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Zoe Mae Oct 2021
On a high-rise estate, what's eating away at your mind?
We could always debate, but why waste the time?
Lay here with me
Lose yourself in the sky
All we have is this moment
Before another flies by
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Maple syrup rain,
drenches the Earth in sweetness;
I awake hungry
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Blonde in a red Corvette, free as a bird
Me, just a child, staring at her
Remember thinking, that's where I'm gonna be
In a red Corvette, at 33
No kids, no baggage, not even a dog
Stomp on the gas, and simply take off
No limits, no signs, just a juicy sunset
The wind in my hair, not an ounce of regret
She never saw me, but I'll never forget
The phoenix who flew past me, in a red Corvette
  Oct 2021 Zoe Mae
f e e l i n g s
To me, poetry isn't just about rhyming, or haikus, or proper grammar or whatever rules you want to apply to it.
Poetry is expressing your feelings in however you feel fit.
Reread that.
Poetry is expressing your feelings.
Getting things off your chest.
So don't ever let someone tell you your poetry isn't good.
Because if it came from the heart,
it is more than amazing.
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
I'm sorry I can't give the
you feel

I'm sorry I can't feel the
you give

I'm sorry for everything
I've done

More so for what
I never did
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
You were always my cardinal
I, a mourning dove
Wandering eternal
Not convinced of love
You clung to birch alone all winter
while I chased the Sun above
The wind brought us back together
Cling forever to me my love
Zoe Mae Oct 2021
Imagine being a poet with nothing to say.
Vacant eyes fixed on your screen all day.
If a lost soul reaches out, you slap them away.
You pretend to be a poet, but you've got nothing to say.
Poets are more than words.
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