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janie Aug 2015
There is darkness in everything I see.
It seems to surround me.
Everywhere I go, it stays by my side.
What's wrong with my mind, I may never know.
All I ask is for you to take my hand and never let go.
This darkness, this evil, tries to tear me apart.
I this to let it succeed, to let it steal my sanity.
I do not ask for your pity.
Just to not abandon me.
I will not let this darkness win.. because
This is my battle and this is my sin
janie Aug 2015
I sit here wondering what to write.
My inspiration has been destroyed.
I don't know what to even feel.
Its been 75 days and I still don't miss you.
I should've mourned and cried but I didn't.
I should've felt guilt but I didnt.
I remember every torturing second and it does not faze me.
I remember your glassy eyes staring at me.
I remember watching your tiny soul leaving your body.
Yet I feel nothing.
janie Aug 2015
I sit here wondering what to write.
My inspiration has been destroyed.
I don't know what to even feel.
Its been 75 days and I still don't miss you.
I should've mourned and cried but I didn't.
I should've felt guilt but I didn't.
I remember every torturing second and it does not faze me.
I remember your glassy eyes staring at me.
I remember watching your tiny soul leaving your body.
Yet I feel nothing.
janie Jul 2015
I miss the happiness you seemed to bring.
I loved you with every bit of my heart.
you were my everything.
now I'm completely torn apart.

I'm left here broken and afraid.
afraid that this is all a reality.
afraid that this nightmare won't fade.
afraid that when I open my eyes there won't be any part of you to see.

I wish I could see you again.
I wonderful.. what if that didn't happen to you?
I wonder how life could've been.
I don't even ******* know what to do..

I killed you and it completely destroyed me.
I didn't mean to cause you harm or pain.
I was mentally shut down but you practically set me free.
..but now my heart is once again sorrowful like the rain.
this I wrote for my pet, I accidentally killed her. her name was demon but she acted like a complete angel
  Jul 2015 janie
its gonna make sense
i want to write
a happy poem
the ink of this pen
is color gray
and blue*

janie Jul 2015
nothing can quite match your radiant beauty.
nobody can make me quite as happy.
only you can, make me smile.
for you I'd walk 1,000 miles.
you brighten my day because you're my morning star.
you'll be in my heart no matter where you are.
you are my everything and so much more.
when you showed up you ended my inner war.
if that doesn't show you how I feel.
then I will just tell you what's real.
I love you with my heart, soul, and body.
and forever that will always be.
I love you mikayli ♡♥♡♥
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