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Susanna Berlinski  Nov 10
"...a lake of ignorance"? The "ink" that tattooists use, remains in the lymphatic (immune) system for a lifetime. Is it ignorant to compromise your ability to fight infection for a tattoo?

I do not force anyone to have a tattoo.
And if a person chooses personally to do something to their body which will only effect themselves negatively, then that’s not ignorant. What’s ignorant is people taking actions which is killing our environment and not caring that it’ll affect everyone else in the world. That is distinctly ignorant.

I do not know who the ******* think you are to question me this way when you have no idea who I am. Ironically, it’s incredibly ignorant. Thanks very much

Susanna Berlinski 
If you are a tattoo artiste, then you are knowingly poisoning dumb people, which demeans your worth as a human being. You are a hypocrite & a fraud. Bow your bleached head  in shame. Go, and sin no more.

You’re an absolute kook, Wow.

Susanna Berlinski 
I can't help you until you're ready to accept my help.

I don’t want your help. You really are psychotic.

Susanna Berlinski 
Let's discuss your father. Shall we?

What’s the matter with you?  Why’re you so hateful?

Susanna Berlinski
Does the F-word empower you? Your father disapproves of your vulgarity.  Perhaps it's good that your genetic lineage ends with you. The world would suffer needlessly feeding your progeny.

Haha you’re funny, Honestly, I’m humoured. I hope you have a lovely evening, God bless x

Susanna Berlinski  
You lost.

Susanna Berlinski  
You're a foul-mouthed hypocrite.

I haven’t lost anything, dear. You clearly have some issues, I’m just not going to stoop to your level. I’m not foul mouthed, nor a hypocrite. i really hope you can overcome whatever your issues are, I’m sorry that you’re burdened with them. I pray for you to find god and his peace. Good evening, god bless x

Susanna Berlinski  
You wrote this: "I do not know who the ******* think you are to question me  this way when you have no idea who I am." ~ You're a mental ******...

Everyone’s entitled to feeling anger, Swearing isn’t what makes someone foul mouthed, the meaning behind words that someone says is what is.

I truly am sorry for whatever has happened in your life for you to see the world like this, I hope god can find you.

God bless

Susanna Berlinski 
I want you and your father to come to an understanding.
Act as a lady, not like a drunken sailor on leave.
Stop swearing. Stop shacking up. Stop *******.

My father is dead sweetie. You know not who I am. I hope you can just find some peace.

Susanna Berlinski 
Your personal problems should remain personal. Stop  messaging me. I have no interest in fixing your wretched life.

Let me fix yours then

You clearly have some issues
Allison Wright Jul 2011
See it with open hands
Letters two or three
The answer that I need

Eloi, Eloi
Where is Your voice?
Where is Your tongue?

If you’re not the storm
a gloom, a light, then judgment

If you're not the earthquake
a deception black and white

If you're not the flames
consuming all that follows I

Where is the whisper?

Eloi, Eloi

I’m waiting for a whisper

Will it ever come?
The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
"...a lake of ignorance"? The "ink" that tattooists use, remains in the lymphatic (immune) system for a lifetime. Is it ignorant to compromise your ability to fight infection for a tattoo?

Eloi  Nov 2017
I do not force anyone to have a tattoo. And if a person chooses personally to do something to their body which will only effect themselves negatively, then that’s not ignorant. What’s ignorant is people taking actions which is killing our environment and not caring that it’ll affect everyone else in the world. That is distinctly ignorant. I do not know who the ******* think you are to question me this way when you have no idea who I am. Ironically, it’s incredibly ignorant. Thanks very much

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
If you are a tattoo artiste, then you are knowingly poisoning dumb people, which demeans your worth as a human being. You are a hypocrite & a fraud. Bow your bleached head in shame. Go, and sin no more.

Eloi  Nov 2017
You’re an absolute kook,

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
I can't help you until you're ready to accept my help.

Eloi  Nov 2017
I don’t want your help.
You really are psychotic.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
Let's discuss your father. Shall we?

Eloi  Nov 2017
What’s the matter with you?
Why’re you so hateful?

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
Does the F-word empower you? Your father disapproves of your vulgarity. Perhaps it's good that your genetic lineage ends with you. The world would suffer needlessly feeding your progeny.

Eloi  Nov 2017
Haha you’re funny,
Honestly, I’m humoured.
I hope you have a lovely evening,
God bless x

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
You lost.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
You're a foul-mouthed hypocrite.

Eloi  Nov 2017
I haven’t lost anything, dear.
You clearly have some issues, I’m just not going to stoop to your level. I’m not foul mouthed, nor a hypocrite. i really hope you can overcome whatever your issues are, I’m sorry that you’re burdened with them. I pray for you to find god and his peace.
Good evening, god bless x

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
You wrote this: "I do not know who the ******* think you are to question me this way when you have no idea who I am." ~ You're a mental ******...

Eloi  Nov 2017
Everyone’s entitled to feeling anger, Swearing isn’t what makes someone foul mouthed, the meaning behind words that someone says is what is. I truly am sorry for whatever has happened in your life for you to see the world like this. I hope god can find you.

Eloi  Nov 2017
God bless

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
I want you and your father to come to an understanding.
Act as a lady, not like a drunken sailor on leave.
Stop swearing. Stop shacking up. Stop *******.

Eloi  Nov 2017
My father is dead sweetie.
You know not who I am.
I hope you can just find some peace.

The Suzy Berlinsky Happy Show  Nov 2017
Your personal problems should remain personal. Stop
messaging me. I have no interest in fixing your wretched life.

Eloi  Nov 2017
Let me fix yours then

Eloi  Nov 2017
You clearly have some issues
Kenn Rushworth Oct 2016
“As old as man,
Way back before the past
Said by the historian in the perpetual cemetery,
His book and ours open on the same blank page
“What is to become of us,
we are just memories of sound in a silent room”

The image of man
Tearing down his own tower of babel
with an “Eloi!, Eloi!” to himself
Grasping at the light
Without thought of the fire
All felony and no fingerprint

And I watch
And I watch
And after my illness, I walk alone
And notice the words of children
collecting sun in a bucket

To 80 years from Spanish misery
To Syrian sand and tears
Mixing with the shores of ****** and Liverpool, London and Lemuria
Nothing gathered
Nothing gained

We slip further into the walls of parliament
Slip into the walls of web, corridors of code
And hear of occultist cataclysm
and those so intelligent all before them is dismissed
(“eloi, eloi, I am eloi!”)

In cold grey-green bathrooms
of flatblocks or apartment buildings
licking seasalt and gunpowder
from the fingers of our Atlantic cousins
In human skin suits
a rough version of something long worked on. some inspiration from an Ian Bellard line.
Ahmad Cox Mar 2018
Save thyself and come down
From the cross
Likewise also the chief priests
Mocking said amongst themselves

With the scribes he saved other's
Himself he cannot save
Let Christ the king of Israel
Descend now from the cross
That we may see and believe

And they that were crucified with him reviled him
And when the sixth hour was come there was darkness
Over the whole of the land until the ninth hour
And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice
Saying Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani? Which is being interpreted as
My God My God why hast thou forsaken me?

And entering into the sepulchre they saw a young man
Sitting on the right side clothed in a long white garment
And they were affrighted and he said unto them be not affrighted

Now when Jesus was risen early in the first day of the week
He appeared first to Mary Magdalene out of whom he had cast seven devils and when she told them that he had had been with him as they mourned and wept and they heard he was alive believed not

And he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be ****** and these signs shall follow them that believe and in my name shall thy cast out devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink deadly things it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then

after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right side of God and they went forth and preached every where the Lord working with them and confirming the words with signs following Amen.
A piece of scripture

trusted friend
healing hands
holy teacher
and nailed to a cross
“Jesus of Nazareth
King of the Jews”
my son
died today


Heed my voice crying in the wilderness!
Do not abandon me in my anguish
But attend, and weep with me now!
for blood rage would not be subdued!
“His blood be on us!” they cried”
“And on our children!” they shouted

Shine your light of mercy on my soul!
I stumble through the bleak wasteland of grief,
blinded by infinite darkness!
for blood rage would not be subdued!
“His blood be on us!” they cried”
“And on our children!” they shouted

The righteous cry but does the Lord hear?
I call unto you as my son did cry
“Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?”
for blood rage would not be subdued!
“His blood be on us!” they cried”
“And on our children!” they shouted


He watches the sleeping woman,
in the unquiet repose known only to a grieving mother
she moans, “blood rage
powerless.. my son”
“Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani!”

Tears well in his eyes
As his heart is once again pierced

his hand brushes her forehead
the touch causing her to stir slightly
and cast it away as though a fleck of dust
dare intrude on her personal nightmare.
Kissing her cheeks, her eyes,
He whispers *“Mother!”
one of my final poems in Ave Maria.  Although Mary is the main character, I believe she represents so many mothers who have lost their sons, through war, execution, crime, suicide.  Would love to hear your  input
Brady D Friedkin Jun 2015
Jesus, Son of The Father
Hanging on a Roman Cross
Pierced for the iniquity of men
Killed for the love of His bride
With nails in His hands
Swords in His sides
Thorns on His head
His body slain
The body to feed His bride
His blood poured
The blood to quench the Church

"This is my body"
To eat of it
To feed the bride.
The Body of Christ,
The Bread of Heaven
To delight in the Holy Eucharist,
The spiritual feast, in Communion with God
To worship the Holy Name of the Savior

"This is my blood"
To drink of it
To quench the bride.
The Blood of Christ,
The Cup of Salvation
To delight in the Holy Eucharist
The spiritual feast, in Communion with God
To worship the Holy Name of the Savior

Hanging on the Roman Cross
God, The Son Himself crying to the Father
"Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachtani?"
"My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?"
Plagued by the false view of the Father
The pagan god in the hearts of men
Inherited with the humanity of The Son
While the sin of man
Hangs with the Son of Man

The earth shaking
And hearts breaking
With eyes crying
And law tearing
With the world changing
And The Son dying

The trueness,
The oneness
Of the Father
United with The Son and Spirit
In communion with The Spirit and Son

The Gifts of God
For the People of God
To partake in whenever together
In Remembrance of the savior
Christ died for us
Feed on Him with our hearts
And remember our union in Him
With Faith and Thanksgiving

We are saved by the triune God of grace
By the Love of the triune God of love
By the Blessing of God Almighty
The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
Be upon us and remain forever
Let us keep the feast!
A poem about the Worship and Sacrament of Communion
Lawrence Hall Mar 2021
Lawrence Hall

                                   Being an Eloi is Okay,
           But Make Sure the Smoke Alarms Have Fresh Batteries

Some poets are Eloi, deconstructing this
And disconnecting that in weak free verse
Between the reiki and the pilates
Trying to find an existential voice

And other poets are grim Morlocks, almost,
Through muscling chaos into meaning and light
Between the night shift and the morning cup
Trying to build a voice that speaks with strength

To shape lack of meaning into meaning
That is neither this nor that, but itself
A poem is itself.

Half of the fellow father as he doubles
His sea-****** Adam in the hollow hulk,
Half of the fellow mother as she dabbles
To-morrow's diver in her ***** milk,
Bisected shadows on the thunder's bone
Bolt for the salt unborn.

The fellow half was frozen as it bubbled
Corrosive spring out of the iceberg's crop,
The fellow seed and shadow as it babbled
The swing of milk was tufted in the pap,
For half of love was planted in the lost,
And the unplanted ghost.

The broken halves are fellowed in a *******,
The crutch that marrow taps upon their sleep,
Limp in the street of sea, among the rabble
Of tide-tongued heads and bladders in the deep,
And stake the sleepers in the savage grave
That the vampire laugh.

The patchwork halves were cloven as they scudded
The wild pigs' wood, and slime upon the trees,
******* the dark, kissed on the cyanide,
And loosed the braiding adders from their hairs,
Rotating halves are horning as they drill
The arterial angel.

What colour is glory? death's feather? tremble
The halves that pierce the pin's point in the air,
And ***** the thumb-stained heaven through the thimble.
The ghost is dumb that stammered in the straw,
The ghost that hatched his havoc as he flew
Blinds their cloud-tracking eye.


My world is pyramid. The padded mummer
Weeps on the desert ochre and the salt
Incising summer.
My Egypt's armour buckling in its sheet,
I scrape through resin to a starry bone
And a blood parhelion.

My world is cypress, and an English valley.
I piece my flesh that rattled on the yards
Red in an Austrian volley.
I hear, through dead men's drums, the riddled lads,
******* their bowels from a hill of bones,
Cry Eloi to the guns.

My grave is watered by the crossing Jordan.
The Arctic scut, and basin of the South,
Drip on my dead house garden.
Who seek me landward, marking in my mouth
The straws of Asia, lose me as I turn
Through the Atlantic corn.

The fellow halves that, cloven as they swivel
On casting tides, are tangled in the shells,
Bearding the unborn devil,
Bleed from my burning fork and smell my heels.
The tongue's of heaven gossip as I glide
Binding my angel's hood.

Who blows death's feather? What glory is colour?
I blow the stammel feather in the vein.
The **** is glory in a working pallor.
My clay unsuckled and my salt unborn,
The secret child, I sift about the sea
Dry in the half-tracked thigh.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2020
There is no answer to the Why? of the afflicted man.

But to know there is no answer, you have to ask.

                         - Simone Weil
Jimmy Desire Nov 2012
Introduction [The Ride]
-Jimmy Desire

The Ride
Its journey is amazing
The process is sensational
Man, where I'm from
Who knows the destination though?
Constant names being learned
Forgotten while I go
I yearn to keep a few of them in memory
But only time will tell who comes and goes
So I continue on forward
Trying to understand the confusion that the world insists is normal
Meanwhile battling the emotions that you insist does not exist
Well then, what is this?
Bliss from ignorance
Then anger from your partner's diss
Not sure who to call friend or foe
And yet you claim this **** doesn’t exist?
Must’ve been blinded, there has to be something I missed
Because "dog eat dog" ain't nothing new
And yet I continue to resist as if someone will assist
Instead I'm hit with this metaphorical fist and left behind in the mist
Wondering what the hell is this?
The Ride

Of all the women
The last two knew me best
Taught me more than I'd like to admit
Especially because I did my best to help them
Something I never omit
But somehow along the way things happened to go amiss
And even if our eyes don't ever meet as often
Or things never seem the same
I continue to pray for their success
Because regardless of how they see it
It’s my life they've blessed
And there are two more that will never leave my side
Even if I were to decide to take a leave of absence
Forever my balance
I swear their voices took over my conscience
As if to lend me guidance
So honestly it may just be science
That these two incredible females remain a constant
Arevalo and Martinez how I adore the two of you
And although at times I may seem distant
I miss the two of you
And the fiascos that would ensue
Like hopping the border for dunkin'
Or attempts at grand theft in JP
Just the memories of those moments reminds me
That our equation is incredible
And I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world

The Ride
Where do I go?
Who will I be?
My future still a mystery
But the days pass by so quickly
And I’ve been living so peacefully in the present
That I’ve paid no mind to what awaits me
Even now I seem to forget the importance of it all
Like how time and money rule everything around me
And that in time, I’ll have love ones who depends on me
And that in time, I can no longer live carefree
So in time, I wonder who I’ll be
Because too much was sacrificed to see me succeed
To my parents and those who helped raise me
I understand and I promise to make you all proud
And I know I was quite the handful in the years that have past
But now in the years to come,
I plan to show you the admiration you deserve for the lessons you’ve taught me
So that it’s known that you’re involvement made a difference
So in time, I promise it’ll all be clear
The vision is near,
Desire Enterprises CEO
It was all a dream

The Ride

Life is bittersweet
For it blessed me with a brother
But stole him away before I had any chance to get to know him
So in time I was introduced to three kids,
Ralph, Myke and Medrano, they would end up becoming my brothers
And in time my mother decided it was time for her to have another
So at the age of seven I was introduced to a young child named Jason
A few months before him, Ralph, Myke, and Medrano welcomed a young tyke named Billy
Now there were six
And for years, we were each other’s friends, bullies, teachers and rivals
But I often wondered what came about the first
However I often ignored it
Because that period and time of my life was so vague
That I started to doubt it
And as the period of change seemed to settle,
I was informed of the return of the prince himself,
The young Max Saint-Eloi

The Ride
In time it will all subside
My ***** told me life is too short
So I guess it’s time to shape up
Stop slacking, wake up!
For so long I’ve clung onto this cliff
Too afraid to fail
I want it all
But I’m too afraid to fall
But decided to let go cause who knows I won’t land on my feet?
Fear is just an obstacle we must defeat
And I rather have a fighting chance
Than to turn tail and surrender
So Here I Stand World
Test me
My name is what I cherish most
Because my mother taught me
It’s the one thing I really own
And to make sure to never taint it
What may be a word to you, means much more to me
All my life I’ve been told that I have great potential
That I was something special
Never meant a thing to me then
But now I’m working hard to achieve what I used to think was impossible  
And these words mean nothing without the actions to reinforce them
So I pay no mind to those who may judge me,
Care for those who appreciate my presence
And lend an ear to those who feel they need some guidance
Because it happens, like the morning fog that shades what’s in the distance
Or how perfect things change in just an instance
Life leaves us troubled with uncertainty and mystery
So the purpose of these words is to remind me
That if I should ever find myself lost or confused
To look back and remember the people and events that enlightened me
And my love for poetry
The Ride

The sands of the hourglass continue to slip through our fingers
Yet I try to catch some and embed them in my memories
Poetry, my method of preserving those moments I deem important enough to save
My name is Jimmy Desire,
Welcome to my story.
A Jun 2014
I'm tired of choking on my personality. Because you people are always trying to cut down people's trees and I'm that phone call that makes you put down that axe and walk back inside.
You're ruining me
I'm tired of choking on my personality. Because you people, you lovers of mine, are always trying to escape and I'm that last shot of ***** that allows your hands to find their way onto her hips. (again and again)
(and again in November)
You're ruining me
I'm tired of choking on my personality. Because you people are always asking me to listen to your sins and I haven't even found my God yet.
You're ruining me
I'm tired of choking on my personality. Because you people empty my pockets and pillage my soul and you won't even lend me five cents to visit my psychiatrist.

You people.
You people, what have I ever done to you.
**"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
No note.
Seye Kuyinu Oct 2014
My ****** mind craved
a new hearing from you
I would sit night after night
Imagining castles and angels
I would dress not in a cape
But in Burberry mufflers and a hat
learning to serenade in your voice.
The in betweens beckon once in a while
but i have known the true voice
just like you know from deep within.
I know of a woman who thought picking cherries
and dreaming of castles were for the wrong
I know of another woman,
Evolved from the Eloi Clan
And Elvish. And she sings
The rain to sleep.
She is Bella
I am learning
to breath
and I hope you still do.
Eleete j Muir Jan 2018
The periapt otiose stone helotage that the tactiturn builders
Rejected at Golgotha, bode the heart of Heaven has now
Become the corner-stone henting the regal worm of worms
With temerity of the spire of spires; And they look ignominious
Upon the necromancer that they pierced testifying a vision of
Living beings, a saviour, an insuperable scorned man,
The maxim of kings, the miracle man of blood and water
Invidiously feeling despised crying out loud;
''Eloi, Eloi, Lema Sabachthani'',
Whom the ill-starred crucified and divided purloin his robes
At the rolling of dice. Yet still God raised from death much alike
The Nazarene himself had disintered Lazarus, resurrecting after
Four days his friend buried at Bethany; alike too Tabitha
Which (Simon), Peter, presented before the widows and believers
commanding alive in the name of the Almighty Holy Lord
From the clutches of the darkened Sun, clinging to the
Dark side of the moon within a star-less sky
Annointed the way to the Father.

Right use ONE'S servant
Infuse THY gifts grant
Grace refresh my soul
Heart reason flesh whole
Tune sync hymns praise
Enter within temple vase
Our FATHER in heavean
Unleaven Bread be given
Send HOLYGHOST within

O wineskin quench all
New drench within souls
Etch hearts write unrolls

According to THY WORD
LORD music into accord
Mind core broken record
Infinite's touch THY beat
GOD'S rhythm on repeat
Hearken hearts hear eat
THY thought work ways
Yesteryear length of days

Our plight JESUS mission
New sight CHRIST vision
ELOI ELOI Kyrie Eleison

ln sync LORD attune
Music WORD at noon
Melodies ode at tune
O riddles speaks poetry
Read all peaks valleys
To fulfill one's role
And give our whole
Life beat heart soul

Open hearts hear eat
Now reap read repeat
Ears deaf defeat feat

Imploring the aid of
Manu Dei Vox Christi
Opus Dei Pax Domini
Rex Regum Vox Dei
Tov lehodot la'Adonai
Abba! Father! We cry
LORD Elyon Most High

Omega and the Alpha
Name above all Yeshua

Have mercy on us
Only YOU we trust  
LORD of lords JESUS
YHWH first and last

O LORD grant servant
Nothing I shall want
ELOI my only confidant

InstroMEnt REady to DO
Maestro no further aDO  
Musiko fuego aDORE ME
Opening salvo LAamoRE  
REtreatMEnt torn aid DO
Tune hum ME toDO
ADORE ripple LAamoRE
LuxMundi riddleREMEdy

O leaders to understand
Nations heal shakehands
Embedded LOVE bonds   ❀...lands...
van Young Feb 2018
Thanks for the kind words
They were a soothing welcoming balm to be heard
Feb seems to have exposed some life schisms
I was so distraught I checked My biorhythms
Everything in front of My eyes is soured and scrawny
I resorted to ' Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani '
So much of My life is stirred and shaken
I often feel forsaken
How much do I have to endure ?
Is mindfulness the ultimate cure ?
My car was stolen and trashed
I now learn Spanish on the bus while being thrashed
My medical state reveals the industry scam
I don't have big enough male ***** for the mammogram
Rule one thing in and another thing out
I only wanted a cyst drained or cut out
New left shoulder arthritis and left sided neck pain
Bed Bath and Beyond's pillow department made that gain
Please keep Me in Your prayers as I effort to rewind Me
Pushing the bad away with ' satan, get thee behind Me ' ~
van Young Mar 2018
Thanks for the kind words
They were a soothing welcoming balm to be heard
Feb seems to have exposed some life schisms
I was so distraught I checked My biorhythms
Everything in front of My eyes is soured and scrawny
I resorted to ' Eloi Eloi lama sabachthani '
So much of My life is stirred and shaken
I often feel forsaken
How much do I have to endure ?
Is mindfulness the ultimate cure ?
My car was stolen and trashed
I now learn Spanish on the bus while being thrashed
My medical state reveals the industry scam
I don't have big enough male ***** for the mammogram
Rule one thing in and rule another thing one out
I only wanted a cyst cut out
New left shoulder arthritis and old left sided neck pain
Bed Bath and Beyond's pillow department made that financial gain
Please keep Me in Your prayers as I effort to rewind Me
Pushing the negative away with ' satan, get thee behind Me ~
Nancy Delgado Aug 2015
A longing soul thinking to be ready to see face to face yet is being remade since day one that it was branded
my fabric is being reconstructed by Excellent's hands that calm the waves and send lightning all at once this soul of mine struggles to see these sunsets in itself but regardless it is not my sentiments that have eternal meaning but Eloi's promises. Given to receive to merely give in abundance for I did nothing to gain the brimful Reality. Merciful Son is my morning song and evening medicine. For now, a bruised reed and smoking flax - holding on tightly to bleeding Love.
aimecaesar Apr 2021
To whom do I turn to?

Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani.

I am my own confidant. I have exhausted all my existing options.

Diversification, Diversification, Diversification. I went all in.

I have lived long enough to see the irreversible flaws of my family. Soon, my partner will be no more. I have not invested enough in my friendships.

Perhaps, life is meant to be lived in solitude.
liz Apr 2018
eloi, eloi
lama sabachthani?
or, more accurately,
why have i forgotten you-
did death sneak up behind
the thin pages of my holy book
leaving his fingerprints on my face
as i discard the sacred
in favor of something more human?
sifting the smoke from my airways-
hellfire isn't as good as a sauna,
but is sure does wonders
as a reality check, maybe.
losing the religion i was raised in, or maybe i'm not. anyways, here is this i wrote the other day.
John F McCullagh Jul 2018
It's a closely guarded secret so don't ask for the address.
It's a shelter from the storm for any damsels in distress.
It is funded by the City and follows their mandate
to shelter battered women from the men they've grown to hate.

The location must be secret from the predatory male;
the women would be helpless if security should fail.
Like any abused creature, the fear is  in their eyes
for they've been beaten ****** by their less than perfect guys.

I was there for an inspection, the house mom met me at the door
Most of her charges do not want me there; they don't trust men anymore.
I  arrived when most were working; I must leave ere they return.
for it is peace and solitude above all for which they yearn.

They are Eloi, I am Morlock- at least in their fearful eyes
For they have suffered at the hands of men
and dare not believe their lies
An interesting inspection of an undisclosed address which is not really on Morrison  but is a true story
Kelly McManus Feb 2021
Will our future be
as monetary Eloi
feeding the mutants

        Kelly McManus

— The End —