"How things seem to seem is not enough. We must somehow discover how things really seem!" - Bertrand Russell - "Névé'novȯhe'étanóme mȧsėhánééstóva, onésetó'ha'éeta netáhoestovevoo'o, onésėhestóxévétáno …
M/Rochester, New York
Contentment, worry, love and fury, Fear and bravery, knighthood, knavery, Joy and sorrow, today, tomorrow, Truthing, lying, singing, sighing, Sitting, leaping, running, sleeping, Living dying, …
Dr Carol Diviney values human life, nature, and natural living. Innovator in person centered health care, living, and knowing that the art of healing, comes …
19/M/♫ in our idle town ♫
it’s been a long time since i’ve been active here. thank you for stopping by my profile, wayfarer, and i hope my words give you …