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Johnny Zhivago Mar 2012
Just bought a new back wheel
For my tall and sturdy bike
And riding back from a party
I got hit by a big white truck

I was cycling by the curb
A truck came zooming up
I had the space of a meter or more
But quickly the space diminished

Suddenly I felt it
A crunching of the wheel
I shouted in anglo-saxon
Wehey! As I leapt from the speeding frame

I fell into a running roll
And stood straight up and turned around
My bike was laying flat
The back wheel sadly spinning.

I wrung my hands and giggled
And looked about in awe.
The people that saw this happen
Came up and shook their heads

Are you alright? I cant believe what happened.
I didn’t catch his number plate
What a ******* crazy driver
Are you sure you are alright?

A gay irish man was there
You uttured a cry he said
And then flew from your bike
Like a… like a… a ballerina

I forced the wheel back into place
So it was was sort of fit to roll
The chain and gears were gnarled
So I couldn’t exactly ride

On the way two foreign drunks
Looked and spoke about my bike
Autobus smash, I said
Ohhhhhh they said

Finally arriving near finsbury
A man who was cycling past
Said do you need some help?
I said yes please I got run over by a truck

What I can do, said thomas from hungary
Or what we can do
Is take a length of chain out
So at least you can get home

Ok yes please I said
And he bent down and used his little tools
And got his hands all oily black
And made me a fixed gear bike

Now your bike is a fixie bike
So im afraid you cant change the gears
Like my fixie bike, he said
Thanks hungarian dude
Victor Thorn Mar 2011
last time we spoke in person,
you were mumbling to yourself
because you didn't want to be real.

the day looked warm, but wasn't.
we looked warm, but weren't.
we both put on bright colors and "good intentions"
and staged a disguised tragedy
for your best friend,
your new convert,
and my bruised, pathetic, parasitic alter ego;
the one who lives in a halcyon utopia of ignorance and bliss,
the one i was trying to **** with exercise.
my legs were as sore as hell.
i had run too far,
too long
last night.
it was starting to wear on me,
and yet later i would go running again
to **** that man who was born a year ago this month.
why won't i ever give up?

and there was that abhorrent autobus!
the one that doughnutted me all the way to
Revelationville and left me there,
with no means to get home.

i took a seat.
parasite thought that maybe his work would be
rewarded, this newer body exalted,
but parasite lives in ignorance and bliss.
and there i stagnated for seventy-two minutes,
until most of us were ordered off the bus,
but you and your best friend stayed,
which would be more like a reverse irony.

all day, i doughnutted my way around
that college campus,
that strange new world i had to adjust to.
i knew i might not attend there when i became of age,
but i memorized its hallways and corridors anyway.
every aspect of it is still preserved in my mind.
why do i do things like that?

they were testing us on things i was never taught,
and didn't understand,
like why Norman Peevey, with his visible muscle, had two girls at his sides,
and why i could hardly manage one
being handsome, as Hope and others had called it,
and nice,
and having a decent body,
and twice the personality.

they also tested us in english and creative writing.
i made the high score.

i was jettisoned out of that unfamiliar world.

and when we made it to the restaurant
i sat alone,
and you sat with friends,
but eventually invited yourself over.
your best friend did most of the talking,
so i just listened to her,
fiddling with the notepad on my ipod
until i asked, "is 'autobus' one word, or two?"
you held up one finger. "one. why?"
"i'm playing scrabble on my ipod," i lied.

why did you have to see me on a bad day?
why is every day i come within five feet of you
a "bad day"?

speeding back to that ****-infested hometown,
you were mumbling a song i knew,
about blocking out the world with headphones.
you didn't want to be real.
being real would mean talking to me.
being real would mean facing my music.

i mumbled a song to block yours out:

"you abandoned me.
love don't live here anymore."

why won't you let it die,
so you can let it be reborn,
like i have died,
only to be reborn?
Copyright March 3rd, 2011 by Victor Thorn.
-A sequel to (don't you) let it die.
Alicia Dec 2015
it's soaring through flaming green hills
your heart races with the curiosity of discovery
it's dancing on a secluded mountaintop
with the drunken energy of a motorino zipping.
it's the endless time spent laughing
lips tingling with wine and philosophy
furiously awaiting l'autobus
and saying basta to the pasta.
the hazelnut aroma of hot cappuccini,
and suddenly you have the bravery
to get lost alle tre in Trestevere.
it's watching sunrays part mountains and Corinthian columns
and sparkling on salty waters
and you inch toward the edges of cliffs
just to catch a glimpse.
it's the comfort of friends and Nutella
when Ryanair lands and Rome becomes Home
and life, and death, and carbs follow you.
it's the homeless and the hungry
sleeping in the strong arms of St. Peter
and disappointment and shame
consumes you.
it's sobbing when you are alone,
foreign, and strange
and sobbing when it's time to say
it's when you fall, your stupid heel caught between cobblestones
that you realize you're in love.
motorino - scooter/vespa
l'autobus - bus
basta - enough
alle tre - 3:00 a.m.
Trestevere - nightlife neighborhood of clubs, bars, and restaurants
St. Peter - St. Peter's Basilica/The Vatican
arrivederci - goodbye
Diego Scarca Dec 2010
Nevica a Parigi
sugli alberi di carta,
sugli addobbi di Natale sgonfi,
sui bambini di plastica
e sui castelli di latta.

Nevica a Parigi una neve fiacca
che s’incolla ai cappotti della gente
che si trascina per strada
con aria distratta.

Nevica nei caffè,
attraverso i vetri,
sui boulevards deserti
e sui nostri sguardi tetri.

Si colorano di bianco
la cupola dell’albergo di lusso,
il tettuccio dell’edicola senza giornali,
il carretto delle castagne arrosto,
il marciapiede su cui scivola una dama
e cerca un cantuccio il barbone.

Nevica a Parigi, senza ragione,
sulle donne e sugli uomini.

Nevica nei grandi magazzini,
nelle chiese vuote
e nelle nostre stanze.
Sulle autostrade inondate di fango
che corrono sopra la città,
sulle scarpate coperte d’immondizia
e sulle nostre frasi lasciate a metà.

Nevica a Parigi sulla terra
del parco in cui non attecchirà
più l’erba, sulla nostra visione
acerba delle cose.
Nevica a Parigi come per illusione.

Nevica perché non ha
nessun senso che nevichi,
perché siamo in inverno
ma non è detto che torni
il bel tempo.

Nevica sul cemento
di chi ha avuto il coraggio
di costruire i grattacieli per i grandi
e le cabine di comando
per gli uomini d’affari
dagli occhi stanchi.

Nevica sui ghetti e sulle città satelliti,
sulle lampade al neon
dei luna park abbandonati.
Nevica, in televisione e al cinema,
per i negri, i bianchi,
le persone sole e gli alcolizzati.

Nevica e le cose si perdono
in un pulviscolo.
Da un vicolo sbuca
un autobus senza autista,
da un altro una carrozza
trainata da elefanti.
In un carosello di fiocchi di neve
impazziscono le immagini.

Nevica a Parigi sui camposanti.

Nevica nei bordelli e nelle bettole,
nei salotti alla moda,
nei negozi degli antiquari
e nei quadri che i pittori
non hanno fatto a tempo
a terminare…

Nevica sugli operai stanchi
di non lavorare,
sulle matrone che si abbandonano
alle braccia dei drogati.
Nevica sugli ospedali e sugli ammalati.

Nevica sugli aeroplani e sulla notte,
sulle navi e sul vento,
sull’eco delle stragi,
sul pianto dei feriti
e sul rantolo dei moribondi.

Nevica a Parigi
sul tempo che finisce
in un’esplosione di secondi.

Nevica sulla neve
e nevicherà ancora.
E’ una neve che a tratti ci sferza
e a tratti ci ignora.
E’ una neve che spazza via tutto,
una neve spietata.
Perché a Parigi da oggi nevica
nella nostra mente annebbiata.
Diego Scarca, Architetture del vuoto, Torino, Edizioni Angolo Manzoni, 2007
sowa Mar 2020

Men, Niemen?
most, rzeka i autobus
zatacza się w pagórki
          w upale budzą się Suwałki
          Memel zaciąga brzeg lasem
          znużoną powieką
Memelland ist abgebrannt
          coraz to milej do ciebie
          miłe miasto



na Antokolu
barok wkoło
stiukowi święci
w plafony wzięci
            żyd jak żywy
            w peruce na głowie
            triumfuje w purpurze
nad ołtarzem w górze
zaś przy drzwiach
z krzyża zdejmowany
nie baczy na rany świeże
dłoń składa na grzbiecie
na nowym habicie
w ofierze
z jednego gwoździa zdjęty
ledwo, a już łaskawie
nad mieczykami z ogrodu
błogosławi płotu
regina pacis
dwa bębny tureckie
zdobyte pod  Chocimiem
milczą w kruchcie nad Wilią



spóźnimy się na wieczór Alicji Rybałko
jak Wilenka po Zarzeczu kluczymy; mosty
w zaułki - miasto dla nas na trzy klucze
zamknięte, jak bajka o spiżowym wilku

w Pikieliszkach za dworem księżyc studzi jezioro
para łabędzi przy brzegu - tak prosto romantycznie
i książki w bibliotece dla dzieci tu
nadal dostać można jedynie po rosyjsku

a poezja Alicji, jak gotyk św. Anny
na palach olchowych i workach piasku
w płomienistym po wielokroć łuku
przenoszę na dłoni ten kościół

Stefan Kosiewski; OBY DO WILNA. Wiersze. Wstęp: Dr Romuald Cudak: Na marginesie. Redakcja: Barbara Jędrzejczak. Opracowanie, korekta: Tadeusz Adam Knopik. Łamanie: Robert Kosek. Wydawca: Stowarzyszenie Europejskie PONS GAULI; współwydawca: Radio PLUS Katowice Sp. z o.o. Drukarnia im. K. Miarki w Mikołowie. Katowice 2000 ISBN 83-914127-0-9
Adrián Poveda Mar 2016
Siete minutos para decirte lo que siento,
para darte el último beso y tomar el autobus,
siete minutos que son poco,
insuficientes para ensayar un discurso de historias de ayer
de manera que las palabras llegan tarde  a mi cabeza  
y me pregunto si lo que siento esta bien para decir...

te extraño y es injusto que el tiempo pase así:
corto en los mejores momentos,
largo cuando hay que partir y se está a la espera
de un cambio de dirección
para recorrer el ayer con otro corazón.
Copyright © 2016 Adrián Poveda All Rights Reserved
Mateuš Conrad Feb 2017
chór! i duch!
               blady... rym...
ale i też wygoda powrotu
jako niby żyd... bo
te paluski... i ten *lajkonik
kiev w warszawie... na
tym tle: bo to gwar gadania
i autobus w pizdzie nocy i
zimy... ceka... ceka.

   o bodziem...
  punk kot w czekam
i czoło i glebe i rys islamu,
   i szkło skalu w czaszke
i gołote... i ten... pierdolony kosciół!
goły... naked...
         the cat weighs about 10 kilograms
i'm obviously going to head-**** him
to say good morning...

rrrrrryb ah! koscioł! groto i smród!
rekąpis!                   ryba! flu flu flu!
oj tu: pingwin sie zgina! huj! bra!
   tu! zeżre te polsche... te polsche...
zerwie z nią... bo co?
jakie narodziny mam, "celebrować"?
ja na typ o motłoch? baba?!
taki typ by na miet i slóp -czysłav?!
pats! prostak z... miasta...
  chleba mało... tsa zebrać...
seplień seplień se o se: nago
      i choroba... gniew... grób;
padaj! jak gwóźdz w trumne
czy tam gówno w toalete...
       tsa u... tu com sa, tam com sa...
ja na wygnań!
        ja wygnany, co mi te poloki?
półtłoki? boli, nie? zyh poza granicą,
tam, dam ci kwit i... kćuka!
                 kćuka! na witaj huju!
potem -senką: za casów Herod'a...
  co sfe: pio... senką; taki tanz: oi! ola ola o!

taki zemnie polok, jaki ten
pierw żyd, co pyta:
  pytam... bo czekam...

(choir and [the] ghost).

    warto pytać, oto wiem że o nic nie czekam
(nie czekam o nic... po? nie czekam o nic...
po prostu czekam; tak tak, nic nici nić nitka nikt;
kurvfa shoelaces... you ******* deaf
or watching kochaj albo rzuć?       );
tym warte pytać of -zyk-
kiedy nie w... kraju...  or-zelek... or-zelek...
              taki kwaśniewski co tylko sepleni...
blah blah blah... potem na gniew
vay vest vey kal it a p-cle... susumber: or cueue...
         oi oi! wrona! hej! wrona!              co tam?!
eh, ten rojs siber tesz popierdolony...
rrrrreeee lee, wrona! co tam?
o kurva... terz troche... mmm uhum... mm... eh?
   is bez powrotu... taki... niby...
dobry fason i wybór słów
    jako dobry wójek... po glebie jak po
grzbiecie psa
ah ten pysk.... taki dobry pies
mógł być, a potem, nagle, naturalnie:
wściek! pyska... harem! harem!
         harem! grypa! grypa! ugh!
    co tam wyrośnie, to tam nigdy nie było...
ani cebula co płacze, ani
           burak któremu zęby
      oś? czy... osa? i z tym językiem
bez tego języka gwarancji?
            taki jam obcy...
   ja nawet obcy gadać obcym... do perfekcji...
jaki to musi być nud... aby było
              jak to musi być, skoro jest?
    last time i checked... pretty **** awful.
Olivia Kent Dec 2015
The sky is hanging black as coal.
As ebony descends it's startling rain.
The wind that started as a minor breeze.
Let all remaining leaves fly free.
What leaves are left be chameleons.
Changelings in the heavy light,
Between the light as darkness falls.
In the city the wind dared bite back.
Screaming banshee like.
Short in sweater freezing back.
Marching on the autobus.
A store full of students are fussing and cussing.
Moaning and groaning as they hang in the queue.
Upon the bus the minions storm.
Saturday shopping.
Weekend norm.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
so much health anxiety
so I just take the bus

walking does my good
I miss when it was all of us

silence lasts forever
music makes me trust

french fries to gulls at Ivar's
the wind begins to gust

sky! sea! mountain! mist!
ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Olivia Kent Apr 2015
And he said you smell nice.
Before together they got on the autobus.
She coyly said thank you,
Tickled pink.
I think.
Very simple.
Eyes opened.
Knees buckled.
Heart music.
Spoken word.
What more can she say.
Other than hey hey.
Mind play.
(c) Livvi
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
yes, the isolation
I do surely know it

I like basketball
but a baseball:  I can throw it.

I ride the public bus
walking solo through the town

call my sons at night
when I am lost and down

think of exoplanets
aliens come from waters

think of her as well
and her two beautiful daughters

time tick tocks on
Carolina blue

The Green Flash on the ocean
but only once for you

            be true.
Sam Lawrence Oct 2020
In the end, it took us almost thirty hours
to hitchhike from Utrecht. The raw night
air of Dresden hung inside us; smarting
where the autobahn had spat us out and
left us brooding under concrete skies.

We'd stood apart, this close to surrender,
when the silver cavalry arrived;

  Mein baby ist der schönste kinderen!
  Jawohl! Jawohl! Der schönste kinderen!

Jakob with his one cassette. Once proud
child begat another. On we raced. Gloria,
backseat hiking sister, now slept against
a pram.

The rolling streetlights crept up Jakob's
shades like rockets, lauched into the sky.

Du weißt? I did not. I held the tiny photo
of his child and watched the wild roadside.
I willed the darkness stay outside. ******
built the autobahn. Gut für Panzer. Du
weißt? We crossed into Poland, greeted
by the broken lines of garden gnomes;
tinker, tailor...

Stopping off for sausages - du magst? I did.
The dawn smelt red above the hills. I lay
my palms upon the dashboard, felt the
purring engine breathe. I smuggled angst
enough for all tomorrow's sorrows; I hid
it in the narrowest of breeze.
In 1994 I was a foreign student and hitchhiked from Utrecht to Krakow with a flatmate. It wasn't that long after the wall had come down, really. There was one very long ride with a guy that spoke no English. It was quite an intense experience. The title is the one phrase my Polish friend taught me when we arrived - it means "f-ed up bus from Krakow" (sorry if this is offensive to any Poles reading!)
Qualyxian Quest Jan 2023
So I was on a bus
Crossing  Brooklyn Bridge
Rollin' through New York City
Twilight. Summer sky.

The guide was reading Walt Whitman
Crossing  Brooklyn Ferry
Time avails not. Distance avails not.
Lai La Lai!

O you future people!
I saw a Strawberry Moon
Show her Flaming June
Starships form and fly

In my meditations
In your transmigrations
In their elevations
Try try try!

            Ay! Ay! Ay!
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
I ride the bus
I think of us
I very nearly cry

The morning is the family
The evening is to die

The silence is forever
No answer to the why

All i can do
In the sliver slice
Is try try try try try.
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
She speaks of death in the rearview mirror
But I don't now own a car

I ride the bus. I try to trust.
I wonder how you are.

           Exoplanet star!
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2017
so someone has a failed attempt at killing you
because you were naive
when growing up with them, to later realise
they were muslim, and were out to get you,
and then you're maimed...
     well... what then?
     you loved ones start complaining about
how naive you were, in ever having childhood
        so what then? you become a hermit,
you scratch off any form of human compassion
readied for a relationship and then turn and

     na co czekam? albo na autobus, pociąg, lub pi-ano.

(what am i waiting for? either a bus, a train,
         or a piano.)

a ty, quo vadis?
                     and you, where are you going?
  well...  toward golgotha, since the "saviour"
said      qua vadis, i.e. i, am, the way.
yeah, but how do you know that the crux
is the way?
                 i mean, the heidegger stance is bound
by quo... i.e. where...
                 but qua? that's stating: as being,
  in an auto-suggestive format: a locus...
      the problem is the vadis-vadis...
the internalißed experience of an introvert,
and the externalißed experience of an extrovert...
    looking at these sentences, it's not even
a problem... it's just what happens and will
continue to happen;
    please don't bring darwinism into this...
darwinism lacks all subjective sensibility...
                 the gorillas have a population
of 3,800... so i should feel something for them?
why give me only a zoological subjectivity
and the only subject that's the ******* dodos'
                     lock me up in a lunatic asylum
while you're at it, please!
and yes, you're pushing it, seriously, this white guilt
is driving me nuts, and making my ***** turn
corners, when even light can't do that, without a mirror.
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Tired again this morning
Grey day blues as I wake up

Off to UNC
Stamps for my disrupt

Eye still on Taiwan
Where my middle son was born

I think the fight is on
Bugle boy blow your horn

Library open again
Time for movie shows

Hollywood too does good
California knows

          Ravens more than crows
Marco Bo Sep 2018
sotto questo cielo
un giorno mi hanno guardato male perchè ero seduta sull'autobus
è stato come uno spruzzo d'acqua gelata sul viso
ma la giornata era calda e allora

sotto questo grigio cielo
un giorno mi hanno detto che portavo malattie
era Inverno
tutti erano ammalati di fretta e di influenza
e niente

sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia
un giorno mi hanno gridato addosso
è stata come un'onda che mi ha travolto
mi hanno detto"torna a casa tua!"
questa è casa mia avrei voluto dire
ma loro erano in tanti
ed io ero da sola
e allora.....

sotto questo grigio cielo di periferia dimenticato
a forza di far finta di niente
si diventa


other sky I do not have

under this sky
one day they looked at me badly because I was sitting on the bus
it was like a spray of frozen water on my face
but the day was hot and so

under this gray sky
one day they told me that I was carrying diseases
it was Winter
everyone was ill with haste and flu
and so


under this gray suburban sky
one day they shouted at me
It was like a wave that overwhelmed me
they told me "go away back to your home!"
this is my home I wanted to say
but they were many
and I was alone

under this gray and forgotten suburban sky
by dint of pretending nothing happened
you become

otro cielo yo no tengo

bajo este cielo
un día me miraron mal porque yo estaba sentada en el autobús
fuè como uno spray de agua helada en la cara
pero el día estaba caliente asì que
nada .....

bajo este cielo gris
un día me dijeron que yo llevaba enfermedades
era invierno
todos estaban enfermos con prisa y fiebre
y nada

bajo este cielo gris suburbano
un día me gritaron en la cara

fuè como una ola que me abrumò
me dijeron
"vuelve a tu casa!"
  esta es mi casa, quería decir yo
pero ellos eran muchos
y yo estaba sola
asì que.....

bajo este cielo gris de suburbios olvidados
  a fuerza de pretender que no pasa nada
uno se convierte en
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
Today it isn't beauty
Just this little town
People all plain Jane
I'm not a man of much renown

Basketball y baseball
Bagels, taco truck
Women walking dogs
We could use a little luck

Thank you kindly, gentlemen
The star is in the South
Thirty plus years later
The wetness of her mouth

The sky is like el autobus
Carolina blue
Hasta manyana, hey Hosanna
Episcopal in view

                Episcopal is you
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2017
i love watching people who are still waiting for "something"... they had it all and are still waiting for "something", that extra-special "other-thing", a kinderüberraschung. moi? moi, patienter, pour, un, bus; le autobus... desires always bred the most inept forms of instinct... comedy rules, even the ******* jokes raised the harlequin to peddle giggles on a unicycle.*

i’ve lived through a woman,
beyond whim or chance,
  i've learned that:
a woman is incapacitated
with a chance of compliment -
woman is unable to
circumstance the chance
of charm,
woman is unable to pay
                 women never have,
and never did
prize paying attention
on compliments:
too busy with their artefacts
of pleasurable "joys"
of putting of make-up and
donning stockings -
sucker-punching kings...
toward the erotica of dreams....
next time i trust a woman
she'll either be a granny aged
80, or... dead.
      a man makes
his mind the labyrinth that
stretches into old age un-differential -
      a woman makes her
youth a labyrinth -
         ****-able up to the age
of 60...
                  counters the old
cork and the young colt by the same
            can't be bothered,
the explanation
is,                                self-explanatory;
youth then says to old age:
die ****-sodden in underwear
you scythe rubbing pervert!
       how glorifying,
the humbling of the feminine beauty...
       and how much more so,
by nature's decree:
the glorification of the "ugly" man,
suddenly turning into
an appealing creature worth
            the stature of acceptability.
Safana Oct 2020
Green White Green

This, is not an advise
but a reminder to you
and I,

your busses are old
and drivers drive you
the way it is, we don't
know whether our
road will be rough to
break our legs, future


"The 2020 Lincoln navigator
is no more because the
passengers rejected their
decent driver"

"The infinity QS80 is dead
as a result of the passengers
in, denied their core driver"

"SEAT New Leon is damaged
only because the passengers
in, rejected their moral driver"

"ŠKODA ENYAQ iV fall in sick,
instead to repair the passengers
call for the driver to resign"

GWG passengers,
your autobus is not
good and the
driver driving you
to the edge of coast,
he is quite decent but
You are trying to
remove his hand
from the steering,

If he suddenly
lost the control
you shall definitely
became no more

To care is better
than to able
Nigeria our school our home
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
It ain't over yet
And I got a few ideas
Bit part to play
Mostly behind the scenes

China on my mind
And the UFO
Shamanistic Way
Chicago: Things Not Seen

I ride el autobus
But maybe soon a car
Ah! to drive again
I pray for dear Taipei

Drive to rising Charlotte
Maybe Macbeth in Staunton
Maybe California
San Francisco si xie xie

Live to fight another day.
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2021
el autobus blue revvin'
long ago:  my basketball friend Kevin
                 Amos 3:7
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2021
Basketball with Edward
He speaks of southern Spain
I tell him I'd like to go
Ah! Al-Andalus
I tell him of Taipei
Remember Purple Rain
Also Dublin snow
One day el autobus

Qualyxian Quest Apr 2021
On the campus today
Sunshine, beauty blue

El autobus
Donde esta are you?

Belltower tolls
Know what i will do

Perpetual persistence
Plato, parlez vous?
Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
The students have come back
UNC is hoppin'
I ride el autobus
Maybe basketball tonight

Eye still on Taiwan
Mark in Sacramento
I remember Tolkien's Oxford
Frodo for the fight

Fr. Greeley went to Tucson
Wore those Western clothes
Alex and the Border
Lorca brings some light

Women are the mystery
What they share together
My grandma was a teacher
Irish eyes insight

       Cranberry juice with Sprite
Qualyxian Quest May 2021
Might as well keep writing
One way to pass the time

Vegetarian tacos
Cranberry juice with lime

My life is meaningless
But it's mean to live

George W. Bush
I do not forgive

       El autobus!
Qualyxian Quest Jun 2021
Basketball with Edward
Sky all twilight blue
He speaks of sweet Sevilla
And also Al-Andalus
I tell him of Taipei
We escape the noose
I wish for Southern Spain
Breaking free, breaking loose
One day when it rains
We ride el autobus

Qualyxian Quest Aug 2021
Meant to be in Dublin
No coincidence in Virginia
Much that lives inside of me
You too can find within ya

But now just dailiness
I ride el autobus
Hola to my neighbors
Snake eyes and a deuce

            Break loose?
Qualyxian Quest Jul 2021
I could never actually find it
Whatever I'm searching for
Sophia in the silence
******, Mother, *****

I'd like to walk in rain
Misty by the beach
Harold took *******
All I did was teach

But now I'm not a teacher
I ride el autobus
Poverty is prison
I cannot break loose

I could never find it
Whatever I'm looking for
Rain upon the ocean
Her hands upon the shore
Qualyxian Quest Sep 2021
I discovered I can write poems
But I still don't know what to do
Postcards in the mail
I ride el autobus

Maybe fade away
Like I was never even here
Maybe destiny
Maybe aliens break loose

                Maybe Deuce.

— The End —