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May 2020 · 301
A Foolish People Blind
Chris May 2020
A foolish people has forgotten my light
I said , " Here is the Way, but they would not.
I said, "Pray for the Sabbath, but they would not
I said , "Do as I do, but they would not.
I said "There remains a  Sabbath for my people, but they would not .
Therefore their peace and their faith is taken away from them and they will walk in darkness until they acknowledge me
For anyone willing to hear or see
Apr 2020 · 253
A Foolish Generation
Chris Apr 2020
a foolish generation has forgotten my ways
the Devil says be like God
go your own way and do what you want
but he doesn't tell you you'll do it in darkness
a darkness where you won't know if good is evil or evil is good if lies are truth or truth is lies Then he will feed you lies and you won't even know
Jesus says look I am the light I am the way to go
don't rely on your own understanding but in everything rely on the Lord I am the word
humble yourself before the Lord and  in due course I will lift you up
It is righteousness or right standing before God that exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people
If all you want to do is bully and enslave God will not honor that
he says righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people
He says the thief that's the Devil comes to **** steal and destroy
If you follow him if you seek to be like God  and go your own way you will do the Devil's bidding to others  of killing stealing and destroying and it will happen to you too
In darkness the Devil will feed you lies and you won't even know
Look at the British Empire
Yes they had military might
Yes they had industrial strength
Yes they thought they were above everyone else
But one thing the British tried to do was evangelize the world
So God honored them and gave them a great empire
When they gave up on evangelizing  God took their empire away
Centuries ago people were cruel even til now
But God's got a schedule
Increasingly he is saying listen to my son listen to Jesus or else
I wrote this out of inspiration. In Jesus name may it be
Apr 2020 · 576
Anzac Day
Chris Apr 2020
In the pool of drowning mud
The bullets searching
The rusty wire
Memory of mother faded away
Task at hand

Mother waiting for the call
For the son who never will come home
Father and family
In their heart
Keep the message that never goes away
Anzac day is the NZ equivalent of the American Armistice and is held on April 25. ANZAC comes from Australian and New Zealand army corps who fought side by side against the Turks in the first world war.
Apr 2020 · 134
The Clean And The Unclean
Chris Apr 2020
The pastor said
Those SDA
They are a sect
All those laws ha ha ha
And the congregation stared blankly
They nod wisely like so many sheep
The pastor is always right
Just listen to our tradition
I tell you it is our heritage

The virus in the wet market
Obeyed the voice of God
and did as he said
This is inspired by  changing times
Apr 2020 · 243
Chris Apr 2020
A foolish people
Has forgotten my ways
They have chosen politics and kissing the Pope's ring
They have cast liberty to the wind
They are not worthy of it.
This is a comment on man's way as opposed to God's.
Apr 2020 · 146
Chris Apr 2020
You're a bubble to me
A bubble of love
To eternity
A bubble to me
when we kiss and make up
We have and we hold
We hold and we have  to eternity
We love and we kiss
We kiss and make up
ln our bubble bliss bliss forever
Apr 2020 · 213
I Prefer Cats
Chris Apr 2020
I prefer cats
They are quiet when they are meant to be
They don't *** in the hallway or **** in the doorway
Cats will let you know they love you
They pur and pur
They come to you when you are ill and stay til you are better
Cats will let you know they are hungry
(and it's a joy to feed them)
Cats love you
In honor of cats. When my dog was barking too much my cat gave her w belt.
Apr 2020 · 163
Chris Apr 2020
Well I got up and I'm getting up and I'm trying awfully hard
to get by
I'm trying awfully hard
to get by

The next stage is going to get better
The next stage is going to get better
Inspired by Pink's song Try
Apr 2020 · 102
The End Is Coming
Chris Apr 2020
The end is near
God bless America
And the Pope
The Thief comes to **** steal and destroy
And those who follow him do his deeds
Apr 2020 · 90
Don't Bitch
Chris Apr 2020
Dont ***** about every wee thing
There are small things
That don't matter
And big things that do
Apr 2020 · 92
Chris Apr 2020
The fat man sitting on the chair ****** the knowledge with his eyes
pontificating at the young people
The scrawny man being with the
***** lady
swung from the gallows of his mind
There are consequences for everything done.
Apr 2020 · 103
Give Thanks To God
Chris Apr 2020
give thanks to God
who made the clouds
and the skyscapes selah

and all of creation

who made the pray mantis
on the dandelion stem
and the  skyscraper of men

the  great whales of the deep
and the box jelly fish inshore
If all the books were writ about him
there would not be enough to fill the world
Apr 2020 · 93
Auckland Isles
Chris Apr 2020
Auckland Isles
way down south
icy ocean's  
waves  power
lonely rock
hard hewn
wind thudding
gulls lift in air
and fall
far below
nests are scattered
babies cry
stand aloof
for fish filling meals
comments gratefully received
Apr 2020 · 108
Chris Apr 2020
Your sense of sorrow
twists my gut
welling up
springing out my side
Your anger
A breathless moment
My muscles shrinking
Pushing apart my arms
This is an attempt to picture feelings
Apr 2020 · 100
Chris Apr 2020
You'll never know
That I'm thinking of you
All that space
All that time.
But a time will arrive,
Don't know where
Don't know when
We'll meet
Again some sunny day
Apr 2020 · 99
Daylight Saving Tick Tock
Chris Apr 2020
These eighteen hours long
The clock's gone back
The presence of darkness closes in
Like a warm fuzzy wall
Shrinking the room
Nauseous in my core
Stretching Shrinking
Suddenly I breath
I can experience
A normal night
I can feel the night when it closes in.
Apr 2020 · 99
Ancient Comment
Chris Apr 2020
That's dead
Once alive
Once the wit of fools
And the wise
Not worth the comment
But here it is
Lying in the scruples of current eyes
Frozen in the cold water of rejection
Lost in time's pathway
Resting in nostalgia
Apr 2020 · 128
The Freckled Frog
Chris Apr 2020
The Freckled Frog
The freckled frog
Went cra-rog ca-rog
Sitting by the sandy sog
Of the bog
The dappled  dog
Went fa-rog fa-rog
And set about her business
She silently slid slippering
Closing closer clumping
Sprightly springing
Mighty mouth munching
That frog was no more
Apr 2020 · 86
Corona 2
Chris Apr 2020
Fulcrum of our time
Turning our civilization from past to future
Marking and turning it back again in a different shade
The billy goats against the troll
But the troll will loose in the end
Chris Apr 2020
Why do men cry
Whether the stiff upper lip or the effluence of the eye
Silently falling  down the face
Effecting the triangle of death
The imperceptible tremor of the throat
Or the silent cry inside When nothing comes out  The expressionless expression on the face
Why do men cry
The memories of men set
Or boil over

Written by
Apr 2020 · 78
Other self
Chris Apr 2020
My life has become a  nuclear reactor
There are control rods
I just have to find them
Like boiling eggs they calm the darkening sky
Letters of love lighten lengths of darkened patches
Arms stretch up fall down
Space peace
My honey
Chris Apr 2020
I will create an omelette
made out of words
Full of succulent flavor
Not too salty
Not too dry
Not  too juicy either.
Pure from the pan
Happy eating
I hope you enjoyed it
Apr 2020 · 230
God The Creator
Chris Apr 2020
There is a God who created all things
Yahweh Yahweh
The Heavens
And the Earth
He it is who is Lord of all things
Yahweh Yahweh
Give praise to the God of Heaven
and Earth
He it is who created all things (Selah)
Yahweh means God and selah means "Pause and consider that. I was thinking to apply selah especially to the last three lines ie sentence in this poem.
Mar 2020 · 101
Moni's Birthday
Chris Mar 2020
It is Friday the  8th today
And I am sad today
Moni is in Melbourne
And I am in Upper Hutt
It is Friday the 8th today
And I am glad

Moni has her life
And she is enjoying it

You came into my life
A while ago.
I watched you grow and blossom
And then you left

Now  I see you once more
No longer a baby or
a child but a grown up
An adult  like me
About my child and me
Mar 2020 · 91
Street Description
Chris Mar 2020
Lady like neon fish
Big round eyes of bus
on wet street
Man in brown coat
Feeling wet
Sitting on worn bus shelter seat
He hears a husky hello and smells Autumn roses
They taste saltiness
On the street
Mar 2020 · 96
Night Comes
Chris Mar 2020
It falls like an oppressing depression
Spreading like  a cancer over  the world
Like a silent wonder heralded in by beauty
Where people do evil
And lovers solace and convalesce
Night regresses
And the other doctor comes
The other doctor is the day light
Chris Mar 2020
The Devil goes around like a roaring lion
But really he is a little mouse
Mar 2020 · 95
Chris Mar 2020
All the people round about me
Think I'm crazy
They think I'm half pied and a fool
An idiot but I don't mind
I have met some people online
Who think just like I do
And they are all
In honor of Hepo. May all the people on her sail well.
Mar 2020 · 96
Cup Of Tea Time
Chris Mar 2020
I think I will
I think I will have another cup of tea
It's another cold cloudy day
With wet wind and showers
It's better to be inside than out
Waiting for the lockdown to pass
Feeding the dog and cat
And being prim and proper
Lying in bed with nothing to do
Being creative Writing
And by the fire with  everything  to do but not doing it
Mar 2020 · 90
Corona 1
Chris Mar 2020
It is on everyone's lips
It is unpopular
People hate it
It speaks of beauty
It speaks of power
It speaks of death
Crowns and flowers will pass away
So will corona
Mar 2020 · 115
Tambourine Man
Chris Mar 2020
Hey Mr Tambourine Man
You played your song for me
I'm floating flying flitting
Round the universe
Tomorrow doesn't matter
I'll be here today
Tramusing til the end
I'll be wandering
Nothing matters now
I'll enjoy just what is
The sun is shining  down
And the people passing
Hey Mr Tambourine Man
You played your song for me
And now I'm living long
For peace has come my way
It came through the music of your song to me
The sun is shining down
And the people're passing by
It's fantabulous
In honor of lazy cats who lie in the sun and poets and Bob Dylan
Mar 2020 · 109
Chris Mar 2020
Covid-19 hums and ahs
Move quickly through the slings of unpreparedness
Move carefully through the morgues of horror
Five ten fifteen to seventy five days and over one and a half million people can be infected
Every five days the number can double
There is nothing new under the sun
In the end only love survives
Mar 2020 · 89
Ice Cream
Chris Mar 2020
Raspberry or boysenberry
That is the question
Whether which is yummier or fuller in the stomach
If having a full stomach Whether  a tasting taste bud
Whether to have more
Or less
That is the problem
Mar 2020 · 89
Reach Out
Chris Mar 2020
Reach out for the people
For those who wander in darkness
Who can not see that life is the right side up
And narrow is not wide
Down is not up
Reach out for those who think they know it all
But don't
Think outside the square
And comfort those who have no brains
Mar 2020 · 133
Courage Soliloquy
Chris Mar 2020
If I do not have courage then where will I be
I will be scratching the Earth
Like a chicken
I will not be flying over it like an eagle
I am a man who lives in a world of men
Everything I do or say has influence
Everything I do or say has influence
What will it be
It's annoying when you have something to say and no one listens
Mar 2020 · 83
What's The Matter My Wife
Chris Mar 2020
You say to me
What's the matter
I have failed you
And you have no interest in me
You say what's the matter
We believe different things. You like Sunday church and your friends
I believe in the Sabbath
You like violent movies I like peace
You say why stay
Leave but I have nowhere to leave to
I am dependent on you
You say what is the matter
I can not fracture the children
So I best be quiet
Mar 2020 · 100
Great Nostalgia
Chris Mar 2020
O God you created all these things
The Minoans were from 1400 to 600 BC the Etruscans from 800 to 100 BC
You build up and pull down
Don't you know the Etruscans had flush toilets
The Minoans had palaces
They have come and gone
Mighty trading powers
Now it remains for our civilizations because we are here
In a little while we too will be no more
The wind stirs the waters
All man's civilization passes away
But you Lord remain
Mar 2020 · 70
The Lord My Hope
Chris Mar 2020
Lord you are the only hope
Of all
Mar 2020 · 108
This Site
Chris Mar 2020
Where do I go
On this site
So full of promises
And clouds of imagination
There are many tales of dark romance
And light skies
The verdant gardens grow green
And little men grow big in the estimation of the world
The world cares only for itself
But I have found a secret place of light and joy where trees grow big in this site

It will grow
Poetry will grow
Praise God
Gardens stand for poetic development
Chris Mar 2020
I thought I was clever and could argue the toss
But then like Sir Brian
I woke up
And saw the loss
I don't argue anymore
At least as much as I could
This poem is about facing reality.
Mar 2020 · 92
I Will Write A Poem
Chris Mar 2020
I will write a poem
Of other things
Things I imagined
And things I will
Of girls and gods
Those who rule the day
And those who rule by night
The Sabbath is set like a wooden beam through the sky
My wife comes to me and stretches herself over me
We are who we are
Like this poem we start out as buds blossoming developing

— The End —