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Jia En Feb 10
All I really
Want us for someone to love me
Like I love almost everybody
Else-- my friends would've heard it before--
Because more
Often than not
I'd happily think my last thought
For most people in my
Life than shoot myself between the
Idk. All I want is for someone to love me
As much as I love them. Why
Does it seem so easy
For you guys?
How hard did y'all have to try?
i would **** myself for you.
Jia En Feb 10
Because I know
I will never be more
Than second place, will never go
Further than them in your heart for
Every time I try to reach out
You do an about
Turn, face your back to me
And all I can see
Is this huge wall
Immune to arrows, bullets, fire
And so every time I try I fall,
My body
Parallel to the bricks
And ground
And around
Is nothing but the faces of the friends I
Know you've made in my
Absence but I really
Didn't think it would be
This quick.
friendship after graduation just hits different-- or should i say it doesnt hit at all.
Jia En Feb 3
There is no point to my life except to
Make everyone else’s easier; do
The work, hold the hands,
Explain the concept of a perfect square,
Beat the bullies, stroke the hair,
Finish up the class decor;
Because there’s no use in being around anymore
If there’s nothing I can do for you.
Don’t lie to me that it isn’t true.
people only want you for what you can do for them
Jia En Jan 30
At this point "I
Might cry"
Is my
You can probably
It on my face
But there's this urge for me
To just point it out
And make everything about
Myself or at least that's how
It works in my head.
But for now
There isn't much else for me to say
Instead (****).
Finish off with a laugh
So they know
Just how deep they've to go
Because smiles don't mean
A thing if you've been
In most people's shoes.
And usually
Attempt at making it a joke
Is a good one
So we brush it off as fun
The guilt starts to set
In but luckily I don't get
The spotlight
That I had wished for at first
So everything's alright
And I didn't spoil your night.
is the twinkle in the sky
or is it something in my eye?

i haven't had much motivation to write lately
Jia En Jan 25
Sometimes I scroll through
The messages you
Sent and try to
Figure out
If you ever actually
Cared about
Because on some days
You'd say
I was the only one who
Understood how you
Were feeling and on others
It's like we
Don't even know one another
And after ghosting me
For a day or two
Now you're suddenly
Willing to do
Anything for (one of your) best
I don't know how many
Times it seemed to be
That you would end
This torture but if I
Know anything about you
It's that time'll pass by
And neither of us are going to
Anything because I keep foolishly
Hoping you'll change and you're
Too blind to see
Just how much you're hurting me.
too many people like this nowadays
Jia En Jan 15
Just watch the children run
Out of the lift (I've never
Experienced it but since when was tuition fun?)
After another
Parents searching amongst the crowd
To find their own amongst the others
And it's not like they're particularly loud
But I still can't tell who's who
And when they all make it to
Mummy and Daddy
Dashing past me
As I stand plastered to the wall
I'm just wondering how they're all
So happy
Now another group of adults now
Probably off work
Wondering how
To pay the bills, feed the family
These are the ones with the more
Relatable faces
Only for
Work and stress
And honestly this change is happening far
Too early for the people in our
Age and now the question I'm asking is
“When will they grow out of this”
This naivety, this knowing
That growing
Up won't change a thing
Because that isn't what I've been seeing.
today i stood in the lobby of a shopping mall
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