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  May 2018 Val Vik
Pagan Paul

Chase my heart through forests,
catch me if you can.

© Pagan Paul (25/05/18)
(I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn.) PPx
  May 2018 Val Vik
Pagan Paul
What is a poet to do
when his favourite muse
faints whilst making love,
a victim of passions fuse.

To carry on regardless?
Perhaps slap her lovely cheek?
Mouth 2 mouth no tongue?
Or maybe implore her to speak?

A lesser poet
shakes her anxiously
and writes a verse about prowess and spooning.

A True poet
carries on regardless
and writes a sonnet about his muse and swooning.

© Pagan Paul (23/05/18)
5th poem in my series Even Poets ***** Up ...
I only write these when in the silliest of moods!
  May 2018 Val Vik
Pagan Paul
The air is statue still,
          dust particles hang immobile,
levitate in arrested motion,
     causing gravity to frown.

A single ray of silver light,
          a gift from the Lady above,
as she turns her face full
     and bathes the night gently.

Seeking through dark places,
          the magick beam catches tears,
in a cradle of light comfort,
     touching a lullaby in a whisper.

Alighting softly in a calm arrival,
          upon eyelids of eternal sorrow,
and heals the ragged scars of pain
     with the mystery of the stars.

© Pagan Paul (05/05/18)
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