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Cat Fiske May 2015
this whole year I have talked to girls in my school,
who wouldn't do things together,
even come together or even talk,

but now were talking,
we've talked,

because the school has lied to us about all these little boy's ****,
and how the boys are allowed to bruise our body's,
steel our souls like it's a game,

why was he allowed?
to get away with it,

because the school and policemen played this game like ****** fools,
and they too encouraged the assault and abuse,
to girls in the hall, or walking to school up the street,

even to girls in cafeterias,

were perfumes of pretty girls were stolen by high school boys,
as they laid on cafeteria floors,
the only scent left was the old lunchroom food stench,

and the high school boy's,
***** *** sweat,

but you belived closeing the doors to the lunchroom,
will stop future harm,

but closeing a door,
wont give a **** victim closer,

espesally when the game continues,
and the odds are stacked up against the women,
where to walk from class to class,

becomes a danger,
and a threat,

because girls who I go to school with have stopped wearing,
that **** red dress,
or tub tops, cutshirts, short shorts,

anything that,
could get you hurt,

because the girls who I go to school with have to wear,
there daddys sweatshirt and sweatpants,
their whole body's while trying to say,

"Im not ****,"
"Don't pick me,"

they are screaming their hopes,
of "Don't Pick Me's" because of the game,
the game of slapping *****,

in the man packs of fives,
to the one girl trying to get to her next class by herself,

the school grounds are no longer a place that's safe,
where you have to know every corner that has a missing camera,
or one turned off,

or if the man pack pull you into the bathroom,
and take off your top,

you're going to be the one,
who gets the book thrown at them,
because the five boys,

pulled the one of you,
into the boys bathroom,

and it doesn't matter why,
or how you got there,
cause school doesn't care,

tells you that you are wrong,
and it's all your fault,

and the five to pull you in,
walk around the school all day,
getting talked up,

like they rolled snake eyes on a pair of six's,
as your stuck like a prisoner in the office trying almost begging,

for some sort of justice,
and every time you talk,
there replys make you feel like a ****,

but you just want to call your mom,
and they wont let you,

so you have to sit and wait, and,
you don't remember if they took your picture & got it with your face,
but you can remember each and everyone of there faces,

like there the only faces a blind person will ever see,
as if there horrible image can't get away from you,

you try,
because you should only see beauty,
though blind eyes,

and your eyes have been scorned,
because five boys tore one girls shirt,

and these boys play the game,
the game of ****, and let me take her picture without her consent,
but that's not even all their rules,

because if they don't do that to you,
they publicly shame you,

they come up to you,
slap your *** so hard,
you instantly see a bruise,

and you have to tell your mother when you get home,
and she has to take pictures of it,

take you to the police station,
where they tell you,
the school should of just handled it,

and in a town so ******* worried about pills,
and drugs,

maybe they should worry about the game they taught their sons,
because the girls may pop pills and drink underanged,
but does that give a man an excuse,

to commit a ****?
and I know it's not just the girls who suffer the most,

I feel though it all,
the guys who have gotten the worse treatment,
kept what happened hidden,

because girls are smart,
and we know all the men got away with it,

so if one or two girls wanna **** a dude,
you think our police or school will do **** for the dudes too?
if anything they'd get publicly shamed,

and what high school boy wants that,
when they were taught to play a game,

and someone,
played the same ****,
**on them.
a bunch of girls keep getting harassed like this. all of this is true sadly this is based on true stuff, none happened to me like this, but I had my phone stolen and the school handled it the same way, and I've been *****, so I'm a support person for people at school, and I try to help them get though it, and make sure they get a police report filed even though they tell them and there parents they don't need too. and try to give them my best support emotionally. Its tough, but we can all get though things, but other things need to change, and yeah I have talked to guys who have been *****, but they didn't do anything.
Taylor Napier Sep 2011
Hold my hand darling,
though it may be weak.
Keep me in your thoughts,
though I may be meek.
Fight the feeling that you have,
don't leave without goodbye.
I cannot fight alone, you see.
For I am not alive.
Though I hold my head high,
the blade is higher.
I am not ashamed at all,
just full of desire.
and in these moments,
I can see all of life,
It is daring and beautiful,
This cannot be mine.
Look, there I am,
hiding in the tree,
Look at that smile,
Look, it's me.
Those times when I could breathe,
Those times when I could feel,
They seem so long ago,
Now they don't seem real.
Wait, it's still here.
I can feel it deep inside,
The feeling I was looking for,
when I was looking to die.
Darling, do you remember,
the way you said my name?
No, don't say it now.
It brings only pain.
For in this moment,
the rope has been hung,
and i'm gently swaying,
my song has been sung.
The day is closeing,
The heavens are opening,
Darkness is coming.
I am done hoping.
In this moment I am so alive,
The thrill pumps through my veins.
I haven't felt so alive,
since the end of 8th grade.
Goodbye, darling.
You'll see me in your last sleep.
Where together we can feel,
and always just be.
The birds are singing,
The day is warm.
I'm gently swaying,
My life is worn.

*I promise I'm not suicidal, random inspiration
Robert Purvis Nov 2010
A worldly wind comes
Whirls through
My hair
And mind
Closeing my eyes
It sweeps me away

Off my hands and knees
Across vast plains
To mountaintops
And high above the big blue
To lands
Different from my own

Every new land I meet
Has a beauty
I hadn't known before...
mojdeh Dec 2016
There is no use to pretend
That  Im ok & fine
Everything has shattered around
And my heart canÅ¥  feel  a bite
I feel like I have died inside
And my  soul trying  to getaway my body
Tears are  falling down on cheeks
Eyes are getting wet
Hands are shaken on my body
It seems  as life has reached to end
Im closeing  to  death by  each step
And i  canÅ¥  feel  nothing but
The queer enjoyable  sense  of  being free.
Silver Lining Dec 2013
I feel so trapped in this house
The walls closeing in

Funny how this use to be my
Safe haven
Now it's just the same hell

Shoved into your dream family
I am just
The unwanted nightmare

Isn't it obvious to you?
Into the dark background

As I fade, growing weaker still
They become
Stronger willed.
michael mcAdam Apr 2014
On this dark and cold night there is but the sound of my love,i feel her ever breath and her curve under the crimson moon,and the vast mercury ocean lies be for us and nothing more, but alas i can not move nor can i here what she is yelling at but i see her face in panic and blood on her hands, my blood i realize and the hole in my cheast over my heart, now i lose my sight and see only the darkness closeing around me love, i now now whats happing and i cry not for the fact im dying but the fact im leaving

— The End —