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Breathe in to count of  four,
Hold breath to count of seven,
Breathe  out to count of eight.
Good you are alive,
Wanna no worry,
Thumbs up 👆 💕
 Sep 2024 Jana B
Glenn Currier
If we are obedient
we will be broken.

When I submit to my calling
as a human being,
if I am true to the ambition
of the puffy spear-shaped cloud,
to the voice of the smooth rock
formed as a heart,
I will stop
stay still
let their messages
sink through the borders of my brain
saturate the surging energy

I will allow myself to be pierced
by her fears of being evicted  
I’ll feel the angst about her futility
before the indifferent landlords.

I will ignore my own heartache
about Uncle Jan’s fanatical raging
and instead
ask him about his son’s cancer
hug him when he breaks down sobbing.

to the highest measures of my humanity
has its costs…

and rewards.
 Aug 2024 Jana B
Jeremy Betts
It was never about
Taking the easy route
I was just desperate
And made a last ditch effort
To get the pain out

 May 2024 Jana B
red lipstick
 May 2024 Jana B
i wore it again
and people complimented me
they say red is my color
and it suits me.

it's too thick and dark
did i overapply
no, it's the right amount
just enough
to make them think
i'm fine.

i look at myself
in the mirror,
and they're right
red shines on me,
so i applied
another layer,
and another
until my lips felt too thick,
but my eyes still see
the scars beneath it.
 May 2024 Jana B
Salmabanu Hatim
my heart loves you much
mind refuses to like you
dilemma for me.
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