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 Feb 2015 Calvin Watson
Falling in love is dangerous. For when you fall in love, you pay a price. A price so unrealistic that you simply cannot pull out your checkbook and write down "here is my everything, please handle with care, very fragile" and expect it to cover the debt. No. You give your heart and your soul. Your mind is always cluttered with thoughts of them. Your body tingles when you hear their voice. You become addicted and you expect more and more, so you keep paying until one day, there's nothing left. You're completely theirs and your definition of home…begins with their name.

And just thinking about that is terrifyingly beautiful. Something could happen, and all that will be left of you are tears and a cracked voice to match the holes that cover the walls. Now there is no place to call home, you gave them everything. Someday you will be asked the question of what they returned and you'll reply: "they gave enough to make it seem like a lifetime of happiness, and more importantly, that feeling of love…was infinite."

In the end, there would be pain and you knew this, but you still them your all. You are stronger than you think and believe me when I say you will regain your all back.

Falling in love is dangerous, but you cannot stop it, you cannot slow it down, and you cannot escape it. So it's understandable to be scared, but just know it's okay to take that fall…especially for him.
My fingers may not know a guitar
And I might never raise the bar
But I'm trying to be the man
That can do all he can
To be with you

I know my heart finds no directions
It can get lost in storms of affection
So I put this song together
So even if in stormy weather
I can sing it and remember

Cause you're beautiful even when you deny it
And the night skies in your eyes just seem to cry it
And your hair falls down like waterfalls
Your voice a singing bird with melodic calls
My heart's a kite, and for the night, fly it

Let your scars sing their secrets
I'll be holding you safe from all the threats
And maybe as we walk the beaches
Remembering blessings and curses
We can smile at our perfect messes
And I'll sing to you

You're beautiful even when you deny it
And the night skies in your eyes just seem to cry it
And your hair falls down like waterfalls
Your voice a singing bird with melodic calls
My heart's a kite, and for the night fly it.
Apologies for my previous poems, they were uninspired.
See, what happened is that I found someone, yet I still wrote about heartbreak and sadness.
But now, as she becomes all I think about, I realize I can write poems about her.
Love can do mysterious things, can't it?
If one were to ask
If we were to be
Maybe Shakespeare would shake his head
Or nod calmly as if nothing mattered
Because, it's often quoted
But that doesn't make it true.
Even Will himself
Can't give us an answer
But if I were to guess,
We wouldn't have to ask that question
In the first place
Because I'd already know
That the answer is yes,
It's to be, and it is fated by the stars
From the start, yes I knew
It doesn't have to be complicated
But I suppose if you'd like
We can give it some deeper meaning
Even if it doesn't need one
Because all I know
Is that you're the one,
And it's definitely to be.
Not even sure. But this is quite interesting.
I’ve never been so passionately in love with somebody who I had no chance with
to love and chase into the unknown where you’re standing in the middle of the darkness
but i know that i want the feeling of your strong hands around my waist, pulling me in
and i crave to feel the back of your neck where those girls in the movies hold on to their heroes
and even if you won’t be my prince i want to know how it would feel if you swept me away on the brink of your love
and i yearn for the feeling of your soft lips drawing out my last breath
and the steady beat of your heart pulling my eyes into your smile
and forever i’ll know how it feels to love you
this mad crazy passionate rush
like they always teach us not to turn to drugs for a high but you’re my own personal type of *******
and i yearn to know how it feels for you to pull me close and never let me go
but over all i crave to know how it would feel for you to love me forever
always breaking inside
 Feb 2015 Calvin Watson
I very quickly realized that I am jealous of everyone who gets to be in your presence while I am (so often) not.
I long to hear what glides into their ears as you speak-
your laugh, your smile, your unnecessarily broad and complex vocabulary that makes it's way into any sentence that beautiful mouth of yours sings.
oh, you do not just speak;
no, you sing.
you are a melody- the melody to everybody's soundtrack.
the rhythms you create by simply parting your lips,
oh those precious lips,
every day, those are the rhythms that I do not get to sway to as often as I so greedily long to.
I long for you, you and your melodies.
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