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C Cavierre Sep 2014
"You're sorry"
You tell me
But I've run out
Of forgivenesses for you
"You regret it,
You'll never dare
Do it again,"
But this time the hurt's still there
You ask me
"Where does it hurt
I'll make it better"
But this time you won't
I miss you
I admit
But I won't miss
Each tear for this bliss
Dean K Jul 2021
It’s bones echo as her song is sung in sorrow
Petrified eyes wander aimlessly until they’re hidden
Reclusive below an endless sea of regret engulfing the path to forgiveness
They swell like flesh that’s been kissed by the blazes of hell
Rising above the intoxicating waves of silk and misery
To gaze upon the sun until it rests

Her head of protruding thoughts ignites while she rests
Inundated in everlasting sorrow
The variables given only result in misery
It’s soul once residing within is now hidden
Lost forever it dredges forgiveness
Such tragedies must only exist in hell

It’s destiny slips through it’s weak hands reminding it, this is hell
Reminding it to cherish each passing moment it has left with her, envisaging forgiveness
Letting all be know and nothing hidden
In hopes for redemption and a life free of sorrow
Yet alone her broken body rests
Reflecting its misery

The black of night is its cloak of misery
And her misery and brokenness is it’s Hell
Her song harmonizes to its sorrow
Putting their calamity to rest
Revealing sprouts of change which lay beneath the ash hidden
Waiting for a new tomorrows light and the rains of forgiveness

Time heals all things so in time comes forgivenesses
It tells itself so it can rest
Perhaps times cold slumber will extinguish it’s hell
Perhaps it will sit and wait still in misery
Remembering the circumstance which brought about such sorrow
Letting it be shown and not hidden

It prays her love is not lost, only hidden
Prays for growth and happiness exchanging misery
It prays so that it can rest
Her smile and warm embrace prove the existence of forgiveness
Or is this still hell
Is this inevitable sorrow

Forever in sorrow the light is hidden
This dark hell torments it’s heart with misery
Forgiveness illuminates it’s consciousness putting its demons to rest
To the one I may have lost forever.
Michael Parish Sep 2013
A new adonias we weep for
A miiddle aged life tooken
From us by a disturbed
Hairy trigger
We flood the rows
And watch anger
Linger behind stained glass
But forgivenesses message
Dwells in the holy  mans heart
All the worlds unsharpened charcoal
Cant sketch the scene on his deck
When the bullet missed the dart board
And landed inside his precious
Life breathing chest
In here we are safe
In here a wishing well of endless
Purified water from our sadness
Cant ressurect our friend frank rossiter
Few fathers experience lost sons
Few mothers watch their sons
Explain to strangers why adonias
Cant be here anymore
To watch the running
Pigskin at the state foot ball game
jeffrey robin May 2014
^           ^

We ride !

( we come home )


The Day !

again it has pure power !


( out of the *****-house mentality )


( out of your ****** diary )


We have ridden home


We have brought the sacred seed !

We have bathed in the holy fountain

and washed away the harlot's stink

We have asked for her forgivenesses

For it is we who were mean

( We take full responsibility for everything )



We are men

We walk amongst the woman folk again !

We have ridden the spirit back to the Day !


We sing of freedom !

We know exactly what that means

— The End —