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I'm Venus the trap
Beware of my trigger hairs
For a fly
The Beginning of nightmares

After I've digested
My evolution
Was Well invested

Soon I'll open up
And Reset
I'm a plant
So don't get upset
as a kid
i built my wall with lego's
then later on
i finished it with stones
Are like a beautiful ending of a love story.
Sometimes you just
have to go cry in the bathroom
and wonder why you’re
not enough
feel such an intense
pain that only a hug
and love from one person
who isn’t there would solve,
and then go back to work.
Sometimes saying goodbye to someone
doesn't nearly hurt as much
as saying goodbye to the version of you
that existed alongside them.
Pain is inevitable,
Suffering is optional.
The crossroads of success,
Is always constructional.

If we could become tress,
Solid and stoic, deep rooted
In Mother Earth's flesh;
We could stand firm
Through the tempest, unswayed.

But we are only humans.
Covered in darkness.
Hiding behind our fears,
Timidly withdrawing from
The ominous tempest.

So, embrace the fury,
The daunting gales that
Once were scary.
After all, you can't
Stop the waves,
But you can learn to surf.

And even if you sank,
Deeper into the void,
At least you'll drown
Knowing there was
Beauty In The Struggle.
 Apr 2022 Rachid M Nzimbena
to the the girls who starve themselves,
the ones that watch their carbs,

you want to feel adored
you´re personality is fading
they´ll eventually get bored.

while striving for more
you settle for less

you can´t seem to love yourself
step on the scale, there go a few numbers
along with your happiness
It's pretty burdensome,
When you swallow the tears,
Deep into your heart,
As their peace becomes more important than your pain.
But when alone they don't stop.
 Apr 2022 Rachid M Nzimbena
On the brink
of failure.
a new reminder,
that no matter
how fast I may run,
that thing,
the heart of my
will catch me.
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