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Jayantee Khare Jul 2017
A fruit and vegetable vendor,
simple and humble,
Always seen with his handcart,
alongside the road, which was parked.
On my way back
from the gym,
Bought the fruits and vegetables
daily from him.

Neither the quality!
Nor the variety!!

But his  greetings "Namaste Didi" with that innocent smile,
caught my attention for a while.
That friendly gesture
made me feel familiar.

Balming the lonely and tired soul,
in the foreign soil,
in this city of strangers,
accommodating many dwellers.

While lost in own thoughts,
or busy in the cell-phone chats.
But this simple guy never failed,
seeing me come, he sweetly hailed.
"Namaste Didi"

Once, when I resumed
after a vacation,
Found dozers, excavators
busy in construction.
An all new road, footpath
for beautification,
It's the "smart city" project's
much awaited implementation.

I realized, that something was amiss!
"Namaste Didi", welcoming, friendly voice!

I looked for him all around,
Standing near a pole, he was found.
Neither cheerful, nor fruit or vegetable?
Uttered him, now the business not feasible.
Not allowed to park his cart anywhere,
As "The Smart City Mission" started here.

Go to the big stores now,
for the daily needs,
Roadside vendors
pulled out like weeds.

Neither friendly smile, nor simplicity!
"Namaste Didi" swallowed by "the smart city"!!

Do we really need a "smart city",
or simply a city?
addressing the needs of all,
retaining its simplicity.
The social warmth
and existing friendliness,
Accommodating all
with self sustenance.

**Isn't socialism, just a myth!
No offence, this way I think!!
Didi means sister in hindi....people address didi to the ladies showning respect and warmth....
Some people are so simple and humble that you can't ignore them..
Since i am advocating simplicity in this,
I have written this poetry with the use of simple words...
It's a true incidence happened nearby..which made me think like this.
In india smart city mission is in progress...
Obadiah Grey Jun 2010
All I saw was an *** - twitching;
as it sashayed through the doorway,
pert n tight n denim clad,
think the legs were rather fine too,
not too sure though,
the *** kinda jiggled in an intoxicating
hypnotic rhythmic fashion,
sorta "♫*** didi *** didi *** *** ***,♫"
it was muscular, without being overly developed,

I had a really deep desire to bite it;
chew on it a liddle !
JLB Jun 2012
*** dada dum dada
*** *** ***
Melodies cradle my soul just for fun
*** didi dum didi
Dum Dum Dum
Soliloquies burst off the tip of my tongue;
Lyrics illogical and beautiful, some.
Brilliant by accident, sudden, and young.
Tra lala di lala
Do do do
Convinced of the magical things words can do;
These lovely inscriptions, all assumed to be true,
Are not carefully built, nor genuinely glued.
Fa dala di dala
La la la
So from sockets comes streaming oblivious awe;
Silly and shameless, and secretly flawed,
For unknown was my motive until these stanzas were thawed
La, lala, la, lala, la la la
By the warmth of good fortune, and mind’s last hurrah.
andy fardell Nov 2011
Dance if you wanna.. dance the night away
dress like ya mean it.. dance the night away
boogy on the boogy and day after day

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

sing like a superstar ...driving in ya car
sing to the beat ...tapping down your street
hum hum didi dum ..words dont know the means
but dance if ya wanna the night away

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

dressing ike ya dad ..laughing on the beer
not like ya lad and pierced his ear
hat ..not cap you say ..cos that aint right round here
but dance if ya wanna the night away

dance dance dance
feeling so so right
boogie boogie woogie
dancing to the right

dance !!!
Sleepless K Aug 2013
I cant wait to speak to you now
To see your face
Your my home
Your what i know
And when i said i hated you
It wasnt true
But i do hate what youve done to me
I hate that i love you
A little bit
A lot
Now when i feel crazy
And then actually
Then when i said i hated you, cos i was crazy, cos i love you, and thats what this love has done to me, made me crazy, an thats what i hate.
Oh and now
Because your away and i cant see you and feel you and make you laugh, i really want to make you laugh
And see your smile
And taste your lips
And make you ***
I fantasise daily
About how im gonna tie you up and make you *** the night you get back
In reality il probably be shy
But i have friends, i have hobbies, i have important **** to do for **** sake
But im sitting here, missing you
Writing this
Recording shows and films on the box for us to watch together when you get back
The notebook
We have to watch the notebook
And im fine
Dont get me wrong im fine, i get to sleep okay
And im chillin, seein people, might see matt this week, talking to didi an toe, seeing family
Im fine, please dont get a big ego
But im just not
Im not tingly
Or excited
I cant explain it
I dont have you
I dont have you in my arms an sometimes that makes me sad
And then i start thinking about all the things that iv done wrong
And all these great things im gonna do when ur back
I am, im going to appreciate you more
And im going to play cool a bit more
Dont know how im gonna do both
But i am
Im gonna appreciate you because i want to,
Because i look back on this short time weve been together and so many things that you have done for me make me smile, make me so grateful and make me so happy. Like the cash machine one :) and staying at my house when i was at work, and being patient when i dont know what to wear(corfu and tims)
And all this makes me think, ****. What have i ever done for this boy
He is amazing and he loves me, **** knows why but he does and its insane
Oh and then im gonna play it cool, thats right
Im gonna play it cool because i dont want to ruin it
I dont want to show too much
Of my feelings of absolute passionate never-before-felt-like-this love!
And i dont want those nice things you do to stop
I dont want you to stop trying
Because its boring
Because you know youve got me
Got me ignoring other guys texts
Got me thinking about no one else but you
Got me absorbed in you
Got me missing you like crazy, writing stupid love notes at midnight, drinking rose on my own, when i havnt seen you for a mere two weeks
That kindov got me
Thats what you cant know
So im gonna miss you
But then im gonna see you
Soon im gonna wrap my whole body around yours like a vice
I wanna jump on you, i wanna run an jump when i see you like we used to do in the corridor of galbraith
Even tho i know im so heavy
You dont act like i am
And i wanna bury my head deep in your neck and kiss it
And now i cant write anymore
Cos its too much
So il watch kardashians
Take my mind of you
Not long now and il be home
I mean, you'll be home.
Not really a poem, more auto writing
Raj Arumugam Feb 2012
We’re at the shops
and Tim runs off of to the escalator
and Mum shouts to him:
You stop there!
And Tim freezes
like ice got hold of him
And Mum pulls out
the flap over the pram
and helps baby Didi
with the milk bottle
and I scream to Mum:
Let me go;
I want to go to Tim!

But she pulls hard at the rein
and I can feel it tighten
round my waist
a little
And I scream:
Mum! I want to go!
And she says:
Jill -
be quiet and still
as my shadow!

And from the distance
Big Tim screams:
Mom! Can I go?!
And Mom screams loudest:
You come here
and stand right beside
your sis Jill!

And we’re all together again
baby in the pram
Mum standing beside
and me on the rein
And Tim sulking at the side

And nobody else
from the crowd dares
come near
for they all know
my Mum -
she’s Wonder Woman
she’s Super Hero
cos my Mum’s supermom
...written after I saw this super mum with 3 kids at the shopping center today...
Disha Verma Nov 2014
I met a boy
in tattered clothes
holding a baby
in his skinny arms
I gave him a
hundred rupee note
Five minutes later
he came running
to me clutching a
packet of milk
"Thank you didi"
he smiled through
broken teeth and
handed me a sum of
ninety rupees.
Safana Feb 2021
She is someone who
care for me when I
called her "Didi", she
appreciate my words
every daylight and night
She is my Didi, an Indian sister
Ksjpari Aug 2017
In the month of July during whirlpool
A Legacy was born to challenge a fool
Who in sphere of market did money drool.
As all feast and dance and sing in yule
Many people like Vipul, Maulik and Sanket rule
Over minds of customers who remain very cool
In our D-Mart which served as a perfect tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart Whirlpool.
All - cashier, attendants, owners, sweepers - pull
Praise, sympathy, good words and have globule.
There are many wicked, old, shrewd ghoul
Who conspire against you O! D-Mart, My soul!
ACs, clean floor, smiling faces and nature cool ;
Bhaiya, didi, managers, workers, watchmen Spool
Are the real source of income than other tool,
Come and join the ever-widening D-Mart whirlpool.
Future is bright of D-Mart with such module,
It also includes good products, service Gruel.
No judge can verdict anything like rice overrule
Or China food item never finds in its pool;
Clean and healthy food items, fine variety gul
And great discount on many items that ridicule
Those who conspire despise it for its fame and tool,
Come and join the ever-winding D-Mart whirlpool.
I am developing a new style of writing poetry where ending words of a line rhyme with one another, at least in last sound. I named it Pari Style. Hope readers will like it. Thanks to those invisible hands and fingers which supported and inspired me to continue my efforts in my new, creative, artistic and innovative “Pari” style.
martin challis Jan 2015
Suitably respectful, and
never asking for trouble
or the time of day
I wait at home-station
like a cattle dog
My master, absent in the midst of a promise

My bones wait for flesh
My theatre
for Godot

As factories burn
As droughts become floods
As Apollo is a god sending chariots to the moon

I’m ten years beyond birth already counting ways
to escape the infirmary

The hallway mirror
holds an apparition of silence
And over my shoulder
Is reflected a leafless tree
of seeming indifference

There may be leaves one day
but who can say

I wait
like Didi
for what I mean
Caryl Maluping May 2024
lumibhay ka man la
dida han at pagkita
sunod nala liwat nga takna
sunod nala nga at' pagkita
salamat han paghapit
hapit la utro kadali
adi man la ak didi
naghuhulat haimo pagbalik.

Josie Heggaton Apr 2015
Mommy think about this
Do you really understand
Do you know the consequences
This is not part of the master plan

I am supposed to be here
Please don't do this
Don't you want me to be near

I love you mommy
Do you not care
I am your baby
Your darling child

I am the one you will never replace
I want a chance at life
I will not be a disgrace
You will regreat this choice you are making
Maybe not not but soon

I knw you have had your heart broken
Mine has been cut into pieces
I face is gone
My beautiful eyes are distroyed

You need to say sorry
You hurt me bad
Why didi you do it
Was it a hard decision to make
You never even saw my face
I am sorry you took my life from me
I know you loved me anyway
For i am the only one who can know
Because I was inside of you

I hope to see you again someday
In the sky's far away
Awayfrom this place where my life was cut so short
Into your hands with tears no more

I am now here in heaven
Jesus holds me in his hands
He tells me you did not know
But you will soon understand
Amelia Jo Anne Feb 2014
I stretched out on pavements at dusk
oblivious to the idea of safety in case of mindless vehicles
mindful only to the collected heat radiating into my stupid skin.

I suckle on the bones of my mother's memory
her nails running up my spine used to soothe me.
Now they leave puncture wounds.
Sweet breastmilk that one day turned irritable and absent-minded;
she slapped me when I refused to drink.

My haughty attitude or pouted lip:
the only way I knew how to ask for help.
Didi you hear me?
Still, I suffer, scream in silence.

Maybe I seek acceptance from men,
but I want a woman to know that it's me who is in control.
I wanted approval daddy,
I'm not an object for your manipulation, mother.

Stupefied, I stoop, slouch through short doorways
that accept men who don't hold their heads high.
I slink into outstretched arms meant for other people.
Tonight, please. Tonight, just. Hold me.
Shield of Achilles.
Full Circle.
Harayo ba it tikadto ha iyo?
Akos ba hin motor, tricycle, o awto?
O bangin pwede la liwat baktason
Kay pastilan, nalilingaw gad ak ha sarakyan intawon.

Kikitaon ko nala ada ha Google maps an iyo balay
Tuturutansyahon kun hain mahaw-as ngan masakay
Ig ba-budjet ko nala nga daan it ak' pamasahe
Mamamakiana kun hain dapit nga eskina o kalye.

Nahadlok man liwat ako mawara
Kay bangin iba nga balay tak hikadtuan
O bangin liwat waray ka dida ha iyo
Bangin an portahan ngan gate parehas sarado.

Matuktok ba ako?  O tatawgon ko't im' ngaran?
Dire ak maaram—bangin ka liwat kalasan
Nagpipinangusig na ngan didi it iyo kaayaman
Kay dire nira kilala kun hin o taada hit iyo bungsaran.
Vanita vats Jan 21
A bond which grew its root
Very deep in my heart
It developed its roots in my mind
It's reflection in my heart
Circle of time
Shows me waves of your love
I want to touch and caress
But cannot as they are reflections
In the lake of past
Your vibration of feelings
I receive when I see your name
On the pages of my diary of life
Always stop for some time
Appreciate, feel your love
Get my eyes filled with tear
Draw few more lines in myself
To hold you for some more time
For those moments which I spent with you

— The End —