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Sophie phippen Jul 2015
You meet someone who actually cares,
You speak until you fall asleep.
You becom friends,
You become inseparable.
Until they take of there mask.
Under the mask is an evil grin,
That face knows all your secrets.
The person you once knew is gone.
They are just a face with no name,
If they put the mask back on nothing will Be the same.
They are 2 faced.
A face with no name
softcomponent Oct 2013
if i meant nothing to you the w
indows are not my friends and
the wind hits me my response i
s always 'ow! so who was i to
begin with? broken, disgusted
with this man made tragedy c
alled * l i f e * and who was i to
begin with? holden caulfield or
dead, perhaps, or said as you s
peak of me in past tense and i
speak of you with tenseness of
the neuron you are always smi
ling in my mind and you are al
ways smiling for someone else a
nd you never cry for me and as y
ou fade in the physical you becom
e the ghost inside of me haunting
every waking moment and dream
s. and dreams, for godsakes, drea
ms. i was never your other half bu
t you were mine - and i am looking o
utwards for solutions because the insi
de has been lampooned scorched eart
h history no longer eats me alive, you
are not dead - but you are not alive i
nside my head - you simply gaze and
smile and i know that smile is not for
me - he thrusts his throbbing **** ba
ck inside and you forget me with ever
y heaving breath and every successful
****** - i map the categories of a boo
kstore and the crevasses of my mind on
ly to find you with every corner turned
and every door i open.
i, the collapse
Devan Proctor Jul 2013
Society hates variety. So narrow we becom,e and done for the day with thinking. We are only making deadly syntax as finalization instead of opinions that shift and morph, and rise and fall like tide,s and beg for colors from the earth. All titles allow us to choose but one color one shade one detail. One detail means one fraction. One fraction for every entity for the sake of a name.
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2019
i could eat a bun of bread,
with green fills of veg.,
and a blue indian curry
and... no ****** in sight...
and i thouhgt:
how did their cuisine
and their theology kept
them... intact?!

                the prominent
argument against the colonizing,
in post-scriptum
white man...
oh, hell,
i'm just a drunk...
you fiddle it out!

  but when i ate the sauce i cooked
and didn't eat any meat...
i started to realize...

no... i could become vegetarian...
once your burn my tongue...
once you burn WHITE
into your...
             lazy sorry ***** of
  how come
the west indies...
the caribbean blacks
didn't entertain being
moved back to the west coast
of africa?!

subjective... what?!
i thought i was the magic
disappearing jew
of the europeans for a while?

listen... i don't care...
the english are still the people
who care to play cricket
among their former
colonial subjects,
and send, eddie the eagle types
to ski jump among germans
and the japanese!

oh... but you are...
high-pitched: he he he he he he!
so i read yiou reading me
as ******?
         we're fine with that!
"we" yeah...
did that imply the pronoun
utility of "you",
or "one"...
                           or "i"?
see... thing with these english
i... never know!
i bind myselfto finding
the intelligent "one"...
i never find anything other than
the irish, or alien-speculation...
then i drink enough,
take the pills...
fall asleep...
          tomorrow is no better
than today...

it's a fetish for a ******...
like... revival of the degenerate
nature of the Polish-Commonwealth
nobles... albeit in England...
grammar... grammar was involved?!
normans?! no... swedes?!
i'm pwetty suwe the fwench
didn't awwive...
         the Spanish Armada!

just me?
                honest to god...
you can be a god honest
and a vegetarian...
once you have the spices...
no spices: no go go slaughtering
the pig...    

            all the spices of
the Punjab, the Bengal...
honest to god,
you keep your deities...
have them,
if only the part of me
that was a slav that
also wasn't a Russian...

blue Indian! superior cooking!
superior theology!
no cricket!
no stupid rock game
and no no socks game!
you win!
i will become vegetarian!
just send us the spices!
i will not eat the meat
once you send us the spices
to accompany the veg.
to sub. the meat!

that one sauce of y'er...
poppy seeds...
kashmiri chillies...
dry coconut...
         no PORK...
i promise you...
no PORK...
no Russians in Afghanistan...
but none of your
toothpicks around 'ere

p.s. this was always
going to be a failure...
but it was always worth
the blockage game of
the inevitable script
of: tsunami anti unus...

          i don't even like
"my tribe"...
                  but i was almost
convinced to turning
via all the indian spices
being employed...
    you can only become
veggie with the right sort
of spices...
the spices i was given
to enlist me in reverting
to a... alternative "gnosis"?
salt... pepper...
            can i nibble
       on a ***** from Beirut?!
no... literally,
with the language
i use...
you will not have
to will or want
to address me
with a dear x,
and a sincerely y...
          but given that
you are all for formality...
   you pet the puppy; savvy?
        in a world
where you both need
Jesus Christ and
Pontius Pilate...
you... need... neither.
Jacey May 2013
The years they pass and fade down into notHing
but m
Emories still *Linger everywhere
I always knew my liFe was meant for something
and every step i guess has brought me hEre

the mysterY was never in times coming
the misery was never in times gOne
bUt Hope and ache and joy and pAin and loVing
brought faith and failurE and the strength to carry on

cause life is not soMe road that we're all walking
it's dAys and hours and momenTs spenT with you
and whEn the liaRs and deceivers S**** their talking
i can tell what's false from what is true

theY say each day's a gift thOUgh none are perfect
like broken toys reWrapped so carefully
stILl every Loss and victory was worth it
and every Scar's becomE a part of m
like the act of cat
when rat is chased

chat, chat
mock every heart
trying to be so kind
and let him feeling with hard
that is the most human act

chat ,chat
mock yourself
say i am the Jinn
know everything
but you don't gain
the knowing of the end

the back of the girls moved
the eyes of men becom wolves
the devil tried to act as angel in move
and they thought they did the right do

chat, chat
the wine was poured
the mind was idled
the hearts wanted one thing
the devil flew and might bring
the angels to see the fault of that one
who surely was challenged and chosen
by the God

chat chat
when the angels was brought
the kind spirit attended
the devil spreads the fault
some of men and women escaped
and others might fell into the hell
they obeyed their demand
and forgot thier God
everything went well out of the devil and the fault, when one obeys himself it might leads him to the worst end
Paul Jan 2019
I've become

I have become more powerful
Because of people like you
People that drains me down

You have made me become
Some one that no one ever knew
You have made me becom
A stronger person because of
All the painful and suffering you have put me through

Because of you I am
What I have become
A better and stronger man

— The End —