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Asch Veal Jan 2014
And I think growing up had more
to do with the struggle of validating
your pipe dreams and protecting your
worlds virginity, than it ever had
to do with transcending your naive mind.
It became difficult to hope for
something figmental, let alone comfortable,
so you accept reality as only concrete.
Perhaps that is why you began to
digress through third grade
crushes, because it was the closest
thing to impossibility but borderlined
on the edge enough to authenticity
and tangible reality that it was okay.
And that was when you definitely sensed it,

*that hundred to one feeling.
Constantine Oct 2011
cling to the daliy
figmental clock that wakes you
in the morning. sleep wth your bed
as if the sun was always stuck at rising.
plunging into a think fluffy cloud
the sky feels like a dream.
Kishamore Jan 2017
In between the thoughts of you
I'm trying to discover my lost self...

In between the smiles of you
I'm trying to detect my lost piece of heart...

In between the words of you
I'm trying to find my lost silence...

And now,

In between our discrete and factual worlds
I'm trying to build our own figmental kingdom
that is invincible !!!

© Kishamore
Itunu Jun 2018
You can’t have a mental illness...
You look so normal.  
What does a person with a mental issue look like?
Pink, blue and covered in dots?
No clue
Orange, green with fuschia spots?
If we were able to diagnose people upon sight,
We’d have shirts that say “hi my name is __ and I’m a pyromaniac”
proceeds to strike a match

There is a certain image attached with the words
A woman, clutching her houserobe in the corner, eyes wide rocking whispering
A man shaking, murmuring, wringing his hands

So an *** sufferer mustn’t have it because she doesn’t “look it” eh?
And that guy with MS just doesn’t look sick enough for you right?

What I feel is what I feel. How dare you undermine what I am going through because it doesn’t live up to your expectations.
Do you want to see the suffering?
No. You don’t want to see what I’m going through.
You don’t want to see or hear the torment, everyday. The voices plaguing
How I take my medication like a ritual,
How I pray.

I’m sorry I don’t look sick enough for you
But I’m not sorry for what I’m going though.
I’m not going through anything major, this is for my sisters and brothers who get told this! You can’t see what people are going through so NEVER judge!
Loreley Jan 2018
Figmental retrospection.
A delusion. A castle in the sky.
Peering from the far side of some sequestered perspective.
Perceived as a fictious daydream.
An incohesive reality.
Your subdivisions experience an incommensurable verisimilitude.

— The End —