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 Feb 2023 Eloisa
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
the forming of substance 06
Stephan W

the true nature of the beast

It  c h o se
to consider itself
made complete--
in its own self--  apart
from relationship,
from connection..
a p a rt  from   a n y
attachment to glory

And so,
it found itself
from with-inside itself
made complete

in its own,  utter incompleteness.

~  ~
Beings-- created for
growth- back in to into glory
were built to be
made complete
and so it roams
the face of the Earth--
looking for ways to
complete itself..
an attachment.

~  ~  ~
Life, in itself
has a built-in safeguard
hedge of protection
in every-thing on Earth.

But we,
who have undergone
severe trauma
at a young age
have had that  h e d ge
torn from us
as the  d i s m em b e r i ng
of our souls took place--
and so that which roams
searching for its
for its attachment...
then finds.

  and then attaches

lying to itself each
that it can gain
t h e   f i x
the indwelt-access-
back into perfection--
the one for it
that never-was
that never will-be--
its way back into glory.

It knows that,
so it attaches
with a vengeance.

~  ~  ~  ~

You, quisling--
only the power of
deception do
you have, ******.
You do not grieve
the loss of eternity--
because, for you-
it is unobtainable. ******
You do not feel the need
for Redemption
because, you  o n ly
know the word contempt.
And yet, wholly
unable to feel self-contempt,
you only know one action--

d e v o u r.

We will transcend
your attachment

your usury..

       your devouring--

Gnawing our bodies away from our spirits..
  a   d i s m e m b e r i ng--

making us believe
that is all we have ever known;
And making our bodies
a d d i c t ed  to you-
in whatever form
that may be
as if they were
built for nothing
but  y o u--

to prop up your own emptiness.

We will  f i l l  back up
with Love.

    And then you'll be the one
    who will be ******.

Love transcends all things..
even death's attachment

 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Qualyxian Quest
The Divine Inert does not move
Exoplanets spin
Cardinal Newman is quite right
We have to lose to win

Oxford in the twilight blue
A kindly, friendly chap
I'm still a-lookin'
Somethin' off the map

You can run 10,000 miles
Still stay where you are
She says the Universe buries jewels
Within yourself the star

Women are more interesting
She holds me and I shake
Bullet train to Tokyo
Nothin' but love to make

              Quest Quake
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Nikita Tshawe
Things are so bad
I wish
I could catch
A stray bullet
I'm not suicidal
But death
Would slap
Right now
I'm keeping my head
To the window
In case
There is a shootout
My way out
My precious Baby
My wonderful child
My headstrong teenager
Gone radically wild.

My breathtaking grownup
My source of delight
My hope that tomorrow
Makes everything right.

The decades have trebled
My efforts have failed
My key cannot open
The place where I’m jailed.

She’s made me a stranger
To the life she’s created
She claims that she loves me
But I sorely debate it.

She married in secret
I’ve not met her groom
I don’t think we’ll ever
Be in the same room

She says I am toxic
All know I am not
Her shrink is the villain
And ought to be shot.

I live on the outside
And only look in
On the life I created-
A game I won’t win.

I’ll swallow my heartbreak
As I’ve always done.
Still reach for redemption
And settle for none.
Her January visit didn't happen. I was here and she stayed there. And so it goes.  (Yes, I do rhyme sometimes)
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Odd Odyssey Poet
All the pretty summers getting a little dark
Reminiscent on all the girls who broke his heart
Battered and bruised by another battle scar,
Misjudged your heart;—pretending to know who you are

Locking demons, next to the skeletons in a closet
Questions of how he does it; to snip away time like
picking up girls with pretty flowers.
Knowing roses aren't always a pretty red, but the blood
stains of picking them up by their thorns
All their beauty and sounds, carefully arranged like poems

But he started off as the caterpillar before meeting
her butterfly kisses. Words flying high in air, and losing
breath complementing his Mrs.
Describing her by fruit shapes,— cherry cheeks,
a pineapple hairdo, and two plump peaches
Always treating you like a baby, and calling you cute
for giving her baby boy kisses

A little Miss info, the only one for you; dishing out info
by a saucer, at times over your head like a UFO
But you didn't know her dirt, even as you were down to Earth
a terrestrial, inhabiting this relationship often being absurd

    boy, it's been a while since you've kissed a girl
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
On days where steel clouds block the sun
And wind makes trees dance with bare limbs
The sky looks cold and uninspiring
It’s bleak canvas demeanour dimms
But don’t dispare or lose your heart
For dull grey clouds hold hearts of silver
And behind the mask of dappled sky
Beats a sun that’s so familiar.
For now you’ll need a coat and hat
To trudge the muddy lanes and ways
But soon the winds will banish clouds
And reveil and show once more the burning blaze.
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Unpolished Ink
 Feb 2023 Eloisa
Unpolished Ink
great ship in the fog
creaks low on a rising tide
rusting whale in pain
Like a giant crystal chandelier
Suddenly dropped from altitude
The flimsy walls of distant Turkey
Now lie shattered on the ground.

All the promise of tomorrow
Was cruelly ended yesterday
When forty thousand lights went out
And hope was buried in the rubble.

The miracles have come and gone.
No one survives beneath those piles.
New holes are filled with lives cut short
With sorrow shoveled over them.

There is no point in cursing God
What’s broken down must be rebuilt.
The Bible warns of things to come
And Turkey is a diverse place.
Turkey, Ukraine, Both sides of the world are in rubble.  Where does it strike next.
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