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Alexander   k   Opicho

Alexander K Opicho
(Eldoret, Kenya;

Contents                                                                                                                Page
Amilcar Cabral: Beacon of revolutionary literature and social democracy 127
How the State of Israel is brutally dealing with African refugees 131
Historical glimpses of language dilemma in Afro-Arabic literature 146

Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
American president is reading Moby ****
Ja-kogello is reading Moby ****
Ja-siaya is reading Moby ****
Ja-merica is reading Moby ****
Jadello is reading Moby ****
Ja-buonji is reading Moby ****
His lovely Oeuvre of Melville Herman
And what are you reading?

Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because untimely death took his father
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because untimely death took his mother
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because untimely death to his brother
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because untimely death took the grannies
His lovely Oeuvre of Melville Herman  
And what are you reading?

Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Baba Michelle is reading Moby ****
Baba Sasha is reading Moby ****
Baba Malia is reading Moby ****
Baba nya-dhin is reading Moby ****
Sarah’s sire is reading Moby ****
Ja-sharia is reading Moby ****
The ****** is reading Moby ****
His lovely Oeuvre of Melville Herman
And what are you reading?

Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because here ekes audacity of hope
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because here ekes dreams of fathers
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because here ekes yes we can
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because here ekes American dream
His lovely Oeuvre of Melville Herman
And what are you readings?

Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because American president is like whale hunting
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because Obama is a money making animal
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because hunting Osama is whale riding
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because hunting Gaddaffi is whale riding
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because coming to Kenya is whale riding
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because Guantanamo prison is a bay of whales
Barrack Obama is reading Moby ****
Because Snowden is a Russian whale
Because launching drones is whale riding
His lovely Oeuvre of Melville Herman
And what are you reading, Moby ****?


I am writing this article from Kenya on this day of 23 September 2013 when the Al shabab, an Arabo-Islamic arm of the global terrorist group the Al gaeda have lynched siege on the shopping mall in Nairobi known as the West Gate where an average of forty people have been killed and a hundreds are held hostage. The media is full of horrendous and terrifying images. They have made me to hate this day. I hate terrorism, I hate American foreign policy on Arabs, I hate philosophy behind formation of the state of Israel and I equally hate religious fundamentalism. Also on this date, all the media and public talks in Kenya are full of intellectual and literary tearing of one Kenyan by another plus a retort in the equal measure as a result of the ripples in the African literature pool whose epicenter is the Professor Taban Lo Liyong .He is an epicenter because he had initially decried literary mediocrity among the African scholars and University professors, Wherein under the same juncture he also quipped that Kenya’s doyen of literature Ngugi wa Thiong’o never deserved a Nobel prize. Liyong’s stand has provoked intellectual reasons and offalities to fly like fireworks in the East African literary atmosphere among which the most glittering is Chris Wanjala’s contrasting position that; who made Liyong the prefect and ombudsman of African literature? This calls for answers. Both good answers and controversial responses. Digging deeper into the flesh of literature as often displayed by Lo Liyong.
Liyong is not a fresher in the realm of literary witticism. He is a seasoned hand .Especially when contributions of Liyong to east African literary journal during his student days in the fifties of the last century during which he declared east Africa a literary desert. In addition to his fantastic titles; Another ****** Dead and The Un-even Rips of Frantz Fanon, Professor Taban Lo Liyong also humorously called Amos Tutuola the son of Zinjathropus, what a farcical literary joke? I also want to appreciate this Liyong’s artfulness of language in this capacity and identify him in a literary sense as Taban Matiyong Lo   Liyong the son of Eshu. He is an ideological and literature descended of the great West African Eshu. Eshu the god of trouble which was dramatized by Obutunde Ijimere in the imprisonment of Obadala and also recounted by Achebe in the classical essays; Morning Yet of Creation Day. I call him Eshu because of his intellectual and literary ability to trigger the East and West Africans into active altercation of literary, cultural and political exchanges every other time he visits these regions. Whether in Lagos, Accra or Nairobi.
Now, in relation to Ngugi and intellectual quality of Kenyan University literature professors was Liyong right or wrong?  Does Liyong’s stand-point on Ngugi’s incompetence for Nobel recognition and mediocrity in literary scholarship among Kenyan Universities hold water. Are Liyong’s accusations of East Africa in these perspectives factually watertight and devoid of a fallacy of self-aggrandizement to African literary prefecture as Professor Chris Wanjala laments. Active literary involvement by anyone would obviously uncover that ;It is not Liyong Alone who has this intellectual bent towards East Africa, any literary common sense can easily ask a question that; Does Ngugi’s literary work really deserve or merit for Nobel recognition or not ? The answers are both yes and no. There are very many of those in Kenya who will readily cow from the debate to say yes. Like especially the community of alumni of the University of Nairobi who were Ngugi’s students in the department of English in which Ngugi was a Faculty during the mid of the last century. Also the general Kenyan masses who have been conditioned by warped political culture which always and obviously confine the Kenyan poor into a cocoonery of chauvinistic thought that Ngugi should or must win because he is one of us or Obama must win because he is one of us or Kemboi must win because he is the son of the Kenyan soil. These must also be the emotional tid-bits upon which the Kenyan Media has been based to be catapulted into Publicity feat that Ngugi will win the Nobel Prize without reporting to the same Kenyan populace the actual truths about other likely winners in the quarters from the overseas. I am in that Kenyan school thought comprising of those who genuinely argue that Ngugi’s literary work does not befit, nor merit, nor deserve recognition of Nobel Prize for literature. This position is eked on global status of the Nobel Prize in relation to Ngugi’s Kikuyu literary and writing philosophy. It is a universal truth that any and all prizes are awarded on the basis of Particular efforts displayed with peculiarity. Nobel Prize for literature is similarly awarded in recognition of unique literary effort displayed by the winner. It is not an exception when it comes to the question of formidability in a particular effort. However, the most basic literary virtue to be displayed as an overture of the writer is conversion of theory into practice. This was called by Karl Marx, Hegel, Antonio Gramsci and Paulo Freire, especially in Freire’s  pedagogy of the oppressed as praxis.History of literature and politics in their respective homogenous and comparative capacities has it that ;There has been eminent level of praxis by previous Nobelites.Right away from Rabitranathe Tagore to Wole Soyinka, From Dorriss Lessing to Wangari Mathai.Similar to JM Coatze ,Gao Tziaping,Alexander Vasleyvitch Solzhenystisn and Baraka Obama.This ideological stand of praxis is the one that made Alfred Nobel himself to to stick to his gun of intellectual  values and deny Leo Tolstoy the prize in 1907 because there was no clear connection between rudimentary Tolstoy in the nihilism and Feasible Tolstoy in the possible manner  of the times .In a similar stretch Ngugi wa Thiongo’s literary works and his ideological choices are full of ideological theory but devoid of ideological praxis. Evidence for justification in relation to this position is found back in the 70’s and 80’s of the last century, When Ngugi was an active communist theoretician of Kenya. His stature as a Kenyan communist ideologue could only get a parallel in the likes of Leon Trotsky and Gramsci. This ideological stature was displayed in Ngugi’s adoration of the North Korean communism under the auspice of the Korean leader Kim Yun Sung. This is so bare when you read Ngugi’s writers in politics, a communist pamphlet he published with the African red family. By that time this pamphlet was treated equally as Mao tse Tung’s collected works by the Kenya government which means that they were both illegal publications and if in any case you were found with them you would obviously serve nine months in prison. And of course when the late Brigadier Augustine Odongo was found with them he was jailed for nine months at Kodhiak maximum prison in Kisumu ,Kenya .O.K, the story of Odongo is preserved for another day. But remember that, this was Ngugi only at his rudimentary stage. But when Ngugi got an opportunity to get an ideological asylum, he did not go to Russia, nor East Germany, Nor Tanzania, nor China but instead he went to the USA , a country whose ideological civilization is in sharp contradiction with communism; a religion which Ngugi proffessess.In relation to this choices of Ngugi one can easily share with me these reflections; is one intellectually  honest if he argues that he is a socialist revolutionary when his or her employer is an American institution like the university of California in Irvine ?
Ngugi was not the only endangered communist ideologue of the time. There were also several others. Both in Kenya and without Kenya. They were the likes of; Raila Odinga, George Moset Anyona, ***** Mutunga and very many others from Kenya. But in Africa some to be mentioned were Walter Rodney, Yoweri Museven,Isa Shivji,Jacob Tzuma ,Robert Mugabe and others. The difference between Ngugi and all of these socialist contemporaries of him is that; Ngugi went to America and began accumulating private property just like any other capitalist. But these others remained in Africa both in freedom and detention to ensure that powers of political darkness which had bedeviled Africa during the last century must go. And indeed the powers somehow went. Raila has  been in Kenya most of the times,Anyona died in Kenya while in the struggle for second liberation of Kenyan people from the devilish fangs of Moi’s dark reign of terror and tyrany.Walter Rodney worked in Tanzania at Dare salaam University where he wrote his land mark book; How Europe underdeveloped Africa. Later on he went back to his country of birth in Africa, Guyana where he was assassinated while in the revolutionary struggle for political good of the Guyanese people. Yoweri Museven practically implemented socialism by fighting politics of sham and nonsense out of Uganda of which as per today Uganda is somehow admirable. Isa Shivji has ever remained in Dare salaam University, inspite of poverty. He is now the chair of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere school of Pan African studies. Jacob Tsuma and Robert Mugabe they are current presidents of South Africa and Zimbabwe respectively. The gist of this reference to African socialist revolutionaries as contemporaries to Ngugi wa Thiong’o is that a socialist revolutionary must and should not run away from the oppressor in to a zone of comfort. But instead must remain and relentlessly fight, just like in the words of Fidel Castro; fight and die in the battle field as long as it is a struggle against the enemy of the revolution. This view by Castro is pertinent as it’s a Revolutionary praxis which actually is redolent of practice of an ideology that has to be held for ever above ideological cosmentics.Ngugi scores badly on this. So if the Nobel academy looks at Ngugi in terms of defending human rights then it must be reminded that Ngugi have no marks on the same because he only ran away from the practical struggle. Anyway, Politics and ideology has its own fate. But let us now come back to literature. Ngugi and his books. As at  this time of writing this essay  Ngugi has published the following works; Weep not Child, The River Between, A Grain of Wheat, Black Hermit, Petals of Blood, Devils on the Cross,Matigari,Homecoming,Decolonizing the Mind, Writers in Politics, Ngugi Detained, Pen Points and Gun Points, Wizard of the Crow,Globalectics,Remeembering Africa, Dreams in Times of War and I Will Marry When I Want as well as the Trial of Dedan Kimathi which he wrote along with Micere Githae Mugo.Out of this list the only works with literary depth that call for intellectualized attention are ;A Grain of wheat, Wizard of the crow and Globalectics. The Grain of wheat is simply a post colonial reflection of Kenyan politics. Its themes, plot, lessons and entire synechedoche is also found in Wole Soyinka’s Season of Anomie as well as Achebe’s Anthills of the savannah. My argument dove-tails with those of Liyong’s stand that rewarding Ngugi’s Grain of wheat and forgetting Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah and A man of the people would be a literary ceremony devoid of literary justice. Wizard of the Crow is indeed a magnum opus. I am ready to call it Ngugi’s oeuv
Words bring Structure in an untamed Mind
Paint lends Color to a gray-scaled Time
Now music, Music we'll save for a Rainy Day
Hiding in corners of Sorrow where old Scars Lay

I'll use My Words, A sword of Golden mold
My paintings
To Divulge my Intentions Untold

In Music I lead

The Greatest of movement
with it, Climb on a Mount
Singing calm to the Torment

Awaken profuse Concordance
That we Might break these
False Coercions
Sajdah Baraka Feb 2013
I wanna embrace a blanket of your sensuality.
I wanna abandon all rationality and create our own boundaries.
I wanna become in tuned with the vibrations of each other's souls.
Want you to climb so steeply within me that you can't find the way out of me.

See I don't wanna make love, I wanna  create precious poetry.
While breathing the same rhythm.
You **** every stanza out of me.

Two pair of eyes undivided, two bodies *****, vigorous, exuding of familiarity.
Make a story out of me.

Feed it descriptions of true beauty.
Not shrewdly,  but do it smoothly.
Let's co write a poem based on our union.
We can be a masterpiece.

Ink stains left in my bed sheets.
I'll lend you my body to use as a diary.
Release all frustrations as you lay your fervor out on me.
Send a chill of suspense intensely towards the inside of my thighs,
just where the margins would be.

Our minds are deadly.
Their correlation, deadlier.
We're writing words so compelling, while releasing showers from hearts too heavy.
Our poetry is nothing to compare to the regular.

Every inch of my body manifesting your touch readily.
I recede as you synchronize my private visions of a flawless fantasy.
Basking in this radiance as you guide your pen to an astonishing ******.
Inducing my body to impasse in ecstasy.

Leaving me dripping with your artfulness.
As if announcing all expectations surpassed.
Drowning me in words that mirror ardor.
Each line so passionate,
I have no such memory of felicity that neither compares nor contrasts.

Every part of my skin left sensitive, tender, and fragile.
My body fluently floating, light as a feather.
Skin now designed and decorated with such puissant letters.
And God forbid we begin to forget the significance of our coalescence.
You can lay me down,
As you read it back to me.
This way, we can reminisce on the angelic medley.

I don't just wanna make love,
I want our bodies to intertwine and invoke aesthetic  poetry.
Blake Nelson Apr 2013
How is one to be one's own
All there is to feel is disdain
What else is to be shown
To feel anything, especially happiness, is pain

"Nothing is original": Teenage Anthem
No truer words have ever been written
Emotions can't belong to any of them
They're sent via a social subscription
All one's thoughts are already said ever so splendidly
Force fed back to the mind (a reminder of the artfulness not of thyself) that couldn't vocalize
The poet says "It's nice to not be alone" all too friendly
No words have been a greater weapon to terrorize
To not be alone in the feeling of apathy is
all one needs to feel at ease...
Caroline V Jun 2018
I always take a deep breath, close my eyes and let that feeling take over me.

Every day, only for a few seconds, I allow my body to remember your touch, allow my mind to remember your voice, yet I’ll never let my heart remember your love.

The bruises are long gone from my skin, the wounds healed by time, however my heart is hardly beating, barely holding on. It took me a long time to realize the anguish I found myself in, an eternity to uncover the many masks you wore with me.

There was a finesse in your abuse, an artfulness to your ways. You would soften your blows with tender words, softly touching what you already hurt.

For days, weeks and months, I stayed. I stood by you, blindfolded, numb to the constant pain, used to the steady flow of fear cursing through my veins.

I loathe that I let you in, let you break me down repeatedly but most of all, I hate that I love you.
Jim Hill Nov 2016
How odd that entropy is time’s measure—
that through the dissolution of the world
we know, time’s arrow swiftly flies its course—
irrevocable and unrelenting.
Yet isn’t there a certain artfulness
to time’s advance? The ineluctable,
the crease of wrinkle in the lover’s cheek,
a river’s tireless sculpting of its banks?
In all the scything, striving, dying, all
the loss, the grief, the thievery of years,
there is design of a kind—a subtle mind—
deaf to prayers though always true to mission.
Though time has swept us, love, in its advance,
there’s music there, I think, by which to dance.
above named orthodontist
   crowned specialist
   exemplary de jure by this dad
sans perfecting offset dentition

   of me daughter – shana – who had
quite noticeable gapped teeth –
   just the opposite when i was a lad
and pro bono courtesy

   of above named orthodontist –
   worthy of a regal pad
(okay perhaps i exaggerate just a tad)

performed prestigious dental skill with her band
of admirable merry technicians,
   who possess grand
ever so agile and gentle
   to affix and/or adjust with each hand

after countless visits
   viz number of years shifted closed spaces
   re: wide spaces did stand

brackets wired together where
   squarely rooted choppers stood askew
the completed effect = a priceless smile
   tooth thy punim – a beau
tee full young lady (this comment
   unbiased from me – math a ewe)
biological father of thine lass in question,
   where time flew

while transformation
   her dazzling smile grew
a changed ****** profile –

   admirable how maxillary masters did hue
artfulness to align mastication via calculus
   sans perfecting her bite they knew

thus this papa feels ever so thankful
   for prettifying mine offspring
with courtesy service per each appointment
   thee progeny i did bring

no matter that brackets broke loose –
   yes in some cases from chew wing
gum or eating hard foodstuffs  - fear of a skull ding
never occurred, whereby
   anticipatory anxiety expended 4 naught ting

mortis rigors of extraction,
   x-rays affecting dental precision
would be impossible without the decision
for the supreme doctor –
   who owned a schooled vision
to envision
vis a vis what provision

and necessary measures
   to manipulate dentition
   toward per mission
whereby maybe a minor revision
made to witness brilliant

   megawatt smile giving admission
of heightened sunny disposition
primed to embark on successful
   lip smacking dating expedition
anointing shana aubrey harris –
   who completed the biting inquisition.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2020
in a rather more living language
form frames function, I think we,
should we agree,
may make waves or points proving
science is good.

Clipped from:

If you try to describe the living processes of the cell
in a rather more
living language
than is typically found
in the literature of molecular biology —
if you resort to a language
reflecting the artfulness and grace,
the well-coordinated rhythms,
and the striking choreography
of phenomena such as
gene expression,
signaling cascades, and
mitotic cell division —
you will almost
hear mutterings
about your flirtation with
“spooky, mysterious, nonphysical forces.”
You can expect to hear yourself labeled a “mystic” or —
there is hardly any viler epithet within biology today — a “vitalist.”
We have tools wordsmiths never imagined in times of points and picas.
Travis Green Mar 2023
Everything about him turns me on
I fall madly in love with his brawny chocolate rearguard
The way he moves makes me lose it
The way he bends over makes me so bowled over
By his extraordinarily delicious machoness

My tall, rock-solid, and showstopping big shot
I relish his flawless wondrous pecs
He flexes his manliness to perfection
Makes me sweat when he rubs his indestructible abs
Grabs my underconsciousness with his awesomeness

Cause me to slip into a state of mystification
Make me exhilarated and intoxicated
Steadily gazing at the creativeness
And engagingness of his breathtakingly
Salient and flamboyant manfulness
His distinctive and commanding sensualness

He infatuates me with his enchanting melanin presence
A bright, sparkling Adonis that draws me to him
With his ****, compelling fragrance
My firm hairy Zaddy, his game is so tight as ****
His massive tattooed chest is so dope and soldierly

My macho, broad-shouldered Romeo
My delicious wolfish lusciousness
Tall, solidly built, and mystical slickness
He is a golden glowing paradise that enlightens me
More immersive and legendary than Hercules
More badass and dangerous than Ares

I wanna worship his smooth newsworthy beauty
Consume him like scrumptious soul food
Bask in him like black velvet cognac
Feel his ****** blood-red hoodness
Rooted deeply in my existence

Gander into his divine night black eyes
The most memorable treasurable gem
Fresh, delicious, and sufficient like honey
The finest refined delight that leaps out at me
His hella crunk yumminess intrigues me

I can’t stop fantasizing about him
He is my favorite flavored milkshake to savor
My robust honeyed stunner
He makes my head turn
With his flawless saucy artfulness

I yearn to merge our internal worlds
Feel his powerful striking force
Of immense, stunning glory
The hottest enthralling sauce god
Emanating intellectual and masculine perfection
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your sparkling top-tier swagger is perfectly masterful
And worshipful immersiveness, treasured tender flex
Untameable advertisable kryptonite in the limelight
Mad hot star attraction on the map, diplomatic debonair splash

So adventurous and worthy of mention, so eccentrically
Quintessential and sensual, my sultry, smooth seducer
I pine to lie before your errorless earthy allure
Drown in your head-turning and swirling artfulness

Marvel at how you climb out of your dazzlingly white vestments
How you excite and mesmerize my submerged mind
Cajole me closer to the effervescent edge of sweet, hot ecstasy
Where you etch your brilliant honeyed handsomeness all over me

Drape me in your radiant amorous dreams, your soft, luxurious
Peerlessness, let me trace your fragrant **** lips
With my enchanting hands, breathe in your effortless refreshingness
Surrender to your exalted macho suaveness
Travis Green Apr 2022
I love how enchantingly handsome he is to me
How his mind is brimful of fantastic seamless dreams
Vast and incalculably valuable academic attainment
Richly divine, sprightly, and powerful
A stellar, shining, and timeless masterpiece of poetry
He is essentially eccentric, romantic, and fragrant
A wild and wondrous showstopper, strikingly desirable

His beard is dark, thick, and intriguing
I am in incredible love with him
How his compassionateness synchronizes with mine
How his dynamism draws me into his aestheticism
He makes me want to venture deep into his hallways
Of everlasting amorousness to embrace his masculineness
Allow my mouth to move sensually against his bright, cheery cheeks

Marvel at the vividly glistening hues of his sweet keen face
His remarkably sparkling brown eyes make my mind go wild
I crave to taste his artfulness, his sauciness, his charmingness
Clench his temples, gently inch my hands through his
Unbelievably thick, curly, and black hair to revere his peerlessness
I love how he is gorgeously formed, how he makes me want
To explore him more, to feel what lies below the surface
To enter his center of supreme dreaminess
Feeling everything in him that shimmers spectacularly
Travis Green Feb 2023
When I linger upon his venerable dreamy masculinity
I drown in his black-haired cracking rarity
In the firm muscular arms of his effervescent high-pressure flex
With ****** evocative hotness, profound appetizingness
Laying next to his loveliness, I wish to take a sip
Of his cherishable superlative artfulness

Feel his profoundness all around me
With an unmeasurable, pure ambiance
So heavenly and sparkling like
The mesmerizing nighttime stars
He lights up my entireness

He has me so attached
To his charismatically enrapturing masculineness
His bold and impassioned masterfulness
He draws me into his unconquerable showstopping astonishingness
He gives me fervent frequent desires
To feel his blazing and dancing fire

The world is pervaded with his fragrant, elevating amazingness
City-bred melt-in-your-mouth freshness
My fashionable fetching jack
My wanted wondrous superstar
He makes me so hot and hard
When I fantasize about his photogenic, poetic glowingness

With a deep addictive voice that turns me on
Magical luxurious sweetness
Devilishly pleasurable finesse
I wanna feel his sheer atmospheric imperialness
Streaming within my existence

I wanna smell his invigorating manliness
Picture his rare badass muscularity in my grasp
As I become rapt by the meshing of our sweaty bodies
Memorize the flaming angles
Of his juicy, sensational frame
Feeling his incomparable action-packed game
BandedEarth Apr 2018
I need to say, the evening with you was the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. Watching the performances, walking to Kaldi’s our steps and gossip wandering about together, singing show-tunes in your car, being vulnerable to a person we barely know, and watching Broadway Youtube videos; you just feel like we fit.

I need to say, It’s tomorrow morning now and I haven’t had you out of my mind for a moment since we separated. I want to spend countless more evenings feeling this enraptured by your company. I want to build you a castle of experiences, filled with treasures of memories better than these first ones made last evening; and the evening’s were pretty stellar.

I need to say, “I’m crazy over you.” I think you are more beautiful than the sunrise breaking across the sky, and more comfortable to be with than a favorite pair of pajama pants. I’m feeling so much, and so much intensity. I want time to draw us together. I want to  become the one who kisses your lips. I want to be cuddled up with you on a couch sharing a lazy Sunday. I want to be your biggest fan, cheering you on from the front row when you perform.  I want to know your people and be your person.

I need to say, the hug in the passage between your dining room and living room where I held you and was held by you was a perfect singularity. I could have dissolved into it, were we hugging or were we dancing? I want to think it was a dance but neither of us knew the steps. I want to learn the choreography, to feel the artfulness of gliding across a dance floor in partnership that’s safe. I want to pull you in, hold you close, take three steps in unison, spin you out to watch you dazzle, then draw you back again to reunite and prepare for the next bars the band will play directing our movement together. I want to become your Fred and you become my Ginger. Or perhaps not, it could have just been a hug because you just needed a friend to hug.

I need to say, I will not ever send you this. I just don’t know how to risk saying all this. I wish you could know this: that you could hear these words coming from my mouth. I want to hope you felt all this too. Yet I live inside a mind that colludes against me, and the risk of these words is crippling. I don’t want to retreat, fortify a secure position, and avoid the perilousness of something amazing and new. Yet that is my modus operandi. I wish I were the person who could announce such a proclamation of your enchantment. I want to actually feel that 1000 anxieties accompanying  the chanciness of speaking these words to you; because there was an undeniable elegance to the easiness of how we click.

I need to say these things I type. That however is just not me. So another bottle of regret will get added to my emotional cupboard of elixirs I will never get to taste. Before I stock this away to be misplaced and gather dust on its shelf I needed to record it here; just to let the magic of what could be fill me up at least a little bit.
I woke up at 5:30 this morning after the spending the evening with “my new best friend.” I knew I had to write down what I was feeling to get it structured and tangible. Every moment we spend together I think less and less this “best friend” thing is going to work out; because I am totally taken by the brilliance with which she shines into this world.
Travis Green Nov 2022
I wanna sink into your splendiferous
Vigorous prodigiousness
Your wild and singular rareness
Your genetically delectable
And sexible architecture

Tall, faultless, and strongly built physique
So exceedingly desirable and powerful
Your inviting, lithe delight
Excites my mind, body, and soul

Your infinitely superior and sturdy dreamworld
Takes me on a highly praiseworthy
And spectacular adventure
Where your hazardous and mysterious passionateness
Enraptures me wholeheartedly

Make me lapse into your ecstatic
And earth-shattering attraction
Broad, sun-kissed chest
Intensely dreamy and gleaming abs
Long, sleek, and ripped arms

How I wanna feel your mighty, skillful, and
Earthy hands on my soft and voluptuous ***
Feel your sick thick magic stick
Penetrate the entrance of homosexualness
Break open my walls

Let me embrace your lurid royal hardness
Feel my anatomy shift
In the astonishingly awe-inspiring
And compelling presence
Of your blithe and debonair masculinity

Undeniable, magnetic, and electric megastar
So savage and smashing
So massive and mantastic
Your dangerously deep dreaminess
Draws me into your artfulness and carnality

Your fragrant and ****** machoness
Your hairy, masterful masculineness
Your all-pervading, capable, and tasteful sensationalness
Makes me float in your hip-hopping hypnotic clouds
Of badass breezy brightness

You are bold, fiery, and rife with formidable spice
Feel how you pound me
Swirl your full, firm rigidity deep in my guts
Make me grit my teeth
Moan long and loud
While you leave me open-mouthed

Stir our worlds together
Press your unyielding naked flesh against mine
Command me with your thoughts and feelings
Change my inner world
Let us melt into one another

Embed me in your impressiveness
Feel your streaming sinful venom in my bloodstream
How your entrance my pink pearl
Cause my toes to curl
Cause me to surrender to your enamoring
And dominating flex

The way you dance
So romantically within me
Beat your monstrous booming drums
In my flowery, treasured jungle
Make my emotions run wild

All I want is for you to **** me ungovernably
Make my heartbeat reach the roof
Indulge me in every part of your rudeness
In your catchy cracking coolness
You groove in my altar of harmony
Shoot your thick, succulent custard
All around my perfumed and tempting hunkers
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your superlativeness enraptures me
Makes me yearn to trace your salacious
Strawberry lemonade lips
****** the fervent lines and outline
Of the soft ****** surface

Stroke your detailed debonair beard
Be your moving mellifluous muse
Inhale your divine and timeless invitingness
Your gorgeously galvanizing frame
Massively swirling and freshalicious game

Static chad flashiness
Your magicness captures artfulness
Fluidity of movement and smoothness
Heavenly effervescent perfection
I wander away in your fetching crown royal maple eyes
Dark handsome eyelashes
Arched, strong eyebrows

Rad tatted majesty, sink me
In your spinning speechless ecstasy
Further than ever, in your frenzied flickering heat
Disorder my thoughts and feelings
Tease my eager curvy blinkers
With your firm fingers

Travel your teeth over my ebullient succulent ends
Lock your tongue against them
Bite them, finesse them, run your fingernails over them
Make me moan hard
Play with my emotions
Let me worship your moist rock-hard muscles

Peck your thick slick neck
Rub my exuberant cheeks
Against your stately sinewy shoulders
Behold your glowing golden mango composition
Feel your bewitching kitten-soft hair

****** your aromatic earlobe
As you move your hands
All over my youthful touchable body
Smoking seductive supernova
You tug at my heartstrings
Mesmerize my liveliness
Pull me into your unsurmountable powerful desirableness
Make me so boy crazy over you
Travis Green May 2022
You had me caught up
In the fiery arresting grip
Of your sensual streamlined supremeness
You spun my head
With your **** smoking flow
Shouldered by growingly delightful
And powerful emotions in your soul

You were poetry in motion
In the most authentic sense
A dreamy dazzling rarity
Armed with artfulness
Unparalleled dynamism
Ardent hypnotic articulateness
The soul slamming DJ
Of my elegant luxuriant nation

It was the way you swayed my sensations
Made me vulnerable
To your beguiling, timeless beat
With your heavy, catchy bass
So impressively slick with your tongue
How you ran the world
With your flourishing flex
Showcasing your hunky untamed guns

You had me in heat
Dreaming about talking to you all night long
In a prism where your irresistible rhythm
Mesmerized me throughout the night
In a satisfying crashing trance
Lost in your wild hot sauce
Your exclusive lucid lines
Of compassionate immaculate love

Soothing me steady and slow
Enfolded me in your delectable protective arms
Sung magical nostalgic jams to my heart
I couldn’t stop convulsing
You had me falling
Into your remarkable marvelousness
Travis Green Jan 2022
I wanna feel your heartbeat
Regulate the space you dwell in
Flow in your brilliant mind
Spark your world
Pass the test in your mathematics class
Lay on your chest
Feel your tattoos
See your hands move
Around my arms

You got me so charmed
You are so smooth
The way you soothe me
Your chocolate mansion
Is superlatively sweet enchantment
You are tasty as scrambled eggs with cheese
As Buttermilk French Toast
Your vibe has my eyes focused on you

The way you throw up your hand signs
Got a brotha going wild like partygoers at a Brandy concert
You lure me in, your flex wins
You send me into wonderment
Your tallness, your wonderfulness, your artfulness
Your arms and abdomen
Your thighs and legs
I wanna embrace it all
Always on call to be your baby
To cater to you when you need me to

I cherish the limits of your world
You are so compatible with me
The way you showcase your sexiness
Is so ******* amazing
I swear it feels like I am on drugs
Immersed in you
All in your heat
It’s so deep that I can’t speak

Your masculineness is matchless
It’s that magic that I don’t want to leave from me
Baby, I wanna cling to you tighter than ever
Feelings so powerfully hypnotizing between you and me
I want every moment to remain right undyingly
I just wanna lean on your skin
And know you will guard every part of me
Travis Green May 2021
I swirled into the rhythm
Of his rarifying thoughts
Entangled in his symphonious warmth
An overload of uploading dopeness
Filling my flesh wholeheartedly
I was a gay being blown away
By his unsurpassed flamboyance
Waiting for him to unlock the door
To extraordinary store
Dive into his luminosity
His viridity, his sensuality
He made me love being gay even more
As I fantasized about him *******
In his fashionable bedroom
How his artfulness pushed me
Into his thrilling depths
Admiring the arrangement
Of unblemished frame
His vividly veined shoulders
His broad and toned chest
His pythonic package
Desiring to weave my epodic words
Upon his flashy thighs and legs
Seeking refinement in his masculine rivers
Travis Green Jan 2023
Your glorious poisonous alluringness stirs me up
Gives me a hard-hitting head rush that won’t let up
That makes me hunger for your honeyed hot stuff
Your devilishly edible and finger-lickin’ exquisiteness
Your enjoyable explorable artfulness

I wanna delve into your collection of arresting perfection
Let our vivid velvety vessels coalesce
Check out your top-shelf shredded structure
Your awesome cosmic volumes
Of all-conquering and heart-stopping sauciness

Be at the forefront of your bang-up pumped-up hunkiness
You astonish me like flawless kinetic art
With your top-of-the-range game
I wanna stream into the dreamy monumental limits
Of your streamlined shimmering supremeness

Bound to the blossoming borders
To your indomitable involving hotness
A prominent product of phenomenality
Smooth swagger and sensuality
You enclasp me in your gravity

You carry me into an unmatched impassioned galaxy
With you, there’s no measure between time and space
No comprehension of beginning to end
The only thing that I see in front of me is
My eccentric resplendent prince
That sends me in unprecedented transcendent ecstasies
Qualyxian Quest Feb 2019
music as companionship
      his imagination intersecting
                   my own ongoing life story

Catholicism, Wendy, Fr. Greeley
        Hungry Heart even in childhood
                           beach in moonlit glory

Italian artfulness,  

              Brown both/and
                                 communal Irish green

Gratitude beyond measure,
                                               Mr. Springsteen
Travis Green Feb 2023
His machoness and marvelousness are poppin’
His flawless starry hotness enthralls me
His magical melanin manliness
Makes me wanna drown
Into his high-quality hypnotic harmoniousness
His vulnerableness and wholeheartedness
His assertiveness and effortlessness
His artfulness and smartness

My strongly made disarming sauce dog
Sound in body and limb
Everything that shimmers seamlessly
He gives me a fever when he delivers
His legendary action-packed heat

When he speaks to me with his soft words
When he stares at me with his dancing, brandy brown eyes
When he licks his affectionate energetic lips
Draw me into him with his enthusiastic, passionate nature
His blithe iconic smile, his infectious majestic beard

He heightens my desires, leaves me entangled
In his unbounded mesmerizing fire
How he sheathes me in his magnificent and unyielding energy
His instantaneous and spontaneous enchantment
I am enamored by his angelically heavenly beauteousness

My priceless striking diamond
My favorite intoxicating sensation
I see him in my mind, his deep, rich litness
He teases me with his massive, immaculate attraction
His broad, comforting chest, his macho solar plexus
His poetically impeccable biceps and triceps

His long, unstoppable sausage conquers me
His masterful, eye-grabbing thighs
And legs are so pleasing to feel
To kiss his large, lustrous feet
Drift into his inventive succulent dreaminess completely
Travis Green Nov 2022
Your golden southern machoness
Makes my heart and soul sparkle
Instantly entrancing refreshingness
Youthfully smooth coup
With perfectly immersing artfulness
That astonishes and charms me

Savage strapping beast
Supernally staggering and thirsty trapper
I wanna massage your marvelousness
Worship your treasured tattooed beauty
Soothe your fresh and willing system
Dopacetic energetic flexer

You grab hold of my emotions
Wrap me in your warmth
Tease the dopest inmost parts
Of my soft blossoming homoness
Shackle me, tackle me, travel deep
In my queer flaming sweetness

Sheathe me in your torrid, relentless heat
Cause my moans to broaden
And skyrocket in and out of time and space
Make my world deliriously scatterbrained
Make me submit to the steamy
Streaming beat of your exquisiteness
Travis Green Jun 2022
When I see your hot
Milk-chocolate body
I fall under your spell
Enthralled by your charming
Top-level majesticness
Hot bearded boy
Ecstatic swag surfing lover boy

I want to relax
Into his spectacularness
Take a hit of your litness
Send me on a high
Where I can touch the sky
Float with the myriad dappled clouds
Shimmer like blooming June flowers
Like the eastern everlasting sunshine

Blanket me in your earthly emergent rarity
Where you pull me into your smoothness
You emotionally move me
With your flawless, gorgeous, and
Lustrous enchantingness
Broad and deep dapperness
Royal extraordinary masterfulness
Irresistible heavy hitter

I am so soft on your hardness
Your artfulness, your adroitness
The way you glide with fieriness
How you empower my mind
Supply me with your fuel
Suffused with the purest
And most veritable love
To keep me above water
Travis Green Jan 2022
I wanna make a reservation
To check into the hotel of his nation
Pick a perfect location to embrace him
To smell him, to kiss him, to caress him everywhere
Yank his clothes off
Squeeze his skin erotically
Switch off the lights
In his sublime city sweetness

Show him a good time
Sip his bright fine wine
Stroke and spank his ***
He moans to the rhythm of my nature
Straight up buzzing
He’s going to drown in my seas
And feel my tender pressure on his flesh
Ravel him out
See the stars glitter in his heartland

I have a heavy appetite tonight
And he is the delicious dish
I wish to indulge in
****** his manliness
Hold him down
He’s bound to my town
To the ardency I suffuse his heart with
High-grade, exhilarating chocolate

Solid bearded sweetheart
Appealing eyes and eyebrows
He got the fire; he can make it extra flammable
He can turn it into a wildfire
**** sauce, he is
With a whole lot of smoke in his soul
Swaggalicious and hunkalicious
Deep brown beauty
Tall, lean, a delectable dream
Scintillating wavy king
An ebullient element of affection

He keeps me supercharged like a hot jaguar
He is photographic attractiveness
I treasure the texture of his skin
How he sparkles like a charming penthouse suite
Like Louis Vuitton and Canary Diamond cufflinks
Like Balenciaga sneakers
Flawless artfulness
He’s my freshly homemade sweet tea, my MVP
My topflight delight
Sometimes Starr Oct 2023
Crunchy leaves don't lament the lack of artfulness
Nor artifice, or the lustful way in which I
Walk out of Kristen's house
Expecting them not to attack

I just ramble on and on
Waiting for you to draw your blade
My neck has always been naked
I don't wear steel plates

Brandishing it all the time
Your teeth sparkle in the sunlight
When you smile, they shine
Once I was a kid, back then it never forked my mind

What I do inside is not wrong
And that doesn't mean I'm clinging to pride
The way nature touches herself
Are we like the mantis?
Did you warn me not to do it again?

The brown leaves skitter across the street
They cannot escape and so they hope to be crushed up into dirt
And sometimes get swept up and strangled by plastic bags
But even plastic burns when you get it hot enough

So maybe the ocean is really getting cleaner every second
Travis Green May 2021
I wish I could tell him
How I feel about him
How I desire to compose
Supreme songs with him
In the soothing studio
Hear the harmonies
In his voice blend
In with mine
Watch the motion
Of his thrilling lips
How his eyes focus
On the flowing notes
Such great exhilaration
In his face when he croons
What a splendid tune
That takes me to the treasures
Of his unparalleled temple
His essence is in my veins
Exploring my artfulness
Touching me so enchantingly
Like I was a radiant rose
Holding me in all the right spots
To make my heart soar to the stars
Travis Green Sep 2020
My handsome man is everything that shimmers like diamonds,
everything that makes me feel so sweet and peaceful
inside, a captivating smile like the rays of the sunshine,
the universe swirling in his soulful physique, his lips
of appealing bliss, his smoky voice luring me into his
****** attractiveness, his memories all gleaming within me,
taking me on an exciting adventure towards the deepest
and greatest lands of his time, riding ***** in his romance.

He gives me chills and thrills, unable to stay still in his
deliciously dripping masculinity, my palms full of moist,
my core longing for you more and more, my supreme source
of power that empowers my mind, strengthens my intelligence,
gives me so many pleasant feelings, just to be around him,
in all his splashing sauciness and artfulness, my heart, all his,
and I want him with me forever because I love him so much
that I will miss him if he goes away for far too long, and he is
in my lungs, the only spotlight song that moves me like no one
else can do, the only man that will always stay in my heart.

— The End —