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Flora Felafel Nov 2019
Pain is inevitable,
Suffering is optional.
The crossroads of success,
Is always constructional.

If we could become tress,
Solid and stoic, deep rooted
In Mother Earth's flesh;
We could stand firm
Through the tempest, unswayed.

But we are only humans.
Covered in darkness.
Hiding behind our fears,
Timidly withdrawing from
The ominous tempest.

So, embrace the fury,
The daunting gales that
Once were scary.
After all, you can't
Stop the waves,
But you can learn to surf.

And even if you sank,
Deeper into the void,
At least you'll drown
Knowing there was
Beauty In The Struggle.
-Relatable Mar 2018
if my body were a house,
the walls would be falling a part.
A Aug 2015
It is all there in an envelope
The ****** ink
That defeated the acting demons
Or conserved the acting angels
A play in a theatre that lit up the night sky
Performed by the stars
That form constructional figures
of my future
I ponder
And ask myself the same questions
That now outstretch the oceans
Yet burry themselves beneath
Like anchors
I need answers
To keep me sain.
When you realize it's almost results day
Harriet Shea Jul 2018
Mystified! clarity comforts thoughts
disturbed by storms forming in
skies of uncertainty.

Lesions grow upon earths destiny
beneath confusion, distraught in
other directions mastering control
condition of mind, unsolved constructional
truth, hidden between thorns red with
misty clouds covering ways to enter into
weakened foundation, perfectly formed
from centuries of disillusionment of false
promises long forgotten, now captured
in minds of man.

Close not thoughts, open spirit of wisdom
unto those who lost control of perceptional
unruly distractions, mastered by their own
unlawful permissive actions, of emotional
aggression achievements.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Alexandria Hope Jan 2020
Aside the eaves, parallel the skyline
The sunset, lightening, thunder,
Warmer, sat beside the fire,
Ignited through sparks created through strangers, new
New, love, when we were new.
When promise warred with past delusion, we sought
The safety of a hollow shell, a valley closed in by mountains,
Two hearts beating, perfidious farewells.
With no constructional thought of 7 months later,
It was Time Immaterial....
For I saw you then,
As I see you now.
Sebastian Beck Aug 2019
Structures in, blocks out;
a paradigm of constructional doubt,
lead and stone, rock and bone;
fragments of matter engraved in stone,
inorganic the linear path;
of buildings stretching from singular depth,
requiem of solid ground, blueprints regression and doubt;
symmetry combines the horizontal substance,
of eloquence and the working man’s cadence;
deranged and  abused, obtuse he lit the fuse,
when the seasonal drift destroyed his ruse;
decadent he stood and laughed,
with a pencil the scheme he graphed;
ticking the time, melting the clocks,
hourly sway where entropy sealed the lock.

— The End —