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AD Letwixt Oct 2018
Sands and seashells as white as moonlit night
And water tugging slightly at the small boats
Trembling in the wake

“Far across the silvery sea”
Those little waves whisper to me
“From ocean dark and brooding blue, cross horizons bleeding red
is a land where the mists travel languidly through
and dangerous things betwixt the paths you tread.”

“There is a city that some say glows in the night
Whose towers ***** to glorious height
Domes and great structures stand below
Upon white stones, blue moonlight does glow.”

“If you swim out during the brooding storm
And torrential city make, with towers of black swirling wake
The sea will take and change your form
You will enter the depth and the depth will enter you
And sea imbued, you emerge anew.”

“On the second day, and the crest of red rising light
When Phoenix fly against the night
You will be ****** from water by the fiery wing
And to a new land take you as Phoenix songs it softly sings.”

“There you will encounter the dangers and things of strange delight
And the white walls of Elyse, whose light is cast upon the height.”
In olden days there lived a wife
Whose noble husband courted strife
He loved her little - just at night -
This knightly treatment wasn’t right.

He found her in the woodland wild
And took her for a wayward child
Making her his own for pity’s sake
While long regretting his mistake

Belittling her at every chance
Their love was lacking in romance
And when they came to Arthur’s court
He served her up in rags for sport.

But Queen Guinevere took pity
And dressed her in her finery
At which the husband fell for her
And took his way without deter.

At last grown slothful in his lust
He betrayed his knightly trust
And the lads of the Round Table
Questioned whether he was able

To sally forth on jousts or quests
Or polish up his chainmail vests -
And what is more said they made good
On any wants of knightlyhood.

At which he rode away with umbrage
Treating her as wayward baggage
Although he took her nonetheless
To keep the score on his contests.

He ordered her to ride ahead
And keep her tongue inside her head:
While he sought out each noble fight
She found a camp and cooked at night

With trolls and bandits on the way
She saw them first but could not say:
Distracting them she made them blink
And looking back gave knight-ward wink

But when the champion won the day
He sent her forward down the way
Driving chargers decked with *****
No words of thanks in line of duty.

Til in the forest depths a maiden cried
Beset by fire and to some ******* tied
A morsel for a dragon roast or fried
The fiery beasties’ shawarma undenied.

Then Enid much beguiled the monstrous worm
And calmed its embers with her nubile form -
While Geraint freed the nymphet from the stake
She shared her story with the horned snake.

At length she found her knight had upped and left
Leaving her beset, bamboozled and bereft
But then the dragon taken by her grief
Gave her the gold that stuck between its teeth.

So, she took the stolen armour that she held
And girded up with lance and sword in belt
Giving eager chase to nymph and errant knight
To teach him his behaviour wasn’t right.

She came upon her hubby in a glen
Enticing Elyse to a bowered den
He had fancied her since way back when -
He cut her bonds but tied them back again.

Then much in wrath our mounted maiden rode
Resplendent in her anger, brave and bold
And brought to joust Geraint the Oversold
But he took flight and fled the combat cold.

And Elyse was overcome with gratitude
For this gentlest of stranger’s hastilude
That he should save her from calamity
And never once assail her chastity.

‘Young Sir, my love is yours as you desire
I am a princess and my lands are yours
Come live with me and be my noble squire
And I will grant you what you may require’.

At which the champion laid her helm aside
And tossed the curls she could no longer hide:
‘I am no knight young beauteous maid
But just a woman that misfortune made’.

When Elyse saw such woe and courtly care
She loved the girl who stood so sadly there:
‘It matters not my lover and my life
You are my choice and I your loving wife’.

And then at last they came to rest at Camelot
Where Queen Guinevere reserved them a spot
At her table (which was like Arts’ non-square),
Where all were welcome to partake and share.

And they grew old in honour and renown
With songs of courtly love that still resound
For they had found their holy loving grail -
That gentlest of knights and her beloved girl.

And last was heard of Enid’s ex-Geraint
He was the fearsome dragon’s catamite -
And labour as he might to stir its blood
The slightest recognition was withstood.
Aerial McAdams Jan 2015
A storm rages in the darkest part of her mind.
If you look closely, you can see the lightening flash
In her forest green eyes;
Creating something like a forest fire
That leaves you mesmerized.

A storm rages in the darkest part of her soul.
If you get close enough to her, you can hear
The thunder booming in her writing,
Contrasting against her soft demeanor,
Compelling you to read more.

A storm rages in the darkest part of her heart.
But you'll never get close enough to see the rain
Falling out of her eyes,
Diminishing the fire,
Strengthening the thunder.

She thinks she's weak.
But nothing weak can create such a storm.
For a friend.
marriegegirl Jun 2014
Bien que la pluie le jour de votre mariage est l'une des choses les mariées stressent le neige le jour de votre mariage .bien disons juste que c'est magique .Surtout quand c'est une de ces belles neiges d'automne du Colorado.où les feuilles sont encore accrochés mais les petites averses de neige descendent du ciel .Brinton Studios capturé un jour et c'est tout à fait un euphémisme de dire que c'est parfait .mais là vous l'avez .Il est excellent.\u003cp\u003e

ColorsSeasonsFallSettingsRanchStylesRust­ic Elegance

De la photographe .Elyse et Chris ont.Avez- ce robes demoiselles d honneur que vous demandez ?Ils ont ce facteur X dans une relation où vous pourriez presque tangible

de ce lien mélancolique derrière leurs mots et le langage corporel .Nous鈥 檝e n'a jamais eu plus de facilité à obtenir un couple pour nous montrer comment robe de soirée grande taille ils se sentent sur l'autre .De plus .les amis de ces gars sont juste amusant !Nous avons eu un temps à robe de soirée grande taille danser incroyable et obtenir au milieu d'une petite bataille de neige impromptue qui a éclaté .Thumb Ranch du diable et de la planification enlacés fait un travail fantastique réglage de la magnifique toile de fond pour cet événement magnifique Photographie
: Brinton Studios | Wedding Planner : planification enlacés | Cérémonie Lieu: Thumb Ranch du Diable | Réception Lieu: Thumb Ranch du
Le soleil va porter le jour à d'autres mondes ;
Dans l'horizon désert Phébé monte sans bruit,
Et jette, en pénétrant les ténèbres profondes,
Un voile transparent sur le front de la nuit.

Voyez du haut des monts ses clartés ondoyantes
Comme un fleuve de flamme inonder les coteaux,
Dormir dans les vallons, ou glisser sur les pentes,
Ou rejaillir au **** du sein brillant des eaux.

La douteuse lueur, dans l'ombre répandue,
Teint d'un jour azuré la pâle obscurité,
Et fait nager au **** dans la vague étendue
Les horizons baignés par sa molle clarté !

L'Océan amoureux de ces rives tranquilles
Calme, en baisant leurs pieds, ses orageux transports,
Et pressant dans ses bras ces golfes et ces îles,
De son humide haleine en rafraîchit les bords.

Du flot qui tour à tour s'avance et se retire
L'oeil aime à suivre au **** le flexible contour :
On dirait un amant qui presse en son délire
La vierge qui résiste, et cède tour à tour !

Doux comme le soupir de l'enfant qui sommeille,
Un son vague et plaintif se répand dans les airs :
Est-ce un écho du ciel qui charme notre oreille ?
Est-ce un soupir d'amour de la terre et des mers ?

Il s'élève, il retombe, il renaît, il expire,
Comme un coeur oppressé d'un poids de volupté,
Il semble qu'en ces nuits la nature respire,
Et se plaint comme nous de sa félicité !

Mortel, ouvre ton âme à ces torrents de vie !
Reçois par tous les sens les charmes de la nuit,
A t'enivrer d'amour son ombre te convie ;
Son astre dans le ciel se lève, et te conduit.

Vois-tu ce feu lointain trembler sur la colline ?
Par la main de l'Amour c'est un phare allumé ;
Là, comme un lis penché, l'amante qui s'incline
Prête une oreille avide aux pas du bien-aimé !

La vierge, dans le songe où son âme s'égare,
Soulève un oeil d'azur qui réfléchit les cieux,
Et ses doigts au hasard errant sur sa guitare
Jettent aux vents du soir des sons mystérieux !

" Viens ! l'amoureux silence occupe au **** l'espace ;
Viens du soir près de moi respirer la fraîcheur !
C'est l'heure; à peine au **** la voile qui s'efface
Blanchit en ramenant le paisible pêcheur !

" Depuis l'heure où ta barque a fui **** de la rive,
J'ai suivi tout le jour ta voile sur les mers,
Ainsi que de son nid la colombe craintive
Suit l'aile du ramier qui blanchit dans les airs !

" Tandis qu'elle glissait sous l'ombre du rivage,
J'ai reconnu ta voix dans la voix des échos ;
Et la brise du soir, en mourant sur la plage,
Me rapportait tes chants prolongés sur les flots.

" Quand la vague a grondé sur la côte écumante,
À l'étoile des mers j'ai murmuré ton nom,
J'ai rallumé sa lampe, et de ta seule amante
L'amoureuse prière a fait fuir l'aquilon !

" Maintenant sous le ciel tout repose, ou tout aime :
La vague en ondulant vient dormir sur le bord ;
La fleur dort sur sa tige, et la nature même
Sous le dais de la nuit se recueille et s'endort.

" Vois ! la mousse a pour nous tapissé la vallée,
Le pampre s'y recourbe en replis tortueux,
Et l'haleine de l'onde, à l'oranger mêlée,
De ses fleurs qu'elle effeuille embaume mes cheveux.

" A la molle clarté de la voûte sereine
Nous chanterons ensemble assis sous le jasmin,
Jusqu'à l'heure où la lune, en glissant vers Misène,
Se perd en pâlissant dans les feux du matin. "

Elle chante ; et sa voix par intervalle expire,
Et, des accords du luth plus faiblement frappés,
Les échos assoupis ne livrent au zéphire
Que des soupirs mourants, de silence coupés !

Celui qui, le coeur plein de délire et de flamme,
A cette heure d'amour, sous cet astre enchanté,
Sentirait tout à coup le rêve de son âme
S'animer sous les traits d'une chaste beauté ;

Celui qui, sur la mousse, au pied du sycomore,
Au murmure des eaux, sous un dais de saphirs,
Assis à ses genoux, de l'une à l'autre aurore,
N'aurait pour lui parler que l'accent des soupirs ;

Celui qui, respirant son haleine adorée,
Sentirait ses cheveux, soulevés par les vents,
Caresser en passant sa paupière effleurée,
Ou rouler sur son front leurs anneaux ondoyants ;

Celui qui, suspendant les heures fugitives,
Fixant avec l'amour son âme en ce beau lieu,
Oublierait que le temps coule encor sur ces rives,
Serait-il un mortel, ou serait-il un dieu ?...

Et nous, aux doux penchants de ces verts Elysées,
Sur ces bords où l'amour eût caché son Eden,
Au murmure plaintif des vagues apaisées,
Aux rayons endormis de l'astre élysien,

Sous ce ciel où la vie, où le bonheur abonde,
Sur ces rives que l'oeil se plaît à parcourir,
Nous avons respiré cet air d'un autre monde,
Elyse !... et cependant on dit qu'il faut mourir !
Johnny Vaccaro Jan 2017
Noelle's voice pierced through my head as it always did, but I held my tongue. I raced up the creaky stairs, and retrieved the movies. As soon as I could gather a thought I heard the whine again, "these aren't the blue ray one's Johnny!"

Noelle frantically shot up from her position and raced upstairs. Stomp stomp stomp, Noelle never walked like a normal person. Instead, she brought both her feet down like she was pounding the juice out of grapes, and it sounded like thunder! The same was when she knocked on the door. If one did not live with her and understood her habits, Noelle's knock could be mistaken for the police.

As Noelle made her way down the stairs she yelled out, "where are the Harry Potter blue-ray series! I don't know where they went, they vanished!
Now, like a cheetah Noelle seeked out the weakest prey and planed her attack. With her snout pointed towards me she viciously started making ridiculous assumptions. She hissed, "you have them, you took them to Elyse's house I know you did, you better get them back!"

Like an innocent little rat, I didn't know how to respond, I was stupefied by her accusation. As usual, I held my tongue and did not unleash the wrath of this tiger.
anonymous Sep 2020
An orange glow envelopes you,
cascading warmth.
I like to walk with you in step
so that effusive light may bleed onto my skin.
I like to live life
perched on the fluttering monarch's wing.
Marshal Gebbie May 2018
Deep in the nether regions, tingling in toes
The excitement begins in the spots no-one knows,
A ruddy red blush shining each cherub cheek
Makes a mockery of this pretence to be meek
Temptation to dance down the long corridor
To spiral and leap and cavort …and much more….
Sing like a bird with the promise of spring
Just hug everyone and embrace everything,
Become a small boy with a new shiny toy
Tasting sweetness of honey and bubbling with joy
For tomorrow we fly like a bird on the wing
Leaving  habit’s drab grey and routine’s everything,
Tomorrow we soar to the promise of new
To the Tower of London and laughter with you,
We shall skip through the crowds on the Champ de Elyse
And wriggle our toes in the cold Irish Sea,
Savour a croissant’s delicate bite
And laugh with freedom’s sensational delight.
Tomorrow we fly to the place to be seen
To the shores of old England to dine with the Queen.

4 May 2018
Diabetic Floridians have traded their pancreatic souls for jelly rolls
while shimmying bloated groove things from crooked Citrus Bowls
to kick placenta-shaped globes through two sissified posts of goals
and fondling each other in and amongst obelisk football field poles,
in practice for the third to man righteous slots in State cheese doles
to boldly sashay on promenades with dogs called women for strolls
only to dine upon nature's bounty of termite larvae, slugs & moles,
from countrified cities and urban meadows to ship-beaching shoals
where myopic quasi-goats possess proto-goat gumption to eat trolls
In national shoe economy sectors it's advisable to rehabilitate soles
Remember the Maine, to hell with Spain, explore passages or holes
as it was in 1943's Hit the Ice twixt Elyse Knox & Patric Knowles,
allowing Lou Costello to be raked over the flick's proverbial coals
Diabetic Floridians have traded their pancreatic souls for jelly rolls
while shimmying bloated groove things from crooked Citrus Bowls
to kick placenta-shaped globes through two sissified posts of goals
and fondling each other in and amongst obelisk football field poles,
in practice for the third to man righteous slots in State cheese doles
to boldly sashay on promenades with dogs called women for strolls
only to dine upon nature's bounty of termite larvae, slugs & moles,
from countrified cities and urban meadows to ship-beaching shoals
where myopic quasi-goats possess proto-goat gumption to eat trolls
In national shoe economy sectors it's advisable to rehabilitate soles
Remember the  Maine, to hell with Spain, explore passages or holes
as it was in 1943's Hit the Ice twixt Elyse Knox & Patric Knowles,
allowing Lou Costello to be raked over the flick's proverbial coals

— The End —