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4d · 57
Time's a hateful friend
Gracious with chances
When you badly need it

If ever we'll miss ours
If what we have sours
Let me save the hours

Should my memories bleach
Or I be incapable of speech
Know I'm still within reach
We saw each other more often
frequent as the primes in 1 to 10
Mending each other’s boredom
widening our degrees of freedom

Ranted on things under the sun
Noted our signs, roots, and sum
We took turns airing problems
Shared proofs for peer checking

Did sanity check on our numbers
Whether in life, music, or games
Exchanged secrets and dreams
Reciprocated emojis and DMs

In the end, we skipped one thing
An asymptote we avoid touching
Assumed “us” was undefined
Then met our limits and resigned
6d · 61
Drunken Writing
I have travelled
through time
with nothing
but a pen

Dark secrets welled
in paired rhymes
silently praying
to be cleansed

Miserably failed
with slurred line
only growing tensed
wary 'til the end

Lips tight, sealed
with murky mind
attempts to converse
a glimmer of sense
Words sometimes feel insufficient, but they offer a way to pour out my heart, much like a release for someone who's intoxicated in a haze of words and thoughts
6d · 121
Wandered so long
I desire to cease
being on my own
for without ease
I've pressed on

I've fought alone enough
My battles, many to count

Relinquish control
Cry for help
catch my fall
Guide my leap
and fix my fate
Mar 11 · 215
I Hate Math [Part 1]
Yllu Minaré Mar 11
Math is where we first met
I observed you from my seat,

Occasionally glancing at the door
Thought you were cute and cool

Oh no, you caught me staring!
Then... things took a weird turn
Suddenly you started reeling
As if having diarrhea and burn
Like a fish out of water, uneasy
While miming weirdly at me

Your eyes pointed at my paper,
Then a series of stupid motions
I had to lip read; you said “answer”
You gestured to copy my solution

Oh crap! Stop goading me please…
My emotions, bordered love and hate

Infatuation, now, transitioned to regret
You ignited an inner battle I can’t take

My grades here weren’t that high!
God, I’m no good with numbers!
I tried protesting, but your eyes…
They were pleading… I surrendered
Mar 10 · 59
Yllu Minaré Mar 10
Oh, immortals of the world
Transcending the sun and cold
In the mellow and warm
to the frigid steelen hard
The flight to the expanse
and your dive to the oceans
Rising up again to the skies
yet leaves no ash behind

The dwelling of leviathans
and of the heavenly ethereal
within reach of your dominance
the mere mortals of the world
the very life of this blue-lit abode
forever tied to your existence

Life begs for mercy
for it dies and lives
both in your absence
and in your presence
As rain fell and William Joseph's piano cover of 'Nothing Else Matters' filled the air, I was struck by a powerful feeling. I envisioned water, H₂O, as an angel descending.

— The End —