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Telma Silva Apr 2020
'Little Girl, don't trust no strangers',
that's what mama always said.
You have the galaxy in your eyes,
some people would **** t ohave it.
You kept yourself locked out of the big world,
only one person managed to bring you into it.

It wasn't bad and you weren't alone,
the hands around you waist made sure you felt supported.
But for a second you opened up more
and you didn't feel the hands fade.
When you turned around, the person was gone.
You suddendly felt unsupported, alone and abandonned.

You were all alone and you then learned the cold reality:
this is a cruel world we live in.
She carries the pain of being abandonned
for someone with a bigger galaxy in their eyes.
She carries the feeling of loneliness,
and her heart doesn't feelwhole, it feels unhealthy.

She lost the galaxy in her eyes,
she cries in the quiet and keeps walking the cruel world.
Abandonned girl.
Brody Blue Oct 2018
Around the clock
     By lot we rot
To rag and bone
As the hour and
     The second hand
Seem both locked-up in
We lost our mules
     To Arkansas,
In parts we saw 'em
While we both stood
     In silence, blood
Cov'rin' ev'ry
If they'd only had
     The medicine
And met us in
This mess we're in
     Would fester some,
Then just as soon
But now on the edge
     Of the tiresome sea,
Each pledging
     The other to
We push and shove
     Our hand in some glove
In one fast move
     Will be
Meanwhile, the tides
     (Poised by Poseidon)
Rise and
Hound dogs bay
     Beyond the bluff;
Bandits watch the
And I look thru
     My lookin' glass;
You, into your
Both only saying
The other wants to
Though ev'ry dime
     Was lent, we spent
Them all to keep us
As autumn rolled
     Past summer's fold;
Now, winter holds the
No matter how
     We stack the deck
Our cards cannot be
So the ones at hand:
     Take 'em fast!
Before the river's
     Taking too fast
     Won't make it last;
Watch out!
            Don't crash!
A ******* gets faster
     In the late second-half
     In the eye of the

At midday
     You insinuated,
Beneath the noontide
That I'm someone
     Who multiplies,
But will divide by
Who swears he can
     Be counted on, yet
Never counts past
Who cannot tell
     All he's lost
Apart from all he's
Who to and fro
     And back again
Has witnessed ev'ry
From Anchorage, to
     San Juan Hill;
From Bangor, to
Who, facing off with
      History, compiled
On the
A litany of victory
     By trickery,

                 Took on one sun
                       Won by one
                 Rook took from
                        His high-hilled
                 Took ev'ry bird,
                        Turned word into
                 Took the book
                          And shook out
                  Met Set head-on,
                         Left 'im severed and
     ­             Put roots to soil
                         And oiled the  
                  Ran and ran after
                         That sure-footed
                  Stood under the light
                          With the swarm of the

Dont get me wrong:
      Life is long;
But time is swift,
      Adrift and
But you'll get burned
       If you don't learn
Advice is better
     Taking too fast
     Won't make it last;
       It's written in
A ******* gets faster
     In the late second-half;
'tleast, that's what
      The last one
Pebbles Dec 2010
At times in my life i asked for help but no one came
At times I felt abandonned within this skin
At times i hated all that was my life
The knife was too sharpe
The stone too hard
And peoples hearts were too transparent
God sent jesus
He also sent his forgotten angel
The bringer of light
Through his darkness
We turn the night into day
We turn nightmares into illusions
He got swollowed up into the plan which god created
A darkness darker than any humans heart
We in our physical form felt the darkness
The strong ones manage to climb through
To become enlightened
They will be
True survivors in eternity
But the souls of some
Can't take the strain
Death and disallusion
Was never the aim
As we become lighter
So can lucifer take his his place once again
By God's right side
Now tell me
Who really is the saviour of men
I don't worship jesus , god or the devil but if they reside in me so be it , I do believe in me and life and a source which we are all connected
I have an angel book which tells the story of lucifer ..god wanted  an angel to come down and bring darkness to teach us so we would find the light through this darkness ...... If this were to be true as the poem says who would really be the saviour ?
emily webb Apr 2010
I.  Eventually we forgot your myth because I saw
nothing in it.  An epic’s just opinion, and I couldn’t
find the rhythm, so I abandonned it.  We all have
our own heroes, and it’s for you to write your own
ballads.  You can’t count on me, I have so few
words for you.

II.  You have a knack for the epic:  everything
that comes out of your mouth is pure legend.  
I jump right into your river Styx and know I’m
believing fairy tales again.  What finally surprises
me is how far in I really am, neck deep and still
kicking.  I have all this enthusiasm, only for
getting twisted up with you and your myth.

III.  Tragedies are told for the tears at the
end, and I sing your song with guilt because
it doesn’t hurt enough.  And when it does,
will I be satisfied?  Take back your horses;
go tell Charon that Pluto and my pomegrante
are waiting.
La Jongleuse Aug 2013
And there we were,
just the same
Metal hooks, green leaves,
& doors that don’t shut
you left yours’ wide-open!
So I walked right in…
I don’t need a key after all

On the walls,
of a delapidated city home hung
atlases & art
Memories taste sweeter in ink.
You want to put a map of Buenes Aires
on your body
I said your belly
& made you laugh

I like the way your smile
reaches the corners of
your ember amber eyes.
It dances about the ledges of your lips
Soft & corporal Hermes of oxytocin
You light up, oh well I do too

Fireflies, summer heat
blades of grass & midnight dips
in shallow pools of abandonned hotels
In the gentle release of a humane kindness
I remembered that it’s a falling
& not a pushing that we’re all after

sing to me
tell me your secrets
feed me beets & chardes
brown sugar
leave your window open all night
I’ll love you in the morning
DAVID Aug 2016
as the base, the umbilical
cordon of passion, unitying
two people

the wormth conextion, of honney
and fire, but alone, in flames.

as funeral pire, no rest, no eyes
that as a balsam, help to mitigate
the pain, that burns as loneliness

of the one who
loves in the distance, and see
in strangers eyesthye eyes of
the one not specting him, but loves
him still.

lost, incomplete, vain,
unplugged, hopeless waking
between men,

as body without soul,
as man with no heart, its in the hands
of the one, stabing his back.
is in mondegos hands,that luckily
was not needed,  the dark ****

my eyes lost in apparent boringness,
nigth carries my steps, of plane

assorted on mi mind,
the tantric desire, lays subsole,
as abandonned mine, in the shadow
of it.

the vain desire, scapes between
stertores, of an eternnal flame,
that never stops burning, only her
palorosa balsam, calms the
incomplete fire, tacit, vain, unconnected

while subsole, front of the seas,
they both dream, with the son
of venus, but will never
have me

in a decadent, eternal party,
where they only suffer,
for the love that cannot have

david montecinos.
miss morcef mondego
Henry Brooke Dec 2015
Long walks under the sun.
Tender brains in unsure men,
A breeze caresses the pines
A rocky ocean shore below
Nothing to do,
Just somewhere to go.

Red shirts, marihuana, alcohol.
Friendship and love
Blossoming through time,
The blue sky dressed above
By some superintendent devil's.
For these memories
Act like drugs
On my depressed brain now.

It was long ago,
Yet I'm still here.
That church eating away the
Sunlight, had a christ with no legs
Three years later I understand.
Memories are echos,
We hear them clear
We know deep inside what we
Want to hear
But the shore gets higher
And longer and wide
The sound is now a Cowbell, or a stain,
A dead mouse and
her dry dead remains,
A footstep in sand that left
before I said it could.

Which sunk into the sea,
before I wished it should.

What are we left with
When we feel regret?
I feel
like I've let something go,
Somehow, and what?
How can I know

So I linger here
On my empty bed,
Without any happiness
And blood in my head
Those red shirts popping
everywhere I feel
I am abandonned
Buried away
I shouldn't shouldn't have hurried
I should have stayed.

Yet it's all over,
Those men are gone.
They're out on the ocean
Singing new songs.

When satan is nye
Wild wheat is ****
Human is animal
Friendship is seed
I'm so depressed right now. Thinking about the good old days.
Prosperity Feb 2021
Love & Reminisce,  
The memories,
Drown In This Loneliness,
Take It,    
Make Me,    
Face It,
Embrace It,
  Break The Facade,
      An Odyssey Deep In The Fires,
Trapped In My Feels And Desires,
Erase it,
     A Vagrant,
Eternally Lost,
I Confess To The Moon,
Sirenes Feb 2016
Mom I know you think
You're angry now
But maybe this will help you
I know you thought
I'd never amount to anything
Even after becoming a teamleader
At the age of 23

Even though you still don't
Believe it of me
Now that I'm one
Of your supervisors
Mrs Governess
So it's time I tell you a few things

I started going out
At the age of 14
I know you thought I was
Staying with my sister
And I really was
But... You know.

I lost my virginity
6 months before you found out
I've had more than one accident
You know aside from the one
That you know of
But to be honest,
I kind of blame you
For never wanting to talk about it
That's not going to
Make it stop from happening

It was me who broke in to the cellar
Sorry I left my keys at home
You know... Even after
You installed that wooden thing
And removed the doorknob
After I did it the first time
You know... To make sure
I wouldn't do it again

I was not selling my body
When I didn't come home
All summer and the easter vacation
I was with the Consul's daughter
Smoking, drinking and getting high
We broke in to some
Abandonned houses
And set a few trash cans on fire

We stole her dad's car
Well they stole, I stood on street
Telling the other cars to turn around
We also stole Pedro's car
Nobody had a driver's license
And there were 6 passengers
I violated a few christian statues
And made out in a confessional

I used to come an hour late
To school on mondays
So I could cash my cheque
At the bank
You know... From the cleaning job
That I did after school
Which is how I got all the money
And no, dark street corners
Had nothing to do with it

We got in to a fight on the bussstation
And almost again
When a girl threatened my sister

Are you still mad
About me quitting
My current job?
Let's put things in perspective here lol
This is not the worst thing I've done.
Surya Kurniawan Oct 2017
Your feet taps around the grass
Hop and jump, melodic dance

Girl across the forest stands
Look upward the sky, cries
What would she recalled at
Her finger flow, points to the constelation far beyond her open arm
And she hop around



Then she go to the new home
A place to lay, play and sway
Back to the place

Dance around the sky
The melody sing
Harmonic of the rotten wood
Smell of the love, she never had

Am I should
Be amazed
To the feet
Of a girl
Who slept
In His constelation?
Catherine Queen Oct 2014
won't* be one of the god-abandonned-me's
in the months i've known your
gentle balance, my jade daydreams -
eyes shut
lulled by a deep sense of belonging
only you would fathom
frail architect of the inner workings of an
who took a bullet to further hide
from the depths
and the eyes that never blinked or looked away
you defied what pains the soul
You cleared the way, bracing for an
impact too shattering for words and yet
here we are
[from the edge to the center you crafted
a place for yourself deep through
the waterworks and broken down
inside the steam pipes you found yourself
a home]

— The End —