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For years, I was always there,
Under any conditions, always supportive,
Caring, always sharing,
Keeping you safe, in times of fear,
Your only true friend,
Opening my home, if you needed to rest,
Understanding your problems,
Believing your stories,
Interested, in your ideas & plans,
Teaching you how to carry on,
Celebrating the good times,
Holding you in my arms, when you needed a hug.

                                                                       Tom Maxwell ©
                                                                                                9/27/2019 AD
                                                                                                   12/35/19 am
We never know, how, when our, in what way,
Every one will leave this life,
We are passing through today, A short stop over,
When you compare it to eternity,
Part of Gods plans, from the very first day.
Death, the one thing in this life
No one in the end, will survive.
Our soul inside, must go on another Journey,  
Until it is perfect, in every way.
A reality check, that can stop us, in our tracks,
Any moment, on any day,
Each of us have, limited reservations,
We can not extend our visit, in any way.
One of life’s lessons,
A moment, we always remember,
Where we were, when the message, came,
Of A person we loved, passing away.
We turn away from our daily routine,
As if we are in a trance
Then we think of our self, our soul
Our we giving it, life, our best, trying to find,
Discover our purpose, why we were given this time.
We each have A soul, that sees,
Through our eye’s, then guides us, from inside.
There is A power we cannot control
We start feeling weak, the tears, begin to flow,
We can not make our selves cry,
Some day out with friends, having fun,
Do not hurt yourself, just stop try to cry.
Why will often appear, in our, mind,
Certain things we will never know,
During our time.
Take time away, from what you
Waste time doing, go visit,
Call, those people you think about,
Their, in your thoughts, for A reason, a way,
Every year, more people you know
Will become, A memory of, yesterday.
Tom Maxwell © 4/25/2021AD  3:30am
A old friend ask me to write something for his brothers funeral   is it any good   Thanks
There are accidents to diseases,
With countless other, obstacle’s, in between,
If we always worry about everyone, of them,
We can miss the life; we should have seen.
Our mind controls our body, every breath, heartbeat,
Down to each word we say, look towards the future,
Think positive, your body will flow the same way.
When A person always says, I can’t right A way,
Could it be they are too lazy, or afraid to try,
Your better, to give it your best first,
Then, convince your mind, your ready to give up, and die.
When you talk about the weather, more than twice, A day,
Are you using your mind to think,
When you have to look outside, A window, for something to say?

                                                     Tom Maxwell 04/21/2021 AD
I always take you in, any time that you are lost,
I’ve paid your bills, whatever they cost, now you leave me feeling, so alone, and lost.
I helped you out countless times, in many different ways, whenever you call, I am always there, any time of day,
now you have no feelings, for me in anyway.
I always did the right things, to satisfy your mind,
you couldn’t count the day’s, or hours I gave you in time,
why are you being so unkind.
You used my house so many times, when on the run, to hide,
I always welcomed you, and made you feel safe inside,
and now, you make up lies, about me, why?
Whenever, your heart was broken, I was the only one who cared, when you are sick, I am always there,
And now you show appreciation, leaving me alone in a stare.

                                                          Tom Maxwell 08/11/05
You Know someone Like this....
Mental Notes
Emotions so real
Mile stones
Our life
Remembering those we loved
Expanding feelings
Signs for guidance

Tom Maxwell ©
!:05 PM
We never give much thought,
Thinking we are standing,
On solid ground every day,
There is always something moving,
Below our feet, over forty - one thousand,
Earthquakes, in the year twenty - twenty  
That’s just in the U.S.A.
Then if we think of all of the void spaces,
Empty mines, caverns & caves…
Many of us living above, under - ground holes,
While the oceans, along our country’s east & west sides,
Wash away, acres A year, with high tides, and waves.

                                                                                              Tom Maxwell©
                                                                                            4/12 2021 AD
                                                                                            3:45 AM
I worry so much about your actions I see,
because they remind me of mistakes made by me.
I could count my mistakes like drops of rain
, and to the people I love I gave so much pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
Even during our good times,
Or bad, life will always bring us happy times together,
and others when we are sad.
I worry all the time trying to accept whatever this life decides to deal,
Often, I am clueless not showing the emotions I feel.
I try to hold inside so many actions of my life in the past,
Always trying new adventures to turn my world around at last.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know I am supposed to lead you standing tall and strong,
I’ve always tried my best and sometimes I am right, but often I’ve been wrong.
Many times, in the past I was wrong in the way’s I’ve sowed my seeds,
    I will always love you and be there in your times of need.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.
I know sometimes I seem insane when my feelings come out from inside,
letting out pressure that builds, while trying to survive, during this life’s ride.
Life has so much to offer us and a lot of knowledge we can share and gain,
Always look towards a happy future, even during our times of pain.
Remember, I will always love you till my final day,
Regardless of the roads you travel or your actions or ways.

          Copyright Tom Maxwell 05/10/03
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