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Most everyone craves,
Wealth and beautiful things,
During this life,
As long as we travel here,
Want to see a miracle,
Look into a mirror.
Your soul traveling, in your body,
From a life, in the past,
You are here, to help it grow,
Never knowing,
Which life, will be it’s last.

                                                                                           Tom Maxwell © 3/15/2021 AD   6:55 PM
Life Soul Traveling
Everyone has times, when they think their cool,
Other moments, they feel like a fool.
After years of time, has passed by,
Which days, are you proud of, which ones make you cry?
We create our future, every day, do you want respect,
Are, a name, that just, fades away.
Some of the things, we enjoyed, in our past,
Should just be left, as memories, that will last.
Our bodies, what we think is fun, will often change,
If we ignore the signs, our life, could be rearranged.
To change anything, in our life, during this stay,
We need another plan, how to spend those days.
You have to want, make new goals every day,
Nothing in your life will forever stay.

                                                                   Tom Maxwell® 10/21/05 AD
What is the definition of true love today,
You hear about so many searching, for it, many ways,
To be true, you would have no restrictions,
As in race, age, wealth, or trying to get others involved,
To change, their actions, how they live, and dress, each day.
It would just be special emotions, loving,
A wonderful feeling, like caring parents,
Seeing their new baby, on it’s very first day.
Working on each - others good qualities, no negative
Thoughts, about the other person, in their mind.
You have to meet in person, any one, can put a picture,
With a story on line.
Like shopping for groceries, go out and squeeze some
Lemmon’s, for if you wait, and keep talking to long,
You may miss out, and run out of time.

Tom Maxwell ® 3/12/21/AD 12:30 PM
Those close to you now,
An unknown future friend,
Who will you remember the most,
When this life, comes to an end.

Life is like A book,
Chapters change, along our way,
Along with the characters,
Those you see, every day.

Every one came into this life,
For A special reason,
We are not to judge, each other,
We all have our change, of seasons.
Tom Maxwell. ® 03/07/2007 AD
Stories, are told, heard, about addictions,
Wasting years of people’s lives day by day.
Television, is the largest, in the world, today,
A constant expense, normally negative stories,
Which are acted out in society, in different ways.
A child, who lives to eighty years, with a four hour,
Habit A day, has paid to waste thirteen years,
Of this one - time precious life, away.

Tom Maxwell © 3/11/21 AD 12:30PM
To some, love is just A game today,
The people involved, are just toys, they play,
The world is the field, where the moves are made,
When they are finished, they find another to play.
Is love, just another four letter word today,
What happened to the meaning, has it just faded away,
I'm sure It's still out there, It's just so hard to find,
When you do, you will feel the signs,
Those involved, must be trustworthy, and care,
No matter what happens, in life, while you both are there,
Stand by each other, side by side, have no secrets you hold inside.

Tom Maxwell copyright 10/16/2002 AD
I often day dream, what this life, plans,
Have left for me.
There is A reason, I have the freedom now,
To let the inner me free.
Sorting incoming energy, mixing together,
With my emotions, in my mind,
Always, listening for, guidance,
Am I right/ crazy, anything could be A sign.
Looking beyond Days and nights,
Never realize, what my inner powers are ,
Pulling more in, from out of body sights.

                                                                          Tom Maxwell 
                                                                                               3/2/19 Ad
                                                                                              1:10 Am
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