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Raghu Menon Jul 2015
Oh Dear River
How many faces do you have?

The pleasant calm face
With the undulating waves

The happy face
with the life thriving inside you?

The playful face with the Kids
Swimming in the river?

The vibrant face
During the downpour?

The kind face
Blessing the dark thin fishermen?


The sad face
With the dark effluents let in to you
By the greedy industries?

Or the pale face
With your inflows being reduced
due to the catchments
being encroached
by the real estate mafia?

Or the angry face
With the ***** politicians and thieves
Who plunder your sand
And destroy not only you
But the livelihoods
of the poor farmers and
the water resources of the people?

Oh Dear River
How many faces do you have?

Don't be angry with us humans
because we don't care for anybody

We live only today
and we don't care for tomorrow
nor do we care about
our children of tomorrow.

We are the only inhuman species
On this earth and we wrongly
Call ourselves
As Humane beings..
Joel M Frye Apr 2016
They who walk around the corner
take the right angle.

They who travel with ****** in pocket
feel chipper all day.

Those who watch circus parade
often see effluents.

You will run into new acquaintances.
Stop texting while driving.

Jealous trolls oft become poets.
The reverse is also true.

Distance between wise man
and wise-***
is half a wit.

The addicted mystic survives
on prayer and medication.

May you be only half as miserable
as those you envy.
NaPoWriMo day 13 - poem based upon sayings from a fortune cookie.
The verse about distance is autobiographical.
Hannah Wood Apr 2016
The cool, clear babbling brook of crystal water fed by childhood’s innocence easily reflected the soft light of simple joys

Neon lights
Blasting sound bites
Are you pretty enough
Lose weight now
Shimmering clothes

These toxic wastes of existential effluents
Entered my stream of consciousness
Until the channels into my self-worth thickened with mud and fed the reeking skunk’s bath of self-loathing

Racing thoughts
Prevent sentences from forming
Instead I chew
On my cheek
Until it bleeds
The metallic taste lingering on my tongue a refreshingly devastating reminder of my continued humanity

Each stumbfumbling of words causes my pelvic floor to sink
I have no support
I’m a mess
I’m a puddle
Where there’s a bright yellow sign reading, “Caution, Floor Wet”
There’s me
There’s the puddle
There’s the mess

You approach my soul
You ignore the sign
Your kindness mops up the puddle
Your respect cauterizes the gashing cut of self hatred

Where there was once a puddle, there’s an egg
There’s life

The sharp jowls of your fierce devotion act as ****** to my self esteem
Holding it up through the turbulence of biting thoughts

Before the everythingphobic
Now the noneedforanyphobics
Your hand embraces my face as the softness of your lips sinks sweetly into my forehead
A weight drops

What falls away are the snake skins tattooed in scars unveiling the porcelain glow of new beginnings.
Yenson Nov 2021
Put your words to your meanings
put your meanings to your senses
put your senses to nonsenses

What proves the mists of delusions
in tarnished tandem with malice
what gains myths of fulcrum gainsays
in the passionless kisses of cobras
what are hymns to mud shrines effigies

Put your senses to your  nonsenses
put your nonsenses at one with onyxes
put your effluents right up your orifices
Jewel celestial in cosmic space,
Unique sphere with snowy mounts,
Valleys verdant, hoary hills,
Sylvan slopes and sparkling rills,
Shimmering lakes and limpid streams,
Endless expanse of oceans blue,
Surf-washed shores, golden sands
And beaches fringed with swinging palms,
Miles and miles of waving fields,
Evergreen woods swaying in the breeze,
Teeming with lovely birds and beasts,
Charming retreats for pleasure and peace.
Marvels of nature's grand creation
Are marching fast towards destruction.
Ever increasing human need,
Callousness and endless greed,
Ever expanding cities and towns
And mushrooming of ugly slums,
Hills denuded and plains encroached,
High-rise buildings, crowded roads,
Chimneys spewing clouds of smoke
Poison air with deadly fumes,
Methane and Carbon-dioxide,
Stinking effluents from broken pipes
And plastic waste clogging drains
Fill rivers and oceans with filth and foam,
Turn green slopes into arid mounds.
It is time to stem this terrible tide
That threatens imminent destruction
Of nature's beauty and magnificence
And save this splendid planet,
Mankind's 'only home'!
             **       M.G.N.Murthy,
Hyderabad, India.
*. The World Environment Day:  5 June 2018
Kaumudi Jan 2018
Her crystal clear and blue eyes had now turned grey on oil being splashed on them.
Her beautiful golden brown complexion, which had a natural Green Blush was now full of scars and wounds caused by the horrible effluents and industries, and was infested with these Tiny Terrible Parasites who ****** out Her richness like a blood-thirsty leech.
Her ears had turned deaf dealing with all this chaos happening around her.
She even had hair loss as Her beautiful Ozone hair deteriorated with the forced hair colour of Greenhouse Gases.
And Her mouth? Well she had hardly been given any time to speak.
This poem talks about the current state of Mother Earth in a symbolic way.
©2018, Earth, her face by Kaumudi.
Devon Brock Nov 2019
On the face of it
is  a mountain.
Below that,
orange sinus.

And in the long drip of it,
down to the lip of it,
a snot thing crawls.

But I took it on the chin,
lurching up to the clime
where leaves resolve
to needles, and the white
cliffs fall like beetles
in a tinderbox.

And the tangled lines
hooked below to stumps
and trinkets trickle
in the slipstream,
warm as mucous,
slow as dream,
bound to rust,
released as steam,
and effluents.
Yenson Feb 2022
Did I nail rabid tongues in delusions
scatter vacuous minds in vapid concentrate
where forth the rings of dumb bells tarrying
lance the carbuncles on scarlet's flunkies
quietened the flow of effluents from the afflicted
leave constipated peasantries without due release
full of turds and turmoil they will self combust in pain
Yenson Jul 2021
Do scatter your attentions so cheaply
for deep deep down
you know really that they are worth nothing
you toil so hard
from fleece spun to woolly white piffles and tosh
but its fit only for you
for due and worthy attentions are sought reverently
and never the cheap ones
from the cranky attention-seekers who in disturbed malaise  
stones their attentions to others in angst
those in revered attentions owns them only to share with dignity
never needing to scatter them cheaply
from notable sublime comes prudence and wisdom needless of show
self assurance and probity never wanton
from the base comes baseline effusions carrying due effluents inherent
"There is no elephant that complains about the weight of its trunk. No elephant is burdened by the weight of its tusks."
"One who possesses much wisdom has it in the heart, not on the lips."

— The End —