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 Apr 2020 Sue Collins
Two books, a window,
and a sky full of rain
The algorithm's not there
the numbers don't add up
and no one's got the fare,

we're staying in tonight
the next day
next week
next year?

and yet
freedom could be so near
but as usual
there's no one to care
Tonight, let's take a respite from the kids, get all dressed up, and head for the local grocery store.

We can even wear matching masks, take turns pushing the cart, and steal Kisses from the candy aisle.

You're on top of my shopping list, little lady, along with the melons and a case of toilet paper.

It may not be dinner or a movie, but it has its own romantic aura of about six feet in diameter.

Take my gloved hand & let's dance away at the checkout line, mask-to-mask. It's love in the time of COVID-19.
See Mrs. Timetable's "Grocery Store Date Night Morning After" poem.
They said that every day spent
in quarantine with your wife
to seven years of a husbands life,

If my wife sees this
it'll be another life that I've lost
and I'm up to number seven already.
 Apr 2020 Sue Collins
I'm sharpening my knives
Looking through my tv

All the deceiving

I'm sharpening my knives
And now the edges are gleaming

If you can understand the meaning
I'm getting ready to cut through the evening

When the world breaks down
And the guns ring hell

I'm sharpening the help
In the helter skeltor
Of any chaos

I'm sharpening my knives
And loading them with bullets

Looking at my tv
Studying my enemy
Brainwash humanity

My razors edge is so sharp
It could split the hair
Of a microscopic bacteria

I'm sharpening my knives
Because I'm not fearing ya

All the deceiving
You best believing
I'll be standing on the side

Of America 🇺🇸
Ovarian, Breast, Pancreatic, or Lung…
there’s a look that is shared the same

And staring straight into the eyes of time,
all promises gone and reclaimed

Each moment borrowed and leased from your fear,
the walls crashing one by one

Tonight no longer a sleep guaranteed
—under blankets of doubt unsung

(Dreamsleep: March, 2020)
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