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 Mar 2016 Sara
Makena Greer
I learned today that for eyes to be like oceans they don't have to be blue
I didn't think it was possible to drown in brown
 Oct 2015 Sara
autumnal leaves scent your hair
weaving the reverie of stranger summers
of smoke and arboreal decay
bone-fingers, ceramic mug
shivering *** under the wool
   these septembers bewitch me,
   their wincing smile-
   how good it is
   to feel so sad.
 Sep 2015 Sara
raine cooper
miss her
 Sep 2015 Sara
raine cooper
you will miss her the most
when you walk through the forest
holding the hand of a girl
who does not like trees
 Jan 2015 Sara
Francie Lynch
You tell me you're bright.
Excuse me
While I squint.
 Sep 2014 Sara
D.H. Lawrence
When the bare feet of the baby beat across the grass
The little white feet nod like white flowers in the wind,
They poise and run like ripples lapping across the water;
And the sight of their white play among the grass
Is like a little robin’s song, winsome,
Or as two white butterflies settle in the cup of one flower
For a moment, then away with a flutter of wings.

I long for the baby to wander hither to me
Like a wind-shadow wandering over the water,
So that she can stand on my knee
With her little bare feet in my hands,
Cool like syringa buds,
Firm and silken like pink young peony flowers.
 Aug 2014 Sara
K Balachandran
the limitless complex
cosmic ocean dance,
the whole phenomena
deep within is a tiny seed,
one single moment, for ever.

പ്രപഞ്ച സമസ്യ

അനന്ത സങ്കീര്‍ണമീ
പ്രപഞ്ച സാഗരനൃത്തം
ആഴത്തി,ലുള്ളില്‍ ഇതൊരു
ചെറു  ബീജാന്തര്‍ പ്രതിഭാസം.
വെറുമൊരു നിത്യ നിമിഷം.
 Apr 2014 Sara
Third Eye Candy
When I gave up
Not a bell rang out.
And Lightning was withheld
By all accounts
From every corner of the sky.
And Thunder
had no
No Siren sang.
There never came
A wailing throng.
When I gave up
A Shadow passed. And shook -
my hand.
And moved
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