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Stephen Leacock Jul 2018
She was like quantum physics
Entanglement with each other
The collapse of thoughts depending on the best possible  answer
Metaphoric of its position with an arrow
Camouflage like a shadow
With wheels like bone marrow
The demon that brings torment
The wolf in sheep clothing without consent
Lilith in a differnet form that drains men that makes her uniform
The things that makes you brain storm
Victims of her demise, things that makes her rise.
Things that brings you a surpise.
The rose that stays in its soil that requires  water to bloom.
The woman with fangs in the tomb that brings you doom.
The witch with a broom that seeks for a groom.
Sydney Victoria Sep 2012
There Is Only One Race,
The Race Of Reality
There Is Only One Race,
The Race Of Humanity,
Someone's Color Does Not Bother Me,
It Is There Heart That Matters,
They Could Have Skin White As Can Be,
But A Heart That Is Black And Battered

Race Does Not Exsist,
It Was Made By Humans To Create Control,
I Could Be Racist,
But The Only I Color I Judge Is That Of Ones Soul,
I Don't Mind A Headdress,
It's Simply Just Clothes,
Im Tired Of Peoples Heartlessness,
Over What Someome Else Chose,
If Someone Speaks Another Language,
That Is Fine With Me,
English Is Average,
With Words I Don't Know All I Hear Is Beauty

You Should See The Beams Of Hatred,
Towards Anyone Of A Differnet Color,
Good Friendships Wasted,
Or Maybe Even A Lover,
I Don't See Myself As White,
I Don't See Myself A Caucasian,
I Don't See My Self As Light,
I Dont See Myself As American,
All I See Is Who I Am Inside,
I Wish Other People Could See It Too,
I Wish People Could Confinde,
In The Person Inside Of You,
Behind All The Clothes,
Behind All The Skin,
Or Whatever Comes And Goes,
Just The Person With In,
I'm Not A Hippie I'm Just Saying,
People Should Ignore The Faces,
And See What's So Amazing,
Ignore The Races,
And Stop All This Creating
Today At School There Was This Somalian Girl Who Was Sitting All Alone. I Told My Friends We Should Go Sit With Her But They Left And I Sat With Her Alone. We Talked For A Little While Before More Girls Showed Up At The Spot (Also From Somalia) I Sat There And Listened To Them Talk To Her. She Was New To America But Knew How To Speak English Fluently. Her Father Had Been Killed In There Village By A Group (Kind Of Like A Gang, Which There Are Many Of There) And I Thought It Was So Sad... So Many People Discriminate People, When They Don't Go On Behind Closed Doors.. I Just Had To Get That Off My Chest! In My Mind Races Don't Exist.. They Never Have.. And They Never Will.
Solaces Jul 2016
Tickets please.  
Tickets please..

Thank you..  

The seating orientation was a bit strange.  We wanted to see what all the fuss was about.. We sat in a circular pattern next to these strange looking candle holders.  They looked a bit to gothic for my taste.  The candles seem to be all different colors of wax.   We paid 200$ for one song.  I don't think its worth it.  But everyone says it is..  The house was completly sold out. There was not one seat empty..

The lights begin to dim away. Darkness fills the entire room.. Its then we begin to hear the most beautiful acoustic guitar music I have ever heard..  As the music played on I could see a small glow of light beside us.. The candles were coming to life.. Each flame was a differnet color.  Ours was a beautiful blue.  The longer they played the brighter the candles got.. There were two of them playing.  Never did they look up at us. They played with their heads looking down at the floor.   It now looked like and aura of colors within the theater.  The song begin to slow down and the candles got dimmer and dimmer..  The song then begin to slightly speed up.  The ceiling was now filled with stars and endless falling comets..  I was now lost in the music..

The sun begin to rise, A new day was being born..  The song had ended.. The applause was thunderous! The night song of the two.. Magnifcient it was...
They made the stars fall..
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
well, **** changed quick,
once it was like: i’ll change to take a differnet pic,
now it’s all about: i’ll change the pic to
keep the status quo...
then i’ll tackle global warming turning into a vegan...
root out the problems of carrots and leeks
taking rooting like silly dentistry in the poet’s corner
of a birmingham canal
(full credentials of a bled out cranium via a mowler)...
that will spank those **** capitalists
to ensure las vegas doesn’t exist... yep...
it will sort them out... bangladesh came before the maldives
for the five o’clock shadow and sideburns...
i scuttled like a rat off a ship into a pop song crescendo
of a ship sinking...
i said something about the expanding sockets that gave more
than a missed shaved plot allotment of 5pm and
gave way to insomnia am.
please god... 50... no more! no more! 50!
i want to be gone before einstein’s war of sticks and stones comes!
i want to be gone by then! god... einstein, prior to that
we fanbase an intellectual debate that never arose
from the logic of writing the next pop song,
i’ll be mermesrised by the pass and the passerby of the next dream
sincere from the class that gave us the denial of synchronisation
and a quote from marxism that evolved into chaos
with the oink-looter capitalism; anorexia got the dress...
man got the coat-hanger oak leaf for genitalia
that never mattered with trans-gender movement -
we were always exposed... and 2 x 2 of the clover assured
the pigmented futures of repeat...
well if i don't want to repeat... do you?
i hardly think so seeing you taking revenge
against homosexuality taking pleasure from ****...
like now... i will not lipgloss to toss my heart aside and
mascara the skies as dark lit ready to be kidney full for
a torrent of the breaking of the one muscle involved
in wetting the bed... colouring in strange, clepsydra indigo
identifiers as dittoing these words
with a single word: mothered;
indeed mothered... because unloved - pity the cosmopolitan
girl in you... you read the girlie magazines while
i read the books of soul-searches... you disposed of
to ready the column of the horrific repeat
for the heads or tails questions;
neither matters with you... since it should be asked of you:
horns or tail?
i guess that's a question with an answer
without the devil but the humanity:
the dentistry of vanity - like the god behind the wind
and the snowflake -
indeed psychopathy is like atheism...
with the former the soul doesn't exist...
with the latter god doesn't exist...
we're grounded for an eternity of dialectics.
Ariel Taverner Sep 2013
Tim loved playing games. He always pretended that he was a hero and that he killed all the evil monsters. He would stroll through an entire army of them with a sword and **** them. They could never hurt him! He was invincible!

One particular day after killing 6 amies he came across a differnet type of monster. This one was not like the others. It was bigger! It’s claws were sharper! It’s eyes were beyond evil! Despite himself Tim gave a shudder of fear. Then he charged and with one swipe of his sword scarlet blood splashed and the monster lay dead! For some reason Tim was tired, very tired! He looked across the land and saw an army of monsters. With the arrogance of a tyrant he charged!

they were all dead! He looked behind him. 7 armies of monsters, slaughtered like lambs , lay dead behind him. He didn’t know why he killed them and he felt empty and cold. His worst fears were at the front of his mind. Something about those eyes made him shiver! In a sudden urge of anger he screamed! It was then that he realized that he didn’t like this anymore. He wanted to stop, stop everything . he wanted to leave! Yet he merely killed another 3 armies!

He was so tired now! He had killed over 10 million monsters . he cried out to the sky because he was lonely and scared, but only his mind responded because nobody else was there. And he didn’t like it. His mind scared him!it told him things, things he didn’t want to hear or do. He became something he didn’t like. A body and a mind. They wee separate yet bonded. He retained control over a small part of his mind , but the rest was something else! He called it : GOD

“**** THEM!” screamed God
Although he didn’t want to, he did. God was strong and Tim was weak. So he layed about him with death, ruin, and destruction. He did it without thinking. He could barely think anyway. He didn’t really have a mind anymore .
“**** THEM” screamed God
With every new bunch of monsters god’s mental voice ripped through his body. Yet again he obeyed God. Against his will he obeyed him.

He sat. he could not do anything anymore.
“**** THEM, **** THEM ALL” shrieked God
Yet he just sat. he would **** no more. He wanted to leave. The monsters closed in, and he smiled. He found it funny. After killing 34 million monsters he only die at the hands of 3.
“PLEASE **** THEM” begged God
With a big smile on his face and happiness in his heart he said the one word he was never able of saying before.

i know this is mainly for poetry but i had to write it
Isabelle H Graye May 2014
I watch him beat you
Make you feel like ****
You say it is over
You had enough of it

I thought that you were strong
That you were better than this
But you decide to let him brainwash you
How can I not be ******

You are mad at me for speaking my mind
About him that I do not trust
Not anymore
But this ends up being a bust

Everything you said before
The stuff that he has done to you
Now that was all a lie
None of that was true

You are mad at me
Because of how he treated you
You said the same when my love was being a ****
But it is differnet with this case, in your mind it is true

I will be supportive of what you choose to do
Though I fear that things will come to an end
Him, myself are not speaking
If you do go back, it will be very hard to be a friend

I will not take back how I feel, what I said
Take care
I hope you see the light of the truth
Saying good bye is hard to bare
I wrote this for my friend.  She left her ex who is horrible to his friends and her.  He is abusive and she wants to go back to him after brainwashing her on more lies.  He turned her on me.
She can walk with angles
fight with demons
spread the word like a prophet

Her smile makes anything give
her anger makes them flee
her touch sets fire to a soul

So sweet
so simple
so differnet, then all the others
Sydney Victoria May 2013
Forever Ago You And I Were Together,
Forever Ago I Was Still With You,
Forever Ago In A Different World,
Forever Ago In A Differnet Form,
Yet We Harbored The Same Souls
To My Dad... Forever Ago And Forever More <3 We've Already Spent So Many Lives Together
Heartbeat is that you? Are you sure that's you? I knew I rembered this feeling raw, uncut and true. You beat differnet now, I hear a different sound, I feel the warmth on my skin when the sun shines down.
Stephen Leacock Jul 2020
The githib of the tree
The branches of the people like you and me
The differnet system created from chaos into thee
The 19 that has buffer overflow the capital tree
The centralized hub for you and me
Transparent glass computers and tables like bees
The eco design of system trees
The roots for pheasants to create the tree
Branches of services built like a tree
Automation of a central system carefree
Universal currency
Bridges from countries that will run undersea
A function like the human body
The reflection of you and me
The classes of the construction that works like tai chi.
Things that will be taxfree
Skills sets of technolgy
The commit
The push
Artificial systems that will be free
Artificial wombs and children like you and me
The outside is hot for you and me
The nanotech suit like a church key
Agenda 21
World government system maybe
Jonas Aug 2022
How many differnet scents
can a book take on
over the course of it's lifetime?

A new addition
to your treasure cave
Stories wanting to be found

— The End —