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You say that you love me
But I'm drifting
You say that you need me
But I'm drifting
You say so many things
But I'm difting
      Away from you
             On the muscles of waves
Salt in my eyes sting like watery pins
Cause I'm drifting
Outside your embrace, sun burns skin
Cause I'm drifting
I'm sickend by my own love for you
Cause I'm drifting
      The current is merciless
             My esophagus has it's own tide
I'm lost in a desert of continuos motion without an ore or sail
I can see you no more
       unless you save me from drifting  
              outside your life
                     outside your heart
              outside of your bedroom door
Just when I'm about to let go
The light house begins to show
You say the words
That keep me from drifting
You say them so sweet and so kind
They keep me from drifting
But I come to with the painful  
        experiences I've had with you
                And all I want to do
Is continue to drift away from you too
Leaves from the vine falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells difting in the pond
As warm summers wind comes to a new
Little soldier boy comes marching home
Brave soldier boy comes marching home
Robin Carretti Nov 2019
Ice sleet and rain
Oceania swift Ballerina
Doesn't ever complain
Sea shells swirls
Turquiose pool lips subtle
By sand count me Inn sea
A message wine bottle
Two souls million
light years

Star* fish wand of mermaids
Newlywed beds happy lad
A fan of tails what curls
  OH! Oceania lips
       It's a girl!!                    
  Cherubs shy and fickle
   "OH! hiccups to tackle better
   Wishng well weather do tell

   Whether or not together"
Rain drop eyes to lips stain
Driftwood the sea ladies
Hi! gents social events
Sticks and stones wont
break her baby cakes
Words high lakes of birds

On the wire smart phone
Lips swim I-Tune him
Internet surfer
Mansions of mind drifter
Oceania chapped lips
The secret spy gulp
Sailors wave they need help
Nothing but blue skies

OH! you got the tools
By land our lips engraves
the heart of rocks
Oceania sea writing goods
is how you hooked me
Eyes of the sweet rebels
the sea castle
Once upon a fairytale

"Robin Hoods" cobblestone streets

Water adventurer blazng heats
Lets ocean down the kiss of sweets
Do you get my drift fishing buddies
Words like buds weepiing willow
Evergreen shadow swim further
Don't start difting from
Sea space red breast Robins  
Lobster lovers say "Grace"

Home by the sea place
I miss Mother* and Father
Holidays never swim away
Tossing the  sea salt Oceania lips never halt brings on the earth wind and fire  take a swim wash away your problems beautiful birds inside our heart of nature Robins tweet by the sea
Ashton Jun 2016
Im sorry
Im trying
But nothing is going right
But im still here putting up a fight
For us
Im losing you
Im scared
My mind is a blur
And your difting further and further
I can no longer feel your warmth
Your comfort
Its all leaving
So are you
Im begging you
Just to stop
Think about this
I love you
Im sorry
Im trying
Please give me time
Stephen youre all i got
I love you

— The End —