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 Aug 2018 reverie
sage silcross
lead and
master the
deaths and
black out in seattle times little part about charles manson
 Aug 2018 reverie
sage silcross
The day is lost
All is found with red light
Harddrives spin and murmur
All information silent
Ones left don't talk
****** in red light
sequel or prequel to 'bad nite'
 Aug 2018 reverie
sage silcross
she put the sin in sincere

I exhale smoke and my feelings for her into the atmosphere

did you even love me? that part’s unclear

the damage she left was severe,

I revel in knowing I’ll forget more of her each year
 Aug 2018 reverie
 Aug 2018 reverie
I present to the world
my impossible
of poetically painted
 Aug 2018 reverie
You ever look at a message and don't open it
Because you know if you do
You'll have to respond
And you just dont know how to

Right now
He kills me
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