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 Sep 2021 Larry
 Sep 2021 Larry
i woke up today, yesterday was what it was
another day of living my life for a buzz
i'm always surprised to see the morning light
when will i ever live my life right

what tomorrow brings is never on my mind
i search and search, then find what i find
eye to eye with the devil isn't a fair fight
when will i ever live my life right

stuck in a pattern that's set to repeat
with demons closing in and feeling the heat
my life ends up another day, another night
when will i ever live my life right
 Sep 2021 Larry
Hank Love
 Sep 2021 Larry
Hank Love
Don't judge someone who sins differently than you do.
 Jun 2021 Larry
 Jun 2021 Larry
Each day is a new beginning. Each day is graciously gifted to us. Each day we are born anew, with each breath that He breathes through us. An opportunity of new life. Beautiful, abundant life. Abundance. We are given so many opportunities to become who He created us to be. And there is no end goal...there is no set 'person' we were meant to become, so that once we become that person, the growing & changing of it from an artistic view...we are perpetually a masterwork in progress, yet simultaneously a masterpiece...HIS masterpiece. His beautiful creation. His perfectly imperfect human made in His image...and we are meant to grow & change through our mistakes & our sin...He knows us deeply and best before anyone. Let every second be full of our efforts to strive to be who we are created to be. That doesn't mean strive to be someone you aren't...allow yourself to be who you presently are, because who you are then was who you were meant to be & who you are now is who you are meant to be, so who you will be is also who you are meant to be...Keep striving to be a channel of Peace, a vessel of the Truth & Life, & an instrument of Love. I hope that you enjoy the journey & are patient with yourself in the process of finding what purpose & individual gifts you were given to bring to the table in this world. And I hope that once you find them, you hold onto them closely, & courageously embrace them as bits of inspiration, motivation, & encouragement for others to do the same. We will fall. And no matter how hard we fall, how far we stray, He will always be there to lift you up. Every time. Let every moment become a memory full of abundant life & love...nothing but Love.
 Dec 2020 Larry
 Dec 2020 Larry
Hold on a little longer,
keep on getting stronger,
Foolish things to confound the wise,
nearly met his demise,
but to his surprise,
He told him to arise and go to Niniveh.

Not a betting man but double-check the trifecta,
flipping the script of the natural selector,
dark horses coming through,
tried and tasted what is true,
mongrels mounting up from misery,
as all scream and shout,
who let the dogs out!

Once commissioned as causes of concern,
had a lot to unlearn,
underwritten as risky investments,
downtrodden and dejected,
the last to be selected,
with all eyes on the high and mighty,
they sought to divide the word rightly,
each day the weak ones learned from their losses,
joyfully carrying their crosses,
now they stride strong in synergy,
saved from the scrutiny success solicits,
they kept being pimped from their torn down state in preparation for exhibits.

It's a marathon building shelter for my family of vagabonds and pariahs,
He brought us from a low place so we lift Him on higher,
adopted into community with my gang of refugees,
the prince of peace is our metanoic pallisade,
we don't need an accolade.

I'm a werewolf from the wilderness of woodlands trying to feast on a ****** lamb hoping I can be freed from the curse and be made new.

A walking contradiction,
trying to earn distinctions,
attempting to distinguish,
between the matter of the fact and the substance of the fiction.

Stones from my glass house,
an heir intertwined in the vine,
Jack on a beanstalk trying to make of this life the most,
gotta eat the bread of his flesh,
drink the wine of his blood and make a toast to the only one in whom we can boast.

Coasting between Kendrick and Kanye,
Exhausted by dichotomous extremities,
I'm simply seeking serenity,
He says He sings over us, serenades,
grilling in the fire, salt of the earth I guess we're marinade,
know my target audience so I let these rhymes perform their aim,
whatever that may be,
blind Pharisee trying to see how far I can,
hollow man looking through the the lens of of The hallow man.

I don't seek no sympathy I'm just making symphonies,
quite aware of my apathy,
groaning in my atrophy,
body of death is taunting me,
still I cry out victory,
sprinting for a real trophy,
already in pole position,
impossible it seems as Tom's cruising on this mission,
looking to express the beauty of good religion,
wrestling like a Russian named Ruslan from the west to manifest the Kings dream,
show that he's forever blessed,
while trying to entertain,
got no time to stress,
set up for success,
grinding everyday to enter in to his rest.

His rest is history,
what Jesus did for you what He did for me, concurrently, paradoxically He's presently still working through beings like me and you to make things new.
We need His assistance but we act in resistance as we focus on the current waves,
we lose our power,
we must depend on Him in every hour,
our lives are but a flower and a mist,
a brief moment we're son-kissed
dark clouds hover with painful rain,
imminent is His reign,
we will rejoice again.

I played with the pied piper or Prometheus,
I guess I'm just tired of all the things that are misleading us.
If you didn't get any of these lines let me try to make this worth your time:
The son of man,
the great I am,
the lion of Judah,
the Holy lamb,
took this son of OB1 and Pam,
showed me light in my darkest night,
though we stray and wander,
he's a good shepherd who calls us home.

If you too feel broken and alone,
there's always a seat at the feet of the faithful friend,
it doesn't have to be Christmas or Easter,
we feast daily on tears, joy and all the beauty and grief between,
washed by the water of His words He's made and is making us clean.

First is how it ends don't worry about the queue,
Foolish things to confound the wise,
nearly met his demise,
but to his surprise,
He told him to arise and go to Nineveh.
References: I Corinthians 1:27, Jonah 4:2, Psalm 34:8, Matthew 15:27, 2 Timothy 2:15, Matthew 11:28, Colossians 1:13, Psalm 9:9 John 6:53, John 1:29, Galatians 3:13, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Matthew 23:37, Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:15, Romans 8:17, Matthew 7:3, Ephesians 5:16, I Corinthians 1:31, Zephaniah 3:17, Matthew 5:13, Romans 7:24, I Corinthians 5:57, I Corinthians 9:25, Luke 1:37, James 1:27, Psalms 21:6, Hebrews 4:11, John 3:16, Romans 12:1, I Peter 1:24, Phillipians 4:4, I Timothy 4:1, Revelation 5:5, Isaiah 53:6, Psalm 34:18, Ephesians 5:26, Matthew 19:30, I Corinthians 1:27
 Dec 2020 Larry
Joseph Sopholaus
Sine arte
A satire against modernity in the arts

O modern beast our captive arts release,
The laws of Nature wished your reign to cease.
What beauties does this modern art restores
By turning vestals young to Russian ******.
How strange the painter draws his new reforms 5
Reducing Nature’s shapes to foggy forms.
All, I may add, by rambling thoughts conceived
If Nature’s order’s razed the goal’s achieved.
‘‘What then?’’ A tasteless judge if dared to ask,
To which the answer wears pretentious mask: 10
‘‘Dear Sir! ’Tis art, all ***** mere symbols made,
And *****, though crude, denotes the father’s shade’’
Go Man admire the fruits of twisted state,
Interpret ***** as something deeply great.
Let ***** Cupid stab his precious heart 15
To make our poesy more interesting art.
Let Cyrus wreck the might of Shakespeare’s throne,
And use her tongue to lick his hallowed stone.
Thus, give the verses blank to frenzied beasts,
Or let Rihanna burn Miltonic seats. 20
A simple critic might her craft enjoy,
But witty minds oft do their gift employ.
New Cornus comes with broken tools to teach
Yet none can bear to hear postmoderns preach.
They mumble days upon the wage and race 25
For them the world’s a strife, that is the case.
 Dec 2020 Larry
May the bridges I burn light my way
But when all'st been burnt I am left stranded in flames
Who's to say I haven't lost my way?

        Bridges allow us to traverse across space
        Walking, stepping on gravity to reach a new place.
             I cannot reverse time but I can walk in space
             When all the bridges gone; I am left in place
                        And the only way left is to jump right, up and down this maze
 Dec 2020 Larry
my body

heartbeats like footsteps pounding up the stairwell
desperate, as though frantically and passionately running towards a lover, this body

my body

wound so tightly, heart on the edge of a cliff ready to jump
the only thing reminding me I am alive as it pumps blood through this body

my body

snaps, reacts like a whip cracking through the crisp air intending to enslave us: mind, soul and this body

my body

wired, as though plugged directly into an unstable outlet charging electricity throughout this body

my body

curves, no, mountains, creating a flesh terrain cultivating life carefully crafted by some heavenly being, this body

my body

miracle of childbirth, life emerged from love and two bonded souls leaving valleys and canyons of stretch marks on this body

my body

a temple to be cherished, yet it is degraded every day as pain is numbed and the soul is muffled inside this body

my body

picked over by perverted people, imprisoned; locked in an all out civil war against itself just to survive in this body

my body

strength and resilience as the brain mends itself, it has never been weak; only made to believe that it is nothing more than this body

MY body
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