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Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
Years ago I met you and we fell in love
We made a promise because we were so young
Because of that we get into our deepest wound
We both know that we have hurt each other

From a short period of time I've been bitter
Overtime I realized that you were big part of my life
You were a blessing in disguise
I was hurt because of you but you've taught me so much
And for that I have learned so much

We both know we made a wrong choice
We've chose the wrong time to fall in love
And didn't realized we were so immature
But we have learned in this nature

I thank you because I met you
Because I met the wrong one
For I know the second time I'd be in love
It will the last and the right one.

March 24, 2014

Vicson Villadares' notes
2.0k · Dec 2014
Start Over and Be Our Hearts
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
Everything I see is negativity
Is this how we control democracy?
We're free to choose, it is owned liberty
Isn't our ought to have their loyaty?

I am tired of your complacency
We don't want to settle in mediocrity
Our nation is filled with wasted time
Oh, our nation don't waste mine

Don't burn our bridges
Cause we'll be here for ages
Let us go and walk in our sunshine
Start over and be our hearts

July 21, 2014
3:26 pm
1.1k · Dec 2014
A note for. (Sonnet)
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
Heart feels so tragic
Everything is nostalgic
I don't feel fine
But everyone is fine

Mind is on the rack
Can't see things at my back
Wondering where things going through
When i know life is true

Things seem so unpuzzled
And battles seem frazzled
I am suffering without grace
Lost without a trace

How can you see goodness
When you're fighting without boldness.

I made this sonnet for you. You will see the rainbow someday. wait for it.....
970 · Dec 2014
Genuineness will appear
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
When hardship is the only way to learn
Sometimes, it is hard confront and return
But in these times, genuineness will appear
Genuineness of friendship and mind is clear

In these times, True friends will always believe
They'll always trust and they're not naive
As the change approaching, as the road bends
They still trust me, for they are my true friends

I will be with you, my genuine friends
When the day ends, we like to have trends
I will keep few, my genuine friends
The few will lasts forever and ever

Thanks for the few who are genuinely good to me...

July 8, 2014
918 · Dec 2014
People are but..
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
People are but...

There are people who are admiring your personality
but haunting your flaws
There are people who speak the good of you
But speak bad things at your back
There are people who smile at you
But curse you whenever you're not around
There are people who love you
But whispering against you

But in this life, there is always someone who will admire you
Without condeming your flaws
They speak good things to you
Without hitting at your back
They smile at you genuinely
Without cursing you around
They will love you purely
Without whispering against you

March 20, 2014
666 · Mar 2016
My smile means everything
Vicson Speirs Mar 2016
My smile means everything
I smile through my laughter
Smile through all my pain
People don’t see it they don’t notice

My smile shows my courage to all
As anguish and joy set to grow
Like other people have the same
My smile shows no shame

I smile even in sadness and loneliness
Great is the art of happiness and brokenness
It’s ironic when we find life in such ways
And we learn what we want in hard ways
560 · Dec 2014
I long to be known
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
I long to be known. I long for it because I want to have a connection with people. If I get myself known I will be able to see their lives in beauty. Connection. I want to connect with them. I am yearning for it. As I connect with them I will be able to appreciate the brokennes. Brokenness  that will eventually show its beauty, it's always there and it's always does. Hope and love that keep us to breathing.

I long to be known because I want to be a blessing to others. I do believe that every one of us has something. Something great that brings us together, to get us united. We connect because we want to be united. One heart that has a goal. And that is love. I want to be known because I want to spread out love. I want spread love for my beloved country. I long to tell every one that there is always love. Love every where. and Hope.
476 · Dec 2014
Pain, be gentle to me
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
The time is too soon to pass
There's so much pain
My eyes, pain is all I can see
I suppose this isn't what I need

Pain, be gentle to me
Because silence is all I can give
Pain, mold me
Because one day I'd become untouchable
Pain, release me
Because I am tired feeling the pain of the others

Pain be gentle to me.

Oct. 3, 2014
Vicson Villadares' notes
470 · Mar 2015
Vicson Speirs Mar 2015
When they see me smiling
Never thought what's behind the smile
They're telling I should grieve
The truth is I am grieving

I am the man who has emotions
I am no heartless or remorseless
I am the man who knows how to mourn
Especially when mourning over somebody

Putting these glasses on when I feel to cry
The tear scream comes from the eyes
It's not shame to show the pain
It is rational and for the good

Someday this heart will be healed
It could never be the same
If it gets healed it will be restored
Like it used to be.....
Mourn over somebody
438 · Jan 2015
What I love about you
Vicson Speirs Jan 2015
You have my love and sincerity
As long as I have your loyalty
Just tell me you love me and want me
Unless you're still making up your mind

I can tell you what I love about you
Words that I'm not use to say
I love being around you
When we're together meant the world to me

There are times that I'm making my move
But still my music is still on groove
You keep your distance I don't know
If you're scared of being chased again

Love won't hurt if you finally meet me
This is what I'm waiting for
To finally say that I'm in love
With you

Take your time I don't mind
Cause it's you I care about
I'll be here when you need me
Whenever you're ready
I made this poem for the woman of my dreams
392 · Dec 2014
A short Poem
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
When people don't believe what you can do.
Take heart and slow it down
For there is a right timing
Even when insecurities are unfolding
‪#‎PoemForTonight‬ ‪#‎RandomThoughts‬
390 · Feb 2016
And her name is
Vicson Speirs Feb 2016
Do you know what's like to see a rainbow?
It's like seeing your smile after the rain
Filled my heart with joy because of you
Because of you my heart is giving in

She's beautiful young woman who walks around
As she walks around her beauty exudes that makes people glance
The slimness of her body makes me so move
Her eyes are intimidating yet the sweetest eyes you've ever seen

Her name is....
388 · Apr 2015
Laying down tonight
Vicson Speirs Apr 2015
I'm here laying down next to you
Talking about life and what's gonna happen next?
You held your hand in mine and reached for it
Thought like we were lover in short period of time

Watching this beautiful night sky while stars are watching us
Telling us what it's like to be alive?

You lie down as your hand touched my hair
Thinking about the best and worst memories we had
And we seemed like we were in the very same page of our memories
Shared laughter, burdens and cries

It's so good to feel this way
I feel so loved by the touch of your hand
Wishing this would never come to an end
I wish it's gonna be you.

-Letter to Cassadee
-April 15,15
-dedicated this to a friend from white robin
Vicson Speirs Apr 2015
In every man's heart there's a longing for a battle
It may be a cause, a dream, a rescue to save, a place, a mission
or a companionship. All these battles we long are seem so close
yet so far. Fantasies we try to realize seem so real yet deceiving.
The dreams that we've been dreaming all our life make us exist.

However, the most part we really desire is a place that we'd feel secured,loved, and cared for. It is the same as finding your companionship or a partner.
Men are also longing to have someone on their side forever
And that makes them dream, aim, and desire.(Men would really relate to this)
Her beauty is like a paradise. A place like we've never been before. An ecstasy
that brings out our strength as a man. Every man longs for this.
Vicson Speirs Sep 2015
He's the man who has a good heart
But no one understands the man's heart
People misjudge and misunderstood the man
Still standing while people looking down on him

His explanation can never be a necessity
Because of people who wouldn't understand
His pain is real and hiding it in his core
Figuring out what solutions can ever make

No one asks about the pain
No one ever asks about the real story
The man is broken inside but whole outside
People believe what they see and hear
Have they ever asked what's real?

The man has a good heart
But few believe in him
He is a quite fighter
But no one sees it

Vicson Villadares
Sept. 6, 2015
341 · Feb 2015
Familiar paradise
Vicson Speirs Feb 2015
There are things in this life that i desire to do
There are things in this life that need answers
I've gone too far to seek these answers

I've been in this place before
Like a paradise you'd like to stay forever
The first time I had was hurtful
But I know this kind of place is beautiful

I've gone so far; trying to feel this way again
I've waited for this moment to feel again
Love is a beautiful thing to feel
Because all you know this is real

Whenever i give it all comes back to me
Whenever i feel it reflects to you

January 8, 2015
This poem is for You(21414) I hope we cross our ways now.
332 · Feb 2016
Perfectly lonely
Vicson Speirs Feb 2016
Perfectly, your words inspire me
You make me nervous in a good way
I know you're not looking for anything
But I'm perfectly lonely waiting for you

I'm perfectly lonely because my heart belongs to you
I'm perfectly lonely here waiting to keep you
Perfectly lonely because there's no one else
Just you.

Perfect is the sunshine when I see you
I have nothing to do with it, it's perfect
I just can't keep it silent, I want to shout
I'm perfectly lonely here waiting for you

I'm perfectly lonely because all I want is you
Perfectly lonely because our time isn't ready
I'm perfectly lonely now
And I'm perfectly in love with you
This poem dedicates to someone so special.
332 · Dec 2014
The fault
Vicson Speirs Dec 2014
You have offered me your strength
Lifted my low spirit when hope wasn't there
Loved me for what I am even there were faults
You made me happy when I had my faith broken

I was dying and you happened
I told you that pain demands to be felt
And you stay hopeful in everything
You made a lament, cause i was dying

Life is full of twists which we can never predict
You died before i do and it was a great grief
I consider you as a great gift
I met you and had the greatest time of my life

#love #fault #tragedy #longing
318 · Apr 2015
Faulty World
Vicson Speirs Apr 2015
I'm living in a faulty world where no one could ever deny
A damaged heart that no one could ever fix
Broken promises made by people we love and we used to love
Puzzles of life and mystery we always try to figure
Expressed love that we try to get for its return

All these we've groaned for grief
Shall all come to pass
All wounds that came from companions
May be trusted
That's part of being alive
You feel everything

— The End —