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283 · Dec 2024
You promised me a lifetime
I guess a lifetime means to you less than a year
I remember all the times
You whispered "till infinity" inside my ear
"It's over" didn't mean anything to you more than mere words
But for me, it was the end; the final stab of the sword
It hurt, oh, it hurt. Weeks on end, I wondered if I had made a mistake
I gave you my heart and you stabbed it with a stake
I cried and cried till there were no longer tears left to cry
Then I admitted to myself that that Lifetime was goodbye.
Took me a long time to admit it to myself - hope you all can relate
114 · Jan 18
Feeling pretty miserable, being eaten up inside
Because of you, I put my own dreams aside
Gave you myself and you took me for a ride
Nothing short of a miracle that I haven't tried suicide
I fell for you like a blind stupid bride
In you my deepest secrets I did confide
I hid my truth in you and in my truth you lied
I played your games and by your rules I did abide
Took care of you by day and in the night I cried
While you made me insane and in my insanity you hide
Courtesy of you, into depression I slide
Only trauma came true out of all that was prophesied.
95 · Feb 14
Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a hearing problem
Cause he doesn't hear my voice tighten with pain each time I say I love him

Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a sight problem
Cause he doesn't see the tears in my eyes each time I give him a hug

Sometimes I feel like my boyfriend has a speech problem
Cause he never ever says he loves me back
All in all my boyfriend has a love problem
Cause he never makes me feel enough
They're celebrating love but I'm uplifting heartbreak. How ironic.
80 · Feb 8
Now all our interactions are so awkward that even the birds and the air know it
68 · Sep 2024
A Proper Feeling
There is no proper feeling anymore.
I mean you can't be afraid cause they feed off your fear.
You can't be angry, because they know how to manipulate your anger.
You can't be sad, because they prolong your sorrow.
You can't be worried, because they will be so happy to see you like that.
You can't be happy, because they sabotage you and gossip all around you.
You can't be hopeful, because that will make your hope something to crush.
You can't be FREE, because they've made you comfortable in your *******.
60 · Sep 2024
Thief Tactics
Black hair, brown eyes, a dazzling smile,
That's what he used to steal my eyes.
Sweet talk, loud laugh, a throaty chuckle,
That's what he used to steal my ears.
Listening ears, smooth skin, a kiss returned,
That's what he used to steal my lips.
Soft palms, closeness, his hand in mine,
That's what he used to steal my body.
Bravery, smartness, his quick thinking,
That's what he used to steal my mind.
The Love of GOD, Beautiful Imperfection and a Willingness to Change,
That's what he used to steal my heart.
60 · Sep 2024
Time flew by but my life is stagnant,
Or is it moving backwards?
My time on earth is malignant
And every new year awkward.
I say to myself every hour of every day
Dear me, there are no true friends
One minute they like you, the next they don't
Tell me will the confusion ever end?
'No one is perfect. Perfect is overrated '
But yet every night I toss and turn and dream and hope and pray to be just like them, to be perfect.
To be friends with everyone
To be prim and proper
To be rich and famous
To have long black hair and pretty brown eyes and fair skin and yet...
Yet, as I listen to myself, I know it's impossible to be perfect.
No one can be perfect.
59 · Dec 2024
When it comes to you
Anger is a *******
Jealousy's a fool
Malice does nothing but ******
When it comes to you

Hatred's not an option
Love is barely, too
Mixed emotions happen
When it comes to you

Forgive and forget
None of that crap is new
But forgiving is a regret
When it comes to you

Sometimes I ignore your existence
But I still care through and through
Just one of many occurences
When it comes to you.
50 · Jan 4
Heartbroken :(
Hell, that's the way it's supposed to be
Who cares?
Nobody Important.
New year feelings eating up at my soul.
I guess I'm just not deserving of love
39 · Jan 28
Pain hurts
Love hurts more
Love meant nothing to me before
Then I loved you
You didn't love me back
Now love means loss, pain; every thing I don't want to feel anymore.

Pain kills
Love kills more
I didn't know that before
Then I loved you
My heart was placed under attack
Now love means guilt, shame; every thing I don't want to be anymore.
39 · Dec 2024
Finer Things
Two years ago, I saw a girl cry over a guy
I was disgusted; why waste precious tears from your pretty eyes?
It's not that the guy got burnt or that he died
All he wanted to do he did, and then he lied.

Love in his heart was as far away as Saturn's rings
She, led by words, led her heart to a heartsting
He did what he was so bent on doing
And disappeared after a taste of the finer things.

There she was, sobbing in her friend's arms
He, at will, turned on and off his charms
Those fine hands that once made her skin sing
Left after a taste of the finer things.

That day, I decided that tears for boys I will never to my eyes bring
Nothing like that will ever make me brood or think
For my true love, it's all or nothing
He'll have all of my finer things.
35 · Jan 18
Let's play pretend for a minute
Let's pretend I had a life
That I had real friends
And that I strive

Let's pretend that I'm normal
That I'm who I say I am
Let's pretend that I care
That I'm kind and gentle and calm

Let's pretend that I'm special
That I'm not utterly alone
Let's pretend that you're here
And I'm not on my own

Let's pretend that I exist
That I'm not my own enemy
Let's pretend that I'm a follower
That I don't follow my own melody

Let's pretend it doesn't hurt
That I don't die a little every day
Let's pretend that you love me
Because I love you in every way
31 · Jan 18
Forget me not through all this change
I'll forget you not because of the message you envisage
Seasons will go, times will pass
But your impact will forever last .

Forget me not, all the things I said
Because my words were always rightly led
I don't want to forget you; this please you understand
Seeing as our time left together is smaller than a baby's hand.

Forget me not, it'll be okay
I'll forget not your words; don't forget what I say
In future, hope says that our paths will cross
Then I'll be happy to forget all the years we lost.
30 · Jan 4
High Tech
Information speeds around at a frightening rate
Technology we made is no more our mate
We fight to be informed; to be up to date
While being defined by the things we create

Everything you say or do is stored in the web
One wrong move and boom, you're dead
Forsaking the truth and opting for fake lives instead

Welcome to Gen Z
The age of technology
Living 21st century; it's so free
Yet feeling so empty

Smiling at the camera, while crying inside
Through AI, our creativity died
Trying to keep up with the times and flow with the vibes
Not knowing the vibes have taken over our minds

Being ruled by the music we hear
Now our songs of joy has turned to tunes of despair
Only when it comes to reputation do people care
And for that same reputation, they let go of what they hold dear

The advent of Internet has stuck like glue
Through WWW, evil things have come through
It might have its good uses, but those are few
While the bad ones multiply all around you

I sometimes miss the times of the Israel and Moses
The times when people didn't poke their noses
E'en though I know it wasn't a time of beds of roses
At least that time, we knew exactly the threat information poses

But now we are in Gen Z
No one and nothing is trustworthy
Living 21st century; it's so free
Yet feeling so empty
2025 thoughts :)
26 · Feb 14
To your new girlfriend
Say hi to your new girlfriend for me
Tell her she's the only one in love
Tell her that she'll never measure up

Hug your new girlfriend for me
Tell her that I'm finally free
Tell her that I'm now allowed to be comfortable in my own skin

Bless your new girlfriend for me
Tell her that she'll be let down
Tell her that her pretty smile will turn into an ugly frown

Pray for your new girlfriend for me
Tell her not to be depressed
Tell her that in your life she can never come first
She's such a lucky lady to be trapped with you
14 · Jan 8
It hurts how death can take away
All those we thought were here to stay
Sometimes we think death's just child's play
But when it comes, we cry 'Mayday'

Death brings unexpected pain
It reminds us all our work is in vain
It's a foreign concept, all so strange
When you meet that ugly pale red stain

Death takes away all we had planned
And all it leaves is a barren wasteland
Death makes our lives before seem quite grand
It makes us lose our so-called stand
Feeling pretty morbid - just had to let it out

— The End —