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598 · Apr 2018
The Devil of Happiness
The devil comes and sits across you.
It does not have hooves and horns
But instead it looks like you
Your brown eyes
Your somewhat curly hair
Your brown complexion
It owns it
It wants to own you
No contract is needed
All the devil wants is to
Lock eyes with you
And all you have to do is nod
Nod,your head up and down
It understands
It knows
It does not care for your imperfections
It only cares for what you hold
Your soul
All you want is success

You nod your head up and down
In a blink of an eye
The devil has gone
But with your soul
You breathe knowing what you’ve done
But continue on and head back home

You enter your dark lit room
The vibe is different, wait no
It’s not there
It’s no longer yours
You feel the emptiness both in your gut
And around the room

Sacredness is now inferno
Personal is now inferno
Colors and words are now your new inferno
Your thoughts are poisonous
You can’t talk
You can only think in this inferno
No tune can mellow you out
NO drugs can numb you
No love can shelter you
No words comfort you
Everything hurts
Like a roses thorn

But this is your new home
Now inferno.
594 · Mar 2018
Why ?
Why does evil exist ?
Is it because we need evil to balance out with good

Do we need evil to spotlight the good?

Do we **** to understand the value of life
Do we steal to understand the values of possession

Do we oppress others to value power and law
Why do we continue living in a world we don’t want to birth our children in
Why don’t we change….why?

— The End —