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 Nov 2017 BrittneyKeaira
I have two angels
Taking me to the moon and
back , singing me songs
This is inspired by my earphones as I love listening to music especially whist ironing makes it less boring :)
 Oct 2017 BrittneyKeaira
this is a typical story
you see this amazingly cute guy and you like him
and you fell for him
like the blossom
from the cherry trees
he finally notices you and you're now together
it wasnt a normal boy
this one had the sunset in his eyes and you loved it
but little red flags popped up right away
and you saw it but failed to understand
internalize and do something about it
you didnt want to believe it
but now its all over cause there was someone else
i guess you were the side chick
how unwise of you to think you were the only flower in his garden
but oh baby he was digging up other roots
nobody can escape the prison of unfaithfulness
but infatuation never hurt so much
betrayal and deception is what he gave you
and it's dwelling in your heart
spreading faster than an epidemic
you wished you had saved yourself from the pain
but truth is we cant always be saved
sometimes we need to be in pain to know what makes us happy
so basically this is a ten word story:
you thought you mattered but you dont so move on
 Oct 2017 BrittneyKeaira
I'm starting to ask myself
why do you like me?
why me
why not someone else
what's so special
about me
that you see and
I don't
It's just that time
where I start to think
do I deserve anything?
Who am I?

I am...

A day dreamer.
A believer in romance.
A lover.
A fighter.
A risk taker.

I am...

I feel people's pain.
It is a gift and a curse all the same.
I see light and darkness in people.
Love will forever be my weakness.

I am...

A woman with curves.
My eyes are a forest green.
My hair is curly, bouncy, and never stays in place.

I am...


I love.

Scary movies.
Watching the sun set over snow covered mountains.
The sound and smell of rainfall.

Yes I am me..
As simple as can be.
I cant pretend to be something else.
I'm simply Chelsey.
So please..
Take me for me..
Day dreamer,
A fighter...
But nothing...

I am me.
Just Because lol
Some people hate the smell of smoke
To me smoke meant early Thursday morning bongs rips
And the sun fighting it's way through the curtains
His 8 AM shirtless skin against mine and his face in my neck
The way our lips would play and tease each other, longing and smoke on our breath
Until we drifted back into dreams
Because we weren't about to let the morning win
To take that away from us

— The End —