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Orchid Jun 9
Imperative movements aid the predator's success
It is a Race of Arms
Just as Gods own intent,

Eventually, I'll leave this world in peace I concur
And I will lay in snakeskin
Whilst adorned with fur.

We were fooled by an extrovert's own impropriety
You may call it a lost cause
I call it society.

You may call it fantasy
Yet I shamed it with piety
Orchid May 23
I am a good middle step
A solid in-between
Yet this aching has begun
As I get lost in my dreams

I am a good middle step
You may fall onto me
Or I’ll support your rise
Till you get where you need

I am a good middle step
For both lovers and friends
But no one stays
I am no one’s end

I am a good middle step
It was once my desire
I know I chose this
But now, I’m tired

I am a good middle step
And I don’t wish to change
I want someone to sit by me
To select me and stay
Orchid May 19
Let the rivers run dry, for I grow tired of the scent
Irises grey and energy left spent,
Tears could replenish the thirst of her needs
Yet we fall into daydreams, caked in grease
Orchid May 8
I want so many things
Yet those things are unknown

“Simply, I am not the woman I’d convinced myself I was.
I live in fear
That my core is the very essence of what I despise in others”
Orchid May 8
Have a go and breathe
Exist with ease
See the clouds don’t fight
They feel
They bleed
Orchid Apr 6
From the earth to the seas
The sunset seamed breeze
The scent of the soil
And the Everard trees

From the ripples of the lake
Paradigm dreams
You’re both my poison
And my destiny
Orchid Mar 15
I'll leave you with my words,
So sweet you can lick the page
In turn, gift me your mind,
Your soft angelic ways
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