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Eryri Aug 2019
This former giant
Commander of man and beast
Now lies prone
Horizontal to the Vertical of his prime
Struggling to hear
Struggling to think
Struggling to commune

Aura diminished
A dim dot glow

A sorry sight to behold
As age takes a steely hold
Eryri Feb 2019
Star jump
Slide to a bump
Mini Jeep driving
Forever striving
To win a race
Tie your shoelace
Stay on your feet
You won't be beat
No hesitation
You won't conform
Not one for Unicorns
Find your voice
Beat the boys
You'll sprint through life
Overcome strife
Become resilient
Just be brilliant.
But, just for now,
No need to wow
I realise
I idealise
So go wild
Be a child
You know you oughta
My darling daughter ;-)
Eryri Jan 2019
Ghostly type,
Greyed out.
Sell your soul
To a solid type.
Eryri Mar 2019
Some seize on death,
Just as they seized on a siblings' toy,
They want it for themselves.
No one else should possess it;
It must be about them
And the validating sympathy that it elicits.
But, ultimately, which is sadder?
The death itself?
The looting of grief?
Eryri Feb 2020
He exists in the minds of others.
Seeds from scripture
Planted in fertile minds
But never in mine.
No epiphanies here.
No blinding flash of light
Has yet struck the fear of Him in Me.
Eryri May 2020
The grip of sleep holds him tight,
He'll never know he died,
Never know he did not wake.
Such a fine line between life and death
Never knowing which might be your last breath.
Eryri Nov 2019
Voyager of 40 years
Escaping the pull of planets
Drawing on my urge for independence
Until, finally,
I leave the heliosphere
And all my thoughts are now mine to share.
Eryri Oct 2018
The idiocy,
Sheer insincerity
Of political apologies.

It WAS meant to offend.

You chose the words carefully.
A dog's-whistle in your mouthpiece.
Your career is your priority.

You are a glorified carnival barker,
With a reputation as an intellect,
But many do detect ******* in your overblown prose
(except those who are equally verbose).

Will your papa be disappointed
If you are never to be anointed?
Your education makes being PM a career choice,
So power for it's own sake should really be a piece of cake.

So how about it, Boris?
Will we hear more Horace?
How much do you want it?
Enough to blow your own Trumpette?
I really wanted to rhyme Bannon and Cannon after the last line.
Eryri Jun 2019
Just as a frog cannot relate to a tadpole,
He could not recognise his younger self.
No retrospective map of life had he,
No string-tied bundles of diaries
Or heavy-hearted Journals
To reunite him with the naïf
Who floated along life's river
Unaware of being navigated by others,
Others who rowed but did not instruct
And abandoned ship on the stroke of his eighteenth
Leaving him overawed and falling overboard,
To eventually flounder upon the shores of independence
Until he was forced to stand on his own two feet of clay,
Like some evolving amphibian
Waddling into life,
Stomping and stumbling in the quagmire of society.
A faux pas here, a faux pas there,
Slow and painful lessons
That built resilience and self-reliance
Resulting in a proudly self-made man,
Now unaccustomed to failure
And whose memories of humiliating failure
Have sunk to the bottom of the river of his life.
Eryri Nov 2018
Pigeon in my loft
Shelter turned into a cage
Hence this sad high coo.
Worst pun in history
Eryri Mar 2022
That vintage ache circulates
Intoxicates and sobers alternately
Spreads shame then clarity

Hindsight is a cruel curator of the mind.
Eryri Jun 2020
Lifted by burning memories,
The strong wind of Hiraeth at my back,
I feel I could walk this cloudful sky
Back to the land of Mother and Father,
Farther now than ever before.
Hiraeth: A Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire. 

A difficult word to translate accurately.
Eryri Jan 2019
The only exception
To your deception
Is the honesty
With which you lie.
Eryri Dec 2018
Wild Honey Badger:
The Punk Rocker of the wild.
Fight for your right to party.

Wild Honey Badger:
The Chuck Norris of the wild.
Fear itself fears you.

Wild Honey Badger:
Comedically psychopathic,
Like Frank in Blue Velvet.

Respect the Honey Badgers
and they will, most likely,
Still not respect you.
Eryri May 2020
Dry husks on close inspection.
Deadish, brownish black,
Plucked from petaled homes
Bagged in airless packets,
Left desiccated in a supermarket,
Their blooming potential undervalued.
No seed of resurrection, surely?
And so, this doubtful, non-starter gardener,
With nothing to lose but a pound,
Purchased and potted and planted
And watered and waited
Until the miracle of green emerged.
A determined rebirth
Sprouting from apparent death
And from the curiousity of a man
From whose soil those seeds found purchase.
Happy now is that newly-qualified gardener,
Surprised at nature's resilience,
And who declares to young and old
"Behold my Marigolds from B&M"
Eryri Dec 2021
Pure love runs
Jumps and lands
The perfect dive
Clean and efficient
Eryri Jul 2019
Two of you,
One in a lunar limbo
And billions of us.
Armstrong and Aldrin
And Collins
And Earth.
One small step
Two deep breaths
A billion or more gasps.
Mother Earth, Module and Moon:
a human constellation.
Eryri Nov 2019
And so we sat, as you directed:
The window seats you always liked,
(a most desired spot from which to spy)
For you seek out distraction,
And shun focus
(slight of hand to avoid scrutiny).
As I settled in my seat,
I spied the scarlet and gold lining of your jacket;
A rare display of your heart and soul
Told me all I needed to know:
It's neither of us,
But it's both of us.
Eryri Jan 2019
I need to sleep
Before I wake.

I hate sleep.

Before I wake
I need to sleep.
Eryri Oct 2018
Shambolic plans fell apart,
Good intentions littered the room:
A trip hazard for the guilty few,
Who slowly skulked from the scene.

Heads in sand, denial all around,
Perfection to destruction in a flash.
But any fool could have seen:
Tempests and typhoons cannot be tamed.

Romance is hard to resist,
A sense of so-called fate seductive
To those who believe they are social architects,
Born to build beautiful bridges.

They were lost in dramatic love,
Perspective gone and focus blurred,
They loved, they hated, they loved, they hated and loved again,
'Til today's events terminated
this tragi-comic tale.
Eryri Nov 2020
The Trumpets wailed
A wall shaken turns to dust
Nothing from nothing
Eryri Aug 2019
A forgiving tree draws tepid water
From its pitifully small patch of earth
Set amidst a barren desert of asphalt.
Its indignity is furthered still
As its leaves drop, not on the floor,
But on the bonnet of my Ford.
Eryri Jan 2021
The Narcissist's roof caves-in as delusions collapse into reality.

When has this man-child ever had to face reality before?

I love the smell of inevitability in the morning.
Eryri Feb 2021
On the breath of twilight's yawn
Rose the star of dawn
Tireless in its cycle.
Eryri Feb 2020
A mind made redundant
Lost in an over-aged physical cage

An informal diagnosis
An unspoken prognosis

No description
No prescription

A whole person lost:
Eryri Mar 2020
A firework of words
showers embers
to catch and tame
and douse with ink
Eryri Feb 2021
Rooted by a wild silence
A stillness too serene
"Show me!" my silence screams

Lumens of light pour into my eyes
Silence crashes about my ears
What is it about me that it so fears?

Hyper-aware as I stare and stare
The weighed down minutes pass:
How does one measure impatience?

Suddenly, a sound of rhythm
Alas, nothing natural or interesting
Only human toil, heard but not seen

As I leave, the wind and trees conspire
Talking a cryptic breathless language
That seems to whisper "He is leaving"
Eryri Oct 2019
The moon keeps it's good side to us,
It basks in the positive
Projecting joy and happiness.
But it conceals its darker side,
Draws upon the depths of the Dark.
This side is a mystery,
It wallows in a shady history
Shared only with
Its nearest and dearest:
Victims of the dark.
Eryri Dec 2018
I've never owned a freezer.
Don't get me wrong,
I'm not a tight geezer,
I guess I'm just chilled
When it comes to use-by-dates.
Eryri Nov 2020
The Trumpets blew
An imagined wall fell.
Eryri Jul 2019
Something high in the sky is superior
It views me as completely inferior
I fear for my soul
Lest it fall down a hole
Into a fiery Lake Superior.
Eryri Feb 2020
Our bed, a family fortress.
Your mother and I
- Puppet King and Puppet Queen -
Surrender our thrones each night
Lowering the drawbridge,
An open invite to you junior marauders,
Swordless and wordless
As you slowly storm the ramparts,
Kicking and flailing,
Before you fall asleep between us.
Eryri Mar 2019
These jangling keys
I have in hand
Call out for locks
That no longer exist.
The building is gone,
Knocked out of site,
But still, I carry these keys
That jingle and jangle
For naught but the breeze.
Eryri Jan 2020
Thirty feet of benevolence
Born of serrated, sharpened
Surrendered wickedness

The Angel's redemptive gaze
Fixes like a bayonet
On those who leave an offering

Partly made of blooded knives
Mostly made of amnestied knives:
Behold the alloy Angel saving lives.
Eryri Jun 2019
Three times up,
Four times down.
You do the math,
He can't,
He's out for the count.
Eryri Jul 2019
An ancient language,
Perhaps the oldest,
But still a target
And the **** of jokes
From many many English folk.
Yet another ignorant joke about the Welsh language on Twitter, again by someone who should know better. Seem Welsh is always fair game. I do stress, it's not ALL English folk
Eryri Sep 2020
At the death of a summer's day
Your silhouetted ridge
Draws a rested figure of exhaustion

A giantess asleep

The horizon
(a backdrop and a foreground)
A blanket of respite colours.
Eryri Oct 2020
Chest hair is really useful for creating a lather quickly.
Eryri Jan 2021
Eager feet too near the Oak
Set off a firework of Starlings
The Wintered tree stands lifeless again
A used matchstick burning with indignity
Stripped of its fleeting irridescence.
Eryri Mar 2019
A child assumes adults' superiority
Hero worships older members of the family
Absorbs opinions overheard over teas and coffees
And tries them on for size at school
Just as he might sneakily try on an Uncle's cool leather jacket
- comforting, macho and confidence-giving -
But he eventually outgrows the jacket
Casts aside those learnt opinions;
Tough, stubborn opinions
With rugged exteriors
And lined with silken narratives
That, thankfully, perished over time.
Eryri Oct 2021
Dead leaves drowning
Leaping like Lemmings
From Tree to Sea
Eryri Aug 2021
You wanted to spare the blushes of the little boy
Who had ordered the book with the explicit cover
So you called him into the privacy of the corridor:
"Dyra fo yn dy ***"* you suggested gently
Handing over a book warm to the touch,
Wrapped in sellophane (as if to try to contain its power).

I've never forgotten that one-act play, nor its elements:
The subject compressed within its covers,
Your understanding and thoughtfulness,
The bewilderment of my ten year old self,
The discernment of Sbondonics**
But mostly the Hellfire unleashed by Little Boy fifty years prior.
*Put it in your bag
**A Welsh literary children's magazine
Eryri Nov 2019
I don't have much to say,
Not enough for a novel or a play,
But here it is,
What little there is...
It's a funny old world,
But the joke's wearing thin.
Eryri Nov 2018
Little ugly pond
had its moment of beauty
in the glow of dusk.
Eryri Apr 2020
Thoughts imprisoned
No key, no combination
Not for public consumption
They are mine and mine alone
Should I choose to set them free
You'll be the first to know
Eryri Aug 2018
You, the unlucky ones, not cared for in your early years,
Your resilience fails to blossom like the lucky ones
Who know little of your pains and fears
But ask what you would do if you had a magic wand
As if that will provide them with solutions to you, the problem.

 “Why us? Why no normal boring ****?”
The miraculous odds that you were conceived
Offset by the misfortune of love unfit,
A birth with much promise but ultimately deceived,
To fend for yourselves like moths and butterflies.

Trust takes time and is quid pro quo,
You need lessons in attachment and love,
But this is something that most adults don’t know.
Instead they humour you or treat you with kid gloves,
Meaning that your adolescence is a bitter surprise
When you’re no longer the person they can infantilise.
Eryri Aug 2019
Has anyone seen my wallet?
I left it on the roof of my car
And drove my Christmas drive.
If you find it you can keep it:
I'm moving on.
Driving license,
A ton of reciepts,
Ten Euro note,
Maybe eight pounds cash
And a book of stamps.
Mostly a reminder of a dreary life,
Heavy, not with cash but ****** expenditure.

Go ahead, steal my ID,
Who'd want to be me?
Not I!
But, drawing a parallel
Between my wallet and I,
Deep in a quagmire,
Weathered by winter,
Waiting to be found.
Not very subtle I know,
But here's my rebuttal:
A seemingly tough exterior,
Vulnerable to stormy weather,
Stitching that will fail the test of time,
Spilling out its contents,
Laying bear all it once held in.

But if not found presently,
Maybe in time it will be,
And be of some passing interest
To some far off future finder,
Who'll wonder for a second who I was,
And ask, "how did it get lost?"
And "what became of those two children in the photo?"
And "what the hell was diesel anyway?"
Eryri Jun 2019
Love's expressions hide deep within my mind.
I lack a link from mind to mouth,
Dumbstruck whenever I am lovestruck.
My Cupid is mute and wears a Dunce's cap,
His hands quiver and his arrows blunt.
Despite this, I long to steady myself,
To sharpen my wit,
To hear my own voice tell of my love.
But this is too much, too soon
So I took to ink and paper to put words to feelings.
The pen hovered, frigid, not wishing to kiss the paper
But muscle was mightier than the sword
And with touch achieved, my love bled onto the page.
Finally, expressions of love were conceived.
Overcome, I tore out the page,
Read and read again
And vowed to read aloud my words.
However, it was not to be,
Shame, being my Nemesis,
Struck me dumb once more
And guided my hand to an old shoe box
In which I deposited this bill of love.
Eryri Apr 2019
My my, your royal Highness
How your drug of choice
Overcomes your shyness!
We haven't seen you in a while,
We've missed that wicked smile.
Stick around, take a seat
Take that weight right off your feet.
We were just saying,
There's no point complaining;
Old habits will never die,
So sit back and let's get high!
Eryri Mar 2019
Sat alone in my car
High above the forest line,
My Sat Nav tells me:
"Make a U-Turn when possible"
(Funny how a soulless voice
Can give the perfect advice).

I feel so far from home:
I'm a cheap Chinese lantern
Drifting on the merest wind.
Am I near my destination?
I do not know...
Which way did the wind blow?
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