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591 · Jan 2017
The Tumbleweed
Wendy Wong Jan 2017
The result is inevitable
The brittle bundle that it becomes

A strum of the banjo
A lone note
Fragile and feeble as it hums

And so the tumbleweed rolls
Its prickly claws hungry for redemption
From the ineluctable fate
The cursed dole

Among the dust-filled air and crimson sky
The lack of time is hard to deny
So with the eerie creaking of the abandoned gate

Out the tumbleweed goes
The echo of the deafening silence follows
Hope you guys like it:))
556 · Jun 2017
Wendy Wong Jun 2017
This inscrutable sphere
Thorns that reside in the false, polished exterior

Remarks like veneer
futile, facile, fruitless

Malicious destruction
Prompting holocausts on
their bodies, their hearts

Words can sting

Detesting on fellow species
their identity, their sexuality, their race
exhibiting the art of exclusion

Thick, scarlet liquid
seeping out from lacerations that
opened and re-opened
from gunshots and grenades -

Yet the sophistication of
the alluring rose
conceals all faults of
human deficiency.
424 · Feb 2017
With You
Wendy Wong Feb 2017
I did not believe in
Cats that grin
Or magical pumpkins

Nor mesmerising lights
That shine brighter
Than the city’s bright nights

But this all changed
When hugs were exchanged
Your eyes make me deranged

When you draped your jacket
Over my shoulders
like a warm blanket

As cliche as this sounds
Even I myself was dumbfounded
Since this fairytale avenue
Is only possible with you
406 · Jan 2017
Wendy Wong Jan 2017
I do understand
Why sometimes gashes lead
From shallow to deep

Down the blood trickles
Combining with moist crystals
Was it supposed to sting?
Because I didn’t feel a thing

The pain engraved
Not even water could lave
Messed up mind
Bright eyes blind

No more harm
Cutter away, unarmed
Try to feel the pain
Unlock myself from chains

I do understand
Now that I'm finally free
All I can say is

Relates to a lot of teenagers going through depression and stress (Don't worry I don't cut ahaha)
Remember to break free from the chains of depression that holds you back in life <3
292 · Jan 2017
Wendy Wong Jan 2017
Falling over and over again
Hearts breaking and breaking again
The stupid cycle never ends

I’m over him, I’m done
But Cupid’s arrow -- more like a gun
Pierced through my flesh and into my heart
U  n  c  o  n  t  r  o  l   l a  b  l  e

I once swore upon a wishing star
That I’ll stop reminiscing over my bleeding heart
I wish to hold my guard up but I couldn’t
I’ll always fall headfirst back to you

Savoring every single one of your hollow words
Sweet as honey, smooth as silk

And so I tell myself “It doesn’t hurt”
“It doesn’t hurt”

It does.
255 · Sep 2018
In Silent Protest
Wendy Wong Sep 2018
It used to be
Just the sun, the sea.

And I used to gaze
How -
The sun’s faint rays stretch
And ricochet off the ebbing waves;
How -
The blazing, burning ball of fire
Kindles sparks of white
On the palpitating span of sapphire.

And sometimes,
I remain -
- patiently,
As the first pearls of rain
Trickle down my window
And into the waves,
Lilting, clear,
Like the clinking of champagne beers,
Creating rings of
Endless possibilities.

On hazy days,
The sky
Is a confusing golden gray.
It is a muted sweetness,
A muted softness,
A muted solace.

Now I sojourn by the window,
Silent, still,
Just like the sun, the sea.

So together we await,
Hopelessly as the concrete creeps
Until we are engulfed forever
In silent protest.

— The End —