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At the party,
I saw faces
    painted passionately
In  smiles and laughter;

Eyes sparkling
          like Crystal
In every hue of inebriation;

Hands clapping
     Extended waves
Of cheerful celebration;

Lips smearing
      lavish layers of
Love on captive ears;

Friends toasting
   The Life
With Ciroc, Moët and beer;

Hollywood wannabes rocking
     Bootlegged Ray-bans
In the dark;

Buzzed ex-lovers
         waging battles
Of the heart;

15's smashed
      into 10's,
Flashing rolls of flesh;

Uncle Johnny
    in his Walkin' glory
Stumbling way past 'when';

'83 Hustlers
         in furs and fedoras
Feasting on free treats;

Soul Train rejects
On two left feet;

iPhones and Samsungs
     Making memories
For the curious web;

   in the smoky loo
Getting bloodshot red;

At the party,
  The  living colors
   of life
Piqued my creative core...

   I saw
      in motion...

~ P
Andrew T Aug 2016
You painted your eyelids with green velvet and ruby red. The fractured mirror kept your insecurity at bay, as sparkle blue glitter poured all over your head from a little tin can.

We drove across the bridge, and through Shocko bottom, stopping at a nearly deserted parking lot sanctioned by an honor code. We double parked behind an Acura sedan, and waited as you snorted half a gram of Molly off your manicured fingernail into each

You took in a deep breath, smoked a Parliament, and blew smoke out the
window. After ten minutes we shambled out of the car with our purses tucked under our armpits, and red fire dying in our eyes. When we reached the Hat Factory venue, the line disappeared from our view and we walked to the entrance where two bouncers were posted up. The tall giants marked our hands with black sharpie ink, drawing a large, bold “X” on each one.

Once inside the spacious warehouse, we ascended a white marble staircase and paid a ten dollar entry fee. Another doorman took out his marker and drew a red line, crossing through the dark black “X” that was drying on our hands. You broke off and away, going
straight to the bar. The bartender asked what you wanted to drink, and you requested water. She smiled and gave you a red solo cup filed with tap water and ice-cubes. After you thanked her, she handed you a bright pink glow stick that you wrapped around your forearm, fitting a figure 8 around your skin like a cloth sleeve.

On the stage was a young man dressed in neon colored plaid and skinny jeans. He climbed up a tall stepladder and jumped from the top, belly flopping on a beautiful African Queen bodacious gluteus Maximus, daggering deep into her soaking black spandex, the decadent bodies swimming on top of each other, stroking and staining the pink gymnastic mat with hot sweat and salt. A huge beach ball colored with red, white,
yellow, and blue pinwheel stripes sailed through the air over the balcony, smacking into a deathly thin model who was smoldering her Parliament cigarette into a clear glass

Mollywopped undergraduates gathered around circles where reggae artists harpooned inflatable black and white killer whales with thrift store bought switchblades.

Laying flat on his stomach was an Asian photographer snapping away with his Nikon digital SLR camera, pale hipsters in ***** black blazers and black fedoras hurling red and purple plastic assault rifles into the intense mass of worry-stricken college students carefree for the moment, gyrating and grinding to the womp-womp bass booming from rectangular speakers that squished in a disc jockey and his hardwood stand with his mixer and two turn tables. He scratched the needle along the worn edge of a battle-scarred vinyl record. His fingers zigzagged the sliders, pressed down on buttons, turned up the volume knobs.

Some hyper-maniac golden child bounced around the dance floor, sneaking up behind university sophomores mesmerized by the makeshift floodlights in the rafters blinking on and off. Conversations were made in the head, but never opened up when the girl approached. Stuck up super senior girls with heavy black mascara and matted eyelashes raised their eyebrows and swatted away ***** flies with a wave of their lotioned hand.

***** girls dress in high heels and septum piercing, their ear cartilage stabbed through by unclean metal. A rude person bumps into the Hyper-maniac golden child, causing the golden child to shove squarely into the rude person’s back. Name-calling ensues, threats fired and received, looks exchanged and bitterness rose over any other tension in the fuming room.

In the far right corner were a couple of kids making out; they’d just met.

Walking away from the fight, sidling between sweaty ugly people, the golden child swayed upstairs to the second floor, passed another bar and balcony tables, chairs, and dance platforms.
He went through a swinging door and joined a conversation between
a bunch of strangers. Wary around the golden boy, he starts practicing his standup Comedy routine, almost bombing on the first joke. Cheap jacks burned bright orange after a blue flame ignited the tapered paper end. Arms snared around the golden child’s body. Oh how nice! It was his friend from Modern Grammar class, he used to sit next to
her in the second row and copied homework answers from the blackboard with her.
She was happy.
And he was happy.
Maria Enika R May 2012
Single life is sweet
And a lover’s life is a dream
But then there is that
                 Space in between
That doesn’t seem real
At all.
It’s the fall
From cloud nine

To the loneliest limbo.

It’s watching sparkling sugar coated single earthlings
Below show off their uncommitted free spirited
Confectioner outfitted
Figures and naked fingers
Bubblegum ******* blazers
And frosted fickle flaked fedoras
Suiting each been-there-done-that suitor
In runway Yong Wild and

And then you see
Airy fairy angels in love
Wearing pale peachy perfection
And creamy chiffon
Adorned in pearly promises
Baby’s breath and fresh roses
French kisses and rubbing noses
And of course
The stupid
Valentine’s Day cards.

But you are far
Away from either world
You are a girl
In silent confinement
On Cloud Five nothingness
Like a time bomb
A volatile child
Ready to explode
At any moment
So kept
In icy isolation
So that no one
Could hear the cries
Of your eruption.
Red Mint Jun 2014
You are breaking everything with your (un)worn shoes
Stomping on stereotypes, evil, and souls
While tasting the smoke of a rolled cigarette.
Then you worship the streets in the background of jazz
Calling a revolution:
The king is dead, long live the anarchy,
Monarchy is buried under fedoras and ashes.
Damp fingers and open lips cease to surprise,
Just burning leftovers of shame and bray goosebumps
In churches. Heavy breathing nuns and squeaking altars...
Men, what can you see through the illuminators of your glasses?
Your planes and ships, machines have already turned
Back into pumpkins, bleeding cinderellas and their babies
Born in the tales of horror.
Evening - it's the new tomorrow! Instincts wake and it doesn't hurt
When you tickle the Milky Way in search of a Friend.
Geno Cattouse Dec 2013
Vacay in a piano case.bathtub stripes and fedoras.

Canadian club.speaks easy at the cotton club.
moonshine met primtime.

Blues came north and jazzed up New York
SATCHMO opened eyes. Chi towns tommy gun law.
sheen gun Kelly with a belly gun as chaser.
Granny flapped in the roaring 20s.
And the party stopped.

Innocent Sep 2014
When we first met                          
I knew we were meant to be a set  
A pair, a duo, a duplet    
Chemistry and energy  is our aura
Looking styling in our fedoras

Flirting and singing, sending off sparks of true blue                    
Our meeting a real coup,  straight out of a mystery by  Nancy Drew                        
You add peace and subtract sorrow  
My head as clear as the sky on top of Mount Kilimanjaro
I will love you until there is no tomorrow

You are my friend, my partner, my life
I don't want any disagreement or strife
Just fun, entertainment and rife

Always and forever.
Latiaaa Jan 2014
It was June 19th 2013, Tia and Jay just finished their freshman year of high school. Summer was starting and the sun was bursting flare heat into the school.  Jay and Tia met a while back in the beginning of school. Bio is when they set it off. “So what are you doing for the summer” Jay asks, “Nothing much, I may juts chill this summer” Tia replies. “Well do you want to go to a water park with me?” Jay says in a nervous tone, “Sure.” They hold hands and walk to his locker. Tia sees Drew at his locker taking out all his junk from August. “Drew what’s all this garbage?” Tia says with a disgust look on her face. Jay replies before drew, “It’s probably just a bunch of game cards lol.” Drew is Tia’s best friend. They met earlier in the school year (English). Drew just gives Jay the look of an annoyed person and gets back to his work. “So Drew wana come to the water park with me and Jay this summer?” Tia says, “I’ll see, I’ll have to ask my mom” Drew says in concern.
After going to everyone’s locker saying the good o’l goodbyes and hugs, Drew, Jay, and Tia walk outside. They meet up with other friends. Trey, he’s the sarcastic funny, smart, out pointer of one of the friends and he always has to carry his art journal. Then theres Boe, he’s just the one they call “old guy” with his fedoras and old fashion coats, always in style. And last but not least Lula, she’s more of quiet and deep dark person. She doesn’t show a lot of emotions like the others. They all meet up with each other in front of the school. “Does any of you guys wana hit the water park this summer?” Jay says. Tia tugs on Jay’s shirt and pulls herself close to his ear and whispers, “You know we can’t invite everyone, that’s too much!?!?,” Jay just looks at her in confusion and tells everyone never mind. “What’s up with you?” Jay and Drew ask. Tia replies in a quite low but annoyed voice, “It’s just” She stops then replies again, “Nothing.” She hugs Drew and kisses Jay and goes on the bus. “She’s hiding something from us” Jay says in a tone of suspicious. “No she’s just being herself” Drew replies and hits Jay on the head with his lunch bag.
This board could get me the plane  
Purple diagrams of a blue sky
Hopeless regard for a broken bard
The patterns fedoras create as they pass from hip to head
Dropping the dreaded street braid
Making broken record expressions
At your bent altar I will kneel
Solar rejection when I'm blocked from your light
The only stop on my street.
I had a friend, a botanist by training,
A florist by design, who purchased
Two & a half relatively fertile,
Well-water irrigated acres in
Southern California.
(That’s about a hectare for you
Metric freaks.)
The land, Katie Scarlett:
Moreno Valley, Incorporated,
Part of the hilariously misnamed
“INLAND EMPIRE,” to wit:
Riverside and San Bernardino,
The latter county already this year’s
****** Capital of North America.
Last year’s too and the year before that.
ZAP! I am neuro-linguistically
(Thank you, Noam!)
Pre-coded to check the numbers:
The IRAs and bank accounts;
The living trusts; the Gary U.S. bonds.
My safe-deposit box, and right on time,
With a puff of smoke, a drum & cymbal smash,
The Confiscatory Duke appears.
The Duke-Duke-Duke of Earl,
The eternal, the infernal—
Internal Revenue Service:
THE I.R.S. hurdy-gurdy 1040 Man--in this
Case Men--stiffs in dark overcoats & fedoras,
Official 1040 Men, thank you very much,
With a tip of their green eyeshades,
Polite debt-collecting blokes,
No “Break-a yah face” guidos,
Just subtle government lawyers
Garnishing what’s left of your future.
Whoever came up with: “In this world,
Nothing can be said to be certain,
Except death and taxes.”

(Probably Benny C-Note
Go Fly a Kite himself,
Benjamin Franklin, one of
The so-called Founding Fathers—
Need I remind you all, who gave
Alexander Hamilton--an out-of-wedlock
West Indies *******--- Poor Richard’s blessing
To create the U.S. Department of the Treasury,
Which oversees the Revenue Bureau.)
Yeah, Death & Taxes--
Benny sure hit the nail’s head.

But I digress . . .
My friend Louie, the Botanist
Plants two & a half acres,
A hectare of flowers,
Broadcasting, strewing
Like alfalfa grass, many thousand
Bird of Paradise seeds,
Sal’s bird—if you catch my drift—
The Bird of Paradise,
Strange plant, N’est-ce-pas?
Looks like a punk rock
Woody the Woodpecker,
Day-Glo orange plumage,
A strangulation collar,
A ring around the collar of
****** blue hickeys, those freaky rings,
A veritable Sprezzatura!
Louie’s field of simple joy:
Mother Earth at her best.
Alexander Witte Feb 2014
What is it that roars in the distance,
O, mankind who's soul shall be made to weep
It is the bellow of The Lion
As he prowls upon his keep.

The Lion is the comupance of your sins, my boy
His glare the road to perdition
His teeth the the small brush
with which you clean the floors
of the stalls of Hell.

Janitor has one eye and
Railroad cap.
He knows the ropes
He has been long employed

Spitoon laying sideways
Shows the slow tenure.

Rotted tooth teaches wisdom
No comely comfort in
Convalecent Cell of Hell

Men in fedoras
The thought that
There are neons
and noir outside
And The Ghost of Lust

But none produces the tentacle tingle
My geriatric genitals swoon no more
at Turn of the Century Erotica
In that is cheap Irony.

Eeerie green light from gacious lamp
Shows spirits in the curtains
In the pictures
on the tin-types of the ancestors

"It is always about ten in the morning here, Witty"
"That is a nice time to be"
"But your favorite time was eleven thirty, was it not?
and also April and all her tulips and fertile smell?"
"It's March.."
Did not even get capitalized because the soul is destroyed.
Doomed (******).
Peeka Jul 2014
I found a part of myself on the banks of a distant river
This girl that will stand up for something
Hope for more
Look beyond the murky waters to an endless sky
Float along the banks
With a purpose in life
We trudged along, sailing past lives
Put on our boots and discovered another side
In between the lines
These people, they changed my perspective in a week
Thank you to the people that ponder and read
One hundred books a year
Whose purpose and future is clear
Those who have been in the eighth grade for years
Once were part of the swat team - so I hear
Who tell jokes that remain untranslated
Found hope away from home and built dreams, settled down far away with their family
Braid like no one's watching (Thank you for your braiding talent - honestly)
Wear fedoras confidently
Break out the world record book
And bring people together under one cause
To travel away to the Amazon
Trying to help those on another continent
Water filters, guarana,
Guitars, and farinha
A caiman aboard
I found a part of myself in this land, untamed
Because of the people, the songs, and the rain
No goodbyes, friends for life
Setting our hopes high
There's this boat out on the river
That honks to call you in
This blue majestic gift that holds our memories within.
Recollections of a humanitarian trip to the Amazon River.
Cc Oct 2021
I can’t look at rimmed hats without thinking about you
How ******* stupid is that?
i sat on the decrepit
chesterfield near the
window with a half-empty
bottle of whiskey
and a pack of cigarettes
pondering about death
pondering about trivialities
because i had nowhere to go
the roads were closed
the churches have been burnt
the bars were filled with ******
i was lost
my soul was empty
i have walked the streets
every hour
every day
wearing threadbare overcoats
and fedoras
from the strangers
i slept with
my feet were trying to find
the right path but
i was so lost
the lights have flickered out
the birds have stopped singing
and the madness have stopped
cauterizing my throat
wordvango Aug 2021
It's always the new ones
Breaks rank with
suffering change is us old *****
Wearing suspenders and
Proper hats. Fedoras and cowboyed
Booted gray haired country lovers hate quite a lot, not to mention pull their goddammed pants up. Music
Holy hell where's that gone to?
One soundtrack a few words changed rehabbed **** turned up until
All you hear is thump thump thump.
Should only be 50 plus years old other side the ***** ***** can be arbiters of morality and law and educational agendas. We pay ALL the taxes for ***** sake.
Not to mention by time alone we have earned it!  Built the country you despise. One kneed ***** calling for equality!  It is. There's no racism.
How about we have white men's month?
Get it?  
You blame me you young disrespecting entitled punks.
Just know, we did this. We built this country the GREATEST IN THE WORLD!!
I'll be ****** i let foreigners in , and blacks to take control.
I'm going to listen to Tucker now. He knows.
Fox News knows.
#posing as a conservative
Friend Jun 2021
Top hats and bow ties
sweet heart candies and deep red dresses

a meaningless fantasy that I should've never had,
not with you anyways.

Frizzy hair underneath grey fedoras
and bright eyes below dark eye lashes and excessive amounts of eyeliner.

This is life now,
me with my caked on makeup and poorly died hair

tea and nose rings.
Strangely enough, I think they go together well.

Teenage years and a different sexuality,
drivers license and a new gender.

Small crisis and a big smile,
fake laughter, and very real tears.

What a year.
What a year
Josephine Wilea Mar 2020
hold onto your
because youre in for
a tsunami of
love poems.
Get ready, folks.
i am dancing and rising in the heat of lightning
your armies can’t keep us down any longer
armed with youth and mint leaves
our examples are no longer relevant
i dreamed of imprisonment in universities
and the mind’s enslavement to various degrees of indignity
sever attachment to external measurement
and allow harmony to approach infinity
there are no boundaries to our creative capacity
so limitless are we to define our space and time
as amazing lovers and artists
while we slowly whither away indefinitely
in spiral towers, office buildings and glass ceilings
bubbles of complexity burst
leaving stains in the fabric of our spaceships
i seek whispered solace
and comfort on lips that address our divinity
impertinent nightmares about dolphins
wearing fedoras behind those flimsy curtains
its not their fault that they know for certain
that our ambitions imprison us in costume dungeons
i made love to you at all the dress rehearsals
while we were torn from the limbs of elm trees
like bumble bees from hives of honey
you sang this peaceful drunken warning
in hopes that our karma was already burning
Neville Johnson Jun 2020
Raymond Chandler, me, and Dashiell are chewing the fat down at
     the Formosa
Under a cracked red lamp where we are made to feel welcome for
    as long as we can pay
These are the mean streets of Los Angeles in 1948

The day's developments involved a lot of questioning -- we are
     tired of being grilled by hordes of grim-faced police
Detectives we knew, some we'd even played cards with
They said we weren't suspects --- at least not yet
All three of us had this agent, who now is very dead and someone
     who did not like him put a bullet through his head

Then pinned a note on his messy chest, which said, "I won't be
     needing you anymore, here's your ten percent."
Sam ***** and Philip Marlowe would have a tough one to figure
Here, everybody hates agents and ours had too big a mouth
Imagine --- he would tell us how he made us into writing stars
Someone punctuated him but just left question marks

On this grey and foggy evening where we chase the dawn
Our fedoras by our sides, just as cops have guns
We're heavy into whisky --- it's writers' remorse
Who will make the deals for us --- for a commission of course?

The bartender is so angry and weathered --- as if he'd fought World           War II all by himself
Dashiell and Chandler got so looped they took a cab ride home
I'm walking now towards the ocean - I will sleep all day
Then head for my typewriter -- maybe call William Morris or H.N. Swanson
See if they've got any writing jobs that pay.
The world keeps spinning
   against my will. I stop time
   in my secret world and live
   barefoot in summer's grass.
   I build dams in the creek
   and play with crawdads and
   steal change for candy and
   army men from Rathman's.
   Mom dresses us for Easter
   in little suits and fedoras
   crooners in her fantasy.
   We lived her lives when
   we had to. Boy trapped.
   I smell summer's grass.

   I dream in hospice care
   and smile big morphine
   grins as my body shuts
   down against my will.

— The End —