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UV Jun 2023
I long to loose track of time,
To wake and fill my mornings with food and movement.
To find company in the afternoon,
Read, work or simply chat,
lounging afloat the lazy river of time.
Looking up, wine in hand,
At the cherry blush setting sky,
Bemused in wonderment just how easily a day can go by.
Scrubbed clean mind, body, and soul,
To climb in with a book and welcome
The sweet dreams with open arms.
Swaddled warm and delivered,
into the realm of peace.

Instead I get to greet every second of every day,
With the unbearable sting of frayed nerves, plucked.
Sour of mouth, and heavy of head.
The apathetic march of time feels like a menacing countdown.
Unable to live in the past, present or future,
Not a moment goes by without my searing awareness,
That tomorrow cannot be stoped.
Night fall is nigh.
The afternoon oozed dreadful musings.
And the morning unproductively lost to self medication.
UV Feb 2023
I throw out a sentence
A key to my thoughts
All nonchalant, glancing sideways
Waiting for you to pick up my words
As you would if a flower sprouted suddenly from your granite kitchen countertop
You murmur something
Absentmindedly, forgetting the words before you finish speaking them
I tuck away a rogue tendril behind an ear, defeated
My gaze finds its way back to the lines of my palm and the creases over my knuckles
Imagining you looking up at me with something to say

UV Jan 2023
Tragedy kissed me gently,
It didn’t mar me enough,
So people couldn’t see.
Tragedy kept me company,
Writing letters from foreign shores,
So people thought I lived alone.
Tragedy hid presents in my keep.
Tucked away in memories,
Cloaked within friends, parents, and lovers,
I’d find them at my leisure then merely weep.
Tragedy has always been thoughtful.
She’s never left me unattended,
No matter the span of time without meeting,
I know I’ll find her in my sleep.

UV Feb 2021
Looked at it all night,
Kissed it before bed.
It stayed in it's glass sleeve,
An empty milk bottle,
I didn't own a vase you see.
I gently appreciated,
My bedside felt decorated.
The severed stalk with it's bloom,
Survived and thrived,
For longer than I'd expected.
I must say I liked the scent,
Even as I threw it away,
A lovely wilted, dead flower.
I'm writing this because
It oddly reminded me
Of the way you loved me.

UV Dec 2020
I always put away the pen
Instead of painting you in
How can I win describing?
My love ever overflowing.
If I had my way, I’d immortalise
Your tasteful idiosyncrasies.
Wish my parchment would
Read like my heart, pity
My words fail me unlike your love.
Don’t get me wrong you’re no prince, fable or legend
You’re far rarer,
You’re real enough to contradict even yourself
In loving you I’m made kinder
To the world, myself and the rest.
Cause I see you in your infinite facets
Surreal, imperfect yet
So intoxicating it feels pagan.
To steal a quote from those who came before me
‘Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror’
And baby I’ve been scared since the day we kissed.

Quote mentioned is by Rainer Maria Rilke.
UV Sep 2020
Let me tell you how it felt
To let go of you,
Like lying back down
Onto the surface of a frozen lake,
Hugging a rock, feeling its weight.
The ground under me thawed
I melted into the water with the ice,
Slipping into the brazen cold
I still felt coddled, knowing
I won’t touch the ground anytime soon.
I was weightless,
The fluidity felt forgiving,
Yet the weight on my chest anchored me.
In the now, I was moving yet not of my accord
I was free, yet sinking
Deeper into the void beneath me
Lungs tight, not much light
I missed the floor that the rock had pinned me to.
Every second it took to feel it again,
I hoped for catharsis in our reunion.
The weight on my chest kissed me deeper,
My back met the ground,
Alas, I feel gravity again
Now I wait patiently, in quiet suffering
To stop living or to be saved

UV Nov 2019
We are left with the tameable
Cause that's what it took to survive
The one's with the true message
Couldn't bear to be here now
The youth with all the purpose
Are muted in the dark
The crowds that stick around
Are faded, broken down.

I don't know what this is,
A prayer, poem, a song
With all the early graves
With all the good men in the ground
I guess my heart needs consoling,
So I write to remember
This is what it took to survive.

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