an issue
Several hundreds die 'cause of their religious beliefs
Drug overdose is on the increase
Gangbanging in the hoods still claiming lives
I hate guns
but a gun is not killer, humans are!

Genuine trust is as rare as the Unicorn
Maybe the beautiful souls are yet to be born or they are long gone

What of the epidemy of baby mama and baby dads
Kids raised with no father figure in their lives
They’ve got to find their way in a world so evil
They end up been taken advantage of and
Many becoming parents in their teens

We live in a society
Where getting money is rated higher
than living with integrity
Who cares if someone is getting hurt,
so far my pocket is getting fat
The thoughts of a self-centered heart

Even the environment is suffering
Global warming
Plastics in the oceans
Tons and tons of trees are fell
Our rivers and seas are polluted
At the end of the day,
We all face the consequences

Computers are helping a lot
But also taking people's jobs
A lot are depressed
From spending too much time on the internet
Tortured by other's fake online presence

I bet you, the list goes on and on...
It almost feels like a curse
How do we save ourselves from ourselves
How do we separate the chaff from the wheat?
How do we redeem the beasts in human skin?
I guess it all begins with you and me
Nothing but love can restore our sanity
This is an updated version. Thanks
Gods1son Feb 2019
Recently saw a documentary
Of neighbourhoods beyond words

Bullets flying
People falling
Blood spilling
Families mourning

Drugs circulating
Kids dealing
Cops bursting
Addicts overdosing
People dying

People getting robbed
People getting *****
Mass incarceration
Families with no fathers
Drug dealers are kids role models

Lack of education
Lack of opportunities
Lack of amenities
Crime is almost a norm
They definitely need intervention
Gods1son Mar 2019
Criminally minded politicians
acting saints
Evil doers getting praised
Innocent ones stuck in chains
The rich and ***** go scot-free
While the poor is severely punished
On the street, cops ****
Skin color is still an issue
Several hundreds die because of their religious beliefs
Gender is no longer a fixed thing
Computers are helping but
them replacing humans on jobs
is gradually becoming an issue
Drug overdose is on the increase
Gangbanging is still unresolved
I bet you, the list goes on and on...
How do we put humanity into humans?
Floyd Jan 2018
Adolescent, child - he was raised in the wild.
The urban hoods of the north - yet he loved reading books.
Quite more than the average , was he overlooked.
All from the way he looks .
A deep pain in his eyes , from a life he'd not yet experienced - yet will forever despise.
Being judged from the outside , in - was something he could never understand.
Twisting and twirling his thoughts - way before , he got trapped in the dark.
Long before life , could trace him in chalk.
His life is a spark , that could easily embark - his new life of crime.
Fast forward through some time - he isn't a child - so now , on the streets , he relies.
Although , he hasn't realized - the tests , he has to try.
He isn't ready , yet deep in his eyes - a scorching fire begins.
Something everyone sees , except for him .
He's too used to hurt , false words, broken promises , plus more.
Not eating too many days out the week , plus he sleeps on a floor.
Often gazing in the reflecting glass , as if , it is a door .
To a different realm , his mind starts to unwind.
He sees that he's gifted - he doesn't make the right picks.
Using his talents , to fill an empty stomach .
Using his eyes and words of persuasion, to intimately- punish.
Multiple females insides, often looking older than what he is.
They loved him - chocolate , and charming , with a tongue that caused the ultimate pleasure.
All the while , he's nowhere near , showing feelings for them .
Caught up in his own troubles , of gangbanging and life.
Scheming how to get back up , after he tripped - from his ultimate stride.
At night , he gasp and he cries - only on the inside.
He knows this life , preys on the weak.
He's done a lot of bad doings , perhaps that's why cold sweats- interrupt most of his sleep.
Maybe from drug dealing, cheating , and robbing .
You know - causing other people misery .
He couldn't possibly have ever seen - the smack that came hard .
The big steel door , or the enclosed yard .
He was only 16 , facing 3 to 5 years .
For a fight that was in school , 4 felonies.
At first he felt , now he knew - this isn't  cool.
What the hell would you do .?
Pray every day?
Stay awake every night ?
The judge cancelled 3 court hearings , two months in a row.
He considered suicide - this pen on his cot , started to glow.
He prayed to god , as he dropped to his knees.
The first time he actually took a higher being seriously.
He got out Friday the 13th , with not a single felony .
Record clean , and this isn't a dream.
Skip the follow ups , since now he barely gives a ****.
******* in the middle of his face, causing people to say "what a disgrace".
Not even knowing the basics, that's what this poem is .
The basics of his life - since y'all won't ever get the details.
Living a life he can't tell , he smiles everyday - like nothing bad has ever happened.
This guy is me , our mind is the ultimate weapon.
Classy J Nov 2019
In the land of the ******,
Most can’t understand,
In the land of the ******,
Someone will always have the upper hand!
Verse 1:
Going minimalistic because I’m treated as autistic,
****, I Shouldn’t have been vaccinated!
Sadistic savage ain’t faded by these jaded racists.
Is this really how I’m supposed to live?
Knowing one’s place is cased with fabricated waste.
Sniffing chase, guess my shoes aren’t the only thing that’s laced.
Fabricated story, got to jest those that get in my face.
Faced demons man.
But this ain’t no horror story.
Who’d ever believe that the same one gangbanging now used to be the same one who read bible stories.
But it is scary that the dominant society tries so hard to put me through the crematory.
All because I don’t conform to their categories.
Rolling in shadow alley ways rapping allegory’s,
With poeish ravens cawing nevermore,
Man I sure love popping these mollies.
I’m probably the most faulty person out there but yet kids still look up to me.
But I’m not a jolly green giant anymore,
And rapping like this is the only way to build up my repertoire.
For most are only interested in my flow,
They not too interested in being able to grow.
Or to be educated and live out a humble modest life like my brother from another mother j cole.
In the land of the ******,
Most can’t understand,
In the land of the ******,
Someone will always have the upper hand!
Gods1son Feb 2019
Recently saw a documentary
Of neighbourhoods like war zones

Bullets flying
People falling
Blood spilling
Families mourning

Drugs circulating
Kids dealing
Cops bursting
Addicts overdosing
People dying

People getting robbed
People getting *****
Mass incarceration
Families with no fathers
Drug dealers are kids role models

Lack of education
Lack of opportunities
Lack of amenities
Crime is almost a norm
They definitely need intervention

— The End —