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I went above the roof of my so-called humble home;
Don't think I'm feeling lonely just because I'm alone;
My older brother is present maybe he is fast asleep;
Even my friends and loved ones have dark secrets they hide and keep;

I don't mind I have done much worst than you can think of;
Honestly, it doesn't bother me, there are many crucial problems we need to solve;
If we keep our eyes closed then yes we can smile, laugh drowning ourselves in ecstasy with bliss;
That is fine with me if everyone can do it, but if we see what is truly happening around us and we have a beating heart, tears in our very eyes would not cease;

If I just want to do what I wanted I would love to be with the girl, the woman who saved me, maybe hopefully I honestly love;
But If horrible war and all the crazy things around the world are still going on, what's the sense of everything I'll do, please enlighten me those who hear me from above, all your blessings I'll grab;

If I'll inspire the younger generation will it work?
I have already made many unacceptable things I'm worst than a ****;
If I do good or bad in the standard of this world could it make everyone happy and smile?
I lived in the City of smiles, but can every people be truly happy in facing life's trials?

All the ugly, disgusting things I've done whatever they are I don't deny it;
Some of it makes me stupid, a good-for-nothing fool any word you're hungry to add, no good all bad,
and at times makes me lose hope and end the very life I have;
but no I'll embrace every experience I have and endure all the aftermath and still fight, I'll never quit;

Honestly, I'm tired of pleasing people, but deep inside I want to please that girl/woman who saved me;
And most of all the one who gave me my life the one who created me;
Other people call the Father I know God or whatever any other name for the source of all creation;
So if it's fine for you, whoever reading this let me call the one who created me, my Father the one I invoke if I need immense inspiration;

Forgive me if the words I use bother anyone of you;
Yes I know, I have trouble using them, if only you have a clue;
If I'll be true in everything I do and say;
Can every ear and heart handle it? If it's the answer to every problem will you follow each step of the way?

If I'll be a righteous pious zealous man with the grace of our Creator in just one snap overnight;
Would anybody follow me and do the same and leave all the wrongdoings which are unpleasing to every sensible rational being's sight?
Yes, I know every human being have their principles, ideologies whatever philosophy in living;
But in life and death situations you can truly see if what you are looking and standing for is worth dying;

Yes, it's easy to say words, sing songs, write poems, or whatever at this time and age;
But you can only know what is true if your very life is at risk and face your life's unpleasing page;
When I was younger I easily get into a rage and make a reckless decisions;
But now I can just act like I'm angry with good intentions;

Yes at times I get ****** when someone, anyone bothers me;
And at times I get so cold everything vanishes in my sight not a single soul worth for me to see;
At times I wish this world could be a paradise once more;
But at times when I get blinded I wish this world would tremble to its very core;

The things I say may appear so vicious and malicious;
Isn't we human beings capable of that, kindly answer that, and don't be pretentious;
In my experience it is true I could do the worst possible thing I can imagine;
I don't care if you list my name in every sin;

But no I still have hope and dreams for the future of our world and every living being staying in this place we are sharing;
Who the hell I am to make a change in this world, I know one thing in the vastness of creation I am nothing;
That is why I have nothing to gain or to lose;  
I could just do nothing and be safe and wait for my story to end or simply die but now I'll be reckless and say things I bottled up, forgive me if that is what I choose;

I say these things because I see and feel what is happening here and around;
Violence is just around the corner great or small even in our very selves it can be found;
I don't say these things to put anyone down or destroy people's hope;
I just say what is true, but we need to face it and hold on to that redemptive rope;

Many of us want solutions to the problems we encounter may they be great or small;
But when the answers to the problems are facing us, some of us run and roll;
Sorry, I'll say a ***** word influenced by a well-known country;
**** it I'll spend all day writing until I'll run out of words even If I will sound crazy;

Honesty I'm not comfortable using this English language;
I love to speak in my mother tongue or just be silent but I need to do what is needed in our time and age;
Writing this, whatever you may call this would not give me anything;
but who knows it can stir something, make bells ring;

The first concern that comes to my mind is the
extreme weather and war;
Let me think about what will I talk about first
cause both things can leave bitter scars;
Many of us are always in a hurry to go somewhere;
We use and ride vehicles or any transportation that pollutes the air just to mention a few and say yes we still care;

Oh! I want to say the ***** word! but can we be true to ourselves and swear to vanish into existence or simply die?
If we including you and me human beings with our endless activities are the cause of extreme weather conditions please to ourselves don't we lie;
Can we give up the things that contribute to the devastation of our planet our home?
Or settle for a half-*** lukewarm solution and wait for the worst then we all tremble to our very bones;

Let me ask, those who have homes or shelter you frankly love to spend your time staying in every day;
What will you do if a pest or anything is destroying it I ask this nicely anyway;
Likewise our common home our planet called earth do we honestly take care?
Or just open our eyes every time there is a calamity happening anywhere;

Then close our eyes once more when it seems peaceful and calm;
Knowing we're slowly gradually contributing to our world's injury, I don't express this to everyone but maybe some;
I don't know maybe I have already done unimaginable damage to our planet;
If so I'll face any consequences but please let us do the things needed to be done before we all fall and regret;

I don't forget I'm just passing by spending some time in this world of ours;
If I ask forgiveness and do nothing to solve the problems, It's better to die or stay behind bars;
Let's not play dumb, we know we human beings are so intelligent;
Isn't human beings invented things that could destroy our world does that sound excellent?

Let us learn and go back to history what occur to that country Japan;
If that emerges once more, I don't know if we could still have some fun;
Wait I'm not done, why do we follow leaders or rulers who lead us to a pit;
I don't know if I have a leader who is like that the hell with him/her I'll quit;

Why don't those leaders fight their war and leave others be;
Imagine you're peaceful and someone bothers you or me;
They want peace and want to talk it out but they are ready to ****;
What on earth is wrong with our heads, we need to check it out is that the first thing we need to heal?

I have heard enough of myself writing in a foreign language;
With all due respect I'll use another for the next page;
Bato bato sa langit ang ma igo please wag tayo always galit;
Pasensyahi lang ko kung kis-a syado ko ka kulit kag bua-ngit kis-a gani ako yagit;

Ang panit ko medyo nang ***-om sang sulay sa adlaw;
Pero ako man kis-a maka yuhom kag ginagmay maka kadlaw;
May ti-on sang una nga ako daw isa ka patay nga ga balang-balang;
Mayu lang damu nag salbar sa akon, kag ako na banhaw kag daw alang-alang na mag talang;

Pero samtang ga ginhawa pa ako hindi ko ka hambal sang tapos;
Ka nugon sang mga tinaga kung indi mapasaburan kag mapabay-an lang nga gaka pan-os;
Sa tuod lang ka tawhay diri sa gina tiniran ko na panimalay;
Simpli lang ang kabuhi ga biya biyahi e-bike ga dul-ong sang pasahero nga ga sakay;

Sinsilyo ginagmay, biskan ang balay gani indi mani akon;
Salamat sa akon amay kag iloy daw ara lng sila gihapon;
Buenas lang ko sa mga grasya na akon na baton;
biskan wala na gani si nanay ga sulod gyapon iya pensyon;

Para sa SSS kung may sala man ko na himo ari lang ko sa balay kung ako inyo dakpon;
Kay kung mag sulod pa gihapon sa atm pwede ko pana ma gamit sa amon galastuson;
Wala ko kabalo kung inyu na gina hungod;
Bangud gatingala man ko ang grasya wala ga untat sulod;

Kay kung sa inyu layi dibala dapat wala na nga grasya ma sulod tani;
Pero kung sigihon ninyu pasulod ay ka tahum kanami;
Pero ka balo man ako damo na may ma batikos kag ma hisa;
Pasensyahi lang ako batunon ko na ang ihambalon ninyu tuod man gina paguwa sang akon dila;

Daw ka bug-at abi kung ang isa ka tawo may gina tago tago;
Amo ina nga tanan ko nga sala bahala kamo mag sintensya kay ako kadali lang mag ako;
Dumduman ko sang gamay pa ako na mana ko kay tatay nakon and iya hapo;
Medyo hubin pa ko kabalo na man ako kung ma patay ako kung diin ako ma kadto;

Sang gina ataki ako sang asthma daw ma bugto ang ginhawa kag daw ma ubos akon pwersa;
Gina hulat ko ang akon nanay nga ga langoy sa lamesa pero okay lang na siya intindihan ko na;
Natun-an ko sa kabuhi hindi man permi permi ara aton mga abyan biskan pamilya;
Amu ina sang amu to nga ti-on nag tawag ako sa kung sin-o man sa akon nag hurma nag tuga;

Kung lantawon ko gani liwat ang na tabo; akon man to sala nga ako gina hapo;
Sa bisyo ko na sigarilyo kag pahubog na inom;
Na ani ko lang mga bagay na akon gin tanom;

Amu ina mga kabataan indi manami kung inyu ma agyan ang akon na agyan;
Kay kadamo nga dalan ang akon na laktan;
May ara man kasanag kag mga matahum;
May tyempo man nga kala-in kag ka dulom;

Pero salamat sa nag patilaw sang kabuhi sa nag tuga sa akon;
Ako ari paman gasulat buhi pa man sa giyapon;
Pero balik ta sa isturya sang tyempo kag klima;
Kag kung anu anu pa ang gaka tabo isa pagid na ang mga giyera;

Sa tuod lang matyag ko ang kabuhi ko daw ako na hampangan na tripan;
Wala ko kabalo kung tungod sa mga gina sulat sulat ko, ahay ewan;
Sang una mag sulat ko kung ano ano daw wala man may ga sapak;
Pero subong ambot hindi lang ko sure daw hindi ko ka giyo kag ka palak;

Wala ko gani ka balo ngaa amu ini ang na agyan ko na direksyon;
Wala man ko ga riklamo biskan anu subong akon ma dangpan na sitwasyon;
pasalamat lang ko ka tilaw man ko mabuhi nga isa ka tawo;
Nga maka dumdum sang mga memorya kag maka paminsar sang mga bagay-bagay sa
sulod sang akon ulo;

Intindihan ko man ang iban mahambal sagi ka sulat wala mana pulos usik lang na tyempo;
Pasensyahi lang ko kay gamay lang akon kalipayan amu lang ini mahatag ko sa inyu;
Labay man lang akon na pamangkot kung ikaw abi gaan chansa kag ti-on;
Himo-on ka isa ka lider, presidente, prime minister; okon hari na may mansyon anu una mo na obrahon?

Sa mga bagay bagay kag gaka tabo sa aton subong nga panahon;
Kung kis-a gaka lipat kita biskan sa kahoy may pulos man na iya mga dahon;
Biskan ano kapa ka gamay kung kita tanan ga binuligay indi ayhan ina matawhay?
Kung ikaw abi isa ka lider okon amay nami-an kabala nga kita mag inaway-away?

Hindi ko ka intindi ngaa ang mga tawo ga pinatyanay;
Kung amu man lang ni ang bwas damlag sang mga kabataan mayu pa mag tulog na ga tulo ang laway;
Katawhay tani galing kung amu sina daw tinamad na man na daw buhi nga patay;
Dibala sang una kita tanan basi gina kugos man lang sang aton nanay okon tatay kag kung kis-a man mga tupad balay;

Ngaa dapat kung ga dako nata dapat gid bala mag dako man aton mga ulo haw?
Pyerdihon man ta gihapon sang baka kag karabaw may dala pa na sungay ka luoy man galing kis-a sa ila kung sila gina ihaw;
Sabagay ga mahal na man mga balaklon pati mga pagkaon;
Medyo maayo mana siguro ang sustansya sang utan para sa aton;

Kis-a maka hambal kita bay-e dira ang mga gaka tabo wala man ta gaka epiktohan;
Te kung ikaw gaan isa ka blessing para maintindihan mo, ibutang ka sa ma-dulom kag pwerti ka teribli na dalan sang kabuhi para ma inat imo nga paminsaron kag balatyagon kag imo ma intindihan;
Gina pangabay ko lang na imo ma sarangan ang mga leksyon sang kabuhi na tani aton tanan ma tun-an;
Buenas lang mga tawo nga permi lang sa masanag kag manami na dalan ang gina agyan, indi man siguro tanan;

Sa kadamo sang kala-inan nga na himo ko Amay nga nag tuga sa akon pasensyahi kag sintensyahi na lang ako;
Kung may butig kag indi matuod sa akon gina sulat subong maayo pa kilatan mo na lang ako;
Ako nga nag sulat sini isa ka tawo na indi perpekto sa mata sang mga tawo;
Ginoo Amay ko nga nag tuga sang akon ulo, mata, paminsaron, corazon kag ini mga kamot gabayi lang ako;

Sa kada tinaga nga ma sulat ko diri subong tani makabulig hilway sa akon kaugalingon kag balatyagon;
Kay mag abot ang ti-on na kina-hanglan ko ini balikan kag basahon may gabay na ako sa akon distinasyon;
Sa isturya na man sa akon kabuhi ang pahina parti sa gugma romantiko kag relasyon;
Sa edad ko subong na traynta-uno sa gugma
romantiko na aspeto daw bata-bata pa ako wala kabalo kung ano akon himo-on;

May ara ako na luyagan sa isa ka malayo na lugar;
Sa pwerte ka luyag ko sa iya kung kis-a wala ko kabalo kung ano obrahon ko daw indi ako mag andar;
Wala ko kabalo kung ako lang na luyag sa iya kag siya wala man ya sa akon;
Biskan gusto ko na buy-an ang luyag na akon gina dala gabalik man ako sa iya giyapon;

Ka ilinit na balatyagon nga daw ga kurog na corazon kag dughan;
Daw mahibi kung kis-a akon nga mga mata nga daw gal-um kag ga tubod na bagyo kag ulan;
Nga-a amu ini kung ma luyag-luyag ko haw kung maayo ang relasyon grabi ma hatag nga inspirasyon;
Kag kung buy-an ko na kag indi pag ibato ang sa sulod sang akon balatyagon daw delubyo ang dala kag distraksyon;

Paano ko ayhan mapa luyag sa akon ang na luyagan ko;
Tudlo-i ninyu man abi ako ga ayo ako sang sinsiro;
Okon buy-an ko na lang kag indi pag i-pilit sa iya ang kaugalingon ko;
Palihog please prangkaha na lang ako kung wala na ako pag-asa sa imo;

Ka balo man ako damo man mas responsabli nga maka palangga sa imo;
Hambali lang ko kung ano obrahon ko kay indi na ako mag sinabad sa imo;
Pero dako na salamat sa ti-on na gin bangon mo ako sa pag ka dasma nga gapa luya;
Biskan ano akon napanghimo na mga sala ara kaman giyapon naga uyat kag wala nag buya;

Pasensyahi lang akon mga tinaga kung ako daw wala sing huya;
Sa bagay kung sa mata sang mga tawo indi man ta bagay kay ikaw prinsesa ako ya kabalan na dukha;
Mabalik na man ako sulat sa ling-gwahi na hapos para sa imo ma intindihan;
Para ini sa babayi binibini sa malayo na lugar na akon na luyagan;

Not all letters at a post office are meant for everyone to read;
Not everyone in this world can make my heart and head gradually bleed;
For the woman who captured my frozen flaming heart;
From far away you are may you read this with your heart this annoying art;

If I bother you before let me do it once more;
I can't wield this feeling deep inside my core;
A woman whose 1st name starts and ends with A;
This part of this letter is for you, I'm expressing today;

Forgive me if I've been reckless and will be in my actions and words, I write and say;
The way I am now and before can you accept me I ask you in a sincere polite way;
I write this not because I'm angry or happy just trying to keep in touch;
You have made me your slave a prisoner you made me crazy in many good ways I can't say
too much;

I have nothing great to offer you to make you truly happy;
I know millions of others can love you more and you can be;
Honestly, it makes me jealous if you'll be in the arms of someone;
But I have no right to do that for in your life maybe I'm just no one;

If it is God's plan for you and me to be apart in heart be far away;
It's not God's fault or yours but mine cause many times both of you I have dismayed and maybe betrayed;
I have played the game called life and I have no cheat code to win it;
I have times I'm on the straight road and at times fall to a pit but still, I never quit;

Even a writer just can edit and at times unnecessary messages he can delete;
And a witty singer can sing passionately so bitter and at times so deliciously sweet;
You made my heart beat truly beat in a romantic sense;
And at times in your presence I feel intensely tense;

We live in a dense world full of amazing people;
But I wonder in love and madness for you I fall;
I understand and know what I need to do or my Father's/Creator's/God's call my duty to do;
But if I pour my life and my heart into you I don't ask you to do the same I don't want to control you;

Forgive me if I'm madly obsessively falling in love with you;
Correct me if I'm wrong honestly this feeling I have for you I have no clue;
All I know now about me and you without you I'm so blue;
I want to please you in every way at times I can no longer be at ease and be true;

Please tell me what I need to do to capture your heart;
Or just even give me a place there to be a part of, just even a tiny part;
If you can make me your friend honestly for me it's enough;
But if you ask my heart what it truly wants for me it will be rough;

I dream of a future for you and me to be a happy family;
But who I am in your life now I don't know I'm lost I can't see;
Just tell me sincerely if in your life I don't have a chance;
If even a small there is I could leap for joy and madly dance;

But I don't want to manipulate or control you I want you to be free;
To say and do what you want and need truly even if it's not me;
Don't worry I can take it gracefully if you reject me I'll move on;
But the blessings you gave me the hope I'll treasure it and never be gone;

Please don't think if my heart will fall into pieces I'll become a monster;
Don't worry about that God is watching me our Creator the one I call Father;
If I accept the good things in life is it not fair to accept also the little trials;
Sometimes it's also good to shed some tears and cry not every time just laugh and smiles;

I'll do everything within my capability to make this world a paradise;
But without the grace of our creator God, our common Father I'm just a foolish man not wise;
So don't worry to reject me I just want us to be free;
If only I own all the things in this world or a castle for you to be;

If that will make you truly happy how I wish I would be a king;
And make every people our family and we could share a meal a home have fun and you can sing;
I know it may sound crazy and impossible but who I am now I'm happy, a life of simplicity is simple;
One thing I remember my mother wrote a note on a book she gave me, it says always be humble;

I'm afraid to be as powerful and rich as the kings;
It's not a joke to have all that and the possibilities it brings;
One thing I know is that everything I have is temporary;
The things I have, my mind my body, talents, and everything within me;

Only by the test of time, we would know;
If we'll be blessed with old age we can still live and grow;
Forgive me if I did not sound so romantic;
At distant seas we are apart I'm not sure the whereabouts maybe the Pacific and Atlantic;

But deep inside my heart I only wish the best for everyone especially you;
If we're not meant to be for each other I'll accept it but please let us be true;
I write this part of the letter for the woman whose name starts and ends with A;
I wish the best for you and in my heart, you already have a place to stay;

I'll just end here for now but I'm not yet done;
I hope I can hear from you even if in your life maybe you want me gone;
I have nothing to offer you to truly genuinely make you happy;
But if you are already truly happy with your life I will be happy too it resonates with me;

Now, this part of the story is for everyone for a human being who has an open heart;
Can we welcome someone anyone maybe a stranger in a time so dark;
Can we replenish what is missing from someone unknown to us what they lack;
Or just ignore an unpleasant stranger in our hearts we put a block, chain it and lock;

If someone needs something to eat just to survive and be alive are we willing to give;
If a homeless hopeless stranger knocks on our door will we accept them where we live;
If someone or anyone truly essentially needs something a matter of life and death that degree of importance;
Will we give or share and sacrifice what we have even if it hurts or put a lock into our hearts and do nothing but glance;

If every open-hearted people in our world who don't want and need war will unite;
And strive extremely to heal not only our heads but also our planet and disobey those who commands us to do violent actions and senseless fight;
Will we give time or a chance a shot for that matter;
Or just go with the flow and do our day-to-day routine to obtain our bread and butter;

Is it possible for all of us just for a day or a week to have a leave like a worldwide collective vacation;
To stop and cease anything which is harming any living creature/being and let the planet breathe, maybe mother earth is already in a state of suffocation;
Or can we just sit somewhere and be still whatever you may call it prayer or meditation;
I don't know I'm just giving an idea but maybe anyone there somewhere has a better answer for an open-hearted being who is willing in listening and doing the solutions;

We can be open-hearted to listen and do what is truly needed;
I'm no genius I need everyone willing to share their solutions and answers, for now, we are alive but what can we do if we're already dead?
I've become who I am because of my relationship with our creator God or our common Father;
But before I encounter our Creator I knew him through someone in some stories or letters;

I don't know for everyone but in my life experience it was the man called Jesus Christ;
Who let me have a glimpse of the source of all creation which is unexplainably nice;
I do some methods or ways trying hard to follow that man's footsteps and maybe accidentally;
  I have tasted and touched the one called infinite;
If I'll put into words what I've experienced it will be indefinite;

Everything pleasingly beautiful that I have made I can't make any of it just by using my wit;
But for the wrong ways and decisions, I have chosen it was my own will I will not deny it or disown it;
I don't know and will not assume anything about anyone practicing being still;
But one thing I know is we are all created by the same unfathomable Being for me that is real;

In this lifetime of mine I have experienced indescribable things I need not say;
But I thank you our common Father the Creator of all for the chance to live even this very moment and all the nights and days;
By the way, I know people are confused and fight because of what they believe or their religion;
If a person has a sincere conviction on what they know or believe they will have a clear vision;

So if it's the end times we are living in now will it change the way we are because of fear;
And if it is not will we just do anything that pleases us even if we hurt and harm others who are dear;
I won't stop anyone to be fearless but please can we human beings be harmless;
I have no right to say this I know in my life I have hurt and harmed someone I'm that careless;

If only we could open our hearts and not give them a lock;
And fill which have empty and shower them with what they lack;
May it be physically, emotionally, spiritually, or psychologically on any aspect of a human being;
I know things seem so hard but if we have an open mind and heart dark skies and times will be brightly shining;

I know whomever we believe or know the one who Created us all will not abandon us;
For the gifts, we have like talents, knowledge, wisdom, and many more given by our Creator I still have faith in humanity and especially in our common Father God I trust;
I always remind myself in the vastness of creation I'm just a speck of dust;
Even that man of steel in a children's story has a weakness like steel eaten by rust;

So if it's a must to open and stretch our minds and hearts then put away those locks;
For the time is ticking for all of us we better spend it wisely and set our clocks;
Set aside or sacrifice anything that blocks us to reach a common goal;
Then if possible we all communicate, and cooperate for the common good of all;

I wish and dream we can all have an open mind and heart to lift one another;
This is a wish coming from an ordinary child-man who already lost his biological father and mother;
Will it be beautiful before we end our life's stories this world will be so much better;
And the next generation will no longer need to read this lengthy letter;
Caryl Maluping Aug 2021
Nagpabilin nga mamingaw an mga kagab-ihon
Madampog an langit ngan waray bisan usa nga bituon
Maalinsuog an hangin nga nadukot ha akon panit
Pero ano man nga tigda nala tumaghom han nawara ka na ha akon sapit?

Hain ka na? Pakiana nga baga’t ruba nga plaka
An imo ngaran an akon inuguman tikang hiton gab-i kutob ngadto’t aga
An akon pagkakaturog in pirme man gud masaklap
Kay baga ako hin nahigda ha salog nga waray balon nga taklap.

Aadi pa ha akon mga kamot inin mga panyo nga minad-an
Han mga luha nga nagpapas nala tungod han kagul-anan
Gin mimingaw na gad ako han imo matam-is nga tingog
Sige man iton akon guliat pero dire ka man nakakdungog.

Hain ka na? mamingaw na an aton mga sonata
Hain na? hain na an aton gin-uungara nga istorya?
Waray naman gud rumabong an aton natindog nga relasyon
Waray kadiligi hin maupay asya tigda napuo an pundasyon.

Yana an huring nala han hangin an akon nababatian
Waray na bisan guliat o kurahab man la nga nadudunggan
Waray na gihap wantas inin uran, waray na ada plano pag-huraw
Sugad han aton gugma, nagpapabilin nga mamingaw.

- Caryl
Caryl Maluping Aug 2021
Huna ko ba nga may ada mo iyayakan?
Ano man nga bagat na dire ka nga akon iton masabtan?
Waray ka na gad pag-tapod ha akon?
Pirmi naman la masulub-on iton imo bayhon.

Kumusta ka na? Bangin amo la gihap
An aton kahimtang sugad hin lasaw nga dire mo matarap
Kay kuno nalikay ka na ha akon
Ano ba itun basehan nga imo man ako pagbabasulon?

Mamingaw naman an mga gab-i nga marisaw
Napuno na hin kahagkot, kasakit ngan kahidlaw
Hain na an mga pahaliday nga imo ginhatag
Adton gugma nga waray mo ginsandag.

Madagmit man gud la an karida han panahon
Nga ha akon paghimangno dire ka na ngay-an akon
Aadto ka na man liwat ha iba
Aadto ka kay durudamo man it iya kwarta.

Waray ko na kababatii an imo tingog
Asya nga an akon adlaw pirmi nala maluntog
Pero aadi la gihapon ha akon huna-huna inin pakiana
Paglaom nga usa ka adlaw mabalik ka pa.

- Caryl
Krezeyyyy Oct 2016
Unsa’y ikatambal sa kasing-kasing nga nasamdam?
Unsa’y pwede ikapugong anin’g mga luha nga wa’y undang sa pag-agas?
Unsa’y akong buhatun para mawala nin’g nipilit nga kasakit
Sa akon’g dughan nga sa imu ra gihapon nipitik?

Ana sila mawala ra daw ni
Ana ka “this is for the better”
Ana ko, “asa ang better?”, “kanus-a pa?”
Kung sa paglabay sa mga adlaw, sakit gihapon
Sama atun’g adlawa nga ako nabiya-an.

Unsa’y akon’g buhatun anin’g dughan ikaw gihapon
Ginapangita, ginadamgu, ginahuna-huna?
Ako nagpabilin sa tunga-tunga
Sa pagsangpit nga ako balikan nimu
Ug sa pagbiya, paglubong anin’g paghigugma
Nga wala na lingi-a.

Ug samtang karun nga bisa’g gamay lan’g nga pagtakdol
Sa kasing-kasing ug sa mga kagahapon’g panumduman
Wala’y lain kan’g madunggan kundili
Hagulhol nga daw namatyan
Ug sa padayun nga pagpatay anin’g ala-ut nga gugma.

Ako padayun nga mamasin
Nga pag-abut ugma damlag
Mahuman ang kasakit
Magsugod ang bag-un’g
Kalinaw, kalipay, malipay
Akon’g kasing-kasing unta magmaya na sab.

Apan karun nagpabilin kon’g mangutana,
Unsa’y ikatambal sa kasing-kasing nga nasamdam?
Unsa’y akong buhatun para mawala nin’g nipilit nga kasakit
Sa akon’g dughan nga sa imu ra gihapon nipitik?
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Akon angel
Is the only black angel that lives in heaven
The rest of the angels are white
And the white angels finally got used to Akon angel
Of course the white angels were upset when they heard that a black Angel
Was going to live with them
At first they felt outraged
But God had a talk with all the white angels
And told them that their behavior was unacceptable
Because heaven is for everybody and not only for whites
Also God explain to them that he made the people different colors
Because he wanted a spice in life
Akon Angel doesn't have anything against the white angels
But the white angels will ignore Akon angel and not say anything to him
Because they don't want to upset him
So they try to pretend that the Akon angel doesn't exist
And that helps them to deal with it
Akon Angel looks after the garden in heaven because he loves to work in The garden and doesn't mind to get *****
But the white angels don't like the garden at all
And they work in he kitchen preparing their meals for the day
God is in charge of the laundry and the cleaning of heaven
Also God loves to clean and do the laundry
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Akon angel
Is the only black angel that lives in heaven
The rest of the angels are white
And the white angels finally got used to Akon angel
Of course the white angels were upset when they heard that a black angel
Was going to live with them
At first they felt outraged
But God had a talk with all the white angels
And told them that their behavior was unacceptable
Because heaven is for everybody and not only for whites
Also God explain to them that he made the people different colors
Because he wanted a spice in life
Akon Angel doesn't have anything against the white angels
But the white angels will ignore Akon angel and not say anything to him
Because they don't want to upset him
So they try to  pretend that the Akon angel doesn't exist
And that helps them to deal with it
Akon angel looks after the garden in heaven because he loves to work in the garden and doesn't mind to get *****
But the white angels don't like the garden at all
And they work in the kitchen preparing their meals for the day
God is in charge of the laundry and the cleaning of heaven
Also God loves to clean and do the laundry
Caryl Maluping May 2024
Kumusta ka na? Maiha na gihapon tikang kita in nagkita
Nagkahimangraw ngan nagka ada hin halarom nga istorya
Diri ngani ako maaram kon nahinumdom ka pa ha akon
Dara na ada gihapon han kapaspas han panahon.

Kon ikaw man akon igkatapo
Diri ako maaram kon an pag asi ha akon imo pa ba mahimo
O kon an akon ngaran man in sumangko ha imo huna huna
Alayon nala pagsiplat bisan man in kadali la.

Kay intawon ine nga imo 'sangkay' nagpipinamulat na ha imo
Nalilisang, ngan nababaraka na hin duro
Ngan kon mahimo ha imo pag abot aton unta balikon
Mga hinumduman nga matam-is ug mag upay nga sagdon.

Unta maupay yana it imo kabutangan
Unta waray ka kabido nga gin aawilan
Unta malipayon ka la gihapon
Parehas han una nga kita in magka abuyon.

Ngan kon ine man nga siday in mahidangat ha imo
Hinumdumi nga an akon pagkita ha imo in waray mag bag o
Aadi ka la gihapon, nagpupuyo ha akon huna huna
Samtang naglalaom nga mabalik ka pa.
Caryl Maluping May 2024
Ikaw an inspirasyon ha kada adlaw
Makit-an ka la nawawara an akon kapiraw
Ikaw in duro ka espesyal ha akon
Bisan dire mo ako mahimo nga asihon.

Ngan aadi hi ako pirmi la malipayon
Kay may ada hi ikaw nga aadi ha akon
Hirayo man an imo kinamumutngan
Ha akon kasing-kasing nakatatak ka na nga daan.

An imo mga kamot nga baga hin porselana
Amo an hingyap nga makaptan ha kada pagamamata ha aga
Ngan an imo hangkop ungara ko pirme
Bisan man tanan ine imposible.

Nga ha kada mo pagtutuok may ada unta hi ako
Ako nga dire mabaya ha imo
Pero kay hi ikaw man gud dire nakatakna para ha akon
Kay iba man an sinisipat han imo mga bayhon.

Oo, may hi ikaw nga akon ginrespeto
May hi ikaw nga espesyal an pagtrato
Pero kay hi ako in dire mo man liwat ungara
Asya maukoy na la ngan dire magpapasipara.

Kay may ada adto usa nga ikaw
Ngan may ada hi ako nga ha imo in ginmimingaw
Pero ayaw ta nala ine pagpirita
Kay malabo nga hi ikaw ngan ako magkadayon pa.
Caryl Maluping May 2024
Akos ba suklon han akon rapadapa
An distansya  nga nagpabutnga ha aton nga duha?
Akos ba balasahon han akon mga kamot
Adton baraha han oras nga makuri maabot?

Tatagan ko ba hin higayon
Hin gutiay nga tiyansa it akon kalugaringon?
Nga kalimtan an kamatuoran
Nga di ka na mabalik bisan san-o pa man.

Tatagan ko ba hin higayon
Iton akon kalugaringon?
Nga tumuod kon ano'n may-ada haat nga duha
Ngan maglaom nga ha urhi may-ada pa "kita".

Pero kay tinagan ko na liwat hin higayon
An akon kalugaringon nga dire na lanaton
An naglabay nga makuri madakpan
Ngan an rason nga makuri hibilngan.

Pupruybahan ko pagbalik, uutrohon ko pagtaya
Iilubon an kasakit mahibalik ka la
Kay bangin la ha urhi nga takna, ha pugtot hit panahon
An ak' ginhalaran hin gugma bumalik ha akon.
estelle deamor Dec 2014
Karuyag ko pagsurusuntukon ini nga busag nga ****-****
Pero sigurado nga maul-ol
Salit, adi nga ulunan nala

Karuyag ko mamusdak hin mga pinggan nga nakatambak ha banggera
Pero magluluto pa ngay-an hira hin sura
Salit, niyan pagkatapos nala

Karuyag ko kumurahab hasta ako mapaas
Pero may bata nga nakaturog bangin makamata
Salit, tik-om nala

Karuyag ko manrabot hin tawo
Pero naguusahan la ako ngadi ha kwarto
Salit, it akon kalugaringon nala

Karuyag ko gusi-gusion an mga surat nga ginhatag mo ha akon
Pero aadto ha hunos, maupay an kahipos
Salit, sunod nala

Karuyag ko na bumul-iw ngan talikdan ini nga grasya
Pero waray ka bumaya
Salit, ayaw nala
Here is another Winaray poem or commonly known as Siday. It's title "Karuyag ko maghingit, pero" means "I want to whine, but" shows the writer's struggle from fighting the urge to break out but confronted by endless reasons or may I say, procrastination not to do it anyway. English version may follow shortly.
Juan! Juan! Sa diin na ang palangga ko nga Juan?
May dapat vlah ikaw mahibaluan
Ako sa imo may kinahanglan

Simple malang ang akon ginapangayo
Nga ako ang pagapilion mo
Pila ang gusto mo nga ihatag ko?

Sige don…indi timo maghinulsol kaja ah
Para man ja sa imo ikaayo kg ikasadya
Di vlah gusto mo nga mag-umwad ka?

Indi ka? Sige guys, kamo na bahala sa iya
Himua ang tanan para siya akon makuha
Ang dungog, pag-apin kg boto niya

Hahahah! Juan! Juan… Akon ang boto mo!

-sometime in 02/2016
*for Lit. Day 2016
My Poem No. 501
estelle deamor Mar 2015
Diri masusukol an kahirayo han Imo urukyan
Bisan rocket plane pa it akon sakyan

Ha sinirangan ngan katundan ngadto gihap, aadto Ka
Bisan ha Ionosphere man ug ha pinakailarom han tuna

Languyon ko man an bug-os nga Pasipiko
Bisan milyones ka metros diri ak makakaabot ha Imo

Pero mayda ko nasabtan ug saad nga ginkakaptan
Bisan usahay diri ko intawon maintindihan

Nga bisan Ikaw an pinakahitaas han nga tanan
Nagpakaubos Ka para han Imo gugma ha kalibutan

Nga bisan harayo an imo kinabubutangan
Nahirani ka para pirme ko Ikaw madadaupan
A Siday (Poetry in Waray), with a title that means "Far and Near", talks about the paradoxical nature with our relationship with the Almighty having both experienced His transcendence and immanence.
Caryl Maluping Aug 2022
Tara aton tan-awon
Balikon an nawara nga hinumduman naton
Updi ako paglingi, pag-duaw bisan la maguti
Tagi ako hin oras, alayon la pamati.
Tara aton balikon
Mga panahon na hi ikaw akon
Nga hi ikaw pa an akon kalibutan
Kalibutan nga yana imo na ginkalimtan.
Tara updi ako
Ngadton takna nga dire pa uso an tawo
Balitaw intrimis la tatawa-tawa gad usahay
Ayaw pagkawanga an oras, inin higayon nga maupay.
Babahinan ko unta ikaw hine nga aton anay storya
Ugaring kay na dire ka ada nga ine mabalik pa
An aton paglakaton in imo gintuldukan
Dalan nga anay ginsubay, yana waray na hingaradtuan.
Tara, dire ka gud ba maupod?
Bisan la ha urhi nga takna ig-bayaw an imo pagtapod
Tuguti ako nga ha imo akon igsumat
Inin sininsilyo ngan tinalagudti nga pag-aghat.

Fd Dural Sep 2015
An katubigan han sapa,
May iya iya man nga ganghaan,
uusa la an pag-lalagosan.
Tipakadto pakig-urusa
ha kabutngaan hiton dagat.

Tubig ako hin sapa.
Ikaw man in tubig han sapa.
Usa nga paglaom nga akon kakaptan.

Nga ikaw ug ako,
magigin' usa nga dagat
ha takna nga magkatarapo
kita -nga katubigan han sapa.

(You, Me, And The River Water)

The river water
May each have their own separate passage
Will always find its way in a similar course
Going to that meeting
In the middle of the ocean

I am a river water
You are another river water
A hope, I will keep holding on

A hope, that you and I
Will be one ocean
Coming that moment of meeting
*Of us-the river waters
Translated by Estelle Deamor
estelle deamor Mar 2015
So, how are you?
Hopefully, you don’t have that cough anymore,
Because that would be tough for me for sure.

So, how was your day?
You might be up again till the morning,
Because you have been thinking, writing.

So, how is your heart?
If it is hurting,
Don’t worry, I’m here to listen.

So, will you not ask how I am?
For you, that might not be a big issue,
While I’m here, so much missing you.

--Originally written in Winaray--

Ginmimingaw Ako Ha Imo

*Ano kumusta ka na?
Kunta diri ka na gin-iinubo,
Kun diri, masusubo gud ako.

Ano kumusta an imo adlaw?
Bangin nagpiniraw ka na liwat,
Pagpinanhuna-huna, pagsinurat.

Ano kumusta an imo kasing-kasing?
Kin malain it imo ginbabati,
Ayaw kabaraka, pwede man ako mamati.

Ano diri ka mangungumusta ha akon?
Para ha imo, waray la siguro,
Samtang ako adi, ginmimingaw ha imo hin duro.
70 anyos ka don gakabuhi
Sugod sang mabun-ag diri tubtob nagradwar sa UP
Halin sang magkapamilya asta sa pulitika ginpili

43 ka tuig ka don nga pulitiko
Nagserbisyo sg mayo kg wala eskandalo
Ang ngalan malimpyo kg palangga sg tawo

32 anyos don ang buluthuan nga imo ginpatindog
Ang CapSU-Dumarao nga padayon nagapanikasog
Madamo na ka beses nga ginbagyo kg ginlinog

20 ka gobernador na sang ikaw magpungko
Ugaling ikaw guid ang may nabuligan sg damo
Gani para sa akon ikaw ang “Kampeon sg mga Capizeño”

13 ka president don ang imo naagyan
Sugod sa ti-on sg ikaduha nga digmaan
Asta sa ti-on sg tadlong nga dalan

2 na ang binalaybay nga halad ko sa imo
Kay ikaw indi guid madula sa akon painu-ino
Gob. Tanco, ikaw sa guihapon ang akon idolo!

1 duman ini ka maragtason nga ti-on
Kay ang Amay sg CapSU-Dumarao ara sa guihapon
Nagbuylog kg nagtambong sa amon pagtililipon!

*for Gob. Tanco’s 70th Birthday
My Poem No. 270
Indi na ako maghandum
Nga mangin pulitiko
Mag-angkon sg gahum kg mga tinawo
Magpasikat sg kasarang kg mga proyekto.

Bag-o mangin pulitiko…
Indi na ako maghandum
Nga mangin negosyante
Mag-angkon sg manggad kg mga kotse.

Bag-o mangin negosyante…
Indi na ako maghandum
Nga makasulod sa media
Sa balita man ukon drama
Kapuso man ukon kapamilya.

Bag-o makasulod sa media…
Indi na ako maghandum
Nga himuon lang “stepping stone”
Ang kon diin ara ako karon
Kay diri ako daw pulitiko man, negosyante kg media person.

Bag-o makasulod sa kon diin ara ako karon…
Ako naghandum nga ang paglupad padasigon
Nagpadayaw sa pulitiko, negosyante kg media tycoon
Sa tuyo nga mangin isa ka maragtason
Nanakit kg nagpahibi sg mga tagipusoon.

Bag-o maghandum nga ang paglupad padasigon…
Akon ginpasulabi ang kaugalingon
Nga ambisyon kg sakon nga balatyagon
Natabunan ang huna-huna sg mga ilusyon.

Samtang ginalab-ot ang mas mataas nga gusto
Ako nabulag kg nagdako ang ulo
Nagbangga kg nanapak sg mga tawo
Paano ko mapamatud-an nga indi ko ina ginusto?

Paano kon ila ako pagabalusan –
Laglagon, patyon ukon nano pa man?
Ano ang akon kasarang nga sila punggan?
Paano ko hambalon nga ako dapat kaluy-an?

Wala ako mahimo kon amo ina gusto nila
Ugaling sa akon sumpa ako anay patapusa
Baydan ang tanan nga utang namon nga kwarta
Mangin amigo sg madamo kg mabaton sg banwa.

Paagi sa pagbuyangyang sa matuod ko nga plano
Ginahatagan ta kamo ideya kon paano
Nga ang akon ambisyon (indi sumpa) punggan ninyo
Kay sa paghandum sg mas mataas – indi na ako!

My Poem No. 49
Caryl Maluping Aug 2021
Mahamot nga sampaguita ngan pula nga gumamela
Amo ine an akon una nga ginhatag ha iya
Samtang ginhuhulat namon an katunod han adlaw
Ngan pinalalabay an kasanhi nga kahidlaw.

Pamukad han santan ngan orkidyas ha dalan
Umabat ak hin ka-ipa nga makuri mapug-ngan
Ha akon dughan in may ada makusog nga lukso
Kasing-kasing nga natago malipayon gud hin duro.

Katapos hi idoy in inalpan hin kaisog
Igsusumat na ha iya an pag-abat nga mabaskog
Iya na ighahalad inin espesyal nga rosas
Pero adton kalipay nga iya inaabat nabalyuan hin kalas.

Hi iday in may ada naman ngay an iba nga pina-uswag
Mga bukad nga ha iya igin hahatag in magpakaruruyag
Waray sapayan an imo rosas nga pinutos
Nga im gin-inantusan tikang pa han ka biyuos.

Asya an bukad nga gin kuha nalaya ngan nakarag
Kay ngadto han tawo nga iya minayuyo in waray kahatag
Tigdaay man gud la, waray hiya pakasabot
Pag-abat nga iya gindadara tigda nala nadunot.

- Caryl
damo na hin duro an 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 haak lamesa
takip-takip an kabutang pero dire ak nakakabasa,
han mga pulong nga akon nasurat,
mga letra nga nag buru-balighot ngan nag papaplanat.
waray na gihapon tinta an akon 𝘣𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘱𝘦𝘯 ubos na an paypay han 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘣𝘰𝘰𝘬 nga sinurat-suratan hin magka-durudilain nga pangandoy, mga pulong nga ha inop nala natutuman—mga pulong nga karuyag ko unta mabatian—
tikang haimo mga im-im, an katam-is han mga saad nga sugad hin dugos,
an mga hinumduman nga sugad hin daan nga telegrama, nga ha akon kasing-kasing nakahipos.
gintatapo-tapo na an mga surat nga linukot, waray na ka abrihi tikang han kaparong han lanterna han aton gugma.
nga an dagaang nga an hadi akon na aabat, tumaghom na tikang han imo paglakat.
ngan sugad han 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘴 nga buot mag pahinumdom, akon man liwat nangalimtan an pag-lara han gugma,
waray na punto an mga sinurat, ighahapil ko na la ada.

Many sticky notes now clutter my desk,  
Covering the chaos, yet I cannot read the rest—  
The words I've written, the letters that twist,  
Tangled and scattered, lost in the mist.  

My ballpoint is dry, ink all but gone,  
The pages of my notebook, faded and worn,  
Filled with dreams that never came true,  
Words I once longed to hear, whispered by you.  

From your whispers, the sweetness of promises,  
Like honeyed vows I once held as bliss,  
Old memories, like telegrams worn,  
Stored in my heart, weathered and torn.  

The crumpled letters are thrown in a pile,  
No longer opened, no longer worthwhile,  
Like the fading glow of a lantern’s light,  
The love we once shared, now out of sight.  

The warmth I once felt now slips from my hands,  
Fading as you leave, slipping through the sands.  
And just like the sticky notes meant to remind,  
I too forget how love once intertwined—  
The words no longer matter, they simply fall behind.

Usahay diri ko ma pinsar it akon kalugaringon
Maaram ka man ha ak' nga baga awdunon
An pitik han ak' kasing-kasing bagan nag titikadaku
Baga hin nagdadagmit, an oras inundang, ambot kay ano?

Kon an hangin na huyop ha akon panit
May-ada usa nga huring nga ha ak' talinga nasangpit
Ha ak' pag ampo, an ngatanan nagin matin-aw, ngan klaro
Kay dinhi nga takna, aanhi hi ikaw ngan ako.

Ikaw gud an gimamaupayi ha ngatanan
An pinakamahusay nga gin-larang
Salamat han kalangitan, tigda ka la dinmaop ha akon
Ngan hini nga higayon, diri la gihap ak' maaram kon ano an rason.

An sugad ha imo, labaw pa hin inop
Sugad hin ilayat nga bukatkat nga makuri madakop
Ngan han kahulog han bitoon, asya'n pag hangyo
Kasing-kasing nga puno'n kalipay, duro an pag lukso.

Baga hin diri ka naukoy dinhi  ha tuna
An imo kaanyag diri harumamay, duro ka makaiipa
Sugad ka hin prinsesa han hitaas nga lantawan
An magbarantay han baraan nga turumbanan.

Dad-a ako ha imo pag lakat
Ayaw ak baya-i kay nadiri ak' paglanat
Ikaw an akon puruy-anan, ha imo ako mapabilin
Tim-os nga gugma nga ginmapos ha akon kasing-kasing.
Inspired by the song "Nilalang" of Dilaw
Caryl Maluping Feb 2024
Sige’t im guliat pero waray may nakabati
Bis man it nakakabungol na tim tingog waray may naasi
Dire mo la ada karuyag nga ako pamatian
Bisan man kon hi ako aada la hiton imo atubangan.

Siplat gad bisan la maka-usa
Waray man ngani nganhi tawo, kita la nga duha
Pagbul-iw daw bisan la mausa nga pulong
Ginpipirit ka la pagkulaw, sige man la tim piyong.

Ano daw la ine nga akon gin-aabat
Baga hin tikang pala ha trangkaso tapos tigda la nga nabughat
An girok ha akon tiyan in dire ko mapugngan
Kalipay nga hi ikaw la ngahaw an tinikangan.

Kon ako man ha imo in magsumat
Hingyap ko nga dire ka liwat lumakat
Pag-abat nga naiha ko na nga tinago
Yana nga takna igyayakan, ighuhuring na ha imo.

Ayaw ako pagbasula kon hi ako ha imo in naipa
Pahimatngon nga magpapadayon ngadto hit kahasta
It imo pagkita ha akon dire unta magbag-o
Kon isumat ko nga naruruyag ak ha imo.
Santiago Apr 2015
"Don't Matter" Konvict
OhoohwooeOoohOoohhwooNobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you babe babe Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you babe' Cause we gonna fight Oh yes we gonna fight Believe we gonna fight We gonna fight Fight for our right to love yeah Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you Nobody wanna see us together Nobody thought we'd last forever I feel 'em hopin' and prayin' Things between us don't get better Men steady comin' after you Women steady comin' after me Seem like everybody wanna go for self And don't wanna respect boundaries Tellin' you all those lies Just to get on your side But I must admit there was a couple secrets I held inside But just know that I tried To always apologize And I'm a have you first always in my heart To keep you satisfied Got every right to wanna leave Got every right to wanna go Got every right to hit the road And never talk to me no more You don't even have to call Even check for me at all Because the way I been actin' lately Has been off the wall Especially towards you Puttin' girls before you And they watchin' everything I been doin' Just to hurt you Most of it just ain't true Ain't true And they won't show you How much of a queen you are to me And why I love you baby Oh oh oh oh oh'Cause I got you' Cause I got you Oh 'Cause I got you babe' Cause I got you Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no'Cause I got you babe Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you babe' Cause we gonna fightOh yes we gonna fight Believe we gonna fight We gonna fight Fight for our right to love yeah Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no 'Cause I got you babe Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you babe' Cause we gonna fight Oh yes we gonna fight Believe we gonna fight We gonna fight Fight for our right to love yeah Nobody wanna see us together But it don't matter no' Cause I got you
Caryl Maluping Jul 2024
nayakan an repairman, waray man problema
dire man daw liwanan, ngan nadara pa
pero pamati ko, ruba na gud ada
kay waray ka na man tatawag, waray ka na magpakita.


Caryl Maluping Sep 2024
nalutaw an husay
han imo pag-sidlit,
pag-duaw hin madaliay
ha ka mataghom han gab-i.

tryhard May 2020
daw hindi magpakita
sa akon ang katuyo
diri sa dulom
daw ako man kadumdom
sa pila ka tion
nga ako gapanago

hindi na pagpugsa
ipiyong ang mga mata
kay wala man pinagbag-o
kung ako bulag
sa kalipay o sa gugma

na-anad na sa lamig
sa ulunan nga basa
gadugay lang ang mga tuig
ako lang diri gyapon isa

talagsa na lang gid
katilaw sang pahuway
basi di ko gutom amo kabudlay

gihulid ko na ang pala
di gyapon ko katulog

makutkot na lang ko asta ma-aga
thinking of maybe doing an english translation of this.......
Mia Lee Mar 2016
Spy Kids (the original)
A 5 dollar matinee with your mom
A box of Bunch A Crunch
Or a plastic sack of
Dip N Dots

Ninja Turtle walkie talkies
Flare denim cargo pants
Bobby Jack zip up hoodies
With blue Fla-Vor-Ice stains
And hide and seek

Now That’s What I Call Music
Volume 17
Playing from a 10in x 10in
Silver box TV
And high frequency noise
To accompany
Akon’s latest bass line

A razor scooter
The foot powered kind
When the Preacher’s Daughter
Has a shiny blue one with a motor

Weeping to Secondhand Serenade
Because your mom won’t let you have
A Wii
And your crush checked “no” on the
Note you gave them last week

Detention after pre algebra
From shooting a girl two seats over
At “close range”
With a hornet
And she was unfamiliar with the school wide

The words
And epic
Used to describe what your
8th grade field trip is gonna be like

A phone call from your best friend
About finally finding Ben Franklin
In Tony Hawk’s Underground 2

The OK symbol is your most used emoji
There are too many guys with long hair
And beards
White girls all have a weird obsession
With house plants
We’re all at least 50 thousand dollars  in debt
And I think we all
Just really hope Donald Trump
Isn’t our next president
Taltoy Jun 2019
Hi, happy graduation, orayt. Unang una sa lahat, nagbalik na si ma long kag pro gyapon sya pero fzd pa rin ang sa rankings haha. Joke lang, seryoso na, gusto ko mag apologize kasi yeah, insensitive ko. Hindi ko man madeny na ganun talaga ako most of the time. At the same time gusto ko rin mag apologize kasi di kita natulungan sa times na may problema ka. Tbh. Di ko alam na may usapin pala kayo sa twitter kasi di na ako masyado naga twitter lately at di ko rin talaga alam kung paano ka tulungan kasi naniniwala ako na every relationship has its own unique language kumbaga, kayo lang nag-iintindihan dalawa  may times talaga na yung mga things na sinasabi ng ibang tao, di talaga ma-apply sa situation nyo kaya may times na ginatry ko nalang na makipag-kumpitensya sayo lalo na sa pingpong. Makita ko bi meg na once nakabakol ka na, makakadlaw ka man, may moment gid na daw makalimtan mo problema mo sooooo sorry if di nakahelp ang gi try ko na way kay daw di man ako ganun ka challenging na opponent. Tbh, gina envy ta ka kay dasig ka makalearn sang mga bagay, lalo na sa sports. At the same time athletic ka pagid so ez **** lang para sa imo na. Maka-inggit na all-around ka, kay ako mabudlayan gid na maabot nang mga makaya mo.
Salamat sa pag hambal sang reason bai. Mga pila na man gidDkami ka bulan ga hunahuna sina. Wala na ko iba pa na mahimo kundi mangayo sorry. Tapos, gusto ko ihambal sa imo na tani makita ta pa ka, hindi sa uste, hindi sa manila, kundi sa mga ospital na. Di ta man makalimtan, kay ngaa man abi diba? By the way, salamat sa pag tiis sa akon na kapartner sa doubles, wala gyapon ta pildi biskan wala ta ga sturya that time. Oh yih.
Lastly, gusto magpasalamat sa memories especially this high school kay isa ka sa 51 ko na mga manghod kag magulang. Then isa ka sa mga special ko na friend kay may side ko na ikaw lang makagets. So salamat gid kag gusto ko ni i-end nga daw


Isa sa bumuo ng limamput-isa,
Ang carry ng batch kung sports fest na,
Nagkaroon man ng sigalot nitong hulihan,
Ang turing ko pa rin sa iyo'y kaibigan.

Alam kong magiging matagumpay ka,
Alam kong maaabot mo ang mga tala,
Alam kong patuloy kang magniningning,
Di sana sumuko, yan ang aking hiling.

At kung sakaling may problema ka,
Huminga nang malalim, ipikit ang mata,
Dahan-dahang imulat, tingnan muli ang problema,
Subuking lutasin nang mahinahon at handa.

Hindi lahat nagtatapos sa magandang ending,
May mga panahon talagang **** sa feeling,
Pero lahat nang ito'y mga kabanata lang,
Di pa tapos ang storya, magpatuloy ka lang.

Parating maging positibo,
Di ka nag-iisa sa laban mo,
Nandyan ang pamilya mo,
Na hinding hindi ka iiwan, andyan lang sa likuran mo.
May times gid na kaya ta kita lang isa mag atubang sang mga problema, bal-an ko na bal-an mo gid na. Pero may mga times gid na di kaya na solo nalang pirme, mag abot gid ang time na mangita ka gid bulig, lalo na sa family mo or mga close na tao sa kabuhi mo or tung mga tao na maka-intindi sa imo kay sila  “ ang number one fan mo”. Meg, tani sa sunod di mo na isolo tanan, di man sa ga doubt ko sa kaya mo, wala tana question about that, pero tani madumduman mo man di ka solo, you are never alone.
Ciarra Reneé Jan 2014
being mixed is the least of my  
problems,  but it's an issue never recognized all anyone ever thinks is how great it must be. how great it is to have  light skin and have good hair and to be "ethnic" but they never realize that behind these brown eyes is a person. a person who doesn't know who they are cause they've been asked what they are too many times. a person who has put themselves in a box, limited to one race because they're afraid of being called fake. all for being themselves, who ever that is. if I act this I'm not enough this, it's hard enough being bi racial but deciding who to act like is the hardest  part. having to check one in the race box when you're really four having to repeat what you are to people so much that you just stop answering. just say yes to every question to make them go away. judging you like the color of your skin really matters. I thought we resolved this idiotic issue  over a half century ago when African Americans united to find equal ground and now the same group of people are tearing each other down based completely on the same ridiculous idea of pigment. hearing "she's not black enough" "you're too light" "shut up you can't say that you're just mixed"  because the n word is surely something only said by purebred black people and because I'm tall with a big **** I must be black but I'm pale on a scale of one to Akon so their must be white somewhere but where did those hips and those rolled R's come from she just might be Hispanic and in fact so my story is not a cliff hanger as if you care and I can't believe that this is what we fought for. the idea of equality in the black community  is being destroyed by ignorance and misplaced hatred towards ourselves. So if I'm being told through history books that we won this battle in the 60's then I'm wondering why are we still fighting ? When  we were kids it was all well and fine cause we all spoke the same strange optimistic language of curiosity but now I can't hang out with the people I grew up with that I promised to never grow apart from because somehow the language we both once spoke evolved differently over time. And now I'm stuck up because  I was taught there's a time and place for everything. Including speaking like you have an education and speaking with people your comfortable with. stop asking me what I am like it's who I am don't take the light skin and the intelligence for a weakness. I don't think I'm a chola cause a few of my friends are Mexican my name does not have an "esha" or "niqua" at the end of it cause I play basketball and I don't want to be  white because I sound intelligible so next time you ask me if my hair's a weave or where I grew up or if my mom's white as if by you knowing my racial backgrounds you may actually know a speck about who Ciarra is and  Even if I answer these questions you still don't know me. so next time you speak spanish at me or you try to ask me what I am like it's my life story. remember ignorance isn't bliss.
Growing up as a guy I have something to admit
Its that theres so many girls that i'll never forget
So i'll jump right in and go right from the start
and tell you about all these girls that have affected my heart
So lets start with the As there is two that first come to mind
and thats Ambrea and Ashley, their each one of a kind
Now those are my sisters so their first to be said
but lets continue on to who else pops in my head
lets see...there's 2 Ashley As, but only one Ashley G
can't forget Amanda K, or all 7 Amys
There are so many As that we'd have to stay way long
let me wrap it up quick with the cutest one "akon"
You should see all these B's their so pretty it scares me
theres Beth and theres B thou, theres Bee and  B. Barry
In the C's we have Crepeele with her pretty long blonde hur
and then we have Cameo, thats right, Mama Burr
On to the Ds they would never be meana
theres danielle carey, and then there is dreena
though im sure there are Es-Hs to do
i'm skipping to Js starting with J. Gubbes
Janelle, Jolene, or Jocelyn B.
Jordan, and Jen, and Jill L. you see
Jamie, and jasmine, or J. Allen
Jaylene, and Jessica, and then jen again
Oh God now the Ks, not sure where to begin...
I'll start with the departed R.I.P. Kristin
On to the girls that are more than alive,
Lets take, Keilyn, Kayla, and Karmen on a test drive
Three other K's must get named out for sure
And that's Kaley, Kansas, and Kristjana Schure
Two Girls in the Ls that are way way to awesome
And thats Lauren Borsheim, and of course, Laura Klassen
On to the Ms there is no time to spare
Just one, Maryke, and she cuts my hair
...I'm just kidding MOM you know your up there!
We do have an N there's nothing to fear
Her name is Niki, she lives in Red Deer
No Os, or Ps, or Qs to discuss
we'll move on to R's cause this next ones a must
Rachael K the Australian Wonder
Rebecca's art is so good she draws lightning and thunder
Theres a couple of shellys, and Sam 1 and 2
Tara looks like a model, and Tia does too
Don't know any Us, the Vs go in order
Vanessa M, V. Young, and VJ the reporter
If your name wasn't mentioned no need to be sour
this poem was rushed, took me less than an hour
Oh akon isahanon nga Handsome Hangaway
Pamatii ang akon simple nga binalaybay
Para sa imo bag-o kita mag-say “goodbye”

Imo guid nga tandaan bisan diin ikaw makadto
Isa lang guid ang akon pangabay sa imo
Bisan ano pa ang magkalatabo, pakabuot ikaw nga tawo

Kay kon bangud sa itsura ang tawo mailaan
Bangud sa batasan ang tawo maakigan
Gani ang imo nga pagkatao imo guid nga halungan!

*for Charming Knight before he leaves for Manila
My Poem No. 384
Am made of black
Am a true symbol of a black
Black is independent
Black is determined
Black is original never fades
Black remains consistent forever

Am made of black
Black is an attitude
Black is beautiful
Black is love
Black don't discriminate
Black accepts you for who you are
Irrespective of your race,color and religion

Am made of black
Black is patient
Black is caring
Black is accommodating
Black is brilliant
Black is intelligent

Am made of black
Black lives with you
Black inspires you
Black motivates you
Black is a leader not a ruler (Nelson mandela)
Black is an activist(martin luther king Jr)
Black is a rapper(2pac)
Black is a sprinter(Usan Bolt)
Black is a footballer(George Weah
Black is a singer(Akon)
Black is a poet(Me and myself)
Black is a friend(Akanbi Olawale)
We are blacks we are more

Black is made of more
I am made of more
I am original
I am beautiful
I am powerful
I am attractive
I am charming -----do you know why?
Because am made of black...
Am made of more ...
Kida Price Jun 2014
Waking thoughts
Lyrics to a song
Shuffle through the playlist
Find the perfect one.
Too many can describe
My mental alibi
So I just take a little time
For the lyrics to fill my mind.
Growing up there was no blue sky rhyme
Metallica, pink Floyd and the cure
Were the ones to describe my youthful shrine.
Older plays
Took some blues away
How is it that I wasn't born
In the Woodstock age?
The doors, temptations, Jim Croce
Carol king
God! It's so godly when they sing.
Then I had to hit that puberty
Like a brick to the face
Picking out my own musical taste.
Adema, korn, Dresden dolls, tool.
Stone sour, shinedown, nine inch nails
Stone temple pilots and more as well.
Give me lyrics that could scream
All the screaming out of me.
Little did I know that in my scene
I thought my music was defining me.
I'm not music. Just flesh and bone
Maybe I should expand my treble tone.
Throw some chicks in there, you know?
No one should have a song on repeat
And have that be the song you hear when we meet.
So I searched for some musical relief
I enjoy a good scream sometimes
But that's not all I breathe.
Some motion city, say anything,
Yeah I like akon, lady sovereign,
A perfect circle and deftones
Classical Mozart and Beethoven makes me feel right at home.
Silver mt Zion, some Phillip glass,
Michael nyman, now I've achieved some class.
Pink when I feel like pop or brass
Punch guys in the **** cause I'm a chick
Hell yes!
No not really. The **** part, I mean.
But I actually really do like pink.
Jon Bon jovi or Otis redding
When I want to think of this guy that I'm loving.
I might have lost track of the lyrics I was originally thinking
But with my selection I'm derailing
With musical tasting.
Caryl Maluping Feb 2024
Hikirit-an ko pirme ikaw hadto
Ha kada paglalagos ko ha diskanso
Tangpi han salog, didto may kahabub-an
Sapit han narra han kanda nanay bungsaran.

Udanon ko la ikaw kit-on
Talagsa ka la gihap sumid-ap ha akon
Bisan man kun makusog an sulog han tubig
Dire ka man naaanod bis' di ka nasarig.

Maupay pagkit-on an imo mga mata
Baga hin bituon kun masirom na
Ngan kun kulopay nakabati ak han imo pag tangis
Iba man an tunog, baga hin huni'n gangis.

Tulo pa la ak ada ka tuig hadto
Baga dire na gud ak nakanumdom
Ambot. Yana, dire ko na man ikaw hinkikit-an
Waray na gihap an narra didto'n kanda nanay bungsaran.
This piece was inspired by the song "Diwata" by Abra and Chito Miranda, but with a darker tone
I'll be there

I will be there
for you,
I know i have disappointed you alot,
I wasn't there
by the time you needed me,
Your needs weren't taken cared,
You had no shoulder to cry on,
You had no
paper to write on,
When life gave you a test,
I failed you,
I failed your love,
I made you feel so lonely like akon,
I thought i was an icon.

I let you down before,
But never say never
its time to fix things
like adults do,
I am waiting for
that sweet reply from you,
I know its hard to  separate water and salts,
We were meant to be together
as a pair of socks,
Im aint good in photography
but i picture us together,
Me and You,
theres a great picture.

I wrote this poem with a hand crafted together
with a cup full of love.

Hugs and kisses!.

All Rights Reserved

Copy Righted 2016
Notes (optional)
Sa pihak sg mga kabudlayan, salamat sa guihapon
Kay imo ako takus nga ginbaton
Ang kis-a nangin urugtasan nga uripon

Patawara ako kon wala nagbalikid
Kon ang akon prinsipyo nagtakilid
Sa pihak sg imo tawhanon nga pag-ulikid

Gob, ang akon reputasyon hinali natiphag
Sang ako sa inyo nagluib kg nagbulag
Tani sa liwat ako hatagan ninyo sg paglaum kg kasanag.

*My Twilight Poems Collection
My Poem No. 190
He’s saying,
As long as you stay, you can leave as you please

He’s saying,
As long as you return to me by sunrise, you can run free at midnight
Saying nothing When I come home by daylight, just as long as it seems we are together in public eyes.

Games we play are pure Deceptions.
I’m in home sweet prison, we are papered bind, chained by delusions and lies. Our love is like doing time and even though he senses the unhappiness on my mind, he says to me all the time “you will be alright”

"I do" was my crime. Our child is the paying fine. So I’m Akon "Locked up" until He closes his eyes. He hears when I sneak out, so even he sleeps with one eye open, towards my unfaithful behavior. He Pretends to be blind.

Im Trained to be home momentarily. Agreeing to be in his detentions temporarily.
For when he met me my love was untameable widly desired to be spirited and free

But he refuses my request to be free. He holds on tight and that’s even if it’s killing me.

So when he senses my  surpressive screams to finally leave. He will rush to leave out the set of keys. Within my arms reach. by my bar side intentionally. because he knows my desire to run yet in need of a safe home.  he holds  the keys.  Giving me a copy version to be free.

And If I don't return like we lawfully agreed, The punishment of manipulation will be black hole deep. He will catch me and emotionally blackmail me. Verbally put on the handcuffs, steal away my keys.
appoint me to the critical  judge, reminding me he’s the man who holds my Keys to leave.

Presenting my  past and mistakes to the courthouse packed with tyrants, which will be past me's. Deferment my character, rule me as guilty. Killing my spirit by Belittling my dreams. Crying that I attempted ******. attempting to **** him. for attempting to steal me.

He won. Victimized and trapped I return to my cell.
After verabally placing on the black and white strips and putting me through hell.

handcuffs on tight, game face on right,
He taunts me with tactics all day and night......

30 days of his controll, guilt trip complete.
He surprises me with kind  gesture and ask how bad do you want to be free?

He plays with sound of jingling keys, a melody that sounds good to me
Next to my Bar side, He finally placed down my set of keys
And reminds me,
That as long as you return here by sunrise, you are free to leave
A relationship that feels like prison
Patay na an binhi nga akon gin tanom
Na uga an mga gudti nga dahon
Waray na sumaringsing an luyat nga sanga
Mamara na hin duro an tinatamnan nga tuna.

Waray na ka salbar han abono ngan tubig
Nadunot na an lawas nga inuuhaw ha dilig
Waray na paglaom nga bumuklad an biyuos
Nailiw an tuna nga ha iya mga gamut nakagapos

Waray na ak umutro tikang hadto
Gin sunog ko na gihapon an iba nga liso
Ngan pati an tanaman nga minangnuan
Naglarab dida ha butnga han kasirakan.

Bangin dire gud la ak maaram mag tanom
Bangin an gin hatag nga pag tagad kulang gihapon
Sinipat ko nala an adlaw, ngan ha langit humangad
Samtang an hinulid nga binhi, nag dudugo ha akon palad.

English translation:

The seed I planted is now dead,  
The small leaves have withered away.  
The crooked branch no longer bears fruit,  
The soil where it was planted is now barren.

No fertilizer or water could save it,  
Its body has decayed, thirsty for the drought.  
There is no hope for it to bloom,  
The land is lost, tied down by its weeds.

I can no longer harvest from it,  
I have burned some seeds as well,  
And even the garden I once cared for  
Is now consumed by the middle of destruction.

Maybe I simply don't know how to plant,  
Maybe the care I gave was still not enough.  
I only looked at the day, and gazed at the sky,  
While the withered seed bled  
In my palm.


— The End —