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 Oct 2022 rose hopkins
 Oct 2022 rose hopkins
I breathe in deep.

And yet you keep
having me chase
the next as if a lungful
wasnโ€™t enough.
 Sep 2022 rose hopkins
Aditya Roy
She was that kind of woman
That the wind washed over her face
The flowers emanated from her
a scent of a time forgotten
She stands before the bathroom mirror
Creating several different faces
Tryng to find the one that doesnโ€™t
Make her look so tired and old.

Some of them make her look ill
A couple more look silly.
The one she finally settles on:
A wan and disappointed smile -

Accepted as least ugly of the bunch
Itโ€™s not the face sheโ€™d hoped to wear
In this the Autumn of her life.
She expected some small trace
Of former beauty to remain.

She tried to make a little sparkle
To liven up her somber eyes
And find the muscle in her cheek
That lifts her lips into a grin.

A sorry rictus of despair
Was all that effort brought her
So she gave up and threw the switch
And slipped away in darkness
I remember seeing my mother standing in front of the mirror trying different ways of smiling and holding her face.;She wasn't happy about growing older. Hey...neither am I.
 Sep 2022 rose hopkins
It's not about them.
It is about you
You can care and share
Be loving and considerate
This time it is not a stranger or a friend
Not a friend of a friend
The ball was tossed to you
You have to play
Before you know the rules of the game
There is a flow and feeling
A control about the cards dealt to you
You are not gambling your life and meaning for what is at stake
You don't go through this alone but when those closest to you feel a million miles away because what you are doing is all too real
You stay the course
You stay positive and win with patience and great but quiet determination
When it is all too real
Live genuinely and when it is all too great.

Wishing you all the best game you can play and win!
 Sep 2022 rose hopkins
Grace E
The tide, turn and test of time
The twists and turns we encounter.
Sometimes change comes silently, slowly and unannounced.
As in corrosion, decay, the quiet shift from one generation to the next.
Sometimes change comes harshly, abrasively and all at once.
And we must adapt quickly or die quickly.
Whether it culminates slowly or crashes all at once.
We must never fear it, but expect it.
And accept it is apart of being alive.
Color me orange fire moon
When youโ€™re near and full
Watching my beauty
Thatโ€™s when Iโ€™ll bloom
in the light of night
Sun of dark
Iโ€™m so in love with you.

Shell โœจ๐Ÿš
Moon in the desert where flowers bloom at night
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