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Sam Oct 2016
I read the book,
I wrote the notes and I interpreted.
I came in to school,
and the teacher told me wrong.
I my interpretation was totally off,
even though I had resonable proof for my assumptions.
I just don't see, what others see,
Ya know?
Stefan Sagala Jun 2017
coffee house is a place where you doubtlessly see all the people being swept away in an invisible connection you can not see--sometimes, there are also some people who get caught in discussion and stuck by diffusion. the coffee that you drink often converts you its energy to analize your life's difficult problematics.  

coffee house is a place where you will genuinely feel sane if you see some people reading their own scripts or feel well-earned if you witness the self-interested people--where they hear their own tunes just for themselves, where they do not want to give you the same opportunity for joining them in thrilling your cochlear, even through the air filled with whiff of vapour. vapour which doesn't comprise the fumes of nicotine, but there is just a little amount of caffeine in its womb. however, vapour is vapour. it has its ability to serve you an effect to crave which oftenly makes yourself lose its excuse to refuse.

coffee house, is a place for the people who are looking for identities. coffee house is made for the people who keep analizing the layer by layer of their lives, for the ones who keep hunting  the nucleus of your providence's atom, for the people who keep ripping apart their particles. not dalton, neither rutherford, nor thomson, not even bohr, as the ones who might be able to serve you a soup of theory which if you eat it, you might be enlightened and your life might suddenly be well explained. the chaos of your life can not simply be explained that way.

coffee house is a place where you will find the lonely people whose lives will always be tossed around, the people who keep glorifying the fumes of caffeine that can hit you back to the point where you can be boiled by new hopes. and it remains that way all the time.

coffee house is a place for them who are hurt and diseased, but feel like hospitals are not the right house to canalize their moans. precisely, they will find their house here.

in a coffee house, you will learn to be yourself, and you will never find the lesson at all schools.

in a coffee house, you learn how to admit your predestination as the Audience of Lives.

coffee house is a place where you will always find your own cinema seat.

Stefan Sagala,
February 4th 2017.
for you, whom i found in a coffee house.
Ash Saveman Feb 2016
What it feels like to od

Your mind is screaming, fingers fumbling
You poor down the pills
Throat burning, but all you can think about is pooring down more

***** covers your body
Everything shaking, spinning, darking

You lose focus on everything but the white, red, and blue pills
almost patriotic

The ***** dosen't stop
you try to keep it down, but it burns it way up and out
Soon whole pills come up
this just makes you more determined to swallow more

You just want it to end, no  matter the pain
Hearing gunshots out your window, wishing it was you

Layng there, weak, covered in your own *****
then suddenly dog barking EMTs running through the house shining a Flash light in your face,
Screaming "what did you take!"
blank stare, mind too foggy
again "what did you take!"

mind reeling, stomach lurching, vomiting
screaming again
"Into the bag. ***** into to the bag, we need to analize it"

****** into and amulance
you're too young, you're too young, you're too...
**black out
xxc Sep 2013
Is love a real feeling?
Is it forever ?
No ,
So what is it?
How can two people who were together to part one day.
How can you forget the person who made you feel unique,
The person whom you would die for,
You would cry for,
You would stay up all night,
You would think of all day long,
Is it really so easy,
Bidding farewell?
No answer applies.
Noone can say what is happening in this situation.
Who could give a clear answer,
Who would dare to analize this mystery,
Only a lover,
Only someone who really wants to know.

But these questions don't matter
Because in the end there is only one question to be answered and this is ,

as Tom Robbins said :

"Who knows how to make love stay?"
love lovepoem still life
May Nov 2014
I'm lonely... I'm lonely in a world full of people
I'm watching the grey sky outside
I need to get out, to be sourrounded by people, to feel less lonely
I'm intreoverted but I need people
I want to drink a beer in a bar full of people, to study them, to be able to see every line in their face, to analize their clothes, to imagine things and scenarios about them, to make them be a part of my own world. strangers are my family, my friends, my lovers.
I don't want anybody to talk to me, I want to listen to the voices in my head and hear their thoughts
They would say: that man can't be your lover, he's waiting for his girlfriend, that girl can't be your girlfriend, you wouldn't like her perfume, taht woman has too big hands to caress you...
and at the end of the night I return to my bed still lonely wondering if there would be a time when I won't be... lonely
Tina Jun 2017
im screaming inside dont just sit there and watch me fall, just be there to catch me before i hit the ground. dont just sore with me when i fly high on top of the world but run away when we have a rough landing. dont turn your back when i have nothing, but be there to collect my all, and give me nothing when ive given u my all.
how do i find the light when my light has dimmed to the point of non iexistance. unflammable. darkness clenched its rough grip around my soft heart, betrayel begins to harden this once loving vessel,broken trust slows down the rythm of my beating heart, lies and deciet slowly clogs my main artery,a layer of ice from dishonesty and unloyalty glazes over my beating ***** of existance. can this same vessel that beats life into my own being ever beat the emotion of giving and feeling real love to and from another being?trying to fight the incoming feelings  recieved from these new found beating hearts..they speak all the things my mind warns me about, i fight, but my beats continue to weaken as i listen to the rythem of theirs. they try to ignite this flame that i used to beat so strongly just to keep lit, but i fight their attempts at softening my hardened icy sheild, i have tunnel vision.. only seeing... hurt! mind is now trying to stay alert! telling the heart dont go there u been here before! dont love again.. u know what ur in for! sleepless nights and silent tears, broken hearted and wasted years. broken promises and bonds broken, seperation of emotion no more promising words spoken, alot of damage i had to help u repair, ask ur self heart do unreally wanna go there, to you pumping your agape love thru your very own veins,to only recieve aches and pain? i would hate to mend you all over again, but as strong as i am you always win. beat cautiously friend, soften slowly, love with precaution. listen for an idemtical beat, a heart worthy enough to coincide and colide with your beat of life! tread lightly for you are my dear friend but also my worst enemy! when u fail we all have to tend to you, we zap you back to life when you allow your teammate slash apponant ,well call it,to  seize you and squeeze you into a threatening stroke, draining all feeling to the rest of us, i,yes i,your mind had to find the time to quickly analize and decide to ressesitate you one last time, to gather the rest of this being to work togeter to get u up and beating... again... we are so very tired, so again frenemy.. think of u but think of me, u break and seiZe again, im officially done, next time a triplr bispass will need to get done, when that massive attack of heart break happens again then again my friend youll be on your own then. this excitement of recipricated emotion and hopefullness at a paralell beating of two hearts is only pumping this damage vessell harder while the fear that the mind instilled , reminded me still ,to continue to beat at a slow, careful, steady, lonly pace... so do i love again and let my heart race or keep this whole being safe and beat at a lonely, regretful, but safe pace.. to be continued..
Imdnlyngrnd Jun 2021
What do I fear?
       :Write it dani.

I always thought that failure is my greatest nemesis, a downfall that would turn my tummy upside down, would make my whole body shake, would make my heart broken into pieces and make my knees bent down to the floor unable to move, to run, to walk or to stand. But as I am getting older, I see things wider and have understood how fear of failure has become part of living, in any circumstances, any situation it's always there. That’s something no one can control,  even how hard you were working, and thinking how life has been for me.  I guess it's not the failure that's sneaking into my bed trying to live in my head space at night dominating my whole being, staying late thinking and crying until I fall asleep, because I am still here waking up each day standing, fighting and trying. So, It's 2am and I am asking myself what I fear... Is it being haunted by the past, regrets, being alone, left alone, taken for granted, unlikable, unloved, unappreciated. Is it not being what most people want me to be? Is it all about not meeting the standards of this socially constructed world? I sat in a chair writing and contemplating, what do someone like me fear?

There is this series I've recently watched titled After Life, so the focus of the whole story was about a man who recently lost his wife, and an old woman who more than a decade ago became a widow. This woman helped this man to cope up with life, how to surpass the loss, the pain, longing and all. The man is completely miserable, nearly ending his life. What I love about this is that it generally tackles the wisdom of  life and the loss in death. It goes with the idea of, How hard life must be, it always goes on, and that death is not always about you ending the suffering. Taking your life is completely a waste, it may not be to you, but to the people who surround you and most importantly to the people you are yet to meet. So don’t give up, there’s always a greener side in the field. I cried so much in this film.

I am afraid to live, and not being true about it, afraid to live in vain and unable to discover myself. I am afraid not to enjoy living, afraid of not being kind and  unable to help. I am afraid to see myself living behind the bars, it's making my whole body shake, and my tummy upside down. I fear to think that my living is naught, I fear not living my own purpose, fear to be six feet under and not being happy underneath. Then death, not mine cause I'm aware death is a part of life. We never really owned anything in the first place, we were just like an important particle in the cycle of life. But I fear death. I fear death in vain, death without trying to fight. I am a sympathetic person, I always put myself in the shoes of those who's suffering. I feel it, I mourn it. The underlying pain, cries and longing,  I fear it. The pain and every bit of emotions that death could bring to my family, to my friends, to my other half and to me. Its regrets, unspoken messages, prayers, and by just thinking about it makes my heart broken into pieces and my knees bent down to the floor unable to move, to run, to walk or to stand.

And yet I realize how this fear is keeping our feet together, it somehow binds humanity,  because when we find ourselves frightened, unconsciously we are focused thinking of something way out of it. We are afraid, but it's what keeps us moving and striving, to decide, be more of ourselves, be someone better each day, to survive living, to learn to  appreciate small or big things and be grateful and thankful about it. Like a failure, fear is part of life, acknowledge it but don’t let it succumb you, make your way out of it, analize things between what you can and cannot control. I know it sounds so easy, but see for yourself. Imagine how far you’ve made out, you are doing so great, I am so proud of you, keep conquering.

I fear living and death. Uhh no, I fear living just to be dead.

— The End —