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 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
time steals up soft in autumn’s haze
through fallen leaves and frosted morn
no longer smiles through summer days
bears dreadful gaze of mercy shorn

scribes lines upon youth’s winsome face
and brings the ache of stiffened joint
gives halting stride and slower pace
age piled like leaves does thus anoint

yet in thine eye dwells springtide’s bloom
in ardor’s dance is lightened tread
warm voice dispels autumnal gloom
at gentle touch are decades fled

for love knows naught of count of days
let the years flow as they will
unclouded passion’s flames yet blaze
I shall be thy lover still
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
I have no memory of breath
till we kissed
now each breath recalled
spoke of you

each moment infused
with airs of your inclination
your unfolding sigh
filled me

kiss me
once more

your lips on mine
breathe into me
my last breath
must be yours

till I return it
Playground duty, for my sins.

I catch you clawing at soil, your small
fingers tasting the earth.

You hand me a stone
you found in the muck
and tell me to keep it
because it’s special

it will keep me safe.

I can’t remember the last time I received such a thoughtful gift.
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
Indefatigable defines me and many others in different ways
Comfortable in my skin now
Respecting myself and others
You don't take yourself seriously but you take seriously what you do
The the way you live in this world
Sometimes listening very carefully works wonders
So does keeping still and taking it all in
Moving forward that is what"s planned
Finding time to sit in parks or beaches
Feeding squirrels and wildlife
Letting it all go by with great appreciation and respect

C@rainbowchaser 2023
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
Grace E
 Jan 2023 rose hopkins
Grace E
My soul writhes within me
As if trying to escape my flesh
My mind heaves
And creativity fills the womb of my imagination
Bursting from darkness like the dawn
I dance in colors
Drink in stars
My heart is a waterfall of joy
Like heaven on earth
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