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 Apr 2017 Winn
 Apr 2017 Winn
I feel less deeply,
So I write not at all.

I am less connected,
*So I am at loss of words.
 Apr 2017 Winn
SG Holter
Little girl, your deepest fears have
Nothing on me.
Speak to me of your angst;
It's a miniscule bug to my foot.

Our pathetic misunderstandings
Are egos fighting the memories of
Each other in themselves.
Love is ***** and diamonds.

I love you prematurely when I
Sense spring on your
Skin. It turns me on beyond myself.
So let's just argue,

If that makes you feel as alive as you
Should beneath the hands of my
Unshared attention.
Little girl, your fears have nothing

On me.
I eat insecurity like sushi, wasabi
Memories of idiots telling you
You were never meant to write or

Be written of.
Grab yesterdays with the sticks of
Now-man's hands  
And toss them over your shoulder

Like salt after some you spilled.
Your deepest fear is as shallow
As a puddle.
I've shouldered ten times your

Weight, without love.
Watch me now.
You need not set a foot.
I carry you like the sky its stars.
 Apr 2017 Winn
Brent Kincaid
 Apr 2017 Winn
Brent Kincaid
My first friend was a big dog
A great big beautiful boxer.
His name was Duke; he loved me
Seemed prepared to stay forever,
Protecting me from any and all
In our house of anger and noise.
Two careless adults lived there
And no other girls or boys.

There was just the three of us;
I, the first child, and damaged,
Whose infancy was one of abuse,
Whose trust had been ravaged.
A child naturally cries sometimes
And irritates a self-centered dad
He can approach and gesture
And convince the dog he is mad.

Beloved friend, center of my world
Was gone from me the very next day.
Until I was an older child I was told
Dad raged then he took Duke away.
Duke didn’t know, nor did dad
That on that sad and scary day
Dad took not only my doggie friend
But he took trust in my dad away.

Duke was only doing his job, but
Dad saw it as a protective stance.
When that dog growled at him
He **** near peed in his pants.
“I won’t have a dog that threatens
Living in my own house with me!”
I know after living decades at home
What was threatened was dad’s authority.
 Apr 2017 Winn
When I feel wet
Tight skin tight ponytail so tight
My face is Alien esque
I go underneath the covers and I
Some place else
My palms pressed against the furry fleece blanket and I'm in touch with another dimension
I feel his hands against mine
I know I'm his
And he is mine
I've broken a breach with reality
And I am somewhere else
The only place that matters
The arms of someone else
 Apr 2017 Winn
Alyssa Switzer
Loud noises
Soft cries
Fake smiles
False lies

Badly beaten
Hearts broken
Watery eyes
****** knives

Scarred wrists
Shaky legs
Unspoken words
Bruised arms

Happiness ended
Pain unknown
This is the
Abusive "home"
 Apr 2017 Winn
Dana Colgan
A bleak sky halting the high.
Droplets bounce and illuminate minds.
Slipping south surrounded by sighs.
The trees give up, watch on, and die.
Monotoned musings falter at times.
The Earth looks on with a cheshire smile.
Suffocating in air as the world goes by.
Then look up and ask...why?
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