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Alexia Bliss Mar 2016
We pray and call but
Still no sense are you
A fraud they say you
But all the time i pray
You never Awnser
People say you keep
Awnsering their call
But, never mind have
You turned your back
On me for what i do,
I call and call but noones
Are you ignorant me for
What i do
Is it when i stop praying
you Awnser my calls,
My soul feels your light
But my heart and brain
Say no,
I shun the light the
darkness taking my soul
To this blissful sleeo
Im dead On my feet
Walking as a anell
I wander around as a
free soul when i pray
For you to help me,
But you laugh in my
Face and hang up on
When others pray you
Awnser then, i began
To think tour a fraud
Can you prové Me wrong??
Alaska Young Jun 2014
of course you kissed her lips,
and of course you held her hips,

but don't you see this is why,
you always ask me why I cry,

don't you see now the red inside me,
dont you see now you cant find me,

don't you see now that you will never hold me,
that you will always scold me,

and that's the answer to your stupid question.
i may never find another like you
but thats okay
i only ever saw you twice
but how much you added to my life
is worth a thousand times
with someone who would have meant less
am i fool to fall in love on the second date
or am i just a broken heart
that finally found the glue
what a shame
the life ripped  me away
before i could find an awnser
maybe it was love
maybe it was a hungry heart
geuss well never know
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
whats your name my dear the sickly scented voice asks my right ear
i dont know stop asking
you have a name sprinkled as snow so please my dear tell us so
P L E A S E stop asking
and who am i to stop asking this question that unnerves you yet?
its keslee
is that the truth? or a word you regret?
im mckay
and the last of your names that your father has stored
that comes last and it never lasts
yes but whats the name you use to move forward?
names oh sweet givent to the kin, yet all are disgraced in years of sin
stop asking im trying to listan
mendoza seems fitting for you my dear, wount you please say it im dying to hear?
no thats over now
then quintana, less vile it slides off the tounge a lovely mistress to whom you would run.
its at its end
are you afraid? hungered or shallow? what is the reason to live in such mallow?
stop it
stay up every night till the dusk turns to day screaming in lemons only to be not okay
stop it
burst your head against the wall till all the words stain the halls
stop it
whats your name?
stop it
whats your name?
whats your name
just stop.
umm yeah.
Veronica clark Oct 2018
My grandfather asked me
Grandson what will you be
Will you travel the land
Just like me?

I didn't know how to Awnser
I didn't know what to say
So I thought about it
And I prayed

For my grandfather had traveled the world
To see what he could see
I wanted to be like him
I wanted it to be me

I didn't want to travel the land I wandered
And he asked me why not
Because It has already been traveled
At least thats what I thought

There is more to discover in this world of ours
He told me one day
So travel the ocean
Travel and stay

Each place is sacred he told me
Respect present and past
Each day thank the lord
For at least that task

Every nation has beauty
He did explain
Respect the culture
The one and the same
Veronica clark Oct 2018
I wish to go to heaven
To the pearly gates
To stand before god
When my date dates

I have followed my heart
A path to follow
To be a leader
In all richeous and good
As to feel what all people should

When I stand before him
I will Awnser what he asks
He might ask if it was easy
He might ask if I followed his path

I will Awnser" I tried"
My Awnser will not sway
For all of us want to be like you
Hopefully someday

We might all have different gods
Each a different form
But he shows many ways
He will never comeform

So stick to what you believe
But always do good
One day you might reach them
Those gates of pearls
As all of us should
Are you real?
If I touch you, do you promise not to shatter,
Like so many others?
Is it really true?
That one little touch,
one little spark,
could flare up and make my skin burn red hot?
I wait with bated breath and a slowing pulse,
For your awnser
For just one more
Emo kitty Jan 2014
I look at my face
And for the first time I relies
Just what's happening
Th girl I use to be
Is no longer there
She is now
The girl I am now
Just wants to go home
But what is home to her
We'll not the best awnser
It's the *** smoke in the air
The cigarets all around
A lighter that's missing for the 47 th time
Cats and a dog with 8 bunnies
All named
Home is a daddy working
A mom staying home who isn't to good at that
A brother in the garage
Me at school
Watching over my brother
Always asking why
It's getting up in the middle of the night
To go say daddy check the house please
It's the birthdays that have passed
It's the un know love thro a brother and a sister
It's all the silent times
The nights of no sleep
Home is with my dog lady
It's with my brother OZZY
My sister who always come and go
It's the stupid and idiotic moments
The ideals the turn out bad when they sound great
And the music blasting
Attending church 3 days out of 7
That's home
But most of all home is love of a family
I miss you all
R.I.P chad
I miss u mom and brother
They ask me what my dying words will be , they
ask me what will my biggest regret be on my
death bed, what my death wish will be , they ask me all these questions of
death yet I'm alive .
But death comes just as swift as the wind , just as fast as the waves on the shore , death has no
time limit like us.
They say before you die your life flashes right
before your eyes , all your regrets , all your
dreams everything layed out like a red carpet.
If I die tomorrow , or if I die today , whenever I die I know I will see you.
I will see your beauty
I will hear your laugh as seldom as I did hear it
I will see your eyes
But most of all I'll see your smile
The one thing that always held me now in your absence.
On cold dark nights you would hold me tight ,
you would smile and say "its okay I'm here" , on
rainy days where thunder and lightening took
over the sky you smiled and said "its okay I'm
here" through every up and down you held me and smiled , holding the pain , fear , the sorrow
away from me.
If dying tomorrow means seeing your smile
again then I shall gladly die everyday
If dying tomorrow means seeing you again I
shall gladly go towards it If dying means being with you in my memories
then its not dying to me its living everyday for
aslong as I remember you.
If I could go back I would hold you every time
you said " it's okay I'm here" and tell you how
much I love you If I could go back I would tell you more often
than I did how much I love you
If I could go back I'd spend everyday-
every minute of everyday and night making you
Our time together had an expiration date but my love for you never did and never will. My awnser
to their question of death are
My biggest regret will be you not at my side
My dying wish will be to see you , and see you
smile again
my dying words will be your name.
If I die tomorrow before my soul departs from this world I will come find you and hold you one
final time.
I just wish and pray that someday you come
back and smile at me so you can make me whole
Deshawn L Downs Apr 2017
Everything is so fickle
Our light can extinguish as quick as a slight gust of wind on a candle
It's strange
One minute you exist
And the next
You were here for what seemed like an eternity at first
But I guess that's what life does to us
Were so busy living it we don't stop to actually LIVE it
You knew that best
You always tried to tell me
"Take it slow man"
"Don't be so uptight, just ride the wave bro"
I don't know why but you calling life "the wave" made me happy
You, the meat head redneck ****
Who would've guessed that would be where you find the most humble and down to earth individual
I sure didn't at first
It took time but you always tried to be my friend
I regret that I didn't open up sooner
So many missed memories
Lost fishing trips
Cold ones un opened
"#Gainz" to be had
God if only I could go back in time
Awnser that one last text
See you one last time

They say everything gets easier with time, but time only scabs over the wound
I hope that heaven does exist
I hope your cracking open a cold brewski with Jesus right now looking down on all of your friends cheering them on
I hope heaven exists and I'm a descent enough person to get in so one day, I can punch your *** in the chest, call you a *******, and chill over a campfire with our buddy yiungling.
I miss my friend.
Emo kitty Mar 2014
Upset, confused, annoyed yea a little you say you don't know what your doing wrong
              Can I have a flash back to a better time
       We're we got along and we didn't fight
           We're you cared to ask me what was wrong
    Now in present time I stand alone in the dark not knowing if or when I'll fall next
             When I do fall were will you be will you be with me trying to hold me up
      Probably not
So next time you ask  what your doing wrong
        Take a second and think about it
   For once awnser your self
Falling isn't so bad when your use to it
    Climbing back up is just half the battle.
Time no longer has value
It once took hours to do what merely takes seconds
It once stopped for the lovers who first met now let's them walk right past each other.
I can't help ease my heart from the question you fear to ask.
The question your heart holds but eyes ask,
The question I wish I could truly awnser .
"How long will you love me?"
I can't give an exsact date or time if any .
But I know this for as long as there's a beat in my heart I will love you,
As long as there's fish in the water I'll keep coming back to you
As long there's life on this earth I'll protect you
As long as there's life in me I'll always be by you
I can't gurantee any of this but I can promise that for as long as you and I are together I'll always , always love you
Heavenly Feb 2018
You fill me.
You fill me with something that if,
That if a house were cemented with it, if a hell was cemented with it,
I could call it home,
I could call you home.
You fill me.
Fill me with something that if asked the meaning of life, this, you,
You would be the awnser.
I am lapping at the shores of my skin, overcoming the brink of my bones.
I feel with you.
Im filled with you.
Veronica clark Oct 2018
The endless has no bounds
Even when life takes its round
Over and over it may burn
Til each of our lives takes its final turn

The truth is the lesson so eager to share
The proof lies in the awnser we have all been there
Veronica clark Oct 2018
We all have a path
A forward motion
It is not set in the past
Sure we have that notion

We each strive
To know where we have been
We already contain the Awnser
We search from within

To know our future
We have to look back
It isnt certain
You do the math

We make our future
We desire
From within
We will find what resides

Good, bad in truth we are whole
We have free will
We have a soul

Greed leads to nothing
A heart will stay full
By the people you touch
In this life don't be a fool

Don't take sides
Trust with your heart
Not with your eyes
Your heart heart will open wide

Strength through forgiveness
Maybe a lover, a mother, a friend
Say your sorry
Before it all ends

In the end we decide
What value we hold
Keep your heart
It is more precious than gold
Triston Albert Apr 2015
What is time?
Time is but a lock without a key,
But if there is no key, then how can we access it?
The awnser is simply in you.
Do not get me wrong time is important
But time is capable of making one blue.
Elijah Robbins Apr 2018
This life without you
It wasn't what I chose
It's not going real great
But I'll tell you how it goes

This life without you
Is not enough
There's something missing
When you're not here
And I don't like it
That Is clear

This life without you
Passes slow
It's not working
I just thought you should know

Every day that passes by
I think if you
And wonder
Why would i
cry over the things that don't change
Leave my life in pieces
Impossible to arrange
Lose hope in love
Let the anger flow
With all the pain inside
It remains there to grow

And why would I
Long for someone that's gone
On this journey I feel so alone
Everyone has someone meant just for them
But my person left
My faith in love at it's very end
Why do people believe
In happiness and love
The truth really is that stuffs all made up

It doesn't work out
There's allways someone better
You'll be left behind
Lost out of your mind
Staring at every letter
Of the message that she sent you
Telling you there was someone else better

You'll allways be outdone
All the happiness you had
Leaves like the sun
Before your life was bright
Gold pure and yellow
Now at the best your depression is mellow
You weren't the one
Someone else will be her sun
The light to her life
Her happiness
Her joy
She'll forget about you
A vague memory of her past
But to you
That was the only love you thought would last
But it didn't
It's a thing of the past
Shell forget about you
You never were special
Just someone else
That wasn't enough
You weren't her light
She left you with delight
Now she is with her new
Love at first sight

Inside your body
Your mind a In a fight
With life and death
Which one is best
You know the awnser
Scared to admit
That all your love is gone
Your happiness
That's it
Contemplating which way you'll go
You decide on drugs
That make your heartbeat slow
Then stop
There goes your life
Like a bubble goes pop
Gone just like that
You left all the pain
That made you go insane
They all told you look at the sun
There's is allways a better side
But I was living in the rain
I'm done with all this pain
Veronica clark Oct 2018
Two sisters sat together
They fought and fought
What seemed forever and ever
The mother in the kitchen, her emotions just weathered

"She loves me the best",the oldest did say
"You are the youngest, that's why she loves me this way"!!
"That's not fair" the youngest did shout
"I am special!!"I was the last one to come out!"

The mother finally wanting to put to an end
The fight between sisters ..that needed to be friends
"I love you both equal"she started to say
"You each have a part of my heart, that's why I love you this way"

That night those girls thought as they lay tucked in bed
Of what their mother told them, of what she had said

With a flashlight the oldest turned on
She shined it at the ceiling til all the monsters were gone
"Why are you doing that?" The younger sister did ask
"Because ..I have to save you sis, I have to turn tbis on fast!"

Then she turned and gave me her final Awnser
"Mom, is right" she did sigh
"Why", I asked her "why"?

"I know she loves us both the one and the same"..
"For she told me to love you, even before you came"..
with a tear she shook and then said
"I am sorry sis,I love you..Now lets go to bed".
kyle Shirley Jul 2019
Why does it feel like drowning?
I have nothing but air around me
Yet it's so hard to breath
Even tho all this pain is only skin deep
No one there to awnser my calls
Walking dead around these halls
I feel every silent scream aching out
Everyone I know see's me walking about
Acting fine no need to get attention
However I could use a social session
To wake me of this oppression
And out of this long lasting depression

— The End —