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DarkSkyesRising Sep 2018
I dont want to let go
But I must
I dont want to say goodbye
But it's just
What if I'm holding you back
From the light
What if I'm the reason
You've given up your fight
What if you stay
And never know
What it's like to be free
To let go
I dont want to be the one that holds on
I have to learn to live with you gone
DarkSkyesRising Sep 2018
In my dreams
She haunts me
A little girl
With sunken eyes
She sings a song
So daunting
That it takes me
By surprise
The words are
Though I dont know
What they mean
But the chills
That go down my spine
Bring me to
My knees
And I try to run
Away from her
But theres never
A way out
I try to hide
I try to fight
But it never
Seems to help
And if I try
To talk to her
She smiles
Big and wide
She never gives
An answer
No matter how hard
I try
She flickers
Then is in front of me
I turn and
Finally scream
And I'm shaken awake
By the same pretty face
"Mommy, it was just a dream."
DarkSkyesRising Sep 2018
I'm sinking lower
Away from the light
The metaphorical lyrics
That made me fight
Now theres darkness around me
Just like the darkness in my mind
And I dont know what I'm doing
When I'm running out of time
I feel like there should be something
Inside me, the will to survive
But I'm more confused than anything
I dont have the fight or flight
In the end I know where I'll end up
But I think that'll be alright
The shock isnt what got me
It's the fact that you still lie
And I'm sinking further down
More than I ever thought I could
And I'm stuck down here in darkness
With a weight around my foot
And I'm sure I know what happens next
But I'm tired of this plight
The funny thing is the water is shallow
I could stand up and be fine
That's only because I got tired of sinking
So ******* long ago
That I've spent years filling in the hole
Where my mind tends to go
I sink down here on my own free will
Knowing I wont be found here
The only place I dont have to be strong
Where I'm not ashamed of my tears
I think I'll stay down here this time
I dont want to go back
Because I'm tired of finding out
About all the things I lack
DarkSkyesRising Sep 2018
You cant have my tears
Not this time

I'm tired of crying
About the same ****
I'm tired

You cant have them
Not this time

I will keep them

For something worth crying over
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Missing you comes in waves
Tonight I'm drowning
I wish there were other ways
It's overwhelming

And if you were here again
I'd have to ask
Why I'm always stuck
Behind this mask
Did you ever have this problem too?
Is there something wrong with me, is it true?

If you were here again
I'd have to know
Where, after death, did you go?
Is it worth it, to be frightened, to be scared?
Is there something I can do to be prepared?

If you were here again
I'd want to know
If you were done with life, ready to go?
I wasnt done yet I wasn't ready
But i know that this will happen to everybody

And i miss the little things
That bring me here
The thoughts that make me happy
Bring me near
To the part of me that's  missing, the part that's you
Memories, so old, they feel new

My stomach twists in knots
At the very thought
Of you walking through my door
And I've thought of this before
But it never happens

Missing you comes in waves,
Tonight I'm drowning
It's hard to let go, its overwhelming
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Sing a little off key
That's alright
Your song is still beautiful
I dont mind
As long as your happy
Sing away
I could get used to some off key
So sing a little off key
That's alright
As long as your smile
Reaches your eyes
I'll listen to you
Sing til you turn blue
Dont you know it makes you


You sing a little off key
It's true
I'd love to sing a little off key
With you
DarkSkyesRising Aug 2018
Her soul is prettier than the stars in the sky
Yet you still think it's ok to make her cry
What did she ever do to you?
Look at what you've put her through

She's crumbling like aging stone
Yet you decide to not come home
Again and again you play tricks on her mind
Making her think you're there, but leaving her behind

Her heart is prettier than the dark ocean water
But the tide is just as strong, maybe stronger
The longer your gone, the longer she's alone
The sooner her ocean will be as dry as a bone

Her mind is as beautiful as a sunset through the trees
Pink and purple sky and warm scented breeze
She is everything that means "safe and love"
Yet you put her on a cliff and give her a shove

You think she doesnt know, but she does
You think she's still at home, well she was
Now she's physically there, but her minds disappeared
Lost in the stars wishing she wasn't scared

She wants her soul to be prettier than the stars in the sky
Too bad you never look up there to compare
Your eyes are set on your other highs
So you've never really seen her soul bared
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